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Is There a Quantum Measurement Problem?*

P. A. Moldauer
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439
(Received 14 April 1971; revised manuscript received 2 June 1971)

It is shown that the quantum-mechanical state vector correctly describes not only the prob-
abilities for the outcomes of measurements, but also the correlations between the outcomes
of successive measurements. In particular, von Neumann's axiom M is shown to be redun-
dant. Consequently, no extra-quantum-mechanical "reduction" of the joint object-apparatus
state vector is required for a full statistical description of a sequence of measurements. It
is also shown that any attempt to determine experimentally whether or not a reduction of the
joint state vector has taken place during a measurement is incompatible with the preserva-
tion of the outcome of that measurement.

INTRODUCTION same system. Accordingly, von Neumann's axiom

M, which independently postulates certain types of
Recent papers have questioned the completeness such correlations, is in fact derivable from the
and logical consistency of quantum mechanics on remaining postulates of quantum mechanics. This
the grounds that the quantum-mechanical equations axiom has been interpreted as requiring a sudden,
of motion do not yield a correct account of some noncausal, nonunitary projection or "reduction"
aspects of observed phenomena. Thus, Fine' as- of the quantum-mechanical state vector when a
serts that in general the end result of the quantum- measurement is made. The redundancy of axiom
mechanical description of a measurement is the M removes any need for such an extra-quantum-
"unacceptable" situation where "neither the object mechanical process, and the widespread search
nor the apparatus has a definite state, which is for physical or nonphysical mechanisms that
taken to imply that "no laboratory observations would either accomplish a reduction or approxi-
can be cited in support of the quantum theory. " mate it becomes pointless.
Earlier, D'Espagnat' had claimed that "the idea von Neumann's own examples of state-vector
that the pointer (on the measurement apparatus) is "reduction" turn out to be wholly causal conse-
always left in some interval of the scale cannot be quences of physical interactions with other sys-
even approximately correct if quantum mechanics tems, as is demonstrated by von Neumann's own
is strictly true, and he had emphasized that "the mathematical results. '
problem is a real one. " The "reduced" state of the joint object-apparatus
Wigner' has claimed that these difficulties arise system has an interesting interpretation that is
from a philosophical attitude which ascribes an related to the logical structure of the measurement
element of "objective reality" to the quantum- process.
mechanical state vector and that the problem can The "classical" nature of the measurement ap-
be circumvented by regarding quantum mechanics paratus plays no essentia/ role in the quantum-
merely as a, calculational tool for the computation mechanical description of the measurement pro-
of correlations between the outcomes of successive cess, It merely provides a convenient way of in-
measurements on a system. He appears to regard suring the permanence of the record of a mea-
the choice between these two views as a matter of surement.
taste. Nevertheless he has argued on the basis of In this paper I take quantum mechanics to be a
the "realistic" view "that this theory is not ade- statistical theory which, in general, describes

sciousness. "
quate for the description of life, including con- the distributions of the outcomes of ensembles of
measurements. Individual cases are treated as
I wish to show here that quantum mechanics cor- members of such ensembles.
rectly describes such observable phenomena as This paper does not deal with any of the fol-
the position of the pointer on the measurement ap- lowing questions: Is a probabilistic theory a suffi-
paratus. The contrary views expressed by Fine cient description of phenomena that have only sta-
and D'Espagnat and implied by many other authors tistically reproducible properties? What is the
appear to. be unfounded. I will also show that quan- precise meaning of probability'? Should quantum
tum mechanics correctly describes the correla- mechanics provide instructions for the measure-
tions between successive measurements on the ment of a/l Ot)s:,erypblesT


For simplicity I consider first the case of a (4b)

von Neumann measurexnent' in which the measured-
object system is initially in the pure state g„c„Q„, Clearly, therefore, 4 ~'~ and 8'both specify that
where P„are eigenstates with eigenvalues X„of the probability of finding the pointer to have the
the observable 0 to be measured. The measuring position )1, is c; )' and both are in complete agree-

apparatus is initially in the pure state E„so that Illent with expel'lellce ln tllRt 1'egR1'd. By tile sRnle
before the measuring interaction between object token both 4 ') and 5' specify (c, )' for the proba-
and apparatus the joint system is in the pure state, bility that the object system is found to be in state
Furthermore, both%' ' and W specify that
y(l) gc y @g (I)
whenever the object is in state (I), the pointer value
The measurement interaction between object and is p]q
apparatus that was considered by von Neumann
produces a unitary transformation U, of 0 ' with
( P gl 11 )+(&) «P 8& 8 11 ) w

the property that if e„=5,-„, then the transformed (Pe; el'(') (Pe, @,)g
state is @; S4, where g, is an eigenstate of the
observable A of the apparatus whose eigenvalue Equation (4a) demonstrates the fact that the pure
p, ; describes a certain pointer position. As a con- state (2) specifies a definite probability for the oc-
sequence, the state of the joint system after the currence of the stationary pointer position p, &.'
measurement interaction is Using the same method, it is easily shown that a
g(2) properly constructed apparatus (Q, P&, = I and
U @(z) gc p 8) t. (2)
P&.Pl, =()„Pl,.) as the following two additional

It is this expression which has been criticized as properties. After a measurement the pointer is
being inconsistent with the observed fact that after left in one of the positions )1; with certainty (prob-

tion p, ;."
each measurement the pointer has a definite posi-
At the same time it is claimed that this
observed fact is correctly described by the "re-
ability one) and the pointer is never (probability
zero) left jointly in two different positions p. ; and
Together these three statements imply that at
duced" mixture with density operator, the conclusion of any measurement the pure state
(2) specifies that the pointer is definitely in one
and only one of its possible positions p, ~

which corresponds to the ensemble of "reduced CORRELATIONS BETWEEN POINTERS

states" Q„S g„with weights c„~'. Here P &
~ & But, it may be argued, surely 4 -'~ and 8' will
is the projection operator corresponding to the lead to different results if the above measurement
pure state $„3t„. It has been said that, in con- of 0 is followed by a measurement of another
trast to 0 2~, the mixture 5' i.s in agreement with observable Q characteristic of the object system.
experience because each of its components is a In particular, it might be thought that if the mea-
state in which the pointer has a definite position surement of 0 established one of the elements of
The question of whether, in more general cir- the mixture 8' as "the" state of the system, a
cumstances, such a mixture 8'can arise in the second measurement of 0 on the same object sys-
measurement process has been called "the prob-

to admit no exact solution. ' "

lem of measurement" by Fine' and has been shown

But what of the assertion that W specifies defi-

tem would surely yield the same result, while the
linear combination 4'~'~ appears to offer no such
promise. Let us see what the facts are.

nite pointer positions and that 4 "does not'P The

Let ()) have eigenstates g& with eigenvalues I(,,
and let the von Neumann apparatus that measures
only correct and realistic way to test this asser- Q have pointer observable B with eigenstates ql
tion is to calculate the pointer positions specified and eigenvalues v;. I et us also assume for sim-
by 4
' and by 5'according to the rules of quantum plicity that the P; and the g& span the same sub-
mechanics. ' The probability of finding the appara- space of the Hilbert space of the object system so
tus with pointer position p, when the joint object-
& that there is an expansion,
RppR1'Rtlls systelll ls ill stRte 4' is givell l)y (4
P, &P(')). When the system is in state W, the (6)
same probability is given by TrP, W. The op-
where the d;; form a unitary matrix.
erator p, &, is the projection operator correspond- %e now suppose that first the observable 0 is
ing to the apparatus having pointer position p, &. measured with apparatus A. Then Q is measured
Evaluating these two expressions, we find that with apparatus J3. Before both measurements the

joint state of object and apparatus A and 8 is as- that is, the original state Of the object mould be
sumed to be restored despite the interveni. ng measurement of
the noncommuting observable Q. This would in-
4 ' =Q c„p„t'08'go. deed be contrary to experience. Furthermore,
After the interaction between the object and the ap- since no information on the outcome of the mea-
paratus A the state becomes surement of Q is assumed, the result (14) can de-
pend in no may upon an "aet of observation" of the
' = UP ' =Q c„g„S$„8g, . (8) observable Q or the apparatus B, but is merely
Finally, the interacti. on with apparatus I3 produces the result of the physical interaction between the
' object Rnd the RppRX'Rtus +. This fRct should be
4 = U&q =Q c„Q d„(„8(„8q„. experimentally observable, for example by the
The probability that pointer A has the value g, is succession of Stern-Gerlach arrangements dis-
Rgaln cussed by %i.gner. '
The observer who reads the pointer on an appa-
( is g, s i&~&» =( pig ); e~&~&» = c; I'
I ratus can be included in the description. One en-
The probability that the pointer B has the value v; larges the Hilbert space to include also the ob-
is found to be server mho during some period of time interacts
with the apparatus (looks at the pointer). The sub-
&P s g, „,&&«»=g lc. l'Id&I', (ll) sequent correlation between the pointer position
and the joint probability that the pointer A has the and the observer's memory is again confirmed by
value p, and the pointer B has the value v& is evaluating the expectation values of the appropri-

ate projection operators in the entire Hilbert

& I'ie g, e „,&~&» = I'I d&gl'. I c& (12) space. This correlation can be extended to other
All of these results axe the same as those obtained observers by interaction (communication) with
from the reduced-state equation (3). It follows them. Correlations of the memory contents of
from (12) that the conditional probability that B many observers establish the "objectivity" of an
has the value v~ if A has the value p, , is Id, I', as event.
expected. ' In particular, if @ =0, that is, if the

measurement of 0 is repeated, then d;;= 5;,, and

the above conditional probability. tells us that ac-
von Neumann gave a constructive proof for the
cording to the unreduced state 4~'~ a second von
Neumann measurement of 0 on the same system
existence of measuring intexactions which result
in transformations of the type U, .' However, it
will yield the same result as the first measure-
has been pointed out, particularly by Margenau, '
ment with certainty. This constitutes, therefore,
a de~ivation of von Neumann's axiom M ' . that in practice the von Neumann definition xepre-
sents a too xestricted class of measurement inter-
It is also instructive to consider the case mhere
one measures 0, then Q, and then measures 0
actions. The von Neumann apparatus as defined by
once again by means of an apparatus A'. This Eq. (2) merely correlates its state with that of the
leads to the final state object system without affecting the state of the ob-
ject. It is easy to generalize this by appending to
the von Neumann apparatus a device which changes
n, m, k
the final state of the object after the pointer has
been set. The transformation (2) is then replaced
Computing from this the joint probability that the by an expression
pointer on apparatus A reads p, ; and the pointer on
apparatus A' reads p, , one gets U,'@ '~=Q c„g„„p„S$„. (2')
n, 75

&Pie~, eeet &~«&=g lcII'Id~. l'Id;. I', (14) This apparatus records the state which character-
ized the object before the measurement.
which is not identical to I c, I' if Q fails to commute Or one couM construct an apparatus in mhieh the
with 0. Again the result (14) agrees with the cor- object state is modified before the pointer is set.
responding result computed from the reduced state. Then (2) becomes
This result (14) depends in an essential way upon '=Q c„g„„@8 $„ (2")
U. %
the correlation of the coefficients in Eq. (12) with nj nt
the state q„of apparatus B. Without this important and the apparatus records the state of the object
correlation, Eq. (14) would become efter the measurement. In general, the state-
ehanging function and the von Neumann function
are both performed by the same piece of apparatus.

The measurement interaction (2') permits the de- In principle this can always be done. For exam-
scription of measurements in which photons are ple, the z eomponerit of the electron spin of a cer-
absorbed, provided the vacuum is included as a
, tain hydrogen atom could serve as a satisfactory
photon state. It would appear that all measure- pointer, so long as the atom is protected from any
ment interactions fall into one of three categories interaction that might flip its spin.
represented by U„U,', and U, ". In practice, however, one attempts to exclude Z
The modifications (2') and (2") do not affect the interactions by requiring that the algebra of ob-
conclusions drawn above in any essential way. The sex vables which describes the apparatus be Abelian,
conclusion stands that the unreduced state is in for then there exists no observable Z. Operation-
complete agreement with all observations and all ally this means that the apparatus is a "classical"
"experience, including the correlation between "
object. Pxecisely how to describe a classical
successive measurements. system in terms of quantum mechanics does not
appear to be firmly established yet, though the
INTERPRETATION OF THE REDUCED STATE approach of Jauch" seems reasonable and prom-
ising. In any case, as observed by Fine, ' the clas-
Since the reduced state (3) predicts the above- sical apparatus can at best be Abelian in an ap-
mentioned phenomena as correctly as the unre- proximate sense. That is neither surprising nor
duced state does, the question arises: Wherein troublesome. Every classical property has some
1188 the dlffel'ence between the reduced Rnd the very slight chance of being modified by a "quantum
unreduced states T The answer is obtained by com- fluctuation, "and every physical measurement,
paring the expectation values of an arbitrary whether pex'formed on a microscopic or a macro-
Hermitian operator 6 with respect to the two scopic system, is at best x'eliable only to within
states. We have some arbitrarily small but finite degree of accu-
(15) IQ the cRse of R clRsslcRl pointer, the difficulty
of measuring Z and thereby distinguishing between
the reduced and the unreduced states' is the same
as the difficulty one has in observing quantum ef-
fect on classical properties in general. Perhaps
G. as .
= (sts. & Gka'@ hs) ~ this difficulty can be overcome by using for a
pointer one of the cooperative phenomena which
If 6 commutes with either 0
I ox with 1(3 A, produce quantum effects on a macroscopic scale.
the right-hand side of (15) becomes identical to However, in the absence of any actually observed
(16). Therefore, the only way of distinguishing distinctions between the reduced and unreduced
between the xeduced and the unreduced states is by states, the unreduced state has the clear advan-
measuring an observable that does not commute tage of logical simplicity and consistency.
with the object-observable 0 and does not commute von Neumann" applied the concept of "reduction"
with the apparatus-pointer-observable A. Let Z not to the complete physical system, as in Esl. (3),
be such an observable. but only to the object system. Mole generally, he
It 18 cleRl that lf the II18Rsurement of 0. 18 fol- applied this concept to any subsystem defined by an
lowed by a measurement of Z the result of the arbitrary division of all interacting systems. Such
measurement of 0 is irretrievably lost. Because a division is commonly known as a von Neumann
[0, JZ WO a repetition of the measurement of 0 will cceut tt
not yield the original result with certainty. Simi- von Neumann also provided a comp1etely causal
larly, because [A, Zj sso the pointer of the appara- explanation for the reduction of the state of a sub-
tus A will not retain its original position with cer- '
system. He proved that the joint state (2) implies
tainty. Hence, following the interaction responsible that the state of the object system by itself is given
for the measurement of Z, all records of the orig- by the mixture Q„( c„('P + and that the state of the
inal measurement of 0 Rnd all posslblllt188 of x'8- apparatus subsystem is given by the mixtuxe
constructing its result with certainty have been P„)c„~'P&, each component of which corresponds
lost. to a definite pointex position.
For the scientific purposes of verification and This reduction of subsystems from a pure state
comparison it is essential to preserve the record before the interaction to a mixture after the inter-
of the outcome of a measurement. This means action is therefore a causal consequence of the
that the object and apparatus must be protected physical interaction and takes place during the
against any interaction that would enable one to finite time interval of the interaction. von Neu-
detex'mine the value of an observable of the type Z. mann'8 own insistence upon describing this redue-

tion of subsystems as a separate process is there- CONCLUSIONS

fore difficult to justify.
(1) The unreduced state vector correctly de-
Finally, von Neumann showed' that the compo- scribes the probability of finding the apparatus
nents of the two mixtures describing the object and pointer in any one of its possible positions. It also
the apparatus are correlated so that whenever the describes correctly the correlation between the
object is in state P, the apparatus is in state g;. outcomes of successive measurements on the same
Using these correlations one obtains the interpre- system.
tation of the reduced state (3) as the state of the (2) There is no noncausal state reduction asso-
separate object and apparatus systems; namely, ciated with the measurement process.
again, that state which correctly describes all ob- (3) The von Neumann reduction of subsystem
servations except those of type Z. states is an entirely causal process which occurs
As has been pointed out elsewhere, "all normal during the intex action of the subsystem with other
physical measurement operati. ons involve a strict subsystems.
separation of object and appaxatus systems, ex- (4) No extra-quantum-mechanical processes are
cept during the measurement interaction. By im- required fox' the complete description of a mea-
posing this xestriction explicitly, a perfectly cor- surement. Specifically, neither the classical na-

also on the basis of the reduced state. "" "

rect description of measurements ean be obtained ture of the apparatus nor extraphysieal properties
of the observer's "consciousness" are needed.

+Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Atom- ~~This function of the "classical»» apparatus is of course
ic Energy Commission. entirely distinct from the requirement that a precise
~Arthur Fine, Phys. Bev. 0 2, 2783 {1970). measurement of an observable that fails to commute with
28. O'Espagnat, Nuovo Cimento Suppl. 4, 828 (1966). an additive conserved observable requires a large appa-
~E. P. Wigner, Am. J. Phys. 31, 6 (1963). ratus. See E, P. signer, Z. Physik 131, 101 (1952);
4E. P. Wigner, Contemporary Physics (International H. Araki and M. M. Yanase, Phys. Hev. 120, 622 (1960},
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1969), Vol. II, p. 431. 2J. M. Jauch, Helv. Phys. Acta 37, 293 (1964).
5J. von Neumann, Mathematische Gmndlagen des Quan- ~3P. A. Moldauer (unpublished) .
tenmeckaniA (Springer, Berlin, 1932), Chaps. IV and V. G. Ludwig, Di'e Qrundlagen des Quantenmechanik
6Ref. 5, Chap. VI. (Springer, Berlin, 1954).
J. Earman and A. Shimony, Nuovo Cimento 54B, 332 &added in proof. Two other. authors have described
(1968). measurements without reduction. " Hugh Everett, III,
SL. E. Ballentine, H, ev. Mod. Phys. 42, 358 (1970). H, ev. Mod. Phys. 29, 454 (1957), rederivedvonweumann's
9These facts are, of course, neither particularly star- correlated mixtures of subsystem states and interpreted
tling, nor are they new. For example, Margenau (Hef. 10) them as specifying different noncombining "branches"
has stated these results and criticized the "projection of the "real" world. However, measurements of ob-
postulate. " The present derivation emphasizes that the servables of type Z do recombine Everett's branches.
calculation of correlations requires no "extension" of Philip Pearle, Am. J. Phys. 35, 742 (1967), described
quantum mechanics, Rs suggested ln Refs. 8 Rnd 10. It ls fox' special CRses mRny of the general results of this
also intended to clarify the operational meaning of such paper. I do not follow his conclusion that quantum me-
correlations. chanics requires completion through the introduction of
H. MalgenRu, PIlll Scl. 30» 138 (1963)» AHD, Phys, "hidden variables. "
(N..Y.) 23, 469 (1963).

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