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No Reading Lee T Tod area) Lao a CamScanner= A237] story written by Roderick Hunt Oxford iustrations by Alex Brychta Reading Tree Gas ya “Te eildren go back in time to Ancient Eaypt When Floppy ss on top ofa pl of tones the worker think hes «god Floppy legen {ronson his mage carved in stone, but the children have to. ‘ead the le sk, Do you know anything abou Eat?” Exlan het Egypt is Find the word spins’ on poge and find the sphinx inthe pictur. Fi the word phareo’ on page 20, eS { Page , ek “what dos ancent mean?” pre ek “Why da you think the peope thought Flopoy © Pee 24, a ire ote you some more word that bain “99 (owe, e9, ques, ques guide, guitar. @ rage 2 ek, “Wy cl they use rollers to move the blocks?” @ ae 27s “Why ai they have to drink rom askin bog?” @ Page, ask “what des too much of good thing! mean?” Nadim and Anneena came to play at Biff and Chip’s house. Nadim had a book about the Ancient Egyptians. “It isn’t just a book to read,” said Nadim. “It’s a special sort of book.” CamScanner= A237] “I's a model book,” said Nadim. He opened it to show everyone. “I get it,” said Chip. “You press out the shapes. ‘Then you fold and glue them to make a model.” The book had lots of shapes to press out and fold. Nadim pointed to one. Can you see what this will be?” he asked. “Of course we can,” said Anneena. “It will be @ pyramid.” CamScanner= A237] Chip found some glue. Then Nadim pressed out the shapes and the others began to fold them. First they made the pyramids, Anneena had a difficult shape to fold. “This is a sphinx,” she said. ‘They pressed out some tiny trees and people. Biff glued them all on to a sheet of paper. It made ‘a scene of Ancient Egypt. The children were pleased with it, “['m really pleased with the sphinx,” said ‘Anneena. CamScanner= A237] At last the model was finished. It looked so 900d they called Mum upstairs to have a look. “What a good job you made of it,” said Mum. “like the pyramids and the sphinx.” “The sphinx was hard to make,” said Anneena, i ym, He didn't see the Floppy ran into the room. He dic oe ‘model on the floor and he trod on it with his big paws, He knocked over a tree and crushed the sphinx. “Oh Floppy!” everyone yelled. CamScanner= A237] Floppy looked unhappy. He knew he had ‘Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The key upset the children. took the children back in time. It took Floppy too. + mind,” said Chip. “It wasn’t Floppy’s “Tes not my day!” thought Floppy. “First, I get fault. The sphinx looks even better than before.” into trouble. Nov it’s a magic adventure.” CamScanner= A237] ‘The magic took them back to Ancient Egypt. ‘They were standing by a pyramid. The pyramid was still being built. Far off they could see two ‘more pyramids, “This is amazing!” said Nadim, “I didn’t think the pyramids were so big.” Some people were pulling on long ropes. They were moving a big block of stone. “That’s amazing too,” said Chip. “I didn’t know the pyramids were made with such big blocks of stone.” " CamScanner= A237] 2 “Look over there!” gasped Anneena. She aa ‘© @huge tone sphins. “Let's go and look at the sphinx,” she said, ‘They all began to run towards it. Floppy didn’t 9° with them. He had seen a cat! ‘The cat hissed at Floppy. Floppy coulda’t stop himself. He chased it! It leaped on to some blocks of stone. Floppy jumped up too, but the cat was too fast for him. 2 CamScanner= A237] Biff saw Floppy chase the cat, She called to the ‘The children looked up at Floppy. others. They all went back to get Floppiy, but he “He's a tong way up! laughed Nadim. was stuck on the blocks of stone. He couldn't get “TU just have to climb up and help him down, down: said Biff “Oh Floppy! You silly dog,” said Bitr, “Then a man ran over. He looked at Floppy and gasped. Fa 5 CamScanner= A237] = <= ‘The man called to some people. They ran over ‘The people put their hands together and raised to the children. At first they were talking and \ them in the air, Then they sank down on their shouting. Then they all went quiet, knees. 2 ‘What are they doing?” asked Bif, “Why are “They are bowing t0 us,” said Chip. “They they looking at us Uke this?” must think we're important.” “Flow strange!” said Nadim. CamScanner= A237] The People were not bowing down to the ‘The people took Floppy away. The children children. They were bowis “Idow't bile pa followed. Floppy couldn't believe allthis was ee wiped happening to him. "9 is important. I wonder why?” A magic adventure is bad enough,” he thought, ‘and now this!” CamScanner= A237] The pe ech nok Fopry 1 toe aa “We'd better bow down, too” said Biff. The king came Se ae cane “We don’t want to get into trouble.” nid Chg ae ee A man spoke the pharaoh Ereryone boat en OSes “Great Pharaok!” he said. “See what we have owed when they saw him. Eee im ought. “The yellow dog!” gasped the Pharaoh: » 2 CamScanner= A237] ‘The pharaoh took Fl er ok Floppy inside the ‘Then he clapped his hands, 1 palace. “Look after the yet is whatever he women oY 2083" he said. “Give him “Hmm!” thought Floppy, “1, enjoy this advensn PPE: “Tm beginning 10 “1 just don’t get it,” said Biff. “Why are they ‘making this fuss of Floppy?” “The pharaoh clapped his hands again. Some people ran into the palace. One of them began to paint a picture of FlopPy. CamScanner= A237] Suddenly Biff sneezed. The pharaoh saw the children, “Strangers in my palace,” he shouted. “How did they get in?” A guard grabbe ‘Suard grabbed Chip and Anneena, Another one tabbed Biff and Nadim. ‘The guards took the children outside. They took them to one of the pyramids. The people were moving the big blocks of stone. “You all look strong,” said a guard. “You can work here.” CamScanner= A237] The children had to help pull one of the big blocks. They had to put rollers down to slide it along, “This is hard work,” moaned Biff. “These rollers are heavy,” Tt was time for a rest. The children had to drink from a skin bag. “Ugh!” said Chip. “This water is warm and it ice-cold can.” tastes funny too, I'd rather have an ice-co CamScanner= A237] ‘The Egyptians were carving a giant stone Anneena looked at the carving. ene children had to pick up all the chips “I wonder if they are making a sphins?” stone tl of : ‘ aes aa adi i Ps she said. “A sphinx has the body of a lion but sees work, too,” said Nadim. that doesn’t look like a lion’s tail.” cing an Egyptian slave.” “Hmm! That tail ooks familian” said Bit. E » CamScanner= A237] ‘The carving was finished. Suddenly the magic key began to glow: Floppy “I said it looked familiar,” gasped Biff, “It jumped down and ran over to the children. isn’t a sphinx at all - it's Floppy.” “Come back, yellow dog,” called the pharaoh. ‘At that moment the pharaoh came to see the “I'm glad it’s time to go,” thought Floppy. “It carving. Some Egyptians carried Floppy. Was all getting too much of « good thing.” x» 1H CamScanner= A237] “What an adventure,” said Nadim. “I didn’t like being an Equptian stave.” Anneena picked up the model sphinx. “A sphinx has a lion's body and a man’s head,” she said. “But this does look a bit like Floppy.” 2 OT Words inside words Tohatp with speling, © Choose any page and find a short word inside longer on, © age 10 "ram n ‘pyramid 12 Say "Can you finda word with ram init on this page 1 Hove two or three turns each ier tes) You can use thes ideas stright amay, oF on another day. 1 Look atthe pictures and finda many ces a you can that show * Find out more about Ancient Eayp from brary books or he CamScanner= A237] Egyptian Adventure ,” Nadim’s model book leads to ‘an adventure in Ancient Egypt. Floppy is mistaken for ‘an important dog, and the children’ have to help make a pyramid. Stage 8 More stories A ‘Recommended order a reading: Pact Money har Wasi uber het cone Fos ‘Save Hopet Eytan Adventre ‘np Sashes sath Sans eS =a CamScanner= A237]

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