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Authorised Gas Tester

Levels 1, 2 & 3 Training

OPITO Course Codes

Initial Training: Levels 1, 2 and 3 are 9024, 9225 and 9226 respectively.

Further Training: Levels 1, 2 and 3 are 9227, 9228 and 9229 respectively.
OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

The contents of this document were developed by an industry work group coordinated by
OPITO and included:

Specialist Training Organisations

OGUK Competence Steering Group
Drilling Contractors

Guidance and advice on this standard is available by contacting:

For UK and North Sea enquiries: For International enquiries:

Minerva House Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd
Bruntland Road 10th Floor, UBN Tower
Portlethen 10 Jalan P. Ramlee
Aberdeen, Scotland 50250 Kuala Lumpur
AB12 4QL Malaysia
Tel: +44 (0) 1224 787800 Tel: +6 (03) 20727350
Fax: +44 (0) 1224 787830 Fax: +6 (03) 20727355
Email: Email:


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information storage system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers.



Revision 1 released
26-Mar 2010

Any amendments made to this standard by OPITO will be recorded above.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


INTRODUCTION AND COURSE DESCRIPTION........................................................................4

SECTION A INITIAL TRAINING PROGRAMME.....................................................................5
A.1 TARGET GROUPS .............................................................................................................6
A.2 DELEGATE PRIOR ACHIEVEMENT ......................................................................................6
A.3 PHYSICAL & STRESSFUL DEMANDS OF THE COURSES .......................................................6
A.4 PERFORMANCE VALIDATION..............................................................................................7
A.5 MODULE SUMMARY AND TRAINING OUTCOMES..................................................................7
A.6 TRAINING CONTENT ........................................................................................................10
A.7 DURATION OF TRAINING..................................................................................................15
SECTION B FURTHER TRAINING .......................................................................................16
B.1 FURTHER TARGET GROUP ..............................................................................................16
B.2 DELEGATE PRIOR ACHIEVEMENT ....................................................................................16
B.3 PHYSICAL & STRESSFUL DEMANDS OF THE COURSE .......................................................16
B.4 FURTHER PERFORMANCE VALIDATION ............................................................................17
B.5 FURTHER TRAINING OUTCOMES......................................................................................17
B.6 FURTHER TRAINING CONTENT ........................................................................................19
B.7 DURATION OF FURTHER TRAINING ..................................................................................22
SECTION C RESOURCES FOR INITIAL & FURTHER TRAINING......................................23
C.1 STAFF ............................................................................................................................23
C.2 TRAINER/DELEGATE RATIO .............................................................................................23
C.3 FACILITIES & LOCATION OF TRAINING ..............................................................................24
C.4 EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................25
SECTION D ADMINISTRATION & CERTIFICATION ...........................................................25
D.1 JOINING INSTRUCTIONS – NOT APPLICABLE ......................................................................25
D.2 PERIODICITY ..................................................................................................................25
D.3 CERTIFICATION...............................................................................................................26
D.4 COURSE ADMINISTRATION ..............................................................................................26
SECTION E OPITO APPROVED COMPETENCE STATEMENTS.......................................27
E.1 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE STATEMENTS ...............................................................27
E.2 COMPETENCE OUTCOMES ..............................................................................................27
E.3 COMPETENCE UNITS ......................................................................................................28
APPENDIX 1 COMPUTER BASED LEARNING PACKAGES .................................................36

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


The international oil and gas industry recognises that a major objective is to prevent incidents
occurring, and if they do occur, to control them and minimise their effect. It is important therefore
to set common standards of training and to ensure they are maintained.

The specific purpose of this document is to set out the basic training, validation and certification
requirements for Authorised Gas Testers (Levels 1, 2 & 3) conducted at OPITO approved
training centres. The gas tester role is critical to ensure safe working conditions in permit
controlled confined space or for hot work. Even sentries should be trained in gas testing skills
as they play the lead in maintaining a safe working environment.

It will be for the duty holder or nominated representative to decide which personnel will undergo
this training according to the requirements of the employing organisation. Operating companies
and employers should also recognise that site specific training is integral to the training of a gas

Where there is a need to have competence formally confirmed this will be done at the workplace
through a company’s competence management system against the National Occupational
Standard for The Testing for Oxygen, Toxic and Flammable Gases, which is included in Section
E . An OPITO certificate is not awarded for an assessment of competence.

These standards have been developed using the UK legislative framework. Where this
regime does not apply, training providers may substitute national requirements and
demonstrate to OPITO their equivalence. Where no suitable equivalence exists the
training provider should use the UK framework as an exemplar.


LEL Lower Explosive Limit

PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PTW Permit to Work
RPE Respiratory Protective Equipment
UEL Upper Explosive Limit
WEL Workplace Exposure Limits


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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


Validate means to look at a “snapshot” of a delegate’s knowledge or performance at a
particular point in time; for example, watching the delegate demonstrating initial training
activities or the fact that he/she has passed a written examination.
Assess, and its associated nouns assessment and assessor, refer to the more in-depth
analysis of a candidate’s performance during a formal competence assessment.

Occasionally, qualified assessors are required to validate that the training outcomes
have been achieved by delegates in a training course; individual OPITO standards
specifically outline this requirement in Section C.1, if applicable.


Delegates attending this training programme will be given either:

(a) a series of presentations or

(b) a computer based training programme (see Appendix 1)

Irrespective of the method used, the programme will explain to the delegates what they are
expected to know and do when testing for oxygen and toxic and flammable gases.

The role of Authorised Gas Tester has three levels. Each level requires a different degree of
knowledge as listed in A.4 Training Programme. The various levels do not represent a
progression, but are unique training courses in their own right. Because there is some
overlap it is up to the operators and training providers to decide how best to deliver the training
levels, i.e. as three separate programmes or amalgamated into one or two single programmes.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

A.1 Target Groups

These programmes are designed to meet the initial onshore training and validation
requirements for personnel preparing to work as Authorised Gas Testers for a variety of
products and work environments.
AGT Level 1 is required for those involved with performing a test for oxygen, flammable and
toxic gases up to and including working in confined spaces.

NOTE: Persons undertaking Safety Watch duties at the entrance to a confined space shall
be an AGT Level 1 Gas Tester.
AGT Level 2 is required for those involved with testing for flammable gas in preparation for hot
AGT Level 3 is required for those who provide safety watch duties by the ongoing monitoring of
a hot work site.

A.2 Delegate Prior Achievement

There are no delegate pre-requisites for attendance on each of these courses.

A.3 Physical & Stressful Demands of the Courses

All personnel who participate in gas testing training should be medically fit and capable of
participating fully. The responsibility for the individual completing the course, without any
adverse effects to their present state of health, lies with the delegate and/or the company
sponsoring the delegate. Where doubt exists regarding the medical fitness of any delegate the
training establishment should seek the advice of a medical officer.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

A.4 Performance Validation

Delegates attending these training and validation programmes will be given a series of
explanations and demonstrations which will identify what they are expected to know and do.
Validation of the delegates' performance will be against the stated training outcomes in A.5
Training Outcomes regardless of the delivery methodology used. A multiple choice written test
with a minimum of 20 questions and a pass mark of 80%, should be used to gauge the
delegates’ understanding of the topics.
Delegates successfully completing the course validation will be judged to have been given the
underpinning knowledge for Authorised Gas Tester Level 1, 2 or 3 to proceed to the workplace
for site specific assessment under direct supervision of a competent person’.
If required, further time and opportunity for coaching will be given to delegates to enable them to
reach the standard leading to the award of a certificate. However, the time available for this
during a programme is limited and it should be recognised there may be occasions where other
arrangements need to be made.

A.5 Modules Summary and Training Outcomes

During the initial training programme delegates will gain an understanding of the roles and
responsibilities of an Authorised Gas Tester.
The training course consists of the following modules and elements:
MODULE 1 Authorised Gas Tester Level 1

Element 1.1 Testing in confined spaces

Element 1.2 Relevant legislative controls
Element 1.3 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment
Element 1.4 Gas testing in confined spaces
Element 1.5 Interpreting and documenting the results

MODULE 2 Authorised Gas Tester Level 2

Element 2.1 Testing for hot work

Element 2.2 Relevant legislative controls
Element 2.3 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment
Element 2.4 Gas testing for hot work
Element 2.5 Interpreting and documenting the results

MODULE 3 Authorised Gas Tester Level 3

Element 3.1 Providing safety watch duties for hot work sites

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

MODULE 1 Authorised Gas Tester Level 1

On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an

understanding of:
(1) Confined space criteria
(2) The hazards of operations within an oxygen deficient, toxic or flammable
(3) Carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment
(4) Using safe systems of work
(5) The implications of organisational and statutory requirements
(6) Interpreting operational requirements
(7) Selecting and using PPE and RPE
(8) Working within the Permit to Work system
(9) The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment
(10) Gas detector pre-start checks
(11) Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing
(12) How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application
(13) The behaviour of different flammable and toxic gases
(14) The range and frequency of tests
(15) Acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases
(16) Performing gas tests in sequence
(17) Obtaining a representative atmosphere sample
(18) Monitoring and retesting
(19) Where to site ongoing monitoring equipment
(20) Interpreting and documenting the results

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

Module 2 Authorised Gas Tester Level 2

On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an

understanding of:

(1) Hot work and the production of flammable and toxic gases
(2) The principles of hot work gas testing
(3) The hazards and properties of flammable gases
(4) Using risk assessments and safe systems of work
(5) The implications of organisational and statutory requirements
(6) How to interpret operational requirements
(7) How to select, use and care for PPE and RPE
(8) How to work within the Permit to Work system
(9) Interpreting relevant operational instructions
(10) The operating principles of atmosphere measuring equipment
(11) The strengths and weaknesses of flammable and toxic gas detection equipment
(12) How to set up the relevant detector and confirm its correct functioning
(13) Locating sentinel styled equipment for optimum benefit
(14) How to correctly obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
(15) Gas detector pre-start checks
(16) Calibrating the instruments
(17) Detectors used for the flammable product
(18) Interpreting and documenting the results

Module 3 Authorised Gas Tester Level 3

On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an

understanding of:

(1) Hot work and the creation of toxic products

(2) The implications of organisational and statutory requirements
(3) How to select, use and care for PPE and RPE
(4) How to work within the Permit to Work system
(5) How to interpret operational requirements
(6) The hazards and properties of flammable gases
(7) The behaviour of different gases
(8) How a flammable gas or vapour clouds could arrive at the hot work site
(9) Checking the controls on the equipment
(10) The importance of regular communication
(11) Completing the relevant documentation

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

A.6 Training Content

The training programme outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated training
outcomes. The order in which elements of the training programme are delivered may vary.

To make efficient use of time and ensure effective learning there should, wherever practicable,
be an integration of the three phases of explanation, demonstration and practice. Full use
should be made of visual / audio visual aids and course handout material.

MODULE 1 Authorised Gas Tester Level 1

ELEMENT 1.1 Testing in confined spaces

Give an explanation of:

1.1.1 Confined space criteria:

(a) Limited openings for entry and exit

(b) Unfavourable natural ventilation
(c) Not designed for continuous worker occupancy

1.1.2 The type of production operation being tested for flammable and toxic
1.1.3 The potential cumulative hazards of operations within an oxygen deficient,
toxic or flammable environment
1.1.4 Carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment before testing
activities and confined space entry
1.1.5 Using safe systems of work including:

(a) Appointment of a supervisor

(b) Entry permits
(c) Ventilation
(d) Testing and continuous monitoring of the air
(e) Communications

1.1.6 Using observers to raise the alarm and initiate emergency response

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

ELEMENT 1.2 Relevant legislative controls

Give an explanation of:

1.2.1 The implications of organisational and statutory requirements with respect

to gas testing - to include HASAWA, Confined Space Regulations, COSHH
and the relevant codes of practice and PFEER
1.2.2 The fact that the owner is responsible to make the confined space safe for
1.2.3 How to interpret operational requirements - to include policies, procedures,
instructions, codes of practice and standards
1.2.4 How to select, use and care for PPE for different toxic and flammable gases
through risk assessment
1.2.5 Consideration of appropriate levels of respiratory protective equipment
1.2.6 How to work both with and within the Permit to Work system

ELEMENT 1.3 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment

Give an explanation of:

1.3.1 How to access and interpret the relevant operational instructions

1.3.2 The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring
equipment and frequently observed failure modes
1.3.3 The strengths and weaknesses of the various types of atmospheric
flammable and toxic gas detection equipment - to include transportable,
portable and personal monitors
1.3.4 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to
obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
1.3.5 Equipment required in inert atmospheres
1.3.6 Gas detector pre-start checks
1.3.7 Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

ELEMENT 1.4 Gas testing in confined spaces

Give an explanation of:

1.4.1 The hazards and properties of flammable and toxic gases including oxygen
deficiency and enrichment, nitrogen and specialist materials appropriate to
the location
1.4.2 The behaviour of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than
air behaviour and “neutral buoyancy” effect
1.4.3 The range and frequency of tests
1.4.4 Acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases and the correct amount of
1.4.5 The implications of WEL for toxic gases and LEL for flammable gases
1.4.6 How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application, its
potential failure modes and confirming its correct functioning
1.4.7 Performing gas tests in sequence:

(a) Oxygen deficient or enriched atmospheres – ensure that proper oxygen levels
are present
(b) Flammable atmospheres – ensure that combustible gases are not present
(c) Toxic atmospheres – ensure that toxic gases are below the exposure limit

1.4.8 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to

obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
1.4.9 How to obtain a representative atmosphere sample from a range of
confined spaces
1.4.10 Taking samples at the top, middle and bottom to locate varying
concentrations of gases and vapors
1.4.11 Sampling confined spaces at a distance from the opening because air
intrusion near the entrance can give a false sense of adequate oxygen
1.4.12 Testing flammable gases in inert atmospheres
1.4.13 Monitoring and retesting after the initial entry
1.4.14 Where to site ongoing monitoring equipment for vessel entry

ELEMENT 1.5 Interpreting and documenting the results

Give an explanation of:

1.5.1 How to interpret the results, to include both normal and abnormal
1.5.2 How to document the results and advise relevant personnel

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

MODULE 2 Authorised Gas Tester Level 2

ELEMENT 2.1 Testing for hot work

Give an explanation of:

2.1.1 Hot work (any operation involving naked flames or producing heat and/or
sparks or any operation that has spark potential)
2.1.2 The type of production operation being tested for flammable and toxic
2.1.3 The principles of hot work gas testing as applied to the work area
2.1.4 The hazards and properties of flammable gases – to include gas and
vapour cloud movement
2.1.5 The acceptable levels of flammable gases and the correct amount of
2.1.6 Carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment before testing
2.1.7 Using safe systems of work including:

(a) Appointment of a supervisor

(b) Removing flammable or combustible materials
(c) Testing and continuous monitoring of the air
(d) Providing a fire watch
(e) Communications

2.1.8 Using observers to raise the alarm and initiate emergency response

ELEMENT 2.2 Relevant legislative controls

Give an explanation of:

2.2.1 The implications of organisational and statutory requirements with respect

to gas testing - to include HASAWA, COSHH and the relevant codes of
practice and PFEER
2.2.2 How to interpret operational requirements - to include policies, procedures,
instructions, codes of practice and standards
2.2.3 How to select, use and care for PPE for different toxic and flammable gases
through risk assessment
2.2.4 Consideration of appropriate levels of respiratory protective equipment
2.2.5 How to work both with and within the Permit to Work system

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

ELEMENT 2.3 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment

Give an explanation of:

2.3.1 How to access and interpret the relevant operational instructions

2.3.2 The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring
equipment and frequently observed failure modes
2.3.3 The strengths and weaknesses of the various types of atmospheric
flammable and toxic gas detection equipment - to include transportable,
portable and personal monitors
2.3.4 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to
obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
2.3.5 Gas detector pre-start checks
2.3.6 Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing
2.3.7 Determining the extent of the test boundaries

ELEMENT 2.4 Gas testing for hot work

Give an explanation of:

2.4.1 The different types of detectors used for the flammable product
2.4.2 How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application and
confirm its correct functioning
2.4.3 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors,
relevant to the atmosphere being tested
2.4.4 The operating principles of atmospheric monitoring and measuring
equipment including their strengths, weaknesses and frequently observed
failure modes
2.4.5 Where to locate ‘sentinel styled’ portable or transportable site monitoring
equipment for optimum benefit

ELEMENT 2.5 Interpreting and documenting the results

Give an explanation of:

2.5.1 How to interpret the results, to include both normal and abnormal
2.5.2 How to document the results and advise relevant personnel

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

MODULE 3 Authorised Gas Tester Level 3

ELEMENT 3.1 Providing safety watch duties for hot work sites

Give an explanation of:

3.1.1 Hot work (any operation involving naked flames or producing heat and/or
sparks or any operation that has spark potential)
3.1.2 The type of production operation being tested for flammable and toxic
3.1.3 The implications of organisational and statutory requirements with respect
to gas testing - to include HASAWA, COSHH and the relevant codes of
practice and PFEER
3.1.4 How to select, use and care for PPE for different toxic and flammable gases
through risk assessment
3.1.5 Consideration of appropriate levels of respiratory protective equipment
3.1.6 How to work both with and within the Permit to Work system
3.1.7 How to interpret operational requirements - to include policies, procedures,
instructions, codes of practice and standards
3.1.8 The hazards and properties of flammable gases
3.1.9 The behaviour of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than
air behaviour and “neutral buoyancy” effect
3.1.10 How a flammable gas or vapour clouds could arrive at the hot work site
3.1.11 The importance of checking the controls on the equipment is as specified
3.1.12 The importance of regular communication
3.1.13 Who to contact if there is a problem you cannot resolve
3.1.14 Completing the relevant documentation

A.7 Duration of Training

The optimum 'contact time' for this training and validation is estimated at:

AGT 1 12 hours
AGT 2 7 hours
AGT 3 4 hours

The above figures may reduce if programmes are merged as delivery may be over one or more
days according to client and delegate preferences.

The total contact time per day shall not exceed 8 hours. The total training day shall not exceed
10 hours (the total training day includes contact time, coffee and meal breaks and travel time
between training sites where applicable).

For those who complete the CBT package the time spent at the terminal should comply fully
with the Display Screen Equipment Legislation.

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


Delegates attending this training programme will be given either:

(c) a series of presentations or

(d) a computer based training programme (see Appendix 1)

Irrespective of the method used, the programme will explain to the delegates what they are
expected to know and do when testing for oxygen and toxic and flammable gases. There will
also be presentations and discussions about changes to equipment design, legislation,
certification and, where possible, company procedures.

B.1 Further Training Target Group

These programmes are designed to meet further onshore training and validation requirements
for personnel working as Authorised Gas Testers for a variety of products and work

AGT Level 1 is for working in confined space or acting as a sentry for confined space

AGT Level 2 is for testing the environment that will be used for hot work

AGT Level 3 is for safety watch duties other than confined space

B.2 Delegate Prior Achievement for Further Training

The delegate should have a valid and appropriate AGT Level 1, 2 or 3 certificate depending on
the relevant level of further training.

B.3 Physical & Stressful Demands of the Course

See A.3

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

B.4 Further Performance Validation

Delegates attending these training and validation programmes will be given a series of
explanations and demonstrations which will identify what they are expected to know and do.

Validation of the delegates' performance will be against the stated training outcomes in B.5
Training Outcomes regardless of the delivery methodology used. A multiple choice written test
with a minimum of 20 questions and a pass mark of 80%, should be used to gauge the
delegates’ understanding of the topics.

Delegates successfully completing the further training validation will be judged to have been
‘Trained at an OPITO approved training centre so they can perform Level 1 (or Level 2 or Level
3) gas testing operations onsite.’

B.5 Further Training Modules Summary and Training Outcomes

During the further training programme delegates will gain an understanding of the roles and
responsibilities of an Authorised Gas Tester at Level 1, 2 or 3.

Module 4 Authorised Gas Tester Level 1

Element 4.1 Recent changes

Element 4.2 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment
Element 4.3 Gas testing in confined spaces

Module 5 Authorised Gas Tester Level 2

Element 5.1 Recent changes

Element 5.2 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment
Element 5.3 Gas testing for hot work

Module 6 Authorised Gas Tester Level 3

Element 6.1 Recent changes

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

MODULE 4 Authorised Gas Tester Level 1

On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an

understanding of:
(1) Changes to equipment design, legislation and certification
(2) The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment
(3) Gas detector pre-start checks
(4) Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing
(5) How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application
(6) The behaviour of different flammable and toxic gases
(7) The range and frequency of tests
(8) Acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases
(9) Performing gas tests in sequence
(10) Obtaining a representative atmosphere sample
(11) Monitoring and retesting
(12) Where to site ongoing monitoring equipment

MODULE 5 Authorised Gas Tester Level 2

On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an

understanding of:

(1) Changes to equipment design, legislation and certification

(2) The operating principles of atmosphere measuring equipment
(3) The strengths and weaknesses of flammable and toxic gas detection equipment
(4) How to set up the relevant detector and confirm its correct functioning
(5) Locating sentinel styled equipment for optimum benefit
(6) How to correctly obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
(7) Gas detector pre-start checks
(8) Calibrating the instruments
(9) Detectors used for the flammable product

MODULE 6 Authorised Gas Tester Level 3

On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an

understanding of:

(1) Changes to equipment design, legislation and certification

(2) The hazards and properties of flammable gases
(3) The behaviour of different gases
(4) How a flammable gas or vapour clouds could arrive at the hot work site
(5) Checking the controls on the equipment
(6) The importance of regular communication

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

B.6 Further Training Content

MODULE 4 Authorised Gas Tester Level 1

ELEMENT 4.1 Recent changes

Give an explanation of:

4.1.1 Changes to equipment design, legislation, certification and, where possible,

company procedures

ELEMENT 4.2 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment

Give an explanation of:

4.2.1 How to access and interpret the relevant operational instructions

4.2.2 The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring
equipment and frequently observed failure modes
4.2.3 The strengths and weaknesses of the various types of atmospheric
flammable and toxic gas detection equipment - to include transportable,
portable and personal monitors
4.2.4 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to
obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
4.2.5 Equipment required in inert atmospheres
4.2.6 Gas detector pre-start checks
4.2.7 Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

ELEMENT 4.3 Gas testing in confined spaces

Give an explanation of:

4.3.1 The hazards and properties of flammable and toxic gases

4.3.2 The behaviour of different gases
4.3.3 The range and frequency of tests
4.3.4 Acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases and the correct amount of
4.3.5 The implications of WEL for toxic gases and LEL for flammable gases
4.3.6 How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application, its
potential failure modes and confirming its correct functioning
4.3.7 Performing gas tests in sequence:

4.3.8 How to obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested

4.3.9 How to obtain a representative atmosphere sample from a range of
confined spaces
4.3.10 Taking samples at the top, middle and bottom to locate varying
concentrations of gases and vapors
4.3.11 Sampling confined spaces at a distance from the opening
4.3.12 Testing flammable gases in inert atmospheres
4.3.13 Monitoring and retesting after the initial entry
4.3.14 Where to site ongoing monitoring equipment for vessel entry

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

MODULE 5 Authorised Gas Tester Level 2

ELEMENT 5.1 Recent changes

Give an explanation of:

5.1.1 Changes to equipment design, legislation, certification and, where possible,

company procedures

ELEMENT 5.2 Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment

Give an explanation of:

5.2.1 How to access and interpret the relevant operational instructions

5.2.2 The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring
equipment and frequently observed failure modes
5.2.3 The strengths and weaknesses of the various types of atmospheric
flammable and toxic gas detection equipment - to include transportable,
portable and personal monitors
5.2.4 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to
obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
5.2.5 Gas detector pre-start checks
5.2.6 Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing
5.2.7 Determining the extent of the test boundaries

ELEMENT 5.3 Gas testing for hot work

Give an explanation of:

5.3.1 The different types of detectors used for the flammable product
5.3.2 How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application and
confirm its correct functioning
5.3.3 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors,
relevant to the atmosphere being tested
5.3.4 The operating principles of atmospheric monitoring and measuring
equipment including their strengths, weaknesses and frequently observed
failure modes
5.3.5 Where to locate ‘sentinel styled’ portable or transportable site monitoring
equipment for optimum benefit

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

MODULE 6 Authorised Gas Tester Level 3

ELEMENT 6.1 Recent changes

Give an explanation of:

6.1.1 Changes to equipment design, legislation, certification and, where possible,

company procedures

ELEMENT 6.2 Further Training Safety Watch Duties for Hot Work

Give an explanation of:

6.2.1 The hazards and properties of flammable gases

6.2.2 The behaviour of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than
air behaviour and “neutral buoyancy” effect
6.2.3 How a flammable gas or vapour clouds could arrive at the hot work site
6.2.4 The importance of checking the controls on the equipment is as specified
6.2.5 The importance of regular communication
6.2.6 Who to contact if there is a problem you cannot resolve

B.7 Duration of Further Training

The optimum 'contact time' for this training and validation is estimated at:

AGT 1 7 hours
AGT 2 7 hours
AGT 3 2 hours

The above figures may reduce if programmes are merged as delivery may be over one or more
days according to client and delegate preferences.

The total contact time per day shall not exceed 8 hours. The total training day shall not exceed
10 hours (the total training day includes contact time, coffee and meal breaks and travel time
between training sites where applicable).

For those who complete the CBT package the time spent at the terminal should comply fully
with the Display Screen Equipment Legislation.

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


In order that the Authorised Gas Tester training may be delivered successfully it is essential that
the right people are there to support the programme and that the appropriate facilities and
equipment are in place.

C.1 Staff

Instructional staff will be required to carry out the training. It is important that the staff involved
have the appropriate qualifications and experience.

Training staff will:

 Have recent, substantial experience of working as an Authorised Gas Tester in

the oil and gas or petrochemicals industries or continuous experience in
delivering similar training

 Be trained in instructional/lecture techniques and/or have proven

instructing/teaching experience

 Be included in an ongoing staff training programme which includes worksite visits

to enable them to maintain and update skills and knowledge

All staff will have:

 Appropriate competencies to conduct/assist with the element of training being


C.2 Trainer/Delegate Ratio

The maximum number of delegates to be supervised by one instructor at any one time during
each theory activity is twelve (1:12).

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

C.3 Facilities & Location of Training

Different facilities may be required and it is important to make sure that these are available:

Administration arrangements appropriate for enrolment and certification of delegates and all
aspects of the delivery of training in accordance with this standard

Theory training area(s) designed to enable each delegate to view, hear and participate fully in
the subject matter being taught

All facilities must be maintained and where appropriate, inspected and tested in
accordance with current standards/legislation and manufacturers’ guidelines

Location of Training

It is recognised that the restricted range of resources and facilities required makes this course
suitable for on-location training. However, prior to any courses being delivered remotely,
training providers must comply with the following requirements:

(a) Prior to initial approval, the training provider will specify a single ‘approved site’
and advise OPITO of its intention to deliver training remotely

(b) The training provider will advise OPITO of the location of any remote training in
advance of each delivery

(c) The training provider shall ensure the suitability of facilities and arrangements
prior to delivery

(d) Documented evidence will be retained by the training provider to show that
delivery of training at the remote site meets the criteria detailed in this OPITO
standard including, but not limited to, facilities, equipment and qualification of
instructional staff

(e) Documented management procedures shall be retained which record any

measures required to assure the quality and safety of on location training

(f) All records and associated documentation must be retained at a single, specified
location, mutually agreed with OPITO, and made available at time of audit

(g) OPITO reserves the right to physically audit any or all of the remote sites
operated by the training provider

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

C.4 Equipment

Equipment, of a type commonly used in industry, is required to meet the needs of the training
programme including:

(1) Examples of relevant permits

(2) Examples of appropriate PPE
(3) Examples of gas detection equipment – portable and personal monitors
(4) Operating instructions for the detection equipment

In accordance with requirements of OPITO approval, training providers must ensure that first aid
equipment and medical assistance would be available immediately should a delegate be in
need of it.

All equipment must be maintained, and where appropriate, inspected and tested in
accordance with current standards/legislation, guidance and manufacturers


D.1 Joining Instructions – not applicable

D.2 Periodicity

Authorised Gas Testers Levels 1, 2 or 3 must revalidate their OPITO certificates every three

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

D.3 Certification

An OPITO Certificate will be issued to all delegates assessed as meeting the stated outcomes
for the appropriate level. The issue of a certificate indicates that the delegate has completed
the training successfully such that he/she is ready to join a work team for further installation-
specific training and assessment against the competence statements in Section E.

It is the responsibility of the training provider to supply the delegate’s details to OPITO. It is also
the responsibility of the training provider to issue the delegates with a certificate containing the

 Establishment Name
 Full OPITO Course Title stating that it is OPITO approved and clearly identifying
training location i.e. onshore / offshore.
 Delegate's Name
 Course Dates
 Certificate Number
 Establishment Signatory

D.4 Course Administration

Each delegate attending any OPITO approved programme must be registered with the Central
Register (CR) operated by OPITO. Registration must be made by the training establishment to
OPITO within one week following the course.

OPITO confirms that information on the registration form will be contained in a computerised
register which will be available to employers, prospective employers and training providers in
the oil and gas industry to verify training records. At all times use of this data will be strictly in
accordance with principles laid down in the UK Data Protection Act, 1998.

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Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


E.1 Development of Competence Statements

To develop a training course, an assessment of workplace competence is required. In other

words, what does an employee have to know and do if he/she is an Authorised Gas Tester?
The competence statements from the National Occupational Standard for The Testing for
Oxygen, Toxic and Flammable Gases are included in this section.

Using a competence-based approach the following were identified and developed for this role:

(a) What personnel are expected to do

(b) The underpinning knowledge and skills they would require to enable them to do
what was expected

(c) How they could demonstrate what was expected of them

(d) How their performance would be assessed

Using the identified knowledge and skills, the content of a training programme was developed
and is outlined in Section A of this standard.

E.2 Competence Outcomes

Three levels of persons are involved with testing for oxygen, flammable and toxic gases.

AGT Level 1 is required for those involved with performing a test for oxygen, flammable and
toxic gases up to and including working in confined spaces. Personnel undertaking this role will
be assessed against Units 1, 2 & 3 (which are outlined in E.3 Competence Units).

NOTE: Persons undertaking Standby/Safety Watch duties at the entrance to a confined

space shall be an AGT Level 1 Gas Tester.

AGT Level 2 is required for those involved with testing for flammable gas in preparation for hot
work. Personnel undertaking this role will be assessed against Units 2 & 3.

AGT Level 3 is required for those who provide safety watch duties by the ongoing monitoring of
a hot work site. Personnel undertaking this role will be assessed against Unit 3.


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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

During this work you must take account of the relevant operational requirements and safe
working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU.

The following units and elements apply:

Unit 1 Perform a Test for Oxygen, Flammable and Toxic Gases in Confined Spaces
Element 1.1 Prepare to carry out a test for oxygen, toxic and flammable gases in confined
Element 1.2 Complete the gas test for oxygen, toxic and flammable gases in confined spaces

Unit 2 Perform a Test for Flammable Gases in Preparation for Hot Work
Element 2.1 Prepare to carryout a test for flammable gases in preparation for hot work
Element 2.2 Complete the gas test for flammable gases

Unit 3 Monitor the Work Area for Flammable Gases

Unit 3.1 Monitor the work area for flammable gases

E.3 Competence Units

Unit Wide Knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

 How to select, use and care for PPE for different toxic and flammable gases - to
include both sight and hearing protection, gloves, footwear, hard hats and
 The strengths and weaknesses of the various types of atmospheric flammable
and toxic gas detection equipment - to include transportable, portable and
personal monitors
 The implications of organisational and statutory requirements
 The implications of Occupational Exposure Limits for flammable and toxic gases
 The hazards associated with working within a toxic, flammable or Non-Life
supporting atmosphere
 How to work both with and within the Permit to Work system
 How to interpret operational requirements - to include policies, procedures,
instructions, codes of practice and standards
 The range and frequency of tests and their acceptable limits
 The hazards and properties of flammable, toxic and inert gases
 The principles of gas testing as applied to confined space entry
 The type of production operation being tested for flammable and toxic gases

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

UNIT 1 Perform a Test for Oxygen, Flammable and Toxic Gases in

Confined Spaces

ELEMENT 1.1 Prepare to carry out a test for oxygen, toxic and flammable
gases in confined spaces

This element is about preparing the worksite for the test and includes identifying the correct gas
detector for the area or environment.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

1.1.1 Undertaken a risk assessment with the relevant personnel to identify and confirm all the
types of potential gas hazards and their possible locations
1.1.2 Selected, inspected and prepared for use the appropriate oxygen or gas detector(s) in
accordance with the relevant instructions
1.1.3 Confirmed the equipment functional and fit for purpose
1.1.4 Identified equipment defects and taken the appropriate remedial action
1.1.5 Confirmed the status of the relevant work permits and authorisations with the relevant
1.1.6 Selected the appropriate documentation for the test and environment
1.1.7 Worked safely in accordance with operational requirements


In preparing to carryout a test for oxygen, toxic and flammable gases in confined spaces you
must use the following pieces of equipment and /or operations:

 Personal protective equipment

 Portable atmospheric monitoring equipment relevant to the test in hand
 Work permits and authorisation documentation
 Recording documentation
 Personal monitoring equipment


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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

Element 1.1 Knowledge and Understanding (see also Unit Wide Knowledge and

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

 How to access and interpret the relevant operational instructions

 How to produce general risk assessments and how to apply them in the
 The hazards and properties of flammable and toxic gases including oxygen
deficiency and enrichment, nitrogen and specialist materials appropriate to the
 The different types of detectors used for the relevant application
 How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application and confirm
its correct functioning
 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to obtain
a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
 The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment
including their strengths weaknesses and frequently observed failure modes
 The potential cumulative effects of operations within an oxygen deficient, toxic or
flammable environment
 How to document the results and advise relevant personnel

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

ELEMENT 1.2 Complete the gas test for oxygen, toxic and flammable gases
in confined spaces
This element is about completing the gas test in accordance with the manufacturer’s and
companies requirements.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

1.2.1 Completed the gas test to conform to statutory and organisational requirements
1.2.2 Effectively used equipment in accordance with the relevant instructions
1.2.3 Confirmed the readings were within the specified limits
1.2.4 Identified any deviations and took appropriate action in accordance with work place
1.2.5 Worked safely and in accordance with operational instructions relevant to confined
1.2.6 Accurately recorded the results of the test on the appropriate documentation


Whilst completing the test for oxygen, toxic and flammable gases in confined spaces you must
use the following:

 Portable atmospheric monitoring equipment to include oxygen, flammable and

toxic gas detectors, including both electrical and chemical stain types
 Personal monitoring equipment
 Gas testing techniques to include physical measurements, observation, sampling,
records and data assessment
 Relevant Instructions to include legislation, codes of practice, manufacturers’ and
company instructions

Knowledge and Understanding (see also Unit Wide Knowledge and Guidance)

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

 How to interpret the results, to include both normal and abnormal

 The acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases and the correct amount of
 The behaviour of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than air
behaviour and “neutral buoyancy” effect
 Where to site ongoing monitoring equipment for vessel entry
 How to obtain a representative atmosphere sample from a range of confined

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

UNIT 2 Perform a Test for Flammable Gases in Preparation for Hot Work
ELEMENT 2.1 Prepare to carry out a test for flammable gas in preparation for
hot work
This element is about preparing the worksite for the test and includes identifying the correct gas
detector for the area or environment.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

2.1.1 Undertaken a risk assessment with the relevant personnel to identify and confirm all the
types of potential gas hazards and their possible locations
2.1.2 Selected, inspected and prepared for use the appropriate oxygen or gas detector(s) in
accordance with the relevant instructions
2.1.3 Confirmed the equipment functional and fit for purpose
2.1.4 Identified equipment defects and taken the appropriate remedial action
2.1.5 Confirmed the status of the relevant work permits and authorisations with the relevant
2.1.6 Selected the appropriate documentation for the test and environment
2.1.7 Worked safely in accordance with operational requirements


In preparing to carry out a test for flammable gases you must use the following pieces of
equipment and/or operations:

 Personal protective equipment

 Portable gas monitoring equipment relevant to the test in hand
 Work permits and authorization documentation
 Recording documentation
 Personal monitoring equipment


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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

Element 2.1 Knowledge and Understanding (see also Unit Wide Knowledge and

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

 The hazards and properties of flammable gases including oxygen deficiency and
enrichment and specialist materials appropriate to the location
 How to produce general risk assessments and how to apply them in the
 The operating principles of the different types of detectors used for the flammable
product including their strengths, weaknesses and frequently observed failure
 How to correctly set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application
 How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors, relevant
to the atmosphere being tested
 How to document the results and advise relevant personnel

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

ELEMENT 2.2 Complete the gas test for flammable gases

This element is about completing the gas test in accordance with the manufacturer’s and
companies requirements.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

2.2.1 Completed the gas test to conform to statutory and organisational requirements
2.2.2 Effectively used equipment in accordance with the relevant instructions
2.2.3 Confirmed the readings were within the specified limits
2.2.4 Identified any deviations and took appropriate action in accordance with work place
2.2.5 Worked safely and in accordance with operational instructions relevant to the work area
2.2.6 Accurately recorded the results of the test on the appropriate documentation

Whilst completing the test for oxygen, toxic and flammable gases in confined spaces you must
use the following:

 Transportable and portable atmospheric monitoring equipment

 Personal monitoring equipment
 Gas testing techniques to include physical measurements, observation, sampling,
records and data assessment
 Relevant Instructions to include legislation, codes of practice, manufacturers’ and
company instructions

Knowledge and Understanding (see also Unit Wide Knowledge and Guidance)

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

 The principles of hot work gas testing as applied to the work area
 How to interpret the results, to include both normal and abnormal
 The acceptable levels of flammable gases and the correct amount of oxygen
 The behaviour of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than air
behaviour and “neutral buoyancy” effect
 Where to locate ‘sentinel styled’ portable or transportable site monitoring
equipment for optimum benefit

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

UNIT 3 Monitor the Work Area for Flammable Gases

ELEMENT 3.1 Monitor the work area for flammable gases

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

3.1.1 Accurately sited the equipment for optimum benefits

3.1.2 Monitored the level of gas at intervals as required by the work permit
3.1.3 Effectively and regularly checked the operation of the gas monitor
3.1.4 Identified and reported any deviations to the relevant personnel
3.1.5 Confirmed that the detector / monitor is correctly responsive to a flammable gas

Whilst monitoring the work area for flammable gases you must use:

 Transportable and portable atmospheric monitoring equipment

 Personal monitoring equipment

Element 3.1 Knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

 How to select, use and care for PPE for different toxic and flammable gases - to
include both sight and hearing protection, gloves, footwear, hard hats and
 The implications of organisational and statutory requirements - to include
Occupational Exposure Limits for flammable gases
 How to work both with and within the Permit to Work system
 How to access and interpret operational requirements - to include policies,
procedures, instructions, codes of practice and standards
 The hazards and properties of flammable gases
 The type of production operation being tested for flammable gases
 The importance of checking the controls on the equipment is as specified
 The importance of regular communication
 Who to contact if there is a problem you cannot resolve
 What documentation needs to be completed
 How a flammable gas or vapour clouds could arrive at the hot work site
 The behaviour of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than air
behaviour and “neutral buoyancy” effect

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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3


This section sets out the principle criteria for the design and presentation of the Computer
Based Learning packages.

Programme Design

The design of the programme should ensure the package is interactive and engaging for the
learner. There must be a clear navigation system which ensures that the delegate is at ease
with the learning technology and the programme should assume the learner has little or no
computer experience.

Screen text should be limited to summarising and for bullet points. Prompts should be included
in the programme to alert the learner to the need for regular breaks about every 20 minutes.

The design media used should be ‘just behind’ cutting edge IT technology but take account of
the local circumstances of the client.

CBT Equipment

Trained facilitators should be available at remote locations to correct simple faults with the
learning package and the hardware.

On site learning should take place on dedicated equipment in a location suitable for the


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OPITO Approved Standard
Authorised Gas Tester Levels 1, 2 & 3

The CBT Training Process

(a) Questions must be pre-tested internally by the organisation and externally (by
OPITO). The training should include continuous validation by module/topic and a
final end of course validation.

(b) Continuous evaluations should be included for the learner to check their progress
and give the opportunity to revisit sections of the learning package if
unsuccessful. These evaluations should not be included in the final result.

(c) The questions must be selected on a random basis to prevent delegates

obtaining pre-knowledge of them.

(d) The question methodology should be varied to suit the subject and be engaging.
Typical examples to use are multiple choice, drag and drop, complete the
question and scenario completion.

(e) The package should provide feedback to the learner on incorrect answers and
alert the learner to the likely result.

(f) Evaluation data from previous learners should be stored in ‘hidden files’ only
accessed by the learning package moderator.

(g) Completed evaluations should be internally verified at a central location to ensure

the training has been completed and the evaluations are valid and reliable.
Records of this verification process should be retained for two years.

Certificates should only be issued after completion of these checks.

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