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1 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Dividing The
Word of
11 Timothy 2:15
Prepared by
Bro.Reynaldo H. Dungca
Full of Grace and Truth Baptist Church
This material was prepared for:


King James Bible Institute of the Philippines

2 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Table of Contents

2.00 The Old and New Testaments..................................................................................5

4.03 Genesis 12 up to Exodus 20...............................................................................11
4.04 Exodus 20 up to Matthew 27.............................................................................11
4.05 Matthew 27 up to Acts Period...........................................................................11
4.06 Acts Period up to Revelation 4..........................................................................11
4.07 Revelation 4 up to Revelation 19.......................................................................12
5.01 Genesis 3 - Exodus 20.......................................................................................13
5.02 Exodus 20 - Matthew 27....................................................................................13
5.03 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4................................................................................13
5.04 Revelation 4 – Revelation 19.............................................................................14
5.05 Revelation 19 – Revelation 20...........................................................................14
5.06 Revelation 20 – Revelation 22...........................................................................14
5.07 Eternity ..............................................................................................................14
6.01 Genesis 1 – Genesis 3........................................................................................15
6.02 Genesis 3 – Matthew 27.....................................................................................15
6.03 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4................................................................................16
6.04 Revelation 4 – Revelation 22.............................................................................16
7.01 God deals with sin differently in different times:..............................................17
7.01.01 Genesis 1 – Genesis 3...............................................................................17
7.01.02 Genesis 3 – Matthew 27............................................................................17
7.01.03 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4.......................................................................20
7.01.04 Revelation 4 – Revelation 22....................................................................27
10.00 TRIBULATION PERIOD...................................................................................34
11.00 MILLENIUM PERIOD.......................................................................................34
12.01 THE OLD TESTAMENT FAITH...................................................................36
12.02 THE NEW TESTAMENT FAITH..................................................................36

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3 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

1.00 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth Your notes

here on this
“Study to shew thyself approved unto right side
God, a workman that needeth not to be column.
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
II Timothy 2:15
Since the Bible is a sealed book, (Isaiah 29:11, 12) no amount
of secular education can penetrate and uncover its mystery. (I Cor
2:6 – 14) Human reasoning alone cannot comprehend its truth,
numerous were done, but resulted in organizing false religions that
promote heresies so it leads multitude away from receiving more
light from the scriptures. (II Cor 4:4)

The secular approach in studying the Bible has penetrated

Christian Churches and is now prevailing in many bible institutes,
thereby producing ministers of error, (I John 4:6; II Cor 11:4,13 - 15)
being alienated from the author of the “Book”. The strong tide of
apostasy is quickly sweeping away many Christians, as evidenced by
lack of interest in studying the Bible (KJB) so it’s natural to breed
carnality, lukewarmness, ignorance and materialism. Most churches
nowadays are so busy in the things of this “present Evil world”;
they’ve lost appetite in desiring for more manna from heaven. (I Pet

Until we realize what should be our primary need as a Christian

(Matt 6:33) we will end up one day finding ourselves going back to
the clutches of this world whose God is Satan. (II Cor 4:4, Luke 4)
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4 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

The study of the right division will bring back your joy,
excitement and interest in yearning for more spiritual things.

This is an orderly, systematic and faithful study of the Bible as

a whole, not just a portion so we can easily get a clear view from
eternity past to eternity future. This manner of study is a faithful
adherence to I Corinthians 2:13 “… comparing spiritual things with
spiritual things.”

The spiritual things being compared to, are the words of God
(John 6:63) finding all the verses that compliments each other
instead of contradicting, providing a steady and smooth flow as of
water (Eph 5:26) that is being poured into a pipeline and when you
remain in this manner of study, you can always check if it’s a private
interpretation (II Peter 1:20) or a “wrest of the scriptures” (II Pet

“Rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Tim 2:15) will provide
you a structural analysis of the King James Bible enabling you to see
and appreciate the wonder of its inspiration and preservation which
guarantees that every word is important and not one should be
ignored but always take into consideration ( Matt 5:18 ; Psalms
12:6,7 ; Matt 24:35)

Our study will mainly focus on several topics that have bearing
on Redemption and Kingdom program perfectly laid out for our study
with the best teacher (John 14:26) using only one “Book” (KJB) as our
textbook. (John 16:13; John 17:17)

1. The Old and New Testaments

2. The Eight Major divisions
3. The Time Line
4. The provision of Eternal Life
5. The issue of sin
6. The appropriation of Grace
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5 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

7. The dispensation of Gospel

8. The distinction of Faith
9. The classification of righteousness
10. The nature of Salvation
11. The plan of Salvation
12. The program of God

2.00 The Old and New Testaments

“For a testament is of force after men
are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at
all while the testator liveth.”
Hebrews 9:17
The Bible has two basic testaments the Old Testament and the
New Testament. Where do you think both testaments start and end?

Many are at a loss or confused over these basic truths because

they failed to see the difference between testament and covenant.

Covenant - is an agreement between two parties and

requires no death from either side of the two.

Testament- is solely dependent on one person which is the

testator and will only be binding after the testator’s death.

2.01 The New Testament

The New Testament doctrinally took effect in Matthew 27:50
although it was instituted in Matthew 26 as Hebrews 9:15 – 17 is
telling us. So, doctrinally Matthew 1 up to Matthew 27 is operating
under the Old Testament (Heb 9:15; Rom 5:14; John 1:17; Gal 4:4)

Traditional mindset quickly ascribe the New Testament to

Matthew 1:1 simply because the title cover stated “The New
Testament” and without further study accept and applied it as

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6 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

doctrine, that’s why most heresies are based on passages within

those verses from Matt 1 to 27.

2.02 The Old Testament

How about the Old Testament? If we are going to follow the
same rule that Hebrews 9:17 provided, we simply would look for a
testator who shed blood and died at the beginning of God’s
redemption program, and we have one in Revelation 13:8 “… the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

The above stated cited text obviously identifies “The Lamb” to

be the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rev 5:5-13)

Careless commentators and teachers quickly jump into

conclusion that Jesus Christ was slain in Genesis 1:1 because they
believe that it is the foundation of the world. (Origen, Calvin etc)

Failure to follow the leading of the Holy Ghost (Rom 8:14) in

studying according to I Corinthians 2:13 will result in too many
heresies. (II Pet 3:16)

Genesis 1:1 is not “the foundation of the world” but “the

foundation of the earth”(Job 38:4)

World – speaks of social system or civilization

Earth – is a planet, they are two different things.

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7 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

I Samuel 2:8 - “… for the pillars of the

earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the
world upon them.

Jeremiah 25:26 “… all the kingdoms of

the world which are upon the face of the

Isaiah 23:17 “… all the kingdoms of the

world upon the face of the earth”

So Revelation 13:8 is pointing to the foundation of civilization

in Genesis 3 wherein God made coats of skin, and clothed Adam and
Eve, seeing their miserable condition and out of love as a Father
provided a remedy to correct the situation.

For the first time an innocent lamb; (John 1:29 ; Isa 34:6,7 ;
Num 22:23) without spot or blemish (Exodus 12) who walks
obediently to the Angel of the Lord without bleating (Isa 53:1-8) and
meekly bows its head (John 19:30) and the drawn sword of Numbers
22:23 shed its blood. Thus, we have the testator and its death, which
is why the central focus of attention concerning the redemptive
program of God from Genesis to Revelation is a lamb.

Old Testament New Testament

1. Genesis 22:8 Identified John 1:29

2. Applied Exodus 12 Crucified Revelations


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8 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

3. Isaiah 53 Glorified Revelations

Personified 5:12

I Peter 1:19, 20 offer a tight grip on this subject,

1 Peter 1:19 “… Christ as of a lamb

without blemish and without spot.”
The word “as” was given to be a key word, Numbers 12:8 talks
about similitude with use of “as, like” etc.

Those animal sacrifices that were slain and shed blood, served
as testators and providing:

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9 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

1. Figures all points to

2. Patterns “THE VERY IMAGE”
3. Examples which is the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Shadows Hebrews 8,9,10,11

1 Peter 1:20 “Who verily was

foreordained before the foundation of the
Stating a fact that a lamb was slain in Genesis 3 as a figure,
pattern, example, shadow of “The Lamb slain from the foundation of
the world” Rev 13:8

So practically, Old Testament starts in Genesis 3 because there

you will find the death of a testator, which is a lamb.

3.00 The Eight Major Divisions

“For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in

heaven.” Psalms 119:89
God’s plan for this world and that which is to come is already
settled, we cannot change an iota of it and a wise man would want to
know it.

The study of “Right Division” will primarily supply eight major

divisions that will make our study systematic, providing failsafe
system that will guarantee minimal error, if there is, because as we
walk in this journey you will be aware of two things to avoid:

1. Private Interpretation : II Peter 1:20

2. Wrest Scriptures : II Peter 3:16

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10 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

The natural flow of the verses as in water (Eph 5:26) will find
its rightful place supplying us a continuous flow of truth as God
reveals them enabling us to understand that this King James Bible is
alive (Hebrews 4:12 ; I Peter 1:23,25) and instructing us to study in
such a manner provided:

1. Rightly dividing the word of truth : II Timothy


2. Comparing Scriptures : I Corinthians

2:13; John 6:63

God gave us the “holy scriptures” (II Timothy 3:15, 16) in the
King James Bible and this Bible has a built in structure to interpret
itself. (Genesis 40:8) There is no need to go outside of the Book and
look for another authority for “none shall want her mate” (Isa 34:16)
it’s verses will interpret themselves, all you have to do is read it,
have you read it? How many times? Paul said that “…when ye read,
ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.” (Eph

4.00 The Major Division

4.01 Genesis 1 up to Genesis 3

A. Genesis 1:1

Original earth was with singular heaven, inhabited by Lucifer and “his angels”
Job 38:4; Job 41; Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezek 28; Matt 25; Rev 12

B. Genesis 1:2 up to Genesis 3

1. Judgment on earth, Lucifer, fallen angels

2 Recreation of earth, providing a new
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11 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

3. Creation of Adam and Eve

4.02 Genesis 3 up to Genesis 12

A. Fall of Man
B. Noah’s Flood
C. Babel
D. Calling of Abraham

4.03 Genesis 12 up to Exodus 20

A. Promise to Abraham
B. Formation and foundation of nation Israel
C. Calling of Moses

4.04 Exodus 20 up to Matthew 27

A. Giving of the Law
B. Coming of the Grace of God - John 1:17

4.05 Matthew 27 up to Acts Period

A. Transition
1. Law to Grace
2. Nation to Individual
3. Kingdom to Church
4. Jew to Gentile

B. Effectivity of New Testament

C. Institution and Operation of “The Body”

4.06 Acts Period up to Revelation 4

This period speaks of the history of the Body of Christ here on earth and of course with
the many different local churches; it’s formation, growth, persecution, division,
heresies, apostasy and rapture. Carefully laid out in the Book of Revelation as the
Seven Churches which is the seven main period of church history.
1. Ephesus -
Revelation 2:1 - “fully purposed”
33 AD – 100 AD
Apostolic Church to Church Fathers

2. Smyrna -
Revelation 2:8 - “myrrh”
100 AD – 325 AD
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12 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Church Fathers to Emperor Constantine

3. Pergamos-
Revelation 2:12 - “much married”
325 AD – 500 AD
Constantine to Papacy

4. Thyatira -
Revelation 2:18 - “odor of affliction”
500 AD – 1000 AD
Papacy to Charlemagne

5. Sardis -
Revelation 3:1 - “red ones”
1000 AD – 1500 AD
Dark Ages to Reformation

6. Philadelphia
Revelation 3:7 - “brotherly love”
1500 AD – 1900 AD
Reformation to Reawakening

7. Laodicea -
Revelation 3:14 - “right of the people”
1900 AD – Present

The last church before the rapture is the Laodicea, if you are looking for a sign before
the rapture, study this church and you will see that it is near. Even so, Come Lord

4.07 Revelation 4 up to Revelation 19

A. The Tribulation Period which is “The day of the Lord”
Rev 1:10; I Thess 5:2; Malachi 4:5; Joel 2:1, 2 etc

B. The Second Coming

Rev 16:14
4.08 Revelation 20 up to Revelation 22
A. The Millennial Reign
B. The heaven and earth fled away
C. The Great White Throne Judgment
D. The Thousand generations

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13 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

E. New Jerusalem, New Earth, New Heaven

F. Eternity
This is your King James Bible in a nutshell viewing the works of
God which is “His story” from eternity past to eternity future. May
this material guide you in your study and keep our heart and mind
focus on the things of heaven (Col 3:1-3) and you will safely be
anchored against the strong tide of apostasy.


“For precept must be upon precept,

precept upon precept; line upon line, line
upon line; here a little and there a little”
Isaiah 28:10
After identifying the eight major divisions, the first thing you
have to observe is the Timeline. It will serve as boundaries every
time God dispenses something to different recipients in different
times and manners. (Hebrews 1:1)

5.01 Genesis 3 - Exodus 20

A. A period we may call before the Law.
B. First part of the Old Testament called Adam to Moses (Rom 5:14)

5.02 Exodus 20 - Matthew 27

A period we may call Under the Law
B. Second part of the O.T. called Moses to Jesus Christ (John 1:17)

5.03 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4

A. A period we may call End of the Law (Rom 10:4)
B. An age of fullness, of grace until the Rapture of the Church.

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14 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

5.04 Revelation 4 – Revelation 19

A. A period we may call Under the Law (Rev 14:12)
B. A period called the great tribulation/Jacob’s trouble,
Daniel’s seventieth week (Matt 24, Jer 30, and Dan 9)

5.05 Revelation 19 – Revelation 20

The Second Coming
The Millennium
Judgment of Earth
Great White Throne Judgment

5.06 Revelation 20 – Revelation 22

Awarding of Eternal Life
Casting to the Lake of Fire
New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem

5.07 Eternity
A. Fullness of Time – Eph 1:10; I Cor 15:28
B. Kingdom without end – Isa 9:6, 7; Luke 1:30-33
C. Fulfillment of Original Plan – Isa 45:18; 2 Pet 3:13


“To them who by patient continuous in

well doing seek for glory and honour and
immortality, eternal life”
Romans 2:9
The provision and availability of eternal life will have a major
effect in every aspects of our study and if you will consider looking to
this, you will understand that salvation can never be the same before
and after the cross.

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15 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

6.01 Genesis 1 – Genesis 3

A. Eternal Life is present and available
“And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the
sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden…”
Genesis 2:9
Adam was created with glory and honour (Heb 2:7) and given the opportunity to freely
eat of the “tree of life” and live forever throughout eternity. (Genesis 2:16; 3:22)
B. Eternal Life through the Tree of Life was kept from man.
“So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubim,
and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.”

Genesis 3:24
Because of Adam’s disobedience he lost glory and honour plus
the opportunity to have eternal life. (Genesis 3:17)

6.02 Genesis 3 – Matthew 27

A. Eternal life is no longer available
B. No one in the Old Testament possess’ eternal life
C. Eternal life became a PROMISE

“In hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, promised before the world began;”

Titus 1:2

“Who hath saved us… given us in Christ

Jesus before the world began”
II Timothy 1:9

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16 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“And this is the promise that he hath

promised us, even eternal life.”
1 John 2:25
6.03 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4
A. the Life has come (John 1:4)
B. Offered as a gift (Romans 6:23)
C. Eternal Life is now MANIFESTED

“But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching…”

Titus 1:3

“But is now made manifest by the preaching of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath
abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel”
II Timothy 1:10

“… was manifest in these last times for you.”

I Pet 1:20

“For the life was manifested…”

I John 1:2

In this period of the Church Age, eternal life is available as a free gift (Rom 5:15-18)
through the gospel (I Cor 15:1-4) but after the rapture eternal life can no longer be
offered as a gift but is conditioned upon something.

6.04 Revelation 4 – Revelation 22

A. Eternal life became PROMISE through the tree of life, conditioned upon:

Revelation 2:7
“… To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life…”

Revelation 22:14
“Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have the right to the tree of
life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”
Within these periods, Tribulation, Millennium going to Eternity, provision of eternal
life requires obedience to the commandments and overcoming. It’s definitely not just
based on anyone’s belief but of works. A sound mind and a good heart will make a
man understand and believe what the Bible said but a weak mind because of bad heart
will make a man furious and hate what the Bible is saying because he hates God. (John
12:48; Galatians 4:16)

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17 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)


“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered

into the world, and death by sin; and so
death passed upon all men, for that all
have sinned.”
Romans 5:12

“…for sin is the transgression of the

1 John 3:45
7.01 God deals with sin differently in different times:
7.01.01 Genesis 1 – Genesis 3

A. Sinless State

B. Law of Sin and Death were given (Rom 8:12; Gen 2:15-17)

In this period sin is not yet an issue but God instructed and
warned Adam that if they will disobey, death will surely come

C. God’s Requirements

1. Obedience – abstain from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
(Gen 2:17)

2. Accept the gift, eat of the tree of life and live forever (Gen 3:22-24)

7.01.02 Genesis 3 – Matthew 27

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18 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

A. Adam’s fall – Romans 5:12

B. Sin Covered – Psalms 32:1; Hebrews 10:4
C. Forgiveness – Exodus 34:7
D. Remission – Hebrews 9:22

When Adam disobeyed, he died, because disobedience is sin (I

John 3:4) a kind of law identified by Paul in Romans 8:2 which is
“the law of sin and death”

After the fall, three kinds of death are in operation (Gen 35:18;
Eph 2:1; Rev 21:8)

Physical Death – separation of body from the soul

Spiritual Death – alienation and severance of man’s

relation and communication from God.

Second Death – Eternal separation of man from God.

On the day that Adam sinned, he suffered spiritual death losing

God’s image, that’s why in Genesis 5 all men’s descendant bear the
lost image of Adam.

Lack of study will result in wrong understanding of “the day”

some interpret it using II Peter 3:8 “… one day with the Lord as a
thousand years…” but wait! With God who inhabits eternity (Isaiah
57:15) there is no counting of days, the word “as” is a similitude
which God is using for man to comprehend how eternity looks like.
(Num 12:6-8)

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19 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Careful study of Genesis 2:17 will lead you to understand that

“the day” referred to is a 24 hour period of night (12hrs) and day
(12hrs) the same which already established in Genesis 1:5, 8,

On the day they disobeyed, they both died, but what kind of
death? Is it Physical? Adam died 930 years old (Gen 5:5) Second
Death? They are still on earth! What kind of death?

Matthew 8:21, 22 shed light on this “… let the dead bury their

Is it possible for a physically dead person to bury the same

physically dead person? The answer is obviously no! So the Lord is
telling us of a different kind of death which is spiritual in nature. (Eph
2:1; I Tim 5:6)

With the coming of spiritual death, it causes a great change

and damage in the total being of man who was created as a
tripartite being; Body, Soul, and Spirit

(Gen 2:7; Heb 4:12; I Thes 5:23)

The Spirit part died, the Soul and Body stuck together making
the soul in unity with the body. (Psalms 119:25)

Man’s soul is now contaminated with every sin that the body
has which is now what the apostle Paul identified as the “body of
sins” (Col 2:11) “body of death” (Rom 7:25; Rom 7:18) anything this
body touches, the soul touches (Lev 22:6; Lev 5) the soul is now
under or subject to the power of the flesh (Rom 7:5) which is the
standard operating procedure under “the law of sin and death”

This is the very reason why God cannot justify any man living
in the Old Testament (Psa 143:2) they can be forgiven (Exo 34:7) but
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20 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

they cannot be justified because they are all under the power of sin.
(Rom 3:9)

In the Old Testament sins were just covered (Psa 32:1)

although there was forgiveness but still their guilt is there, (Exo 34:7)
sins were remitted and yet they’re not taken away. (Heb 10:4; Heb
9:22) That’s the reason why saved people who died in the O.T period
cannot go to heaven, but rest for a while in a temporary place called
“Abraham’s Bosom” (Luke 16) , wherein Zechariah 9:11,12 called
them “Prisoners of Hope” and they were taken “out of the pit without
water” by the blood providing the perfect salvation that settled sin
forever by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10)

7.01.03 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4

The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is

“… to finish transgressions and to make

an end of sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in
everlasting righteousness…”
Daniel 3:24
While he was there hanging on a tree, something is being
accomplish, the greatest transaction of all time is happening
between the Father and the Son who is representing the Human
Race (Rom 5:15-19)

The sacrifice on the cross serves as our “Passover” (I Cor 5:7)

Christ is “the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world”
(John 1:29) The unsettled issue of sin in the Old Testament is now
coming to a close, Christ our Passover being “the very image” (Heb
10:1) of those Old Testament Sacrifices is now fulfilling the sacrifices
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21 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

in Leviticus 16, two goats were required, one of them will be loosed
in the wilderness as “the scapegoat” which bears all their iniquities
(Lev 16:21-22) as Christ did on the cross (I Pet 2:24) but the other
one which “the sin offering” (Lev 16:10-27) will be burned, both
sacrifices were fulfilled by Christ, on the cross, he offered his body
(Heb 10:10) how about his soul?

Isaiah 53:10 says “… when thou shall make his soul an offering
for sin…” and must be burned in hell (Acts 2:27, 31)

Will this hold water? Is the Bible really teaching that? Good
question, if you will take the Berean’s attitude (Acts 17:10,11)
instead of panic and tantrums you yourself can answer the question
and surely thank the Lord as the Scripture unfolds it.

“… For even, Christ our Passover is

sacrificed for us.” I Cor 5:7
In Exodus chapter twelve, where the Passover account is,
offers a great deal of truth regarding our topic.

The Passover Sacrifice must be:

“a lamb” – not just any animal but “a lamb” (Exo 12:3)

“the lamb” – not just any lamb but “the lamb” (Exo

“your lamb” – the lamb must be “your lamb” (Exo


The Passover lamb was killed (Exo 12:6) the blood was applied
(Exo 12:7) then it was burned without water (Exo 12:9, 10) before
they will eat it. The same way with Christ our Passover Lamb (I Cor
5:7) killed on the cross (Acts 2:36) shed his blood (John 19:34) went
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22 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

to hell as a sin offering to be burnt offering his soul. (Isa 53:10; Acts
2:27, 31) Also went there in hell to preach unto them that dwell in it.
(I Pet 3:18-20; II Pet 2:4, 5)

For every sacrifice offered through fire, serves as a temporary

propitiation to appease God’s wrath against sin. God’s wrath is
described as being FIRE which fell on sacrifices. (Num 11:1-3; Psa
89:46; Jer 4:4; Isa 30:27; Matt 3:12; Ezek 20:47,48; Zech 9:11)

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming

unto him and saith, Behold the Lamb of
God, which taketh away the sin of the
John 1:29
In the fullness of time God hath sent forth his son as his Lamb
that can take away sin which no animal in the Old Testament can.
Hebrews 10:4

“Who his own self bare our sins in his

own body on the tree that we, being
dead to sins, should live unto
righteousness: by whose stripes ye were
1 Peter 2:24
Christ did no sin, (I Peter 2:22) but when he was crucified, sin
of the world was on him (John 1:29) that is why in the sight of God he
became “SIN FOR US” II Corinthians 5:21”For he hath made him to
be sin for us, who knew no sin…”

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23 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Christ is not just a bearer of sin, but sin was personified in him
exactly as what the Lord told in John 3:14 he quoted a serpent lifted
up in the wilderness applying to himself.

We know that the Devil which is Satan is (Rev 12:9) the author
of sin (Ezek 28:15; John 8:44; I John 3:8) When the son of man was
lifted up on the cross he received God’s wrath in his body (Heb
10:10) taking the place of the perfect “scapegoat” (Lev 16:20-28)
and his soul received it in hell, suffering for us (Matt 26:39; Rev
14:10,11; Isa 53:10; Acts 2:27,31; I Pet 3:18;19) and this time taking
the place of “the sin offering” *(Lev 16:20-28) which is to be burned.

That’s why in Matthew 27:46 he cried “my God, my God, why

hast thou forsaken me?” a cry, not of a son to his father but of a
person burning in hell as in the case of the rich man in Luke 16 who
is also asking for water for he is thirsting as also Christ said “I thirst”
(John 19:28)

“So Christ was once offered to bear the

sins of many; and unto them that look for
him shall he appear the second time
without sin unto salvation.”
Hebrews 9:28
So Christ bore our sins the first time he came but when he
comes again the second time sin is not anymore on him. Where did
he bring those sins? Did he bring them to heaven?

The answer lies in the sign given by the Lord when asked by
the scribes and Pharisees, (Matt 12:38-40) the only sign given to
them was the sign of Jonah and what is the sign all about?

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“… and Jonah was in the belly of the fish

three days and three nights.”
Jonah 1:17
The dead body of Jonah was in the whale’s belly three days
and three nights exactly as the body of the Lord was buried in a
tomb (Matt 27:57, 28)

“Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his

God out of the fish’s belly.”
Jonah 2:1

“And said, I cried by reason of mine

affliction unto the Lord, and he heard
me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and
thou heardest my voice.”
Jonah 2:2
Then after three days and three nights he was resurrected and
prayed, and if you will notice, the belly of fish in 2:1 became “belly of
hell” in 2:2 is “the belly of fish” and “belly of hell” the same? Things
different are not the same!

So, Jonah is telling us that when that big fish (which is a whale
according to the Lord (Matt 12:40) swallowed him! He died; his body
is in the belly of fish, while his soul went to hell.

Is it hard to understand? No! But hard to believe, but it is what

it is! You may say but hell there is symbolical! Who told you that?
Well, the Greek said, Ooops! Don’t make a U-turn, the rule is clear,
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25 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

don’t go outside the book! Never correct the King James Bible with
your scholarship falsely so called.

So the Lord plainly gave that sign for them and for us to know
how great the love bestowed upon us who believe, because even
that that eternal suffering in hell was endured by Christ to obtain:
Redemption, Justification, Propitiation, Substitution, and most of all,
victory over the power of that place for us that’s why in his
resurrection he has in his possession two keys:

“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and

behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen;
and have the keys of hell and death.”
Revelations 1:18
Jesus took the keys from hell and from death, but what is hell
and death?

Hell is the place for departed soul of unsaved people from the
time of Adam up to the Great White Throne Judgment.

Death is the former Abraham’s Bosom which is now empty

after the Lord led on high its captive (Eph 4) but will again be
occupied by the tribulation and millennium saints. Both places have
bars and gates therefore they have keys. (John17:16; Job 38:17; Psa
9:13; Matt 26:18)

These two places show up at the Great White Throne


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“… and death and hell delivered up the

dead which were in them…”
Revelations 20:13
There were dead persons in both places which were given up
from them and now standing before the Great White Throne, and
finally those two places were cast into the lake of fire. (Rev 20:14)

So Christ upon death was buried, left his body in the grave,
while his soul went to hell (Acts 2:27, 31) to suffer for our sins and to
preach to its prisoners, (I Pet 3:18-20; II Pet 2:4, 5) Then went to
Abraham’s Bosom which is now called “Death” and led captivity
captive. (Eph 4)

When Christ perfected that ultimate sacrifice, two important

things are now possible and provided, which is not possible in the
Old Testament.

A. Justification – is a judicial act of God to declare one


Job asked this question

“How then can man be justified with

God? Or how can he be clean that is born
of a woman? (Job 25:4)
and what is God’s answer?
“… in thy sight shall no man living be
justified.” (Psa 143:2)
Why? “… for I will not justify the wicked.” (Exo 23:7)

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But now in the New Testament, justification is provided

because sins were taken away (John 1:29) the blood of the lamb
was shed (Rom 5:9) and righteousness of God was imputed (Rom 4)

B. Redemption – is to recover, to re-purchase, to buy


The consequence of Adam’s disobedience fell on the whole

human race (Rom 5:12) placing all men under the power of sin and
Satan. (Acts 26:18) By the obedience of second Adam (Christ) (Rom
5:15-19) who provided the perfect sacrifice, obtained not just a
temporary one but an “eternal redemption” (Heb 9:12) Recovering
those who believe and never to loss again HALLELUAH!

7.01.04 Revelation 4 – Revelation 22

This period of tribulation up to millennium will be under the
rule of law again and therefore sin will be covered (Psa 32:1) and
some will be judged (Matt 24; Dan 9,11,12; Ezek 42; Ezek 43:18-26;
Zech 14:16; Matt 5:29,30; Psa 2, etc)


“And of his fullness have all we received,

and grace for grace.”
John 1:16
In one of the church anniversary I attended the main speaker
who is a leader of one fellowship organization included in his
message negative comment about people who are teaching right
division and carelessly stated that “those people teaches that there
is no grace in the Old Testament.”, I don’t know if he purposely said
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28 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

that because of my presence, but anyway I’m used to it, pastors who
stopped learning from the “Book” tend to get angry when confronted
with certain truths, from the Bible, instead of taking the Bereans’
attitude as a pattern. (Acts 17:10,11) The pastor’s statement is a by
product of ignorance and hearsay, if he only given time to sit down in
some of our teaching sessions I’m sure he will not say that, but the
problem is, majority of pastors nowadays are so busy politicking and
have no more time to dig deeper for his primarily calling which is to
“feed the church of God” (Acts 20:28; Eph 4:11-14; Col 1:28; I Pet

I for myself never taught that “there is no grace in the Old

Testament” it is a gross misrepresentation concocted in the heart of
the speaker because of his hatred against the truth. On the contrary,
what we are teaching because the Bible teaches is that Grace is
present in every dispensation.

What this people cannot comprehend (maybe they are not

reading their bible) is that there are differences in God’s
appropriation of grace in different time and in different level.

8.01 Genesis 3 – Matthew 27

In the Old Testament God is requiring a certain degree of righteousness in a person to
be a recipient of grace.

“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the

Genesis 6:8

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“Behold now, thy servant hath found

grace in thy sight…”
Genesis 19:19

“… and thou hast also found grace in my

Exodus 33:12, 13

“And now for a little space grace hath

been shewed from the Lord our God…”
Ezra 9:8
Completely different amount and condition for the grace
appropriated in the Old Testament as compared to the New

8.02 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4

“For if by one man’s offence death

reigned by one; much more they which
receive abundance of grace…”
Romans 5:17-20
In the New Testament it’s different because there is
“abundance of grace” in the Old Testament God requires a certain
degree of righteousness but in the New Testament a different
requirement was set “… But where sin abounded, grace did much
more abound” (Rom 5:20)
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30 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

God is not looking for any righteous persons but for sinners
that will repent.

“… I came not to call the righteous, but

sinners in to repentance.”
Mark 2:17
This is now the age of grace in its fullness, Grace was
personified with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:14-17;
Titus 2:11) in this age, where the presence of the shed blood of Jesus
Christ is, there is grace.

When Christ offered his blood into the heavenly tabernacle

(Heb 9:8-14) the Holy Spirit took it, that’s why the Holy Spirit is now
testifying here on earth about “the water” which is the “Incarnation”,
“the blood” testifying to Christ’s deity. (Acts 20:28)

“And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and
the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” (I John 5:8)
The Holy Spirit possesses the blood of Christ (Heb 9:14) and flooded
the whole universe. (Jer 23:24) So anywhere, anytime, whosoever
repents and believe “the gospel” can escape God’s wrath in hell
(John 3:36) truly, man has no excuse (Rom 1:20) the grace that
bringeth salvation is presently being offered. (Rom 1:16; Rom 3:25)

Have you received it? Are you SAVED?

8.03 Revelation 4 – Revelation 20

Since this period will be under the Law, because the fullness of
grace is now past with the rapture of the “Body”, grace will again
need to be found, this period is practically under the Old Testament

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31 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

set up since the tribulation period is a resumption of Daniel’s

Seventieth Week (Dan 9) to establish the Kingdom.

“And I will pour upon the house of David,

and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
the spirit of grace and supplication: and
they shall look upon me whom they have
Zechariah 12:10
Grace is within the confines of Israel only.

“Thus saith the Lord, the people which

were left of the sword found grace in the
wilderness; even Israel, whom I went to
cause him rest.”
Jeremiah 31:2
They Found Grace!


This study about the gospel is not meant to draw contention

among the brethren, nor to make an impression that “we are wiser
than thou”, but just a simple rejoinder to the most common belief
that “men were saved the same way in both testament; therefore
they believed and preached the same gospel”.

I’ve mentioned this because the usual reaction of those

brethren who hold on to that belief is anger, insult, and name calling,
instead of giving time to listen and study whenever the other side of
the issue is being presented.
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“He that answereth a matter before he

heareth it, it is folly and shame unto
Proverbs 17:15
I can only pray and hope that you will hold on to your patience
(if there’s any) and consider for a while what this study meaneth.

Convincing you is way beyond my reach, in the end you alone

will decide after you were enlightened. Are you enlightened? Or are
you biased, an enlightened person will look both sides before
drawing conclusions are you? Take your pick, it’s a free country,
never let your tantrums control you but instead, yield to the teacher
(John 14:26) and “he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13) If
you’re saved man.

Gospel simply means “good news”, a specific message

addressed to a person or group of persons regarding an issue. The
scope of this study will be covering different gospels preached from
the Old Testament to the New Testament way up to Tribulation and
Millennium if there’s any.
In II Corinthians 4:3, the apostle Paul warned us, “But if our gospel
be hid, it is hid to them that are lost”. Men, who do not know,
understand, believe the gospel is a lost man and therefore unsaved.
Then Paul defined what “the Gospel” is, it is in I Corinthians 15:1-4, it
tells us that Christ died, was buried and rose again for our salvation.
Every time the Gospel is being taught and preached within the
confines of the Church Age, the only message preached, verified and
accepted for salvation is exclusively “death, burial, resurrection of

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33 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Christ” (Rom 1:16; II Cor 4:4; I Cor 4:15) other than this, was labeled
as “another gospel” which is under curse. (Gal 1:8, 9)

Before Calvary, twelve apostles were called and commissioned

to preach “the Gospel” (Matt 10) what do you think is the gospel
they are preaching? Are they preaching the Death, Burial, and
Resurrection of Christ?

Luke 18:31-34 will provide the answer.

v.31 “Then he took unto him the twelve…”

The Lord teaching the twelve of what’s going to happen to him,
And what is that?
v.32, 33 “For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles and shall be mocked, and
spitefully entreated and spitted on; And they shall scourge him, and put him to death:
and the third day he shall rise again.”
A clear declaration of “the gospel” which is “death, burial, resurrection” to the twelve
apostles. Do you think they understood and believed it?
v.34 “And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them,
neither knew they the things which were spoken.”
There’s the answer, they, the twelve apostles did not understand it and was hid from
them. II Corinthians 4:3 says “they are lost” they are not saved.
If you will not observe the right division, (II Timothy 2:15) everything will be in
John 17:12 says they’re not (except Judas)
“…none of them is lost but the son of perdition…”
Which one is correct, which one will you follow? These two verses will never agree
but both of them are correct, why? II Corinthians 4:3 talks about the gospel of the
Grace of God (Acts 20:24) for the church age and the other one is the Gospel of the
Kingdom (Matt 9:35) which is for the establishment of Davidic Kingdom. (Luke 1:30-
The main theme of the Bible is Kingdom, from Genesis until Matthew up to Acts
period, Kingdom is being set up and not any church. When Israel as a nation rejects the
offer (John 19) they were temporarily set aside (Matt 21:43; Rom 11) a new
dispensation has taken its course, the Kingdom of Heaven is gone but the Kingdom of
God remains (Luke 17:20,21; Rom 14:17) and is now “the Kingdom of his dear son”
(Col 1:13) a spiritual kingdom entered only by a new birth (John 3:3,5,6) through the
words of God (I Pet 1:23) which specifically is “the Gospel”. (I Cor 4:14; Eph 1:13)
The gospel of the Kingdom is now temporary on hold while the gospel of the Grace of
God was dispensed to Paul (I Cor 9:17; Acts 20:24) that’s why he called it “my
gospel” (Rom 2:16; 16:25) a gospel which no man taught him (Gal 1:11, 12)

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communicated privately to disciples in Jerusalem (Gal 2:1. 2) and warned everyone of

a curse if they will preach other gospel than what he is preaching. (Gal 1:8, 9)
4. Revelation 4 – Revelation 22


This period of the Great tribulation (Matt 24:21) is a resumption of the postponed
kingdom program wherein the last week of Daniel’s seventieth week (Dan 9:24-27)
will take its course where the Jews will be reduced to a remnant of 144,000 (Rev 7:14)
since this is a period for Israel’s trouble. (Jer 30:7) I
In this period two kinds of Gospel will be preached:
Gospel of Kingdom (Matthew 24:14)
Everlasting Gospel (Revelation 14:6,7)


In the millennium preaching is now forbidden and punishable by death. (Zech 13:1-5;
Heb 8) Why? Habakkuk 2:14 says “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of
the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”
This is the fulfillment of Joel 2:28

“… I will pour out my spirit upon all

Joel 2:28

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35 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“Now Faith is the substance of things

hoped for, the evidence of things not
Hebrews 11:1
The King James Bible is the only Bible that can clearly show the
distinction of Faith in the Old Testament as differ in the New

Habakkuk 2:4 states

“… the just shall live by his faith.”

Habakkuk 2:4
A just man is a person who is obeying an existing requirement
in a given period of time.

(Rom 2:17; Ezek 18:5-9)

Old Testament faith is purely man’s faith as being found in

Hebrews 11.

The word ”Faith” has been the subject of religious debates for
many years and up until now, no satisfying argument ever shed light
on the subject among the protagonists. The only authority that will
settle the issue is none other than the Book of Faith, the King James
Bible, that clearly defines and show that there is a distinction of faith
from the Old Testament to the faith in the New Testament.

Romans 1:17 “… from faith to faith”

1. Genesis 3 – Matthew 27

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36 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)


Habakkuk 2:4 defines what kind of faith is existing in that dispensation “… the just
shall live by his faith.”
God deals with people in sundry times and in divers manner (Heb 1:1) providing
specific instruction for a specific need that may occur in different circumstances in a
given period of time, although instruction may differ, there is only one requirement
through the ages and that is OBEDIENCE.
Romans 10:5 is telling us that faith of a man under the law believes that they can
establish their own righteousness by obeying the law. (Deu 6:24,25; Phil 3:6; Matt
“For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, that the man which doeth
those things shall live by them.”

Romans 10:5)
That is why Habakkuk 2:4 says

“… the just shall live by his faith.”

The faith of a just man is that he will establish his own
righteousness by obeying the law, having fully understood “… that
the man which doeth those things shall live by them” (Rom 10:5)

Hebrews Chapter 11 defines what faith is, and every person

cited received different instruction in different circumstances which
believed and obeyed, having different substance and evidence of

“… the just shall live by his faith.”

2. Matthew 27 – Revelation 4


“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written,
The just shall live by faith.”

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Romans 11:7
The apostle Paul purposely omitted the personal pronoun “his”
when he quoted Habakkuk 2:4 because he is now revealing “the
mystery of the faith.” (I Tim 3:9) which will make a distinction
between faith of a just man (Hab 2:4) under the Old Testament as
against “… by faith of Jesus Christ…” (Gal 3:22) under the New

Galatians 3:22-25 testifies to the veracity of this truth.

v.22 “But the scripture hath concluded

all under sin, that the promise by faith of
Jesus Christ might be given to them that
Galatians 3:22
Notice the proposition “of” which identifies where that faith
originates, a kind of faith which will be given to them that believe.

Galatians 2:16 “… faith of Jesus Christ…”

Romans 3:22 “… by faith of Jesus Christ…”

I Timothy 3:13 “… the faith which is in Christ


Revelation 2:13 “… my faith…”

Galatians 2:20 “… the faith of the Son of God…”

Romans 3:3 “… the faith of God…”

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38 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

v.23 “But before faith came, we were

kept under the law, shut up unto the
faith which should afterwards be
It tells us of “the faith” that is not yet revealed and is not yet
accessible to any person in the Old Testament until the coming of
the New Testament.

v.24 “Wherefore the law was our

schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,
that we might be justified by faith”
The kind of faith that can justify as promised. Galatians 3:8

v.25 “But after the faith is come, we are

no longer under a schoolmaster.”
The schoolmaster’s job is to educate, discipline and evaluate
while a student under his authority until the time of their graduation.
(Rom 2:6, 7)

The same applies to everyone who was under the law until
“the faith” comes when the law ended (Rom 10:4) and provide
justification by that “one faith” that saves. (Eph 4:5)

Romans Chapter Four is the favorite proof text of brethren who

believe that salvation is the same in both testaments because of
Abraham and David, quickly making them the general rule rather
than exception, failing to consider that they are just an example and
prototype of salvation through “Faith” (Gal 3:8) at its coming

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Galatians 3:22, 23, 25, as prophesied and promised in Genesis

18:18; Genesis 22:18.

So as a general rule, before the coming of “the Faith” (I Tim

3:9) no one has it, although for every rule there is an exemption, yet
when they (Abraham & David) died, none of them went to heaven
but to a temporary place called Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16) until
“the Faith” comes and provides perfection and be given to them
through inheritance. (Heb 11:7; Heb 9:15)

So, to simply put it in plain words, when the apostle Paul

quoted Habakkuk 2:4 and omitted the personal pronoun “his”, he is
revealing to us that there is now the advent of the perfect and holy
faith that comes from God. (Rom 3:3) This is that “One Faith” in
Ephesians 4:5. That One faith matters most, if you have Christ
indwelling in you, (Col 1:27) you have “the faith” that liveth in you
(Gal 2:20)

3. Revelation 4 – Revelation 19


After the rapture of the church, the great tribulation which is
what Daniel identifies as the seventieth week will come in. The
church age is over and everything will be in the Old Testament,
Kingdom economy, and Habakkuk 2:4 which is man’s faith whose
substance and evidence is Romans 10:5. (Rev 4; Matt 24; Dan 9)

4. Revelation 20 – Revelation 22


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40 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

A thousand year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ will come and
will continue throughout eternity. (Rev 20:6; Isa 9:6, 7; Eph 1:10;
Luke 1:30-33)

Faith is not necessary in this period since everything will be by


(Psa 24:7-10; Psa 2:12; Psa 72:8,9; Isa 26:10; Isa 60:14; Matt
5:8; Rev 22:4; Isa 34:8-15)


“As it is written, There is none righteous,

no, not one” Romans 3:10
Failure to divide rightly the Holy Scripture will result in
confusion, contradiction, and heresy, as Romans 3:10 stated; that
“no one is righteous” will directly contradict several verses:

“And the Lord said unto Noah… for thee

have I seen righteous before me in this
Genesis 7:1

“… counted it to him for righteousness.”

Genesis 15:6

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“By faith Abel… obtained witness that he

was righteous…”
Hebrews 11:4

“And delivered just Lot... For that

righteous man… vexed his righteous
II Peter 2:7, 8

(Ezek 3:14, 18, 33; Luke 1:6)

There are too many righteous people in the Old Testament and
obviously, these are not contradictions but a different classification
of righteousness.

1. Genesis 3 – Matthew 27


Righteousness in the Old Testament sense was based upon
man’s obedience to standard provided and required by God. To cite
some of them:

1. Abel

Hebrews 11:4 obtained righteousness because of his

works.(I John 3:12)

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2. Noah

Genesis 7:1 God sees Noah as righteous. Why?

Because he is a just man yet he is perfect
because he walked with God and obeyed all that God
commanded him. (Genesis 6:8, 9, 22)

3. Abraham

Genesis 15:6 because he believed God’s promises

(Genesis 12:1-3; Genesis 26:18)

4. Lot

II Peter 2:7, 8 though he was believed to be a

compromiser, but when he met those angels in
Genesis 19 he respected, received and
ministered unto them.

5. Ezekiel

Ezekiel 3:14, 18, 33 obtained righteousness

6. Matthew 5:20

Righteousness based on what?

Romans 10:5; Deuteronomy 6:25; Philippians 3:9

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43 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

7. Exactly as the Jewish People understood including


Romans 10:1-3; Philippians 3:9; Luke 1:6

The Old Testament sense of righteousness speaks of man’s

own righteousness obtained by obeying God’s specific instruction in
their own time or generation. Just like in Romans 10:5 speaks of
“righteousness which is of the law” but Romans 10:6 speaks of
“righteousness which is of the faith”.


Matthew 27 – Revelation 4

As the mystery of the “the faith” is being revealed, the issue of

righteousness goes with it.

“For therein is the righteousness of God

revealed from faith to faith...”
Romans 1:17 a

The coming of the New Testament brought a lot of strange

concepts for a Jew who is undergoing transition:

1. From Law to Grace

2. From Kingdom to Church
3. From Jews to Gentiles
4. From “his faith” to “the faith”
5. From man’s righteousness to God’s righteousness
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6. From Old Testament to New Testament

7. From Nation to Individual

When Jesus Christ came and fulfilled all righteousness (Matt

3:15) the standard for being righteous took a higher level of
perfection since God himself perfected it.

Old Testament righteousness is attainable by an individual by

obeying God’s requirement. Hence, it was classified as man’s own
righteousness (Deut 6:25; Phil 3:9; Rom 10:5)

While in the New Testament, as the righteousness of God was

already manifested, (Rom 10:1-5) because the only access to it is by
believing (Rom 3:22) the Lord Jesus Christ and received it as gift
(Rom 5:17) God’s righteousness is not attainable or obtainable by
any amount of works but by grace through FAITH in the finished work
of Christ for God to impute his righteousness to any man who
believe. (Rom 4:5, 6)

The ongoing transition in the time of the Acts period is giving

the Jewish people a hard time catching up with how God is dealing
with them (Acts 10) and going toward the direction of the Gentiles
(Acts 13) and moving away with all the requirements of the law (Acts
21; Eph 2:14-16; Col 2:14-17) that’s why there was a conference in
Acts 15 settling the issue of faith and conversion of Gentiles, up until
Acts 21, disciples in Jerusalem cannot completely comprehend that
Moses’ Law is not anymore in effect.

So in Romans 10 Apostle Paul settled the issue once and for all,
declaring that any man who will hold on to his own “righteousness
which is of the law” (Rom 10:5) is ignorant of “God’s righteousness
which is of faith” (Rom 10:1-4; Rom 10:6)

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45 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Proponents of salvation looking forward and backward to the

cross through faith, believing one gospel before and after the cross
citing Abraham and David as their proof text failed to consider that
they were exemptions from the general rule prevailing during that
time, these two persons were prototype, figure, pattern, example of
the coming imputation of God’s righteousness in the New Testament.

Let us study the passages they are using,

14.02.01 Romans Chapter Four

These passages tell us of two parties that are and will be
recipient of imputed righteousness from God.

“… It was accounted unto him for

Romans 4:3 b
Notice that Abraham was singled out as a recipient of that
imputed righteousness, that’s why the following verses 4, 5 are
references not to all saved people in the Old Testament, but to
Abraham alone.

“… that he (Abraham) might be the

father of all them that believe, (believe
what?) though they be not circumcised
;(Gentiles) that righteousness might be
imputed unto them also.”
Romans 4:11 b
There’s the second party and it is future in application.

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46 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Question: When did Abraham become a father of a


Is it in the Old Testament or in the New


Answer: Galatians 3:7-9, 14, 29

Question: What are they going to believe?

Answer: Romans 4:24, 25

“And therefore it was imputed to him

for righteousness”
Romans 4:22
It was imputed to Abraham alone until a second party will also
be a recipient of that imputed righteousness.

“Now it was not written for his sake

alone, that it was imputed to him;”
Romans 4:23

14.02.02 To Abraham alone

“But for us also, to whom it shall be
imputed, if we believe…”
Romans 4:24 a
There’s the second recipient which is not in Abraham’s time,
who are the “US”?

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47 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“If we believe”, believe what? (Rom 4:9-17; 4:24, 25)

“… that he might be the father of all

them that believe, though they be not
circumcised; that righteousness
might be imputed unto them also.”
Romans 4:11
The “us” talks of the Gentiles that were prophesied in
Abraham’s promise in Galatians 3:8 that will be justified
through faith.

“… if we believe on him that raised up

Jesus our Lord from the dead;”
Romans 4:24 b

“Who was delivered for our offences, and

was raised again for our justification.”
Romans 4:25
The kind of righteousness imputed to Abraham is future in
application to those who will believe the “Gospel of Grace of God”
(Acts 20:24) and not to those of the gospel of the kingdom. That’s
why it’s an error to say that men are saved the same way in both
testament because of Abraham and David, as stated a while ago,
they are exemptions and prototype of people who are going to be a
recipient of righteousness which is of faith (Rom 10:6) through “Thy
seed” which is Christ (Gal 3:16; Gal 3:8)

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48 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

The Bible teaches two kinds of righteousness:

1. Man’s own righteousness which is recognized by

God in the Old Testament

(Gen 7:1; Heb 11:4; Deut 6:25; Phil 3:9; Ezek 3:14, 18,
33; Matt 5:20; Luke 6:1)

2. God’s righteousness (Rom 10:1-4; Rom 3:22; Rom 4)

Which makes man’s righteousness as “filthy rags” (Isa

64:6), that explains Romans 3:10 which sayeth “As it
is written, there is none righteous, no not one:”

Truly, with the dispensation of God’s righteousness, no man’s

righteousness can stand up to its level; Praise the Lord He imputed it
unto us!

(Rom 10:1-4; Rom 3:22; Phil 3:9; Rom 10:6; Rom 4)


Revelation 4 – Revelation 22

After the church age everything will be in the Old Testament

economy again, (with the exception of eternity) the kingdom,
priesthood, the law etc, will be in operation.

So God recognize and demand that man has to establish his

own righteousness. (Matt 5, 6, 7; Rev 14:12; Rev 12:17)

The essential character of salvation in the Old Testament and

New Testament differs in the sense that there are different laws in

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49 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

1. Law of Sin and Death -

Romans 8:2

2. Law of God -
Romans 7:25

3. Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus -

Romans 8:2

These laws are influential in the provision of eternal life, God’s

dealing with sin, appropriation of grace, dispensation of gospel,
recognition of righteousness, classification of faith, nature of
salvation, way of salvation as the kingdom is being fulfilled.

14.03.01 Genesis 3 – Matthew 27

The Old Testament nature of salvation is “INHERITANCE”

“… became heir of righteousness which

is by faith.”
Hebrews 11:7

“… shall inherit everlasting life.”

Matthew 19:29

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50 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“… What shall I do that I may inherit

eternal life?”
Mark 10:17

“… What shall I do to inherit eternal

Luke 10:25
Inheritance requires works to become an heir because
inheritance is a reward.

(Heb 6:12; Rev 21:7; I Pet 3:9; Col 3:24; Rom 8:17; Eph 5:5; I Cor 6:10)

14.03.02 Matthew 27 – Revelation 4

In the New Testament, salvation is not an inheritance but a

“Free Gift” (Rom 5:15-18) God requires a believing heart for a person
to receive the gift of eternal life. (Rom 6:23

14.03.03 Revelation 4 – Revelation 22

Tribulation – Millennium – Eternity salvation within this period

is INHERITANCE” (Heb 1:14) after the Church Age the law of God will
resume operation and that requires a man to obey. (Rev 12:17; Matt
5, 6, 7; Isa 11 etc) as a condition to partake of the tree of life. (Rev
2:7; Rev 22:14)


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51 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

For anyone whose final authority is the King James Bible will
not have a hard time understanding and receiving this truth, but for
people whose authority is not of this “Book” will never receive and
humble themselves to acknowledge that these things are true, they
will reject any proof you produce, instead of weighing the evidences,
they will simply walk away with hatred and start to malign you with
different name calling but, it doesn’t matter anymore, the best judge
is the Lord through his holy scriptures, all of its testimonies will keep
on testifying throughout eternity. (Matthew 24:35)

As we approach the final stage of our study, bear in mind and

in heart that every word is inspired (II Tim 3:16; Matt 5:18) you
cannot ignore any of it simply because it doesn’t support your
theology, but rather let the Bible correct and teach us.

15.01 Old Testament Salvation

Salvation in the Old Testament was provided in two different
ways, since it was also divided in two parts:

15.01.01 Genesis 3 – Exodus 20

Adam to Moses : Romans 5:14

Salvation : Faith plus Works plus Endurance

How? Ezekiel 3:20; 18:4-24; 33:8-19

The above cited passages are:

Telling us that salvation in this period can be lost, it’s logical to

say that if there is no eternal security, common sense will dictate
that there’s an element of works and endurance, but some may
interpret that these are physical death and not talking about soul
going to condemnation in hell.

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52 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Well! Let’s ask the Lord what kind of death. Ezekiel keeps on
saying “he shall die in his sin” John 8:24 defines it:

“I said therefore unto you, that ye shall

die in your sins: for if ye believe not that
I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”
John 8:24
John 3:36 says:

“He that believeth on the Son hath

everlasting life: and he that believeth not
the son shall not see life; but the wrath
of God abideth on him.”
John 3:36
These verses doesn’t need any further explanation, Ezekiel is
definitely telling us that salvation can be lost in those days before
the CROSS.

15.01.02 Exodus 20 – Matthew 27

Moses to Jesus Christ : John 1:17

Salvation : Faith plus Law plus Works plus


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53 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

You will notice that there is an addition of the LAW.

“Wherefore then serveth the law? It was

added because of transgressions, till the
seed should come…”
Galatians 3:19
Can anyone ignore the giving of the law with regards to
salvation of people within this period?

Let us consider the following passages:

“For as many as have sinned without law

shall also perish without law: and as
many as have sinned in the law shall be
judged by the law”
Romans 2:12

“For not the hearers of the law are just

before God, but the doers of the law shall
be justified.”
Romans 2:13
Dominion of the law over man until the coming of the body of
Christ (Rom 7:1-4)

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54 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“But if a man be just and do that which is

lawful and right…”
Ezekiel 18:5

“Hath walked in my statutes, and hath

kept my judgments, to deal truly; he is
just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord
Ezekiel 18:9

Did you get that? Law became a factor in salvation during this

The law was dispensed to Moses (John 1:17; Exo 20) and
making him a mediator between God and Israel (Gal 3:19; Exo 20:19)
providing the three basic division of the law:

1. Commandments

: The revealed God’s will to the nation

(Exo 20:1-6)

2. Judgments

: That governed Israel as a society

(Exo 21:1 – 24:11)

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55 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

3. Ordinances

: That governed the religious practices of Israel

(Exo 24:12 – 31:18)

For a gentile who doesn’t have the written law, they will be
answerable to God through their conscience. (Rom 2:13-15)

The law cannot provide perfection (Heb 10:1-4) but serves as a

schoolmaster, a teacher pointing, and bringing them to Christ if they
are a Jew and for a Gentile, their conscience serves as the
schoolmaster bringing them to Christ. (Gal 3:24)

That’s why before the cross they are under the rule of the law
(Gal 3:23-25) until “the seed” comes. (Gal 3:19; Gal 4:4) since “the
law made nothing perfect” (Heb 7:19) all persons who got saved
before the cross cannot go to heaven when they die, but instead to a
temporary place called Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16) until “… the
bringing in of a better hope…” (Heb 7:19), which is the perfect
salvation brought about by the gospel of Christ when the New
Testament put into effect (Heb 9:17) providing a clearing of sin and
guilt, (John 1:29; I Pet 2:24) justification, (Rom 5:9) and eternal
redemption (Heb 9:12, 15), and proclaiming liberty to them who are

“… prisoners of hope…” Zech 9:12 as exactly told by Isaiah

42:7 “To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the
prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.”

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56 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

until they were led on high by the Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 4:8-

15.01.03 Calvary to Rapture of the Church

Matthew 27 – Revelation 4


By grace through faith

“by grace through faith”

Eph 2:8, 9

“For Christ is the end of the law for

righteousness to everyone that
Romans 10:4
From Calvary (Matt 27) until the rapture of the church (Rev 4)
is a time we may call an age of Grace, since the fullness of grace
comes in (John 1:14-16) through the person of Jesus Christ (Titus

God’s requirement for the penalty of sin was satisfied through

the perfect sacrifice of his son, fulfilling the law (Matt 5:17) that
provides propitiation (I John 2:2) appeasing God’s wrath for those
who believe.

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57 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Salvation in this period is by GRACE through FAITH (Eph 2:8-

10) minus all man’s effort. (Rom 3:27, 28; Rom 4:5, 6; Gal 2:16; Titus
3:4, 5; etc)

15.01.04 Tribulation to Second Coming :

Revelation 4 – Revelation 19


Faith plus Law plus Works plus Endurance

The great tribulation is Jacob’s trouble, (Matt 20; Jer 30:7) after
the church has been caught up, God deals with Israel as a nation
again. (Rev 7:14) Daniel’s seventieth week which is “the day of the
Lord” (I Thes 5:7) will come in.

Salvation in this period will be by faith with elements of law,

works and the need to overcome until the end of the tribulation
period.(Matt 24:13; Heb 3:6; Heb 3:14; Heb 6:4-8; James 2; II Pet
2:20-22; Rev 14:12; Rev 12:17; Rev 15:1-3)

15.01.05 Millennium to Eternity :

Revelation 20 – Revelation 22


“By Works” Matthew 5, 6, 7

After the tribulation period, millennium or the 1,000 year reign

of Jesus Christ on earth will come, with Jerusalem as his seat of

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58 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Kingdom. People who were saved by not taking the mark of the anti
Christ will enter the kingdom (Matt 25) and keeps on multiplying.

Many exciting things are happening within this period and for
purposes of simplification will not be discussed in this material but
limit our discussion on the issue of salvation.

Salvation in this age is purely based on works, this is where

Matthew 5, 6, 7 will be observed, worship and obedience will be
mandatory. (Zech 14:16-19; Psa 2:11, 12; Psa 72:9; Isa 11; Rev
19:15; Isa 2)

As the approach to the final stage of our study is coming to a

close, we cannot bypass or ignore that in between millennium to
eternity some activities will be happening and serve as a wide gap
before eternity comes in.

“And I saw a great white throne, and him

that sat on it, from whose face the earth
and the heaven fled away; and there was
found no place for them.”
Revelation 19:11

The heaven and the earth wax old as a garment, as a vesture

folded up and the earth burned up. (Heb 1:10-12; II Pet 3:10-12)

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59 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“And I saw the dead, small and great,

stand before God…”
Revelation 20:12
After the heaven and earth were gone, there appears
undetermined numbered of dead people standing before God.

Where did they come from? Who are they?

“And the sea gave up the dead which

were in it; and death and hell delivered
up the dead which were in them…”
Revelation 20:13

Obviously, they came from those two places mentioned,

“Death and Hell”.

Before the cross there are two places for people who died
Abraham’s bosom and hell. (Luke 16) But when Christ came and
brought perfect salvation, he emptied Abraham’s bosom. (Eph 4)

So during the church age, that place is empty until tribulation

sets in. Saved people who died within Tribulation and Millennium will
not go to heaven but to a temporary place again which is now called
“death” while all unsaved people from the time of Adam to the Great
White Throne judgment are in “hell”.

That explains why in Revelation 1:18, there is a proclamation

of victory over Christ’s death, burial, resurrection evidenced by his
possession of “the keys of hell and death” since he went into both
places and prevailed.

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60 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

These will set a right traditional belief that Great White Throne
Judgment is exclusively for the unsaved dead only.

There are saved people in the tribulation and millennium who

were kept in an intermediary place until they stand before the Great
White Throne to receive eternal life and rewards. (Rev 20:11-15; Rev
11:18; Rev 2:7; Rev 22:14)

The Great White Throne Judgment is showing us two groups

standing before God:

1. Unsaved people from the Old Testament up to here

who come out of “HELL” (Rev 20:13)

2. Saved people from Tribulation and Millennium who

came out of “DEATH” (Rev 20:13)

These are the final days wherein God will settle all things
according to his redemption plan, before we enter eternity, bear in
mind that we have not entered eternity yet!

The final destination of these two groups is now set. (Dan 12:1-
3; John 5:28, 29)

1. Unsaved people who come out of hell will be cast

into the lake of fire for eternal damnation

(Rev 20:15)

2. Saved people who came out of “death” will partake

of the tree of life and enjoy eternal life throughout
eternity. (Rev 2:7; Rev 22:14)

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61 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

This is an undetermined length of time between millennium to

eternity and the only hint we can get how long this gap is in (Deut
7:9; Gen 17:2; Gen 15:5; I Chron 16:15; Psa 105:8) that talks about a
period of time when God fulfill his everlasting covenant to Abraham.
“A thousand generations” which is closely associated with “thy seed”
(Gen 17:7) wherein God will fulfill his promise in Genesis 15:5 and
Abraham will be a father of many nations forever. (Gen 17:2-9)

We can only make a guess as to how long this gap will be,
since a hint was given, “a thousand generations”, the question is
how many years a generation has? Some say it’s forty, pointing to
the forty years Israel’s wandering in the wilderness, some say it’s
one hundred, but some say thirty three looking up the Saviour’s life
here on earth, so if we will take thirty three years multiply it by one
thousand (33*1000 = 33,000) and you will have thirty three
thousand years of gap between millennium going up until eternity.

The whole scenery of what is going on at the Great White

Throne Judgment is pictured in Daniel 7

“… and the Ancient of days did sit…”

Daniel 7:9

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62 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

“… thousand thousands ministered unto

him, and ten thousand times ten
thousand stood before him: the
judgment was set, and the books were
Daniel 7:10
Those “ten thousand times ten thousand” were identified as
angels in Revelation 5:11; Psalms 6:17; Hebrews 12:22.

How angels are going to minister unto God?

At the Great White Throne you will realize the power of angels.

Because at their hands were delegated the power to cast

unsaved people including Lucifer and his fallen angels into the lake
of fire.(Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10, 15; Matt 13:41, 42, 49, & 50; Matt
25:41; Luke 16:22)

Now, here is something to think about, and it’s a nice thing to

dwell on these things.

In this present age, Christians who will live godly will suffer (II
Tim 3:12) “as a lamb ready for slaughter” (Rom 8:36) but in the
second coming they will be reigning as “armies” (Rev 19:14) and will
be bold as a ion since the Saviour will come as the King as he claim
rightful fully on “his day”. (Jer 46:10)

In I Corinthians 6:2, 3 we were told that Christians are going to

judge this evil world and those fallen angels.

When that will be? And how can we do that?

Remember those angels in Matthew 13:41, 42, 49, and 50?

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In their hands rests the power to cast any undesirable into the
lake of fire?

What if you’re one of those angels? Will you be delighted?

Any man who got saved in the church age were classified as
“sons of God” (John 1:12; Gal 4:5, 6; I John 3:1-2; etc)

Lack of study and unbelief will make a man correct John 1:12
as we can see how modern versions altered “sons of God” to
“children of God” not realizing the doctrinal implication of the verse.
The King James Bible is consistent in applying “sons of God” to all
saved persons in the church age. (John 1:12; Rom 8:14,19; Gal 4:5,
6, 7; Phil 2:15; I John 3:12; etc) and what’s the big deal?

The big deal is that “sons of God” in the Old Testament is

always a reference to angels and not to any man (Job 1:6; Job 2:1;
Job 38:7; Gen 6:2; etc) with the exception of Adam of course, before
the fall. (Luke 3:38)

We have to understand that, among the people who got saved

from the time of Adam up to millennium, the only group of people
who will receive a glorified body like that of the Lord Jesus Christ are
those who got saved in the church age. (Rom 8:23, 29, 30; I Cor
15:51-54; Phil 3:20, 21; I John 3:2)

When a Sadducee asked the Lord about the resurrection (Since

a Sadducee don’t believe in resurrection Acts 23:8) they were
rebuked by the Lord for not knowing the scriptures and plainly told
them (Matt 22:23-30)

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“For in the resurrection they neither

marry, nor are given in marriage, but as
the angels of God in heaven.”
Someday when that glorious day comes, Christians will no
longer be bearing the reproaches of Christ but as angels having the
power to judge this present evil world and those fallen angels who
trouble us (I Cor 6:2, 3; Gal 1:4)

While others will be:

“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent

forth to minister for them who shall be
heirs of salvation?”
Hebrews 1:14
Ministering in a manner of Luke 16 wherein angels ministered
to Lazarus in carrying him into Abraham’s bosom, likewise, at the
Great White Throne ministering angels will be carrying, flying away
saved people inside the holy city, New Jerusalem to partake of the
tree of life (Rev 22:2) and enjoy eternally as he enters eternity.

Will you be one of the Angels? Glory!


This portion is a supplementary part of an earlier material and

will serve as a rejoinder to some comments who claims that the Old
Testament begins at Exodus 20, simply because they read the word
testament in Hebrews 9:20, failure to observe “right division”
(2Timothy 2:15) and the rule of interpretation (1Corinthians 2:13;
John 6:63) will find yourself agreeing with most bible critics who

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65 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

evidently find their way in most modern versions who cannot

understand the difference between Testament and Covenant,
instead of believing the King James Bible, they opted to correct “The
Book” thereby wrest the Scriptures to their ignorance. (2 Peter 3:16)

16.01 Difference in Several Areas:

16.01.01 Number of parties involved to make the transaction
a. Testament requires only one party.
b. Covenant requires at least two parties.
Example: Matthew 26:14,15,16;
Matthew 26:26-28

16.01.02 Requirement to put in place what has been desired

or agreed.

a. Testament to be in effect needs the death of the

testator. (Hebrews 9:17)

b. Covenant requires no death from either party but

faithfulness. (Exodus 19:5,6)

16.01.03 How the A.V. 1611 (KJB) use the words.

a. Covenant can be called Testament.

• 2 Corinthians 3:14 Exodus 34: 27- 34

• Hebrews 9:20 Exodus 24: 8
• Revelation 11:19 Numbers 10:33

- Becoming a testament due to the shed blood of an animal sacrifice that served as
a testator. (Hebrews 9:16,18,19,20)

b. Testament cannot be called Covenant.

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66 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

The institution of the New Testament in Matthew 26 and its

effectivity in Matthew 27 marks the coming of the fullness of grace,
(John 1:14-17) the end of the Law, (Romans 10:4; John 19:30) and
the institution of the Body of Christ which is the Church. (Ephesians
2:14-16; Ephesians 1:22,23; Colossians 1:24). Whereas, the coming
of the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:8-11 marks the restoration of
God’s dealing with Israel as a nation, the bringing in of the law
(Galatians 3:17) not written in tables of Stones in Deut. 4:13, but law
written in the hearts and mind of every Jew. (Hebrews 8:10).

If you will call Testament as Covenant you will be ignoring and

surely miss the Church Age because New Covenant bring in the
kingdom, (Jeremiah 31:27-40) and exclusively Jewish.

16.01.04 Covenants are within Testaments.

a) Edenic - Genesis 2
b) Adamic – Genesis 3
c) Noahic – Genesis 9
d) Abrahamic – Genesis 12
e) Mosaic – Exodus 19
f) Davidic – 2 Samuel 7
g) New Covenant – Hebrews 8

16.01.05 Doctrinal Application

Genesis chapter three will stand out to be the starting point of
the Old Testament applying the rule in Hebrews 9:15,17 that will
connect you to Revelation 13:8 “of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world.” “The foundation of the world” will settle its
difference from the “foundation of the earth” in (Job 38:4), in Genesis
3,4 according to Luke 11:50,51; 1 Samuel 2:8; Jeremiah 25:26;
31:37; Psalms 77:18; Isaiah 23:17.

1 Peter 1:19,20 = will apply to “the Lamb slain” in the

Revelation 13:8 noticing the word “as” which is a similitude of the
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67 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

very image. (Hebrews 10). The very first bloodshed upon earth is of
“a lamb” (Genesis 3:21) how do we know? Isaiah 34:6 tells it and the
skin used for Clothing is not of any animal but of a lamb. (Proverbs

The shedding of a lamb’s blood in Genesis 3 marks the start of

the Old Testament because in it, sin must be dealt with, (Hebrews
9:22) and within that period of the Testament several covenants
were given and one of them is the first covenant ever given to Israel
as a nation which is the Law (Galatians 3:17, Exodus 19:5,6, Hebrews
8:7-9) but Israel hath broken the Covenant (Hebrews 8:9, Jeremiah
31:32) culminating in the losing of the kingdom and turning them to
Captivity, “but when the fullness of time comes God sent forth his
Son” (Galatians 4:4) bringing with him the kingdom and the New
Covenant (Luke 1:30-33; Jeremiah 31) but they, the Jews rejected
him five times and crucified him thus, the New Testament came
making Jesus Christ “a mediator of the New Testament for the
redemption of the transgression that was under the first testament,”
Hebrews 9:15, and at the same time “a mediator of a better
covenant” for the Jewish people (Hebrews 8:6) which is being offered
to them until Acts 7. That’s why Peter preached Acts 2:16,17
quoting, applying Joel 2:28 – 32 which agrees with Jeremiah 31:31-
34; Acts 15:16,17; Hosea 3:4,5.

Joel 2:28 = “afterwards” verse 1 – 11 =


Jeremiah 31:33 = “after those days” verse 15 –

28 = Tribulation

Acts 15: 16,17 = “After this” verse 17 =

Tribulation left over (Revelation 4-19)

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68 Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Hosea 3:4,5 = “Afterward” Tribulation = Matthew


But Nation Israel rejected the offer so the Kingdom and the
New Covenant were postponed for undetermined number of years in
this Church Age which served as a gap between 69th week and 70th
which of Daniel. After this gap the Lord will come again the second
time bringing with him the postponed kingdom and New Covenant.
(Hebrews 8:8-13).

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