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Omega File 349:

London, England

The Omega Files don't get into the newspapers,

and most people never hear about them. These files
belong to the EDI - the European Department of
Intelligence. There are secrets in the Omega Files.
Big secrets, strange secrets.
A young man in London has a strange story
to tell to Hawker and Jude, secret agents for the
EDI. The young man's story is about a big drug
company, but can it really be true? can
believe a story like that? It's all there - in Omega
F1le349 ...


There were two of them. Hawker and Jude. They had no

other names. Just Hawker and Jude.They were young, fast,
and clever.They worked for EDl, in the European Government.
You know about the Americans' CIA and the Russians' KGB?
Well, this was EDI - the European Department of lntelligence.
Big secrets. Very strange secrets.The secrets of the Omega
Files.They don't get into the newspapers, and most people
never hear about them. Most people don't know anything
about EDl.
ln the early years Hawker and Jude travelled a lot. Brussels,
Strasbourg, Rome, Delhi,Washington . . . North Africa, South
America, Australia . . . No home, no family, just work.They
worked for the top man in the Brussels office of EDl, and only
for him. He was called Arla. Nobody knew his real name, or
much about him. Some said he was Latvian; others said he
was from another planet. He always gave the hard jobs to
Hawker and Jude. The jobs with questions, but not many
answers.The Omega Files.
When I met them, many years later, Hawker and Jude were
about seventy years old.They lived very quietly, in a little white
house on a Greek island. They went walking, swimming,
fishing; they sat in the sun, and slept a lot.

Omega File i49: London, England

At first, they didn't want to talk about their work.

'We can't,' said Jude. 'Our work was secret. lt's all ¡n the
government files, and nobody can read them.'
After thirty years,' I said, 'people can read all secret
government filesí
'Not these files,' Hawker said. 'lt's a hundred years before
people can read the EDI files.'
I looked at them. 'But I don't need to read the files,' I said.
'l can get the stories from you.'

And I did. Here is one of them . . .



6 here's a young man in London called Johnny

I Cook,'Arla said. 'He's about eighteen. He doesn't
have a home, but he goes clubbing nearly every night.
Those all-night dance clubs for young people. Here's a
photograph of him.'
He put the photograph on the table, and Jude and
Hawker looked at it.
And?'Hawker said.
'He wants to sell a story to a newspaper,' Arla said.
'Some story about a drug company. Find him. Talk to
him. §íhat's his story? I wanr to know.'
Jude and Hawker took an afrernoon plane from
Brussels to London, and then went to a hotel.

Bookworms Club Bronze

'§7hat are you going to wear tonight?' said Jude. 'Not

those old jeans, please!'
'§7hat's wrong with them?' Hawker said. ''§7e're going
clubbing, not out to dinner at the Ritz Hotel.'
''Well, wear a different shirt, then. That one's dirty.'
'You can wash it for me,' Hawker said.
'Get lost!' said Iude.
They had dinner, watched television for an hour or
two, and then went out. It was a warm night, with a little
rain now and then.
'London weather,' said Hawker.
They found a taxi with a young driver, and got in.
'§7here to?' said the driver.
''§le want to go clubbing,'Jude said. 'Where's the best
place this week? Do you know?'
'Bruno'sr' the driver said. 'Or Garcia's, down by the
river. Everybody's going there this week.'
'OK, let's go!'said Hawker.
They went to Garcia's first, then moved on to Bruno's.
They found Johnny Cook in a third club, called Monty's.
It was two o'clock in the morning.
'That's him, all right,'Hawker said. 'Look at his ear.'
Johnny Cook was tall and thin, with long yellow hair
and two black earrings in his left ear.
'Johnny! Johnny Cook!' shouted Jude suddenly. She
ran and put her arms round Johnny Cook's neck. 'Hi,
Johnny! You remember me - Jude. met last week, at
Garcia's. You remember? Oh, this is my friend Hawker.'
'Hi, Johnny. Good to meet you,' said Hawker.
Omega File 349: London, England

'Hi,' said Johnny Cook. He looked at Jude. 'Did we

meet at Garcia's?'
'Of course we did,' laughed Jude. 'I was with Sara and
Patti and the others, remember?'
'Oh. Yeah,' said Johnny 'I remember.' He looked around.
Are they here tonight?'
'No, it's just me and Hawker tonight,' said Jude. 'Come
on, let's dance.'
They danced for two hours. Then they left with about
ten other people, and went across the river to a new club.
The music there was louder and the dancing was very
fast. After two more hours of dancing, Hawker was hot,
tired, and thirsty.
'I'm getting old,' he said to Jude. 'Don't these people
ever go to bed?'
'You're only twenty-five!' said Jude. 'That's not old.
And you can't stop yet. He's getting very friendly now,
and we can take him to breakfast soon.'
At seven o'clock the club closed, and Jude and Hawker
took Johnny back to their hotel. Jude picked up the
phone and asked for three big breakfasts in the room.
Hawker took his shoes off.
Ah, that's better,' he said. He looked at Johnny. 'How
often do you go clubbing, Johnny? And what do you do in
the daytime?'
'Not lot. Sleep, usually. I go clubbing most nights.'
'§7here do you live?'Hawker asked.
'On the streets,' said Johnny. ''§ühen I'm rich, I'm going
to get a boat and live on that.'

Bookworms Club Bronze

'Rich?'Jude said. 'Oh yes, we all want to be rich!'

'But I am going to be rich,'Johnny said.'I've got a
good story see?' He laughed. 'I'm going to sell it. A
newspaper wants to give me 100,000 Euros for it. They
gave me 1,000 last month, and I'm going to get the other
99,000 very soon.'
'Great!' said Jude. 'So what's the story then, Johnny?
Have some more coffee, and tell us all about it.'
''§7ell, you know the Tyler Drug Company?'Johnny
began. 'They make drugs and medicines.'
'Yes,' Hawker said. 'It's a very big European company.
They've got offices in all the big cities.'
'Yeah, that's right,' Johnny said. ''§íell, they're taking
young people off the streets, and using them for tests.'
Jude laughed. 'Nobody's going to believe that!' she
said. 'Drug companies use animals' not people, for their
tests. Some new drugs can be very dangerous at first.
Nobody wants people to die from a new medicine!'
'It's true!' Johnny said angrily. 'Think about it. All
those young homeless people in London. They sleep every
night along the Strand, and other streets. Nobody wants
to know them, nobody asks questions about them.
They've got no home, no family, nothing.'
'But they've got legs,' Hawker said. 'They can run away.'
'You don't understand,' said Johnny. 'Listen. I know,
because I was there! I live on the streets, right? And late
one night, along the Strand, they came and took me and
some other people - a boy and two girls. They wanted to
help us, they said. Hot food, nice beds, new clothes -

Omega File 349: London, England

everything! They took us to this big house-'

''W'here?' said Hawker.
'I'm not saying where,' said Johnny.
And what happened?' asked Jude.
'They gave us food, and new clothes, and beds to sleep
in, all right. But we couldn't get out of the house, and
men in white coats watched us all the time. And they put
drugs in our food.'
'How do you know that?' Hawker asked.
'I felt ill. My eyes went strange, and I couldn't see very
well. And one of the girls - she got very ill one night. She
screamed and screamed, and the men in white coats
came. I was in the next room and I listened through the
wall. "This is very stranger" one of the men said. "She
had 20 grams of Coplas in her dinner tonight. that
too much, do you think?" "I don't know," said a second
man. ".§üe don't want to kill her. Let's try 20 grams again
tomorroq on this girl and on one of the boys. '§7'e can't
stop this test now. must get answers quickly." After
that, they talked more quietly, and I couldn't hear. But I
didn't eat any more food in that house, and the next night
I got into an office downstairs and took some papers.
Then I broke out of the house and ran away fast.'
'§7hat papers?' said Hawker.
'Papers with Tyler Drug Company's name on them.'
And where are those papers now?' asked Jude.
'That's my secret,' Johnny said. ''§7hen the newspaper
gives me the money, I'm going to tell them. But I'm not
going to tell you.'

Bookworms Club Bronze

The next day Jude and Hawker flew back to Brussels and
went to Arla's office. Arla listened to Johnny Cook's
story, but he didn't say anything'
'So, what do we do now?'Jude said. 'Do we look for
this big house and-'
Arla picked up his telephone.'Come back in an hour,'
he said. 'Get a coffee or something.'
An hour and three coffees later they went back.
'OK,' said Arla. 'You can forget all about this. Cook's
story isn't true.'
Jude stared at him. '§7ho told you that?' she said.
'I want to talk to Johnny Cook again,'Hawker said.
'You can't,' said Arla. 'He's dead.
Hawker looked at Jude, and then back at Arla. 'He was
alive yesterday,' said Hawker.
'§7ell, he isn't alive today. He came out of a club at
three o'clock this morning and fell in the river Thames.
§7hen they got him out, he was dead.'
(S,.,¡_'Jude began.
'Forget it, Jude. The file is closed.'
And was that the end of it?' I asked, when Jude and Hawker
finished telling the story.
'Yes,' said Hawker. Arla never spoke about it again"
And did you believe Johnny's story about the drug
company?'I asked.
'Before a company can sell a new medicine to people,' said
Hawker, 'there are years and years of tests.They do the tests

Omega File 349: London, England

on animals, of course. But they learn much more quickly from

tests on people.There are lots of drug companies, and every
company wants to be the first with a new medicine.'
About five years later,'Jude said,'theTyler Drug Company
began to sell a new drug, called Coplastin. lt was a medicine
to stop some kinds of cancer, and it worked. Everybody
wanted it. The company made a lot of money - and so the
government got a lot of money from the company in taxes'
Governments like rich companies and big, fat taxes'They're
not very interested in homeless young people sleeping on the
'So Johnny Cook's story was truei I said. And he didn't fall
into the river - somebody pushed him"
'Of course they pushed himi said Jude. 'Dead men can't
talk, can they?'

Bookworms Club Bronze

'§íonp Focus

Use the clues below and complete this crossword with words from the story'

6 'They're using young people off the streets for their tests"
7 Governments get a lot of money in from big companies.
g -
Arlasaid cook,s story wasn't rrue, but Hawker and Jude
10 There are years and years of tests before a new comes out'
11 Johnny Cook had a story about a ftwo words)
12 A newspaper gave JohnnY 1,000 '

DowN -
1 Johnny did not into the river - he was pushed'
2 Johnny's eyes went becau-se there were drugs in his food'

3 \X/ith new drugs, drug companies do on animals'

4 Jude and Hawker worked for the European
5 ''§íe want to go Jude said to the taxi driver in London'
8 The Omega were toP secret'
Omega File 349: London, England

Sronv Focus


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