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Assignment 2.

Business Communication II


Due Date 20th May, 2020

Scenario: ABC Corporation manufactures the surgical masks which is made of unwoven

cloth as it doesn’t allow bacteria to enter human body’s respiratory system. It has recently started

generating N-95 Masks under the current situation of on-going COVID-19 epidemic. These

masks differ from regular masks because they are made up of same unwoven cloth material,

along with a unique filter and valve. In on-going pandemic situation ABC Corporation has

increased their production and perusing as many hospitals and clinic as they can.

Task No.1: You are the sales manager in ABC corporation, you have to write a letter to

XYZ Hospital to peruse them to buy these surgical masks for their staff. You have to explain

the components, an N-95 mask carries and the quality ABC Corporation assures with lesser price

and make sure that Hospital should not reject your offer.

Task No.2: You are the MD of XYZ Hospital. You have received their letter along with a

box of N95 masks by ABC corporation. Your lab has tested the mask but is not satisfied with

valve and .3micron used in it. ABC and XYZ are under trade of surgical equipment for last

twenty five years. You, as representative, are going to reject their offer with the description of

Mask’s flaw and how it is risky for your staff, but you cannot ruin the terms with them as the

hospital is eager to continue their business with ABC after the pandemic.

Required Formatting:

Times new roman, Size 12,


Word limit: 200 each letter,

Left aligned.

Should be submitted to class representative by Wednesday 20th May, 2020.

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