Cluster Top 10

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Top 10 Clustering Dos and Don’ts

DBA Fundamentals Down Under VC

January 12, 2016

Allan Hirt
Microsoft High Availability MVP
Managing Partner, SQLHA LLC
Twitter: @SQLHA
I’m Coming to Australia
10. DO Understand Your Solution and the Stack

• Implementing technology for technology’s sake rarely works

• You will need to answer these (and probably more) questions
 Can you articulate the differences between a clustered instance (FCI), an availability
group (AG), and a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)?
 Do you understand how they work, even at a basic level?
 Do you know where they fit into the big picture?
 Do you know how they behave during a failover and how it impacts the app/end
 Do you know why you are implementing a particular HA feature?
 Do you know your requirements?
 Do you know some of the technical details you will need?
The Clustering Stack

• Need to think about clustered configurations as tightly coupled

Clustered Applications


Operating System (Windows)

Hardware (network, storage, etc.)

9. DO Take Licensing Into Account

• Cost is always a factor for physical, virtual, and public cloud

 Public cloud example: Bring your own license? Rent one in the cloud?
• Editions
 Do not need Enterprise Edition of SQL Server for FCIs; 2 node support in Standard and BI
 Need EE for AGs through 2014; 2016 has limited scenario for AGs in Standard
 Windows Server Failover Clustering in Standard Edition
• Relevant SQL Server whitepapers/info here:
• AGs – ALL active use needs a license. Readable replicas are not free.
• Always ask your licensing rep – never assume!
 Mistakes are expensive
8. DON’T Forget to Nail Down Admin Roles

• “Who’s on first?”
 SQL Server does not obfuscate the fact it’s using a WSFC for FCIs or AGs
• Who is responsible for administration of the clustered configuration?
 DBAs?
 Windows admins?
 Storage admins?
 Others?
• Need to understand nuances when there is overlap and be very clear
 Example: not failing over an AG using the WSFC when standalone instances are
7. DON’T Assume Things Are Shared and/or Isolated

• Underlying WSFC is the only really common link

• Each FCI and AG gets its own set of resources and role in the WSFC
 AG: AG resource, and if Listener, Network Name and IP address(es)
 FCI: Network Name, IP address(es), SQL Server resources, storage (if applicable)
• For FCIs, traditional disks presented to the WSFC can only be used by one FCI
• One listener per AG, not per WSFC
• FCIs and AGs are not load balanced
 Owned and run on a single node of the WSFC
 Only slight exception: read only load balancing for SQL Server 2016
• Shared DLLs makes patching an adventure with multiple FCIs
6. DO Plan Virtualized WSFCs, FCIs, & AGs Carefully

• Non-DBAs
 “Don’t worry about in guest availability; we’ve got Live Mirgation/vMotion/DRS/etc.”
• Reality: some mission critical VMs will still need in-guest HA and D/R
 FCIs still viable (shared storage the biggest issue)
 AGs a natural fit
• Planning similar to a physical implementation
 In guest is the same
 Hypervisor another layer to take into account
• Use Anti-Affinity on VM nodes
5. DON’T Implement Clusters on Bad Networks

• Nodes need to be able to talk to each other to ensure WSFC is up and

• Need redundant network paths down to physical layer
 Not necessarily public/private, can be a NIC team
• Multi-subnet is not always a straightforward configuration
• IP addresses
 Nodes
 Each FCI
 Each AG Listener (if being configured)
• Not recommended to disable IPv6
4. DO Implement Quorum Correctly

• No quorum = no WSFC
• Must monitor status
• Understand thresholds … and don’t be stupid
• Quorum != disk
• Split brain matters, but is a man-made problem
• Use W2012 or higher – quorum greatly improved
 Dynamic quorum (W2012+), dynamic witness (W2012 R2+)
• Multi-site can be tricky
 Witness resource?
• File share in third location?
• Asymmetric disk or file share?
• Cloud witness? (W2016+)
Cloud Witness 1
Cloud Witness 2
3. DON’T Make Assumptions When It Comes to Storage

• Traditional “shared” disks for an FCI are LUNs presented to each node
 Only used by ONE FCI
 All user databases, backups on shared drives – NOTHING LOCAL
• AGs require NO shared storage unless FCI is in the mix
• Newer options:
 SMB 3.0 (SQL Server 2012+)
 Local TempDB (SQL Server 2012+)
 Clustered Shared Volume (SQL Server 2014)+
• SMB, CSV shared
 Folder structure now matters
2. DO Have a Process for AD Objects

• WSFC requires AD through Windows Server 2012 R2/SQL Server 2014 for all
clustered AG and FCI configurations
 Each node of a WSFC joined to same domain regardless of location
 Each name resource gets an object in AD
• Cluster Name Object (CNO) = WSFC
• Virtual Computer Object (VCO) = FCI Network Name, Listener Network Name
• Each name must be unique in the domain
 Domain-based account required for creation and administration
• Non-AD connected WSFCs
 2012 R2 allowed DNS only WSFCs, but SQL Server requires domain accounts
 Windows Server 2016/SQL Server 2016 support domain agnostic WSFCs for very
specific AG configurations only
1. DON’T Use Active/Passive, Active/Active, or AlwaysOn
– Improper Terminology Makes Kittens Sad

Proper Terminology for Windows and AGs

• MSCS has not been valid for well over 10 years; the Windows portion is a
Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)
 Saying only “cluster” is too generic
• AlwaysOn
 AlwaysOn IS NOT the AG feature
 Umbrella term that encompasses two major features (with or without space)
• AlwaysOn Availability Groups (AGs – it’s not AOAG or AAG, either)
• AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances (FCI) – same as existing feature
 No space between Always and On (well …)
 Not the same as the old Always On (with space) storage program for SQL Server (or
how it was used in 2008)
• AGs had a few different names before RTM (HADRON/HADR/AlwaysOn)
Proper Terminology for FCIs

• Active/Passive and Active/Active are WRONG

 Single instance failover cluster = 1 instance
 Multiple instance failover cluster = > 1 instance
• Example 1 – 8 nodes, 12 FCIs
 Is it A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A?(# of FCIs) – NO
 Is it A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A? (# of nodes) – NO
 Is it A/A? – HECK NO
 Is it a multiple instance failover cluster with 12 FCIs? Yes!
• Example 2 – 4 nodes, 3 instances (N + 1 [N + i] scenario)
 Is it A/A/A? (# of FCIs) NO
 Is it A/A/A/P? (# of nodes) NO
Selected Links

• Supportability for virtualized configurations
 MS support policy for virtualized SQL Server implementations (all hypervisors)
 VMware supported cluster configurations
• Proper Terminology

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