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Assignment 2

(Unit 2)

1. Consider an online book stores. It accepts individual/bulk orders, process payments ,triggers delivery of
the books. Some of the features of the system include

Order books User friendly online shopping cart function

Create, View, modify and delete books to be sold
To store inventory and sales information in database
To provide an efficient inventory system
Register for book payment options
Request book delivery
Add a wish list
Place request for books not available
To be able to print invoices to members and print a set of summary reports .

Analyse the system using Use case diagram , context diagram and level 1 DFD for the system. Explain the
components of DFD.

2. Write Software Requirement Specification(SRS) for a system of your choice/ train reservation system.


1. Consider 7 functions with their estimated LOC given:

By historical data average productivity is 720/m and labour rate is 9000/m. Calculate total
estimated project cost and total estimated project effort?

2. Assume that the size of an organic type software product has been estimated to be 32,000 lines of
source code. Assume that the average salary of software engineers be Rs. 25,000/- per month.
Determine the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal development time.

3. Suppose you have a budgeted cost of a project at $800,000. The project is to be completed in 7
months. After a month, you have completed 15 percent of the project at a total expense of $90,000.
The planned completion should have been 20 percent. Determine that the project is on time and on

4. An application has the following :18 low external Inputs ,14 High External Outputs,15 low Internal
Logical Files ,10 High External interface Files ,8 Average External Inquiries and a value
adjustment factor of 1.14.What is the unadjusted and adjusted function point count?

5. Explain COCOMO II with an example?

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