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Tribology Transactions
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Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Laser-

Textured Mechanical Seal Faces
a a b
I. Etsion , Y. Kligerman & G. Halperin
Technion , Haifa, 32000, Israel
Surface Technologies Ltd. , Nesher, Israel
Published online: 25 Mar 2008.

To cite this article: I. Etsion , Y. Kligerman & G. Halperin (1999) Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Laser-Textured
Mechanical Seal Faces, Tribology Transactions, 42:3, 511-516, DOI: 10.1080/10402009908982248

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Analytical and Experimental Investigation of
Laser-Textured Mechanical Seal ~ a c e s @
Haifa 32000, Israel
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Surface Technologies Ltd.

Nesher, Israel

An analytical model is developed to predict the relation INTRODUCTION

between the opening force and operating conditions in a mechan- Properly engineered seal faces seem to be the most desirable
ical seal with laser textured microsurface structure in the form of direction for future mechanical seal development. Several ideas
micropores. The model is valid for any desired shape of the micro- have been proposed in the past in order to increase the load carry-
pores. An optimization is performed for spherical shape micro- ing capacity and the fluid film stiffness between the seal-mating
pores evenly distributed on one of the mating rings face to maxi- rings. These include macrosurface patterns like face waviness,
mize the opening force and fluid film st~@ess. Results of a para- radial taper, hydropads, lobes and various types of grooves. A
metric study are presented showing the effect of the main design good summary of these ideas can be found in Ref. (I).
Recently, a model for mechanical seals with regular microsur-
parameters on the seal performance. Some results of an experi-
face structure was presented (Z), showing a substantial improve-
mental investigation with water-lubricated seal rings are also
ment in seal performance when evenly distributed hemispherical
shown and compared with the theoretical model.
micropores are present on one of the mating seal faces. The work
presented in (2) was followed by an experimental study (3) in
which laser-textured seal rings were tested in oil showing that the
Seals; Mechanical Seals spherical pore shape can be optimized and that an optimum pore
depth over pore diameter ratio exists that maximizes the film stiff-
Presented a s a Soclety of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers ness and the PV factor at seizure inception.
paper at the ASMEISTLE Tribology Conference In
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 26-28, 1998 Microsurface structures of other types were also suggested e.g.
Final manuscrlpt approved September 10, 1998 microasperities (4) and various controlled porosity (5), (6). Of all

r, = outer radius of the seal

= base radius of the pore
C = seal clearance R, = seal radius ratio, rjr,
h = local film thickness S~ = area density of the pores
h, = pore depth U = average circumferential velocity
H =dimensionless local film thickness, h/C x = Cartesian coordinate in the circuniferential direction
P = pressure X = dimensionless Cartesian coordinate, x/r,
P. = ambient pressure z = Cartesian coordinate in the radial direction
Pi. = pressure at the inner radius of the seal Z = dimensionless Cartesian coordinate, zlr,
P,. = pressure at the outer radius of the seal AP = dimensionless pressure differential, (p--p,)/p,
P = dimensionless pressure, plp, A = seal parameter, 6 p ~ r ~ p , ~ 2
r, = side of imaginary square cell P = dynamic viscosity
ri = inner radius of the seal

The mechanical seal considered in this paper is represented by
two non-contacting rings rotating relative to each other (Fig. 1).
Rotating Ring
without Laser The regular network of micropores is installed on one of the sur-
Treatment faces. The geometrical model of the laser textured surface is dis-
played in Figs. 2 and 3. Each pore is modeled by an axisymmetric
segment with a base radius r,, and depth h,. The pores are distrib-
uted uniformly over one of the annular surfaces with an area den-
sity s,. Each pore is located in the center of an imaginary square
cell of sides 2r, x 2r1,see Fig. 2(c), where:

According to the basic assumptions accepted in this work the

seal is fully liquid-filled, with parallel faces separated by a con-
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 03:07 28 October 2014

I Stationary Ring with

! Laser Treatment
stant film thickness, and the sealed fluid is viscous (Newtonian)
with a constant viscosity p. The ratio Ri between the inner and
outer radii, ri and r,, of the seal rings under consideration is larger

than 0.7. This allows one to neglect curvature effects and conse-
quently, a circular sector containing one pores column in the radi-
al direction, see Figs. 2(a) and (b), is assumed to be rectangular,
subjected in the lateral x direction to a relative sliding velocity U,
Fig. 1-Seal model and mode of operation. corresponding to the tangential velocity at the mean radius of the
The two-dimensional, steady-state form of the Reynolds equa-
tlic pr:~cticnl macro and microsurface patterns however, it seems tion for an incompressible Newtonian fluid in a laminar flow is
that the Inscr-tcxtured seal faces described in (3) offer the most given by
promising dcsign. This is because the texturing is done on the con-
vcntionnl scaling dam itself and no extra area is required to
accom~nodntelifting structures as in the case of grooves, lobes or
hytlropnds. Also, thc lascr is extremely fast, clean to the environ- where z and x are the radial and circumferential directions
Inclic atid provides excellent control of the shape and size of the Cartesian coordinates, respectively, and h is the local film thick-
ports which allows realization of optimum designs. Indeed, laser ness at a specific point of the seal. In order to reduce Eq. [2] to
tcchliology is starting to gain some attention in the mechanical nondimensional form the nondimensional Cartesian coordinates X
scal commu~iityas is evidcnt from the proceedings of the 1997 and Z, nondimensional local film thickness H and nondimension-
Intcrnatiolial Fluid Scaling Conference where three laser related al pressure P are defined as:
papcrs arc prcsent (3),(7),(8).
Unscd on the findings in Rcf. (3)a thorough investigation was
~~crfoniicd, both annlytically and experimentally, to study the var-
ious pnrnmctcrs that uITcct the performance of laser-textured seal where p, is the ambient pressure and C is the seal clearance. After
I'i~ccs.l'hc model of Ref. (2) was substantially improved to include substitution of Eqs. [3] into Eq. [2] the Reynolds equation in its
more rcnlistic boundary and cavitation conditions and to allow the nondimensional form becomes:
iuialysis of various pore shapes, other then hemispherical. The test
rig dcscribcd in Ref. (3)was used to test silicon carbide laser-tex-
turccl rings against carbon rings in water and the experimental
rcsults wcrc used to evaluate the theoretical model. In addition a where the nondimensional seal parameter A is given as follows
I'i~ll-scnlcwntcr pump was installed in the laboratory and its tung-
stcn carbide scal rings were examined after several 100-hour runs
with and without thc laser-textured faces to test the feasibility of
tlic coliccpt under more realistic operating conditions. By specifying the film thickness distribution H(x, z), the
Tlic prcsent paper describes the details of the above research nondimensional seal parameter A, and the relevant boundary con-
cl'fort ;uid presents some of the theoretical and experimental ditions, Eq. [4] can be solved, for the pressure distribution in the
rcsults. Although not very extensive, due to their preliminary seal film. Integrating the pressure over the seal area gives the
naturc, thc rcsults obtained so far are very encouraging and hope- opening force acting in the axial direction to prevent contact
fully will trigger more interest in this novel technology for the between the rings for reliable operation of the mechanical seal.
scals industry. Since the micropores are evenly distributed it is assumed that
the pressure distribution is periodic in the circumferential direc-
Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Laser-Textured Mechanical Seal Faces

Fig. *Film thickness and geometry of pores In a textured seal.

called the Swift Stieber condition, (see, for example, Ref. (9)) is
assumed as opposed to the half-Sommerfeld condition that was
used in Ref. (2). The Reynolds condition implies that, on the cav-
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 03:07 28 October 2014

itation boundary, the pressure gradient with respect to the direc-

tion normal to the boundary is zero and the pressure inside the
cavitation region is retained constant close to zero. More elabo-
rate boundary conditions could be used, e.g., JFO (10) or Elrod
(111, which may handle the reformation boundary more accuratc-
ly, but simplicity was preferred in the present work.
The Reynolds Equation, Eq. [4], with its appropriate boundary
Flg. 2--Geometry of seal mlcrosurface structure.
conditions was solved by a finite difference method using a
(a) pore distribution on a seal ring nonuniform grid over the radial pores column, shown in Fig. 2(b),
(b) radial pores column wlth its coordinate system and where a dense grid is applied within the pore areas. Numerical
boundary conditions
(c) lndlvldual cell wlth a slngle pore
tests show that, for pore density values S, in the range between 10
percent to 50 percent, the best accuracy of pressure calculation is
obtained when the grid applied in the area of the pores is about
tion with a period equal to the imaginary square cell size 2 rI .
five times denser than that outside of the pores.
Because of this it is sufficient to consider only one radial pores
'The finite difference method leads to a set of linear algebraic
column as shown in Fig. 2(b), with the following boundary con-
equations for the nodal values of the pressure which should be
solved with the boundary conditions at the inner and outer radii of
P(+,z = q ) = P;, d + , z = a )=
PO., [61 the seal Eq. [6] and the periodicity condition Eq. [7]. This linear
equation set may be solved by various standard methods. The suc-
Nondimensional values of the pressure at the two edges of one
cessive over-relaxation Gauss-Seidel iterative method, Ref. (12),
pores column are obtained by normalization according to Eq. [3].
was used in this work. It requires an initial approximation of the
In the circumferential direction, periodicity condition of the pres-
solution and the linear hydrostatic pressure distribution may be
sure is applied so that
used for this purpose if a more precise solution is unknown.
Although the iteration algorithm of Gauss-Seidel is not always the
most effective one, this method is convenient for the determina-
tion of the previously unknown cavitation regions.
The boundary conditions in nondimensional form are given as
The following dimensionless parameters of the problem were
considered for the analytical investigation:

1. Area density of the pores, S,

2. Seal radius ratio, Ri=ri,/r,,,
The boundary conditions at the inner and outer radii of the seal 3. Seal parameter, A = ~ ~ U ~ , , / ~ , C ~
Eq. [6] and the periodicity condition Eq. [7] should be comple- 4. Dimensionless pressure differential, AP=(p,,-p,,)/p,
mented by the conditions at the boundaries of possible cavitation 5. Pore depth over pore diameter ratio, h42rp
regions associated with each individual pore. As was explained in 6. Dimensionless average pressure, Pa,, defined as the opening
Ref. ( 2 ) these cavitation regions are responsible for the asymmet- force divided by the sealing dam area.
ric hydrodynamic pressure distribution and hence, are the only
source for load carrying capacity of cavitating pores. In the pres- A large number of numerical simulations showed that large
ent work the more accurate Reynolds boundary condition, also variations of the pore density, S,, in the range from 10 percent to

001 1 I 1 l . . ~ I I I
OW 001 010 01s om 025 030 025 040 04s 09
I k p t h o r r v Uinmelcr Rntio. Il,Ilr,

Fig. 4--Dlmensioniess average pressure, P.., vs. depth over diameter

Fig. 5--Dimensionless average pressure, P, vs. dimensionless pres-
sure differential, AP, for various pore depth over diameter ratio
40 pcrccnt and of the radius ratio, R,, in the range from 0.7 to 0.9,
liovc littlc effcct on the average pressure, P,,, causing changes of
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 03:07 28 October 2014

pressure differential AP increases the cavitation induced hydrody-

lcss thiui I0 percent in its value. Therefore, typical values of these namic effect gradually vanishes and the average pressure in the
two paramctcrs being R,=0.8 and S, = 20 percent were selected to seal approaches the case of no pores where P,,=AP/2. This effect
rcprcscnt thcir full range. is more pronounced with pores shape of greater deviation from the
'I'lic cll'cct of thc pore depth over pore diameter ratio on the optimum. It is interesting to note that the value of P,, remains
tlinicnsionlcss avcrage pressure, P,,, is presented in Fig. 4 for the almost constant as AP increases in the range of 0 < AP < 2P,,I,.
cnsc of zcro prcssurc differential, AP=O, and several values of the Beyond this range the difference between P,, and APJ2 becomes
scal pnri~~nctcr A. As would be expected, increasing the seal negligibly small. Hence, as a first approximation for engineering
piuomctcr (corrcsponding to an increase of the velocity U or the purposes, the average pressure in the seal could be evaluated as
viscosity p) Ic:~ds to more efficient hydrodynamic effect of the that corresponding to AP=O in the range of 0 < AP <2P,,I,, and as
microporcs. An ititcresting result is the existence of an optimum the hydrostatic pressure AP/2 for AP > 2P,I,.
value for the pore depth, at any given pore diameter, to maximize Figure 6 presents the combined effect of the seal parameter A
tlic avcragc prcssurc, and, hence, the opening force.The optimal and the pressure differential AP on the dimensionless average
porc dcpth ovcr porc diameter ratio is less than 0.05 for seal pressure Pa,. In the case of AP=O the average pressure in the seal
1)nrumctcr vnlucs A>]. A depth over diameter ratio of 0.5 corre- grows rapidly with A at low values of A. When the pressure dif-
sponds to hemispherical pores that were treated in Ref. (2). Figure ferential &O, the hydrostatic pressure greatly suppresses the
4 clc;~rlyshows the poorer performance of a seal with hemispher- hydrodynamic effect at low A values and the pores become inef-
ical porcs when thc average pressure is much lower than its max- fective. Under this condition the average pressure remains con-
itiiulii valuc, especially for cases with high value of the seal stant and equal to AP / 2 (no pores case) up to a A value above
paramctcr A. Moreover, with the hemispherical pores the effect of which the hydrodynamic effect due to the presence of the pores
A on P,,, is ncgligible compared to the case of lower depth over starts to be significant again. Notice that as A keeps increasing the
diomctcr ratios whcrc an increase in A results in a substantial average pressure in the seal, corresponding to the high values of
incrcasc in P,,,. When everything else is fixed a reduction of the the pressure differential AP, approaches that corresponding to
scal clcnrance is represented by an increase in the value of A. AP=O. This is because at very high A values the hydrodynamic
Hcncc, for lic~nisphcricalpores the opening force is almost insen- effect becomes much larger than the hydrostatic one and the later
sitivc to chongcs in the seal clearance, in contrast to high sensitiv- becomes unimportant.
ity that fitrlhcr increases as the optimum pore depth is approached.
This ~iicansthat the fluid film stiffness, which is very important EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
for scol stability, can be significantly improved by a proper design A special test rig was used to simulate a mechanical seal and
of thc porcs gcoliictry. to measure the effect of the laser texturing on the seal's perform-
Figurc 5 shows the effect of the pressure differential across the ance. A description of the test rig is provided in Ref. (3), and a
scaling tlatii on the performance of the textured seal. Again, as schematic description of the rings speciman and mode of opera-
woultl bc cxpcctcd, an increase in AP eliminates the cavitation tion is shown in Fig. 1. An application of sealing water was select-
ovcr porcs that are affected by increasing hydrostatic pressure ed to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept even with poor
and, lic~icc,reduccs the efficiency of the hydrodynamic effect of lubricant with relatively low viscosity. The inner and outer radii of
tlic porcs. Thc results presented in Fig. 5 were obtained for the lower S i c ring and the upper Carbon ring were 14 mm and
A= 1000 ~uidfor two values of the pore depth over diameter ratio. 19.75 mm, respectively. The upper ring can be rotated at different
'I'hc line P,, = AP12 corresponds to the case of a nontextured con- speeds from 300 to 5000 rpm while the lower ring is loaded axi-
vc~itionalscal with a linear hydrostatic pressure drop across the ally against it. Water is supplied by gravity to the center of the
sci~lingdam. For low values of the pressure differential AP the lower ring and lubricates the interface between the two rings. The
hydrostatic pressure in the seal is also low and a considerable gain friction force between the mating rings and the temperature of the
in P,, ciin be obtilincd due to efficient hydrodynamic effect. As the water exiting the interface at the outer radius can be measured to
Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Laser-Textured Mechanical Seal Faces

Dimrnrionlus Scnl Parameter, A

Fig. GDimensionless average pressure, P, vs. dimensionless seal Fig. 74omparison between experimental and theoretical results of
parameter, A, for various pressure differential values. pressure vs. clearance.

provide the shear stress in the water film and its viscosity. The with no pores exhibited appreciable wear marks and material
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 03:07 28 October 2014

clearance, C, between the mating rings was estimated from the transfer on their faces while the faces of all three textured seals
relation appeared, as they were new.
r=paulay=pulc PI In November 1997 a textured mechanical seal was installed in
a pump operating at a petro-chemical industrial company. The seal
where r, the shear stress, is the measured friction force between mating rings were WC and carbon, sealing a 62.5 mm shaft diam-
the rings divided by the sealing dam area and U is the average tan- eter at 2955 rpm. The pumped fluid was a mixture of
gential velocity of the upper ring. The average pressure Pa, is Xylen+C,+C,, at working temperature of 266'-32O0C, discharge
obtained by dividing the axial load by the seal dam area. This axial pressure of 1.27 MPa, and a pressure differential of 0.62 MPa. The
load can be increased gradually to cover a range of average pres- laser-textured WC ring contained pores with 25 percent area den-
sure values. sity, 100 pm diameter and 8 pm depth. Following successful
Figure 7 shows the results of a test performed, at 4000 rpm and operation during three months and over 2000 hours two addition-
AP=O, with a laser-textured S i c ring having pores with a diameter al textured seals were installed in May 1998 by the same compa-
of 95 pm and a depth of 6 pm, evenly distributed with an area den- ny, in two pumps, one for light hydrocarbon, the other for
sity S, = 20 percent. Also shown in Fig. 7 are the theoretical Toluene. So far (October 1998), the seals are functioning satisfac-
results that were obtained by using the estimated experimental torily.
values of the clearance C to calculate the corresponding values of
the seal parameter A. As can be seen there is a good correlation
between theory and experiment showing the increase in the aver- CONCLUSION
age gauge pressure and, hence, the opening force with decreasing A theoretical model was developed to investigate the perform-
seal clearance. Note that the theory under estimates the experi- ance of laser-textured mechanical seals. Spherical shape pores
mental average pressure. The correlation could be somewhat were analyzed and the average fluid film pressure was calculated
improved by using more elaborate boundary conditions for the as a function of the main design and operating parameters. It was
Reynolds Equation, Eq. [4]. The results also demonstrate the found that the area density of the pores and the radius ratio of the
effectiveness of the pores in providing a very high fluid film stiff- seal have very little effect on the average pressure. On the other
ness as the clearance C keeps decreasing. Similar behavior was hand, the effect of the pores depth over diameter ratio is very sig-
reported in Ref. (3)for oil lubricated steel rings. Moreover, in Ref. nificant. An optimum value of this parameter can be found, for
(3) the existence of an optimum value for the pore depth over any given value of the seal parameter that maximizes the average
diameter ratio was also demonstrated experimentally in agreement pressure and the fluid film stiffness. In this regard the hemispher-
with the current theoretical findings. ical pore shape was shown to be the worst choice for textured
Following the successful experiments on the test rig an actual faces.
water pump was installed in the laboratory to allow tests with The analysis showed that the efficiency of the pores strongly
actual seals. The pump was circulating water from and into a 200 depend on the relation between hydrodynamic effects due to
liter container and its discharge pressure could be adjusted by a speed, viscosity and seal clearance, and hydrostatic effects due to
valve on the pump outlet. The seal was a single spring type with pressure differential across the sealing dam. If the hydrostatic
WC mating rings sealing a 16 mm shaft diameter at 3000 rpm. The effects suppress the hydrodynamic ones so that cavitation is either
pressure differential across the seal was 0.17 MPa. Three original completely eliminated or restricted to a small portion of the pores,
seals with no pores and three laser-textured seals with 25 percent then the effect of the pores vanishes and the seal performs like a
pore density, about 100 pm pore diameter, and 5 pm, 8 pm and 10 conventional seal with no pores. If on the other hand, the hydro-
pm pore depth were tested for 100-hour run period each. At the static effects arc much smaller than the hydrodynamic ones, then
end of each run period the seals were disassembled and their faces a very significant improvement in seal performance can be
examined visually under the microscope. All three original seals obtained with textured seals as compared to conventional untex-

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