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No: GDR/439-a/TPMC/16-17/132/SSNNL/ 98 Dt.

- 03/04/2019

The Executive Engineer
N.P.Canal Dn.No.15,

Sub:- Carrying out work without following Tender Specifications

Name of Work:- “Providing WBM service road, Carrying out treatment to existing
WBM road and providing C.C. parapet wall along Miyagam Branch Canal (From
Ch.65.500 to 86.600 Km.) and Vadodara Branch Canal (From Ch.67.440 to 115.09
Km) with O & M for five years.
Name of Agency:- M/S Divya Simandhar Construction Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara
Agreement No:- SSP/DIST-01/B2/01 of 2017-18

Dear Sir,

The following general observations have been made by TPI on the work carried out by
agency in both Vadodara Branch Canal & Miyagam Branch Canal.

(1) The C.C. work on site found being carried out by labour gangs in absence of
engineer/supervisor and without technical monitoring as required in work. So, It is
request to instruct agency strictly to deploy required nos. of site engineers
/supervisors on work as per terms of B2 tender agreement for executing work on
site as per design drawing as well as by following Q.A.P.
(2) The C.C. work found being constructed without providing construction joints both
between lining & wall base and also the same is found being constructed monolithic.
So, It is request to instruct agency to stop monolithic concreting and to provide
construction joint between both C.C. lining & wall base.
(3) It is also seen that the C.C. wall is found constructed without maintaining shape &
dimensions as per approved design drawing at some locations. So, It is request to
instruct Sub-Division officers to be vigilant during payment of C.C. work which shall
not be found constructed in shape and dimensions as per approved design drawings.
(4) It also request to inform sub-divisional officers to approve the top R.L. of C.C. lining
and C.C wall with respect to the construction drawing between all structure reaches
before start of C.C. work to avoid unnecessary height of C.C. work.
(5) It also request to instruct agency to stop laying of BSG over old damaged WMM layer
in the reach of Vadodara Branch Canal of Ch. 67.440 Km. to 84.500 Km as the same is
still not repaired by agency. So, It is request to instruct agency to plan to repair
damaged WMM first and after he should plann to start laying of BSG over WMM in
the same reaches only by getting approval from SSNNL/TPI.
(6) There is no work progress made on site by agency as labours went away from site for
Holi festival from last 10 days and absence of site staff are also seen on work during
this period. So, It is request to inform agency to make arrangements for level
checking and performing Q.C. test as required on work as well sampling of the
Bitumen & Emulsion in witness of SSNNL/TPI and sending the same to laboratory as
TPI recommend.
(7) It is also request to instruct agency to provide Cement/Bitumen Bills, Invoices and
Gate Passes to SSNNL/TPI timely as he received.
(8) The test results of the samples which have been sent after December-18 to private
laboratory recommended by TPI are still not obtained even TPI reported SSNNL. So,
It is request to inform concern Sub-Divisional officers to instruct agency to make
arrangements for timely payment to laboratory for timely receipt of test results as
per terms of agreement.
(9) It is also to notify to your good-self that if any test results obtained by agency from
other laboratory except recommended by TPI, than TPI shall not be considered
responsible for its authenticity as the same are not recommended and witnessed for
sampling as well as for witness of testing by TPI. So, It is request to your good-self to
instruct agency to follow the terms of sample testing as per recommendation by TPI
as terms of agreement.

(R. H. Modi)
Team Leader
Geo Designs and Research Pvt., Ltd.,

Cc to Deputy Executive Engineer, N. P. Canal Sub- Dn.No.14/4,14/5,15/4 of Jambusar & 5/4

of Amod for needful action in the matter please.

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