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Received: 7 February 2018    Revised: 28 May 2018    Accepted: 30 May 2018

DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13715


The physicochemical and structural properties of psyllium

gum/modified starch composite edible film

Fatemeh Askari1 | Ehsan Sadeghi1  | Reza Mohammadi1 | Milad Rouhi1 | Masoumeh

Taghizadeh1 | Mohammad Hosein Shirgardoun2 | Mohaddeseh Kariminejad1

Research Center for Environmental
Determinants of Health Abstract
(RCEDH), Kermanshah University of Medical The current study investigated the physicochemical and structural properties of dif‐
Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
ferent ratios of psyllium gum (PG) and modified starch (MS) (100:0, 50:50, 75:25,
School of Agriculture and natural
resource, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran 0:100) composite films. The results indicated that the moisture content, water solu‐
bility, water vapor permeability (WVP), and tensile strength (TS) of films decreased
Ehsan Sadeghi, Research Center for with increasing proportions of PG. However, the films’ elongation at break (EB) in‐
Environmental Determinants of Health
creased with gum content >50%. Cross‐sectional scanning electron microscopy
(RCEDH), Kermanshah University of
Medical Sciences, P.O. Box: 6719851351, (SEM) of composite films showed homogeneity, integrity, and a smooth structure.
Kermanshah, Iran.
The results of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) indicated a reduction of ther‐
mal stability with increasing proportions of PG. The films’ Fourier transform infrared
Funding information
spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra indicated miscibility and good interactions between MS
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
and PG. These findings were in agreement with the results of physicochemical, me‐
chanical, morphological, and thermal analyses. The PG/MS composite films with im‐
proved properties have potential for use in food packaging.
Practical applications
The film forming is a technique that polymer(s) combine with together and may be
created cross‐linked between them. The combination of polymers for film forming
was used for reinforcement and stability the films networks. In this study, the com‐
posite edible films of psyllium gum/modified starch made and the physicochemical,
mechanical, and structural properties of films was measured.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N lipids, which can be used alone or combined (Gennadios, 2002; Jung,
2006; Lago‐Vanzela et al., 2013; Ustunol, 2009). Commonly, films
Increased consumer demand for fresh and high‐quality foods has based on single biopolymers have poor mechanical properties and
increased the need for packaging that can more effectively pro‐ are sensitive to environmental conditions. Blending biopolymers in
tect food and extend its shelf life (Lago‐Vanzela, Do Nascimento, the manufacture of films could be an effective method to overcome
Fontes, Mauro, & Kimura, 2013; Parra, Tadini, Ponce, & Lugão, these disadvantages.
2004). Because of edible films made from biopolymers offer advan‐ In recent years, many studies have investigated films based on
tages such as renewability, low‐cost, accessibility, and the mainte‐ natural biopolymers such as gums. Psyllium seed (Plantago ovate
nance of food quality, they can replace packaging produced from Forsk) is an annual plant grown in many moderate climate areas of the
petroleum‐based plastics (Ahmadi, Kalbasi‐Ashtari, Oromiehie, world, particularly India and Iran (Ahmadi et al., 2012), and is consid‐
Yarmand, & Jahandideh, 2012; Rao, Warrier, Gaikwad, & Shevate, ered a source of natural biopolymers. The main functional properties
2016; Thakur & Thakur, 2014). The main ingredients of biopolymer‐ of psyllium are derived from the polysaccharides in its husk: 74.65%
based edible films and coatings are proteins, polysaccharide, and xylose, 22.6% arabinose and some other sugars (Rao et al., 2016).

J Food Process Preserv. 2018;42:e13715. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  |  1 of 9
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Psyllium husk has many benefits in medicine (for example, it is used 10 g of psyllium seeds were cleaned to eliminate foreign parti‐
to treat constipation, colon cancer, diarrhea, high cholesterol, and cles, then washed with 30 g of ethanol (96% w/v) three times
diabetes), pharmaceutics (such as serving as a carrier and bioactive to remove all foreign particles such as dust and chaff. Next, the
polysaccharide), and food manufacture (such as serving as a thick‐ seeds were placed in an oven (Heraew W.C. Heraeus Hanau,
ener, stabilizer, and gel‐forming ingredient) (Ahmadi et al., 2012; Rao Germany) 45 ± 2°C for 2 hr to remove the ethanol. To extract the
et al., 2016; Thakur & Thakur, 2014). It can also be used as a hydro‐ PG, 500‐ml distilled water was added to the seeds (70°C) and
gel in food manufacture due to its high water‐binding capacity and stirred continuously with an electronic stirrer (RW 20 DZM‐ IKA
intense viscosity. Ahmadi et al. have studied the characteristics of WERK, Germany) at 70 ± 5°C for 1 hr and 300 rpm. The seeds
psyllium gum film and shown that these films have poor mechanical were separated by filter (mesh 18). The polysaccharide fraction
properties (Rao et al., 2016). However, psyllium gum could be com‐ precipitated with addition ethanol and then dried at 45 ± 2°C in
bined with another biopolymer such as modified starch to improve an oven. The gum was sieved and stored at room temperature
the properties of its film. 25 ± 3°C and 50% RH.
Starch is a polymer widely used in the food industry, especially in
the production of edible film and coatings because of the variety of its
2.2.2 | Preparation of solutions
sources and amenability to physical or chemical modification, low cost,
and biodegradability (López, García, & Zaritzky, 2008). Starch can be To produce the film, PG (1.5% w/v) was dissolved in distilled water
obtained from wheat, rice, corn, cassava, and potato (López et al., 2008). for 30 min and allowed to hydrate for 24 hr at 45°C. Modified
The methods of modification of starch include of chemical (cross‐link‐ starch (MS) solution (3% W/V) was produced using the same
ing, acetylation, phosphorylation), enzymatic, physical (pregelatiniza‐ procedure (dissolved in distilled water and hydration for 24 hr at
tion), and combined modification (López et al., 2008). Starch films have 45°C). The PG and MS solutions were mixed in different ratios
a poor mechanical properties and high sensitivity to moisture, so that to (100:0, 50:50, 75:25, and 0:100), blended, and stirred at 300 rpm
improve the properties of film it could combine with another polymers and 50°C for 15 min. Thereafter, 50 ml of each PG/MS solution
such as chitosan, gelatin, or gums (Santacruz, Rivadeneira, & Castro, was spread on 15‐cm‐diameter petri dishes. The films were dried
2015; Woggum, Sirivongpaisal, & Wittaya, 2014). Also, modified starch in an air convection oven, and the films were peeled off and placed
has higher water solubility than neat starch, which enhances its compat‐ in a desiccator containing saturated magnesium nitrate (25 ± 3°C
ibility with water soluble polysaccharides. So that, modified starch has a & 53% RH) for 72 hr before analysis. All tests were conducted in
good potential for film and coating formation. triplicate.
Psyllium gum has a good potential for use in food packaging, but
has a poor mechanical properties. Blending of psyllium gum with
2.2.3 | Thickness of films
modified starch can reinforce the properties of its films. The goal
of this research was to investigate the physicochemical, structural, The films’ thickness was measured with a digital micrometer
mechanical, and thermal properties of psyllium gum films. Also, it (Mitutoyo, Japan) to the nearest 0.001 mm. Measurements were
were analyzed the effect of modified starch concentration on the done at six random points on each film, and the six measurements
properties of psyllium gum films. were used to calculate an average value.

2.2.4 | Moisture content
2 |  M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
The film samples (2 × 2 cm2) were dried at 105 ± 1°C in a laboratory
oven until they reached constant weight. Moisture content (MC) was
2.1 | Materials
determined using Equation (1):
Psyllium seed was purchased from a local market (Kermanshah, Iran).
m1 − m2
Modified starch (wheat acylation starch, degree of acylation = 20%– MC =
× 100 (1)
25%), and ethanol (96%) were obtained from Pouya Kabak (Tehran,
Iran) and Razi Corporation (Tehran, Iran), respectively. Glycerol, so‐
where m1 and m2 are the initial and the dried sample weight, respec‐
dium chloride, saturated magnesium nitrate, and calcium chloride
tively. Three replicates were analyzed per film formulation.
were obtained from Merck Chemicals Co. (Darmstadt, Germany).

2.2 | Methods 2.2.5 | Water solubility

Water solubility (WS) is defined as the percentage of dried matter
2.2.1 | Extraction of polysaccharide
that is soluble in water. Samples were placed in 50‐ml distilled water
Psyllium gum (PG) was extracted and purified according to the (25 ± 3°C, 2 hr) under constant stirring (30 rpm) using a magnetic stirrer
procedure of Ahmadi et al. (Ahmadi et al., 2012). First, about (RW 20 DZM‐IKA WERK, Germany). The resulting solution was filtered
ASKARI et al. |
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using Whatman paper and then dried in an oven (105°C for 1 h) until immediately fractioned. Finally, the films were fixed on aluminum
reaching to constant weight. WS was determined using Equation (2). stubs and coated with gold. The samples were examined at an ac‐
celerating voltage of 25.0 kV. The cross section of the samples was
w1 − w2
WS = × 100 (2) observed at magnification 1,000×.
where w1 and w2 are the weight of samples before and after soaking
in distilled water, respectively. 2.2.9 | FTIR
Analysis of the films’ structure was carried out using Fourier
2.2.6 | Water vapor permeability Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The FTIR spectrum was
recorded in attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mode using a FTIR
Water vapor permeability (WVP) measures film resistance to water
spectrometer (Shimadzu Irprestige‐21, Japan). The range of absorb‐
vapor. WVP was measured using ASTM E96‐00 Method (ASTM
ance was from 700 to 4,000 cm−1 with 16 scans and resolution of
E96‐00 Method (2000)). Film without flaws was fixed on a cell (ex‐
4 cm−1.
posed area = 23.7462 cm2) containing CaCl2 as a desiccant. The cell
was placed in a desiccator containing saturated NaCl solution (75%
RH). The weight of the cell measured to the nearest 0.0001 g every 2.2.10 | Thermal properties of films
24 hr for 5 days, and changes in weight were plotted as a function
A differential scanning calorimeter (DSC; Model‐1, Mettler Toledo,
of time; the slope of this plot was the water vapor transmission rate
Switzerland) was used to characterize the thermal properties of the
(WVTR). These values were calculated using Equations (3) and (4):
film samples. Samples were conditioned at 54% RH and 25°C, previ‐
Δm ously. About 10 mg of film was cut into small pieces and placed in the
A×t (3)
sample pan of the DSC. An empty aluminum pan was used as a refer‐
WVTR × x ence. The range of heating was −20°C to 150°C at rate of 10°C/min.
ΔP (4)

where ∆m is the change in weight over time (t), A is the surface area
2.2.11 | Statistical analysis
of the exposed film, x is film thickness, and ∆P is difference in partial
pressure. SPSS software (Version 23.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) was used to
analyze the data. All the experiments were conducted in triplicate.
Data were initially evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), and
2.2.7 | Mechanical properties
then a Duncan’s multiple range test was employed to detect signifi‐
The samples (1 × 10 cm) such as were preconditioned at room tem‐ cant (p < 0.05) differences.
perature (25 ± 3°C) and 55% ± 3% RH in a desiccator for 72 hr.
Tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break (EB) of films were meas‐
ured using a texture analyzer (Testometric M350‐10CT, England) ac‐ 3 | R E S U LT S A N D D I S CU S S I O N
cording to ASTM 882‐02 Standard Method (ASTM 882-02 Standard
Method (2002)). The samples were fixed in the grips of the device 3.1 | Thickness and moisture content
with a gap of 50 mm. The change of length and force were recorded
Thickness is an effective parameter on permeability and mechani‐
during tension of the specimens at 50 mm/min up to the break. TS
cal properties. Table 1 shows the thickness of films. The neat PG
and EB were calculated using the following equations:
film was the thinnest films with thickness about 80 µm, while
F the thickest of films was neat MS film (about 130 µm). The heat‐
TS =
x×w (5)
ing leads to gelatinization of starch and swelling of granules and
Δl therefore increasing film thickness (Wang, Wang, Xiao, Liu, et al.,
EB = × 100 (6)
li 2017). As can be seen, the thickness of samples was decreased
with reduction of starch concentration. The different ratios of MS/
where F is maximum force, w is film width, x is film thickness, ∆l is PG film had a significant difference (p < 0.05). Reduction in thick‐
the change of film length, and li is initial film length. Three repetitions ness of films with different concentration of PG can be caused by
were carried out for each film sample. less dry matter in these films. The thickness of these films were
significantly higher than cress seed gum, quince seed mucilage, le‐
pidium perfoliatum seed gum, and basil seed gum (Farhan & Hani,
2.2.8 | Microstructure of films
2017; Jouki, Khazaei, Khazaei, Ghasemlou, & HadiNezhad, 2013;
Microstructural analysis of films was carried out using scan‐ Jouki, Yazdi, Yazdi, Mortazavi, & Koocheki, 2013; Khazaei, Esmaiili,
ning electron microscopy (SEM; EM3200, KXKY, China). Samples Djomeh, Ghasemlou, & Jouki, 2014; Seyedi, Koocheki, Mohebbi,
were immersed in liquid nitrogen and then dried in a vacuum and & Zahedi, 2014; Sukhija, Singh, & Riar, 2016). It may be duo the
4 of 9       ASKARI et al.

TA B L E 1   Moisture content, water solubility, water vapor permeability, tensile strength, and elongation at break of PG/MS composite

Moisture WVP (×10 −10 g m−1 s−1

PG/MS ratios Thickness (mm) content (%) Solubility (%) Pa −1) TS (MPa) EB (%)

100:0 0.080 ± 0.03d 4.54 ± 0.16d 41.63 ± 0.22d 1.45 ± 0.38b 20.83 ± 0.33c 59.06 ± 0.35d

c c c b b
25:75 0.090 ± 0.03 7.06 ± 0.15 69.76 ± 0.23 1.15 ± 0.36 40.37 ± 0.26 18.21 ± 0.42c
50:50 0.110 ± 0.02b 10.87 ± 0.18b 84.06 ± 0.27b 1.56 ± 0.36b 40.69 ± 0.28b 6.08 ± 0.27b
a a a a a
0:100 0.130 ± 0.01 12.58 ± 0.19 95.04 ± 0.25 2.18 ± 0.46 42.53 ± 0.28 12.79 ± 0.27a

Note. Means within each column with same letters are not significantly different (p < 0.05). Data are mean ± SD.

differences of polysaccharide source, the type of extraction, and Gutiérrez, Morales, Tapia, Morales, Tapia, Pérez, & Famá, 2015),
the structure of polysaccharide. thermoplastic native cush‐cush yam starch (32%) and native cas‐
Table 1 shows the moisture values of treatments. The mois‐ sava starch (24%; Gutiérrez, Morales, Pérez, Morales, Pérez,
ture content of samples ranged from 4.54% to 12.58%. The Tapia, & Famá, 2015). It is duo to the type of starch source and the
lowest moisture content was observed in the neat PG film, prob‐ method of modification that can change the functional proper‐
ably because of the lower dry matter content (1.5%). The MC of ties. PG/MS blend films (75:25 and 50:50) showed higher solubil‐
films increased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing moisture ity than neat PG film. This may be due to the reaction of MS with
content. Formation of cross‐linkages between polymer chains PG and reduction in the compact structure of PG polymer chains
results in a reduction of accessibility to hydroxyl groups and hy‐ (Figure 1), with more spaces in the polymer matrix leading to pen‐
drogen bonds between polymers and water molecules (Kanmani etration of more water molecules (Wang, Wang, Ye, Liu, Xiao, et
& Lim, 2013; Martins et al., 2012). However, modified starch al., 2017). In contrast to these findings, Wang et al. reported a
can create hydrogen bonds with water and swell the granules decrease in water solubility with the addition of starch to colla‐
(12.58%). This finding was contrast with Kanmani and Lim found gen or gelatin films because of cross‐linkages between starch and
that the moisture content of films decreased with the addition collagen or gelatin molecules, which reinforced the film structure
of starch to pullulan, due to pullulan’s greater hydrophilicity (Wang, Wang, Xiao, Liu, et al., 2017; Wang, Wang, Ye, Liu, Xiao, et
(Kanmani & Lim, 2013). Also, Marvdashti et al, expressed the al., 2017). Also, Basiak et al. showed that wheat starch films had
moisture content of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum/polyvinyl the lowest water solubility and increased with increasing the ratio
alcohol composite film enhanced with increasing of PVA ratio of whey protein isolate (Basiak, Galus, & Lenart, 2015). The water
from 23.17% to 54.07% duo to many hydroxyl groups of PVA solubility of these were less than the films of psyllium seed gum
which it can give higher hydrophilicity to the film (Marvdashti, (50.71%; Ahmadi et al., 2012), chia seed mucilage (52.74%; Dick
Koocheki, & Yavarmanesh, 2017). Generally, The structure and et al., 2015), Sega seed gum (82%; Razavi, Amini, & Zahedi, 2015),
functional groups of polysaccharide resulted to increase the quince seed mucilage (45.45%; Jouki, Yazdi, et al., 2013), and basil
moisture content of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum/polyvinyl seed gum (49.65%; Khazaei et al., 2014).
alcohol composite film (Marvdashti et al., 2017), psyllium gum
(Ahmadi et al., 2012), whey protein concentrate/psyllium husk/
3.3 | Water vapor permeability (WVP)
lotus starch (Sukhija et al., 2016), basil seed gum (Khazaei et al.,
2014), and cress seed gum (Jouki, Khazaei, et al., 2013) from the The most important role of edible films in food packaging is to pre‐
samples of this research. vent or reduce moisture loss (Krochta, Baldwin, & Nisperos‐Carriedo,
1994). Water vapor permeability is influenced by different factors
such as the nature and extraction method of the biopolymers, film
3.2 | Water solubility
thickness, moisture level, the ratio of the hydrophilic to hydropho‐
Water solubility is an important factor in food packaging. Higher bic portions, and the reaction between the functional groups of
water solubility indicates the higher biodegradability and lower polymers (Garavand, Rouhi, Razavi, Cacciotti, & Mohammadi, 2017;
resistance to water (Marvdashti et al., 2017; Sukhija et al., Krochta et al., 1994; Mohammadi et al., 2018). The films’ WVP is
2016). The water solubility of the films in this study is shown in shown in Table 1. The WVP of the films examined in this study was
Table 1. The lowest solubility in water was observed in neat PG higher than that found for rice starch/ι‐carrageenan (Thakur et al.,
films (41.63%). The neat MS films showed the highest solubil‐ 2016), probiotic‐residing pullulan/starch (Kanmani & Lim, 2013),
ity in water (95.04%), probably because of interactions between lotus starch/whey protein concentrate/psyllium husk (Sukhija et al.,
water molecules and the functional groups of the modified starch. 2016), corn starch/chitosan (Garcia, Pinotti, & Zaritzky, 2006), and
However, the solubility of films were higher than that found for modified starch/carboxy methyl cellulose (Ghanbarzadeh, Almasi,
waxy/native corn starch (31%), waxy/phosphate corn starch (32%; & Entezami, 2010). The neat MS film had the highest WVP value
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F I G U R E 1   The main possible interactions between psyllium gum (PG) and modified starch (MS) in PG/MS edible films

(2.18 × 10 ‐10 g m−1 s−1 Pa−1). This could be due to the hydrophilic na‐ PG films had the lowest (20.83 MPa) TS. Tensile strength signifi‐
ture of modified starch molecules, which absorb water molecules cantly increased (by about twice) when the MS ratio was increased
from their surroundings. Seyedi et al. reported that the higher mois‐ to 25%, as the PG molecules could create cross‐linkages with MS
ture content of lepidium perfoliatum seed gum films resulted higher functional groups in the blended films. However, an increase in the
values for WVP (Seyedi et al., 2014). The WVP of PG/MS blend films proportion of MS from 25% to 50% showed insignificant (p > 0.05)
(50:50 and 75:25) was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than the neat changes in the films’ TS. The highest tensile strength (42.53 MPa)
MS films and 75:25 PG/MS ratio had the lowest WVP (1.15 × 10 ‐10 was observed in neat MS films, which may be due to the ordered
g m−1 s−1 Pa−1). This may be due to interactions between the two bi‐ and crystalline structure of modified starch. Vu and Lumdubwong
opolymers leading to fewer free spaces in the film matrix (Dick et found that the TS and crystallinity of films increased with increased
al., 2015). Also, psyllium hydrocolloid has a branched and compact amylose content in the starch used in the films (Vu & Lumdubwong,
structure that prevents the permeability and transition of water 2016). The TS of psyllium gum/modified starch composite edible
molecules (Yu, Perret, Parker, & Allen, 2003). However, the neat PG films was higher than Chaing rice starch (Woggum et al., 2014),
films and composite films indicated insignificant (p > 0.05) changes whey protein (Ramos et al., 2013), pea starch/peanut protein iso‐
in WVP value. This study was contrast with Basiak et al, which found late (Sun, Sun, & Xiong, 2013), potato starch (da Rosa Zavareze
the WVP of wheat starch increased with increasing the ratio of whey et al., 2012), whey protein isolate‫‏‬/gelatin/sodium alginate (Wang,
protein isolate to these films (Basiak et al., 2015). Galus et al, ex‐ Auty, & Kerry, 2010), and whey protein concentrate/psyllium husk/
pressed the WVP of oxidized potato starch/soy protein isolate based lotus rhizome starch (Sukhija et al., 2016).
edible films was enhanced with increasing of the ratio of oxidized The highest EB (59.06%) was observed in neat PG films (Table 1).
potato starch from 0% to 20% (Galus, Lenart, Voilley, & Debeaufort, The amorphous structure of PG films increases their extensibility.
2013). The WVP of these films was lower than of oxidized potato Increases in MS concentration led to decreases in the films’ EB. These
starch/soy protein isolate (Galus et al., 2013), sega seed gum (Razavi results were in agreement with those of Thakur et al., who reported
et al., 2015), and basil seed gum (Khazaei et al., 2014) and closed a decrease in the EB of rice starch films with decreasing the ɩ‐carra‐
to chia seed mucilage (Dick et al., 2015), psyllium gum (Ahmadi et geenan concentration (Thakur et al., 2016). According to Table 1, neat
al., 2012), cress seed gum (Jouki, Khazaei, et al., 2013), and whey MS film showed the lowest EB (6.08%). Ahmadi et al, demonstrated
protein concentrate/psyllium husk/lotus rhizome starch (Sukhija et the TS of psyllium gum films diminished and EB of them rose up with
al., 2016). increasing of glycerol ratio (Ahmadi et al., 2012). Also, Seyedi et al,
have mentioned that the resistance reduced and extensibility of films
3.4 | Mechanical properties augmented with the glycerol ratio (Seyedi et al., 2014).

The mechanical properties of films, including tensile strength (TS)

3.5 | Microstructure of films
and elongation at break (EB), are shown in Table 1. Tensile strength
shows the mechanical resistance of films to stretching and elonga‐ The study of films’ microstructure shows their homogeneity and mi‐
tion at break shows the flexibility of films before breaking (Qiu, croscopic structure. The SEM micrographs of the films are shown in
Hu, & Peng, 2013; Thakur et al., 2016). As shown in Table 1, neat Figure 2. Cross‐sectional images of neat PG films indicated a rough
6 of 9       ASKARI et al.

100:0 PG 75:25 PG/MS

50:50 PG/MS 100:0 MS

F I G U R E 2   Scanning Electron Micrographs for the cross section of PG/MS blend films

structure. This result may be explained by the gumminess and ge‐ study. The characteristic peaks of starch were at 3,000–3,600 cm−1
latinous structure of PG solutions, which resulted in the compact (O–H stretching), 2,924 cm−1 (C–H stretching), 1,593 cm−1 (O–H
structure of neat PG films. Moreover, MS films showed a brittle bending of water absorbed), and 860–1,250 cm−1 (C–O stretching of
structure. However, a compact and homogenous structure was ob‐ the anhydroglucose ring and C–H stretching) (Fang, Fowler, Sayers,
served in composite films. This could be due to compatibility and in‐ & Williams, 2004; Woggum et al., 2014; Zullo & Iannace, 2009).
teraction between the two polymers, creating a uniform and integral The intensity of the broad band at ~3,300 cm−1 (O–H stretch‐
structure. The results of films’ micrographs confirmed the findings ing of starch) increased with increases in the proportion of PG. This
of water solubility, WVP, and mechanical properties. These results could be due to the presence of more hydroxyl groups in PG, which
are similar to the findings of other studies that found a smooth and could form more hydrogen bonds. An absorption peak at 2,924 cm‐1
compaction surface in starch/hydrocolloid composite films indicat‐ in neat starch films corresponds to the C–H stretching vibration of
ing the miscibility of the two polymers (Bonilla, Atarés, Vargas, & the polysaccharide matrix. The presence of gum in films resulted in
Chiralt, 2013; Kanmani & Lim, 2013; Lozano‐Navarro et al., 2018; an increase of this peak’s intensity and a shift to a lower wavenum‐
Sukhija et al., 2016; Wang, Wang, Ye, Xiao, et al., 2017). ber. The intensity of the peak in the 1,018 cm−1 band in neat MS film
dramatically increased with an increase in the proportion of PG. A
peak at 1,593 cm−1 shifted to a higher wavenumber (1,608 cm−1) in
3.6 | FTIR spectroscopy
neat PG film. In contrast to the other peaks, those in the range of
FTIR spectroscopy is considered one of the most powerful and 1,200–1,650 cm‐1 showed higher intensity in composite films than
widely applicable spectroscopic techniques (Sun, 2009). The FTIR in neat PG film. Moreover, the highest intensity in this range was
spectrum shows some interactions between polymers that could observed in 75:25 PG/MS film. This might be due to the formation
lead to changes in the location, width and/or intensity of peaks of new interactions between the two polymers in composite films.
(Bourbon et al., 2011; Marvdashti et al., 2017; Thakur et al., 2016). These interactions could lead to improved film integrity, as observed
Figure 3 shows the FTIR spectrum of the films examined in this in the results for solubility, SEM and mechanical properties.
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Absorbance PG 100:0

MS/PG 25:75

MS/PG 50:50

MS 100:0

3700 3200 2700 2200 1700 1200 700

Wavenumber (cm-1)

F I G U R E 3   The FTIR spectra for PG/MS blend films with different ratios

Generally, the incorporation of PG with MS could form more films showed a range for Tm between 101.1 and 121.7°C (Figure 4).
hydrogen bonds between the two polymers and reinforce the net‐ The Tm of neat MS film was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that of
work of composite films; this has been reported in previous studies neat PG film. The crystalline structure of MS could result in low mo‐
(Martins et al., 2012; Sukhija et al., 2016; Thakur et al., 2016). bility of the polymer chains and high Tm. The lowest Tm was related
to neat PG film (101.1°C). This can be attributed to the branched
structure of PG, which creates amorphous regions. Therefore, the
3.7 | Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Tm of composite films decreased with increasing proportions of PG.
Thermal analysis includes of melting temperature (Tm) and Glass Moreover, the increase of interactions between two polymers could
transition temperature (Tg). Tg usually measured for crystalline poly‐ reduce the crystallinity and Tm of the MS films. These results were in
mers, which not discussed in this study. DSC thermograms of the accordance with those of Jaramillo et al., who reported a decrease
in Tm with the addition of yerba mate extract to cassava starch films
due to interaction between the yerba mate extract and the starch
polymeric chains, which limits the growth of crystals and recrystal‐
MS 100:0 lization (Jaramillo, Gutiérrez, Goyanes, Bernal, & Famá, 2016). In
contrast to these results, Sukhija et al. found that the Tm of lotus‐
MS/PG 50:50 starch films decreased with decreasing proportions of psyllium husk
(Sukhija et al., 2016). However, Almasi et al. reported an increase in
Heat Flow ( W/g)

the Tm of starch–CMC–montmorillonite films with increases in the

MS/PG 25:75 proportion of starch (Almasi, Ghanbarzadeh, & Entezami, 2010).
Galus et al, observed the Tm of oxidized potato starch/soy protein
isolate‐based edible films intensified with increasing of starch con‐
PG 100:0
centration (Galus et al., 2013). This increasing of Tm was resulted
from the crystallinity and ordered structure of starch.

-30 0 30 60 90 120 150 4 | CO N C LU S I O N

Temperature (°C)
The results showed that the physicochemical properties of films,
such as moisture content, solubility, and WVP, were different in
blend films from neat modified starch and psyllium gum films.
F I G U R E 4   DSC thermoghrams of PG/MS blend films Higher proportions of psyllium gum resulted in the films’ higher
8 of 9       ASKARI et al.

flexibility and lower TS. The films’ thermal stability declined with Galus, S., Lenart, A., Voilley, A., & Debeaufort, F. (2013). Effect of oxi‐
increased proportions of psyllium gum. SEM results showed com‐ dized potato starch on the physicochemical properties of soy pro‐
tein isolate‐based edible films. Food Technology and Biotechnology,
patibility and interactions between the two biopolymers and
51, 403–409.
the integrity of the resulting composite films. The FTIR spectra Garavand, F., Rouhi, M., Razavi, S. H., Cacciotti, I., & Mohammadi, R.
confirmed these findings. Therefore, 75:25 PG/MS blend films (2017). Improving the integrity of natural biopolymer films used in
showed suitable physicochemical and mechanical properties for food packaging by crosslinking approach: A review. International
Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 104, 687–707. https://doi.
use in food packaging. It can be concluded that the addition of
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AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S CRC Press.
Ghanbarzadeh, B., Almasi, H., & Entezami, A. A. (2010). Physical prop‐
We are thankful to the Department of Food Science and Technology, erties of edible modified starch/carboxymethyl cellulose films.
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, for support of this Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 11, 697–702.
Gutiérrez, T. J., Morales, N. J., Pérez, E., Tapia, M. S., & Famá, L. (2015).
study or their assistance for this research [Grant number: 95392].
Physico‐chemical properties of edible films derived from native and
phosphated cush‐cush yam and cassava starches. Food Packaging
and Shelf Life, 3, 1–8.
Gutiérrez, T. J., Morales, N. J., Tapia, M. S., Pérez, E., & Famá, L. (2015).
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How to cite this article: Askari F, Sadeghi E, Mohammadi R,
trol. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press.
Sun, Q., Sun, C., & Xiong, L. (2013). Mechanical, barrier and morphologi‐
et al. The physicochemical and structural properties of
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Thakur, R., Saberi, B., Pristijono, P., Golding, J., Stathopoulos, C., Scarlett, jfpp.13715
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