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Oral vs.

Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C My Objectives

Optimizing the Use of Vitamin C in the Care of • Redefine Orthomolecular Oncology
Cancer Patients • Introduce The Riordan Approach
• Clarify How Vitamin C Fights Cancer
– IVC as a Biological Response Modifier
Cancer is a word, not a sentence. – The Pro-oxidant Effect of IVC – Redox Cycling
- John Diamond – The Antiangiogenesis Effect of IVC
• Discuss ‘Ortho-dosing’ of Vitamin C
• Illustrate Objectives with Two Case Studies
Ron Hunninghake, MD
Chief Medical Officer
The Olive W. Garvey Center for Healing Arts

“The Doctor” painting

The Doctor (1891)
Sir Samuel Luke Fildes
- one of the best known of all late-Victorian
paintings (partly because reproductions hung in many
doctor’s offices)
- now in the National Gallery of British Art
(Image courtesy of Wikipedia)
- depicts a pensive physician watching a gravely ill
- inspired by the death of Sir Fildes’ own son

What message was Sir Fildes Clinical Oncology Paradigms

trying to convey with this painting?
Conventional ?????
The compassion of the physician Treat the Disease
The hopeless feelings of the family Determine Grade
The medical helplessness of that time period and Stage of Tumor
The devastation of life-threatening disease Kill Cancer Cells
More Oxidative
Quantity of Survival

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Allopathic Oncology Orthomolecular Oncology

• ‘Relating to or being a system of medicine that aims to

Allo-pathic Ortho-pathic
combat disease by using remedies (as drugs or surgery) Treat the Disease Care for the Patient
which produce effects that are different from those of the
disease being treated.’ -- Webster’s Determine Grade and Search for and Correct
• ‘The Silver Bullet’ mentality Stage of Tumor Underlying Causes
– the latest chemotherapeutic “breakthrough” Strengthen Healthy Cells
Kill Cancer Cells
– the newest and hottest technology…i.e. “the cyberknife”
More Oxidative Lessen Oxidative Stress
– the cancer surgery that is or will be the “standard of care”
• DANGER: the broader clinical context of the patient’s Stress Quality of Life
illness is lost in the rush to implement “the therapy”
Quantity of Survival

The Brightspot for Health
“We don’t treat cancer
Dr. Hugh’s Impossible Dream
We treat patients who
have cancer.”
-Dr. Hugh Riordan

The Riordan Approach

The Riordan WPH
WPH – Whole Person Healing

Approach Riordan Approach Ortho-pathic

HPN – Healing Power of Doctor-Colearner Relationship
HPN Identify the Causes
Cultivate Healthy Reserves – – CHR
CHR Characterize (& Correct)
CBI – Characterize
CBI (& Correct) Biochemical Individuality
Food As Medicine – FAM Biochemical
FAM Individuality Care for the Whole Person
ITC ITC – Identify The Causes
Food as Medicine
Doctor/Co-Learner Relationship – DCR
Cultivate Healthy Reserves
Healing Power of Nature

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Orthomolecular Medicine
Greek ‘Orthos-’ defined… Bridges Allopathic and Alternative
Orthos- Modern Usage Defined… Riordan Approach Ortho-pathic
Right orthogonal A right angle Doctor-Colearner Ortho-relational
Correct orthodontics correct the bite Relationship Ortho-cellular
Straight orthopedist straighten the fracture Identify the Causes Ortho-molecular
True orthodox a true, correct belief
Characterize (& Correct)
Akin to orthochromatic Colors akin to nature
Biochemical Individuality Ortho-personal
Right orthomolecular The right molecule
orthopathic _____ approach to illness Care for the Whole Person Ortho-nutritional
Summation Food as Medicine Ortho-dosing
Build Healthy Reserves Ortho-natural
Healing Power of Nature

First Cancer Case at The Center* PUTTING BREAKING MEDICAL
• George Williams, friend and patient of Dr. Hugh
• 1980 – Adenocarcinoma of right kidney Medical News: Other Cancers
• Underwent nephrectomy mets to lung, liver Re-Assessment Urged for Intravenous Vitamin
• IVC 30 grams twice weekly…felt well C and Cancer*
• After 15 months of therapy, mets were gone Published: March 27, 2006
- acceptable for CME
• 14 yrs later, at age 84, George died of CHF
*Sebastian J. Padayatty, et al
*J Orthomol Med 1990; 5:5-7
"Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer
therapy: three cases" CMAJ 2006;174(7):937-42.

Orthomolecular Oncology –
IVC – a ‘Natural’ Silver Bullet? the difference between soft & hard

• IVC therapy for cancer is in danger of being Riordan Approach Ortho-pathic

viewed as a natural “silver bullet” Doctor-Colearner Relationship Ortho-relational
• We best NOT FORGET the unique “birthing Identify the Causes Ortho-cellular
ground” of IVC in our quest for scientific proof of Characterize (& Correct) Ortho-molecular
Biochemical Individuality
its therapeutic efficacy
Care for the Whole Person Ortho-personal
• Ideally, the emerging field of orthomolecular
Food as Medicine Ortho-nutritional
oncology can serve to COMPLETE and HEAL
Build Healthy Reserves Ortho-dosing
the field of conventional, allopathic oncology
Healing Power of Nature Ortho-natural

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Riordan Approach to Cancer Orthomolecular Oncology Pioneers

• Apply all aspects of the Riordan Approach, plus…

• Use the right dose of vitamin C - “ortho-dosing” • James Lind • Lendon Smith
1. biological response modifier • Albert Szent-Gyorgyi • Claus Jungeblut
• Irwin Stone • William McCormick
2. nontoxic chemotherapeutic agent
• Abram Hoffer • Ewan Cameron
3. natural antiangiogenesis treatment
• Linus Pauling • Robert Cathcart
• The Art & Science of Orthomolecular Oncology
• Fredrick Klenner • Hugh Riordan
‘Spontaneous Remission Induction' RECNAC Research Team

Key RECNAC Research Finding Validation of RECNAC’s

Pioneering Work

Sept. 20, 2005 – National Institutes of Health

“Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill
cancer cells: action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen
peroxide to tissues”
– Proceedings of National Academy of Science
– Chen, Espey, Krishna, Mitchell, Corpe, Buettner,
Shacter, Levine
Sept 20; 102: 13604, 2005

Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin C Acting as an Anti-oxidant

2FR -
Free AA2e
Radicals are
The importance of
ortho-dosing the
IVC regimen oxidants DHA
2FR Dehydroascorbate
(oxidized vitamin C)

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Dehydroascorbic Acid The Pro-oxidant Effect of Vitamin C

Oxidized Vitamin C (DHA) Is Not Reabsorbed in the Presence of Iron and Oxygen
3+ +
2Fe - Fe3 Fe3
Two ferric
AA2e e- +2H+ AA2e
ions are
reduced to
the ferrous DHA* H2O2 e-
state 2+ 2O2 + AA
2Fe O2
kidneys 2+
*Misguided Sloan Kettering Study

National Institutes of Health

Fenton’s Reaction
Ferrous Iron is Oxidized Back to Ferric
May 14, 2007 State
“Ascorbate in pharmacologic concentrations selectively +
generates ascorbate radical and hydrogen peroxide in Fe3
extracellular fluid in vivo”
e- Hydroxyl
– Proceedings of National Academy of Science OH + OH
– Chen, Espey, Krishna, Mitchell, Corpe, Buettner, Shacter, Radical
May 14, 2007 | vol. 104 | no. 21 | 8749-8754 H2O2

Redox Cycling w Water Wheel Analogy –

ith IVC Vitamin C Generating a Pro-oxidant
+ +
Fe3 Fe3 AA OH
e- 2e-
OH Red g
DHA lin
H2O2 Cyc es
requ osing
2+ 2+
Fe Fe
orth amin C
it DHA
of V

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

The Riordan IVC Protocol

Intravenous Ascorbate (IVC) as a IVC Relieves the Classic Picture
Chemotherapeutic and Biologic Response Modifier
of Scurvy in Cancer Patients.
• BCRI: Bio-Communication Research Institute • The Unrecognized Symptoms of Scurvy
• Introduction – Tired and listless
• Treatment rationale and biological response – Sallow skin color with easy bruising
• Inclusion criteria and candidates – Poor appetite and poor sleep
• Precautions and side effects – Low threshold for pain
• Administration of IVC • IVC relieves the scurvy of cancer rapidly
• Concurrent Therapy
• Conclusions

BCRI Anti-angiogenesis Research*

A Biological Response Modifier Dr. Judah Folkman
The first to investigate
angiogenesis in cancer in
the early 1980’s
• relieves scurvy
• boosts immunity Angiogenesis means
“new blood vessel growth”
• stimulate collagen formation
• inhibits hyaluronidase Tumor cells produce
• induces apoptosis growth factors
- antiangiogenic
Most important VEGF

Reference: Anti-angiogenic Effect of High Doses of Ascorbic Acid

Mikirova, Ichim, Riordan; J Transl Med. 2008; 6: 50. published 9-12-08

VEGF – Angiogenesis: New Blood Vessel Growth

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

1. VEGF causes cellular proliferation VEGF

– stimulates mature endothelial cells
– recruits bone marrow endothelial stem cells to
the tumor site
2. VEGF stimulates secretion of MMPs Tumor Nodule
– proteinases that break down extracellular matrix
– allow new blood vessel growth toward tumor

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

New Endothelial Cell Actions

Tumor Angiogenesis
Effect of Tumor Conditioned Medium (TCM) on Angiogenesis
NO Nodule

Control TCM

VEGF Feedback Loops

Beware of “I think we got it all!”
• Positive local feedback
– New blood vessel growth brings more
• Resection of primary tumors results in sudden
nutrients to the tumor cells vascularization and growth of mets!
– As the tumor cell population grows, more • This is due to loss of feedback inhibition from
VEGF is made angiostatin and endostatin
• Negative distant feedback • Mets are free to stimulate angiogenesis
– Tumor cells also make angiostatin and
– These cytokines inhibit angiogenesis at sites
of metastasis

Angiogenesis Inhibitors Vitamin C and Angiogenesis

FDA Approved Cell Types studied by BCRI
Avastin – Antibody to VEGF
Increased survival by 5 months in colorectal – HUVEC (umbilical cord)
GI perforation, wound rupture, high BP, kidney, heart
Clinical Trials • “Mature” endothelial cells from umbilical cords.
Thalidomide – Blocks migration (Nitric Oxide effects)
Neovastat – Multi-functional (from Shark Cartilage)
• Grown in the presence of growth factors and heparin.
Angiostatin – Multi-functional
• Form “Tubules” on Matrigel extracellular matrix material.
Endostatin – Multi-functional
Natural – Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPC) are adult stem cells
Foods – Pomegranate juice, Red wine.
Extracts – Green Tea, Horse Chestnut, Butcher’s broom • Isolated from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Nutrients – Lipoic acid, vitamins A and D. Vitamin C
• Grown on fibronectin with EGF and VEGF supplemented
growth medium.
• Form “Tubules” on extraMatrigel cellular matrix material.

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Assays Used to Study

Vitamin C and Angiogenesis Vitamin C and Angiogenesis
Cell Type Characterization Endothelial Cell Markers
– Cells have characteristic – HUVEC (mature umbilical) Angiogenesis Assays
surface markers. CD31 – Matrigel “Tubule” formation.
VEGR-R2 – Aorta ring assay.
– Cell migration assays.
– Fluorescence-labeled – EPC (adult stem cells)
antibodies to these markers CD34 – Matrigel plug in vivo assay.
can be used to distinguish VEGF-R2
cell types CD31 Cellular Function Assays
VE-cadherin – Nitric Oxide (NO) production rates.
– ATP production rates.
Negative for CD133

Vitamin C and Angiogenesis Vitamin C and Angiogenesis

Ascorbate and Tubule Formation
Aortic Ring Model Effect of Ascorbate (15 mM) on Vessel Sprouts

Control Ascorbate

Control Ascorbate

Vitamin C and Angiogenesis

Vitamin C and Angiogenesis
Matrigel Plug Assay Endothelial Migration Assay
– Insert Matrigel plug under skin – Grow Cells
– Control untreated – Scrape a Gap
– Treated 400 mg/kg ascorbate
– Measure Re-growth
– Remove plug

– Detect and quantify vessel growth in

histological sections

Results of Three Experiments

Plugs from ascorbate treated mice have less vessel infiltration:
Expt 1 58% Expt 2 55% Expt 3 70%

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Vitamin C and Angiogenesis Summary of the Effect of IVC-

Effects of Ascorbate on Endothelial Cells:
Dosages of Vit. C on Angiogenesis
– Slight Decrease in ATP Production. No Effect on Viability
– Decreases VE-adherin Expression and Nitric Oxide Production.

Vitamin C inhibits endothelial cell

functions key to angiogenesis
- proliferation

- migration

- nitrous oxide production

without affecting viability of

endothelial cells.

IV Ortho-dosing required for… The Hoffer Cancer Regimen

IVC Antiangiogenesis Effect In 1978, Dr. Abram Hoffer started a 15-year test of
an ORAL ortho-dosing vitamin C redox regimen on
? IVC Redox generation of the hydroxyl radical ?
134 advanced cancer patients:

Vitamin C – 12,000 mg (as high as 40,000 mg)

?? Biological Response Modification ?? Beta carotene – 30,000 IU
B complex – B100
??? Vitamin C Redox Synergy ??? Selenium – 600 mcg
Vitamin E succinate – 300 IU
What about Oral Ortho-dosing? Zinc – 60 mg

Mean Survival (mos.) of Cancer Oral ‘Ortho-dosing’ Redox

Pts. with Hoffer’s Regimen*
1. The frequency and level of dosing of oral C is a critical
Cancer Type With Vitamins Without Vitamins component of any redox synergy strategy
2. The Riordan IVC Protocol empirically suggests ‘off day’
Breast 70 3.7 gram dosing of vitamin C
Uterus 99 4.0 3. With the addition of ortho-doses of alpha lipoic acid,
vitamin K, selenium, and copper, it may be possible to
Ovary 16 3.6 induce hydroxyl formation with an oral C redox synergy
Lung 17 2.0 strategy
4. Other antioxidants, such as vitamin E succinate,
Pancreas 40 2.4 vitamin D3, Co-Q-10, glutathione, and curcumin, may
All types 45 2.6 provide further synergetic benefits

* J of Orthomolecular Med 1990 and 1993

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Redox Cycling –
Lipoic Acid Adding
alpha lipoic
+ +
Cu2 Cu 2 acid to the
e- ascorbic
OH + LASH acid in cell
OH culture
H2O2 LAS shifted the
+ + + dose
Cu1 Cu1 H+ response
curve to the

Redox Cycling – Vitamin K3 for Cancer

Vit. K3
+ +
• March, 2008 study by Summa Health Systems
Cu2 -
– Apatone* granted orphan drug status by FDA
e- K32e • A phase I/II study using Apatone at a dose of 5000 mg of vitamin
OH + C and 50 mg of vitamin K3
OH • 17 subjects with end stage prostate cancer who had failed local
H2O2 DHK3 – “two successive rises in PSA post treatment”
+ + • Rise in PSA “velocity” decreased in 13/17
Cu1 Cu1 • 15 continued Apatone past 14 months – 1 death
*Also sold under the name “Prostay”

Reasons to Consider an Oral Ortho- Utilize the Riordan IV-C Protocol

dosing Regimen for Cancer Patients (with the following addendums )
1. Unavailability of IVC or medical provider of IVC
2. Expense of IVC (especially over the long run) • Ultra low glycemic/high phytonutrient diet
3. Poor veins/no port-a-cath/oncologist resistance • Ortho-dosing Oral-C on the off-days from IV-C
4. Prevention of “IVC Resistance” • Ortho-dosing alpha lipoic acid (100 mg/gr of C)
maintains “oxidative pressure” between IVC infusions • Ortho-dosing vitamin K3 (published doses)
5. Enhancement of Post-IVC serum C levels • Ortho-dosing selenium (monitor for toxicity)
6. Enhanced IVC effectiveness in high grade tumors • Ortho-dosing vitamin D3 (monitor 25-OH-D)
7. Long term maintenance strategy after successful IVC • Ortho-dosing of select antioxidants
therapy and cancer remission (use published research and ortho-physician’s guidance)

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

M.C. – Metastatic Breast Ca M.C. – Appointments and Course

• Sept. 24, 2008 – Dr. GH Intake H & P -The Center
• Oct. 9, 2008 – Dr. RK Reviewed lab workup “poorly differentiated”
• 61 y.o. WF • Thoracic CT on 9-18-08 • Oct. 31, 2008 – Mayo’s ‘We have a situation that we cannot cure.’
• Dx – stage II breast Ca Pleural nodules found . Increased IVC dosage to 75 gr 2 x/wk
at age 47, 4-positive nodes 3.6 x 2.8 cm L apical nodule • Nov. 19, 2008 – Dr. GH Adrenal insufficiency – started cortef &
• Jan. 2, 2009 – Dr. RH oral C redox – 24gr/d
ER positive, PR negative 2.1 x 1.8 cm L ant. seg. Nodule
. “Your tumors have tripled in size and are
breast conserving surgery L pleural effusion (small) inoperable.”
• Jan. 15, 2009 – Mayo’s
BCT chemotherapy • PET scan 9-18-08 Daily IVC, IV-H2O2, IV-EDTA
tamoxifen for 5 years Confirmatory of above Liposomal antioxidants started
• Jan19 – Mar2‘09 -Mexico 1 oz 3 x/d = 10 gr C + 1.2 gr GSH etc
letrozole started Nov ‘03 • MRI 9-18-08 • Mar3 – Apr3 ‘09 – Colearner added R lipoic acid – 300 mg TID
• Sept. ‘08 – pulm. nodules No other primary found .
probable recurrent metastatic • Apr. 3, 2009 – Dr. RH
breast cancer

Special Liposomal Formulation M.C. – Course of Vit. C Treatments

M.C. Added 1 oz TID to Regimen 25 IVCs (75 gr. – 2x/wk) Post IVC levels
Oct 10, ‘08 to Jan 14, ‘09 127 mg/dl – Oct 6, 08 (15gr.)
Jan19, ‘09 to Mar03, ‘09 143 mg/dl – Oct 7, 08 (25gr.)
Daily IVC, etc. in Mexico
After Mar03, no further IVC 245 mg/dl – Oct 8, 08 (50gr.)
due to loss of home nurse 288 mg/dl – Oct 10, 08 (75gr.)
Oral Redox (vitamin C) 287 mg/dl – Nov 19, 08 (75gr.)
8 grams 3x/d 337 mg/dl – Jan 02, 09
Dec 11, 2008 – to date (75gr.)
No bowel intolerance Plasma C levels
Add Liposomal Antioxidants 1.3 mg/dl – Sept 24, 08
Start – Mar 10, 2009 to date 1.4 mg/dl – Jan 02, 09
1 oz 3x/d total C = 28 gr/d 0.0 mg/dl – Apr 03, 09

M.C.’s Current Clinical Status R.F. – Metastatic Prostate Cancer

• 81 y.o. WM • Bone scan (10-22-1998)
• Dx – prostate Ca (in 1996) Negative
• As of April 03, 2009 at age 69 • Bone scan (07-02-2004)
– Stage 4 cancer “clear cell type” abnormal DRE Negative
vs. intraductal adenocarcinoma recurrence PSA – 4.1 • Pelvic CT (7-25-2007)
biopsy – mets to R seminal
– No pain, normal appetite, maintaining normal weight,
good color, optimistic, still very engaged! adenocarcinoma vessel and sacrum
well differentiated • Bone scan (8-01-2007)
• As of May 02, 2009
single focus 20 areas of radiotracer
– Recent CT scan results: uptake, including spine,
no Gleason score on
path. ribs, and large area of
DVT (Feb ’08)

Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C
Ronald Hunninghake, MD

R.F. – Treatments Through the Years

R.F.’s Highest PSA Readings by Year
154 IVCs (30 gr.) Radiation
Oct. 1996 -- Feb. 2000 Lupron/Casadex (14 months)
Post IVC – Beta Glucan and PC SPES (temp.)
107 mg/dl – April 1998 Testosterone Troche 16 mg (Jun’05…)
153 mg/dl – July 1998 Poly MVA & Zeolite (Mar’07–Jul’07)
245 mg/dl – Feb. 2000 Prostay – C:K3 100:1 ratio
24 IVCs (50-75 gr.) 14,000mg :140mg (Aug
Aug. to Nov. 2007
PC Hope 2-3/d (Feb ’08…)
Post IVC – D3 - 6000 IU
201 mg/dl – Aug 13, 2007 25(OH)D level 60 ng/dl in
258 mg/dl – Aug 30, 2007 Jan’09
349 mg/dl – Oct 2007

R.F.’s Clinical Status Take Home Messages

• We can change cancer from a terminal disease to a chronic
• Continues to eat a very low glycemic diet illness, to an “ortho-remission”
• Appetite is good (wt. recently up 2 lbs.) • The allopathic use of IVC is a crucial component of successful
• No pain, sleeps well cancer therapy… “as an adjunctive Rx”
• Normal skin color • The ortho-pathic use of IVC with synergistic ortho-dosing of
oral adjunctive nutrients
• With recent addition of 6 gr. vitamin C powder, oral C
is up the 18 grams a day, no diarrhea – engages the patient as a colearner
– empowers the colearner to make and sustain dietary, and
• May 2nd update:
lifestyle changes to heal/control cancer
– provides a scientifically proven biological, redox, and
antiangiogenic basis for orthomolecular oncologic care

Parting Thoughts
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
- Erma Bombeck

An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away.

- Mae West


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