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Vision for SunSystems

Vision XL Training
Vision XL

Copyright and Restrictions

November 2006
Vision for SunSystems XL Training
Vision 6.3.3
Disclaimer: Vision is used in conjunction with third party companion products, such as operating systems and database
systems. Vision is only supported for companion products that are in turn currently supported by their respective parent
company. Please refer to the Vision Support Policy for full details.
Copyright © 2006 Infor Global Solutions Technology GmbH and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor Global Solutions
Technology GmbH and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other trademarks listed herein are the
property of their respective owners.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names and data used in the exercises
herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Infor Global
Solutions Technology GmbH. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. It is
against the law to copy the software on any other medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. The
licensee may make one copy of the software for backup purposes.
147-149 Colin Street
West Perth
Western Australia 6005
Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

SECTION 1: ABOUT THIS GUIDE............................................................................................................ 1
Recommended Audience................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Course Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Vision Documentation .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Vision XL User Guide .....................................................................................................................................................................................2
Online Help........................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Internet Resources ............................................................................................................................................................................................2
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 3: STARTING VISION .............................................................................................................. 5
Section Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Loading the Vision XL Add-In ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Add/Remove Add-ins Utility ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Logging On and Off Vision ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Changing Your Password ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Show or Hide the Vision Toolbar and Menu ............................................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 4: XL FUNDAMENTALS ........................................................................................................... 9
Query Definitions - The Building Blocks .................................................................................................................................... 9
Detail Report................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Summary Link................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Data Link ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Summary Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Components of a Query Definition Form ................................................................................................................................ 12
Setting Filters .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Setting Output ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Query Formula ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Different query type…same answer........................................................................................................................................................... 15

SECTION 5: DEBTOR REPORT ..............................................................................................................17

Session Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Answer Preview.............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Exercise............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Starting XL ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Navigating the Workbook ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Data Link ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Query Definition Form................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Target Cells...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Automatic Filter Lookup .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Recalculate ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Summary Link................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Extraction Type .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Adhoc Analysis – Drilldown........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Detail Report................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Saving Reports ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Macro Builder ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Summary Link................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
SECTION 6: DEBTOR DETAILS REPORT ............................................................................................... 28
Session Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Vision XL

Answer Preview.............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Exercise............................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Create Summary Report ............................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Create Definition Formula ........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Sorting .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Report Designer ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Filter Options ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33

SECTION 7: QUARTERLY PROFIT AND LOSS ........................................................................................ 34

Session Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Answer Preview.............................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Exercise............................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Create Single Query ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Build Report with Multiple Queries ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
Period Offset .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Continuous and Non-contiguous Ranges ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Formula Fill ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38

SECTION 8: ENHANCED PROFIT AND LOSS REPORT ........................................................................... 39

Session Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Answer Preview.............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Exercise............................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Export Formula .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Reverse Sign .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Query Templates ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Format Tables ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Hierarchy Designer ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Selecting Hierarchies in a Report ................................................................................................................................................................ 45
SECTION 9: ASSET VALUE REPORT ...................................................................................................... 46
Session Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Background ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
User Defined Output .................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
SECTION 10: LEDGER DATA SEND ....................................................................................................... 50
Session Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Background ............................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Data Send: Period Down.............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Data Send: Period Across............................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Data Send: Data Matrix ................................................................................................................................................................................ 52

Vision XL

Section 1: About This Guide

Recommended Audience
This guide is designed to quickly help you become familiar with Vision. Prior to working through the
guide, it is recommended that you be familiar with the Windows environment, your financial package
and Microsoft Excel.
To gain an understanding of the functionality of the features of Vision XL, it is recommended all
examples and exercises are completed.
The examples and results of any information extracted in this document should be used as reference
only. Please note that the database used to develop the training course may differ from your database.

Course Objectives
By the end of the course you will be able to:
 Load the Vision Add-in.
 Use the Vision XL functions of Data Link, Summary Link, Detail Report and Summary
Report to extract data from your financial database into an Excel worksheet.
 Create your own User Defined Output data items.
 Use Drilldown to drill on data associated with formulas.
 Create simple Format Tables.
 Use Macro Builder to create a Vision XL macro that automates Vision XL activities.
 Use Data Selector to create drop-down lists from Excel and your financial database.

Vision XL

Typographical Conventions
To facilitate your use of the Vision Training Guide, the following conventions have been used:

Formatting Conventions Type of Information

Numbered Lists Step-by-step procedures. You can follow these

instructions to complete a specific task.

Special Bold Items you must select, such as menu options,

command buttons, or items in a list.

Italic Emphasis Used to highlight the name of the window

displayed or field referenced.

CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. For example,


Vision Documentation

Vision XL User Guide

Please refer to the Vision XL User Guide for detailed explanation of the features and functionality
covered in this exercise booklet.

Online Help
Vision includes Online Help that provides detailed information for using the Vision features.
To gain access to Online Help select Help from the Vision menu.

Internet Resources

Web Site
You can obtain additional information on Vision from the Vision Web site at:

Vision XL

This section briefly outlines potential areas that may result in Vision XL not operating. Ensure the
following steps have been completed.
1. Verify Vision is installed.
2. In Client Setup, confirm connection has been made from:
• Vision to the Vision Centralized Database.
• Vision to the SUN 522 Domain product database.
3. Connections have been made using DSN-less connection technique The server name is
proceeded by an asterisk (e.g., *DB-srvr2).
4. On each client PC, the server tables have been installed by clicking the Install button on the
Connection Details tab.
5. The SunSystems 5 serduct has been installed using the Update Serducts utility.
6. In Vision Setup, Serialization tab, Vision and SunSystems 5 serduct have been serialized.

7. The Guest user is a member of the Guest profile and that the profile has been granted access to
the SunSystems 5 product through the Sun user PK1.

8. The Guest user has been allocated to SunSystems 5 / Vision XL.

Vision XL

If this is not completed, the Vision ‘Guest’ user will be able to start and logon to XL, but is
denied access to the SunSystems 5 product when attempting to create a query.

Vision XL

Section 3: Starting Vision

Section Objectives
In this section we will cover:
• Loading the Vision XL Add-in
• Controlling Vision XL Add-in with Add/Remove add-in utility.
• Logging on and Vision XL menu.
• Vision XL Options

Loading the Vision XL Add-In

Vision XL uses an Excel Add-In. The first time Vision XL is loaded you must browse and select the
Add-In from the Vision directory.

Tip: Loading the Vision XL Add-in can also be done with the utility described below.

1. Open Microsoft Excel.

2. If the Vision XL logon screen appears, click Cancel.
3. From the Tools select Add-Ins.

4. Click the Browse button and open the Vision folder.

Vision XL

5. Select the Vision XL Add-In, LsAgXLB.xla. If the Vision XL Add-In has previously been
added to Excel you will receive the following message:

6. Click the Yes button.

7. Click the OK button to close the Add-Ins dialog box.
The pre-logon Vision XL menu is appended to the Microsoft Excel toolbar.

Add/Remove Add-ins Utility

The Add/Remove Add-ins utility controls the inclusion of Vision XL and Vision Word Add-Ins in
their respective host applications.

Add/Remove Add-ins can be started from:

• The Setup tab in Vision Maintenance.
• The Client menu in Vision Setup.
Microsoft Word and Excel should be closed before changing add-in settings.

Vision XL

Logging On and Off Vision

Prior to using Vision, you must obtain a user name and password information from your
To logon Vision, from the Vision menu select Logon or click the Logon button on the Vision
To log off Vision, from the Vision menu select Log Off or click the Log Off button on the Vision
The serducts currently installed are listed along the bottom of the dialog box.

Changing Your Password

In order to maintain a high level of security, it is advisable to change your password on a regular basis.
On the logon dialog box, click the Password tab and enter a new password.

Vision XL

Show or Hide the Vision Toolbar and Menu

When you logon to Vision XL the Vision menu is automatically added to your Excel menu bar.
To display the Vision menu as a toolbar, select Show Toolbar from the Vision menu. To return the
toolbar to the menu, click the Show Menu button, .

Floating Vision XL Toolbar

Vision XL

Section 4: XL Fundamentals

Query Definitions - The Building Blocks

The Vision XL menu comprises of several functions for designing reports and analysis. That said, the
most important and frequently used functions are: Data Link, Summary Link, Summary Report and
Detail Report. These functions, also know as Query Definitions, are the only Vision XL menu items
needed to return data from the database. From these basic building blocks, complex reports can be

Although each of the Query definitions return data, the type of data that is returned differs. To
illustrate this consider the following example.

Vision XL

A grocery store is open Monday to Friday. Each item that is sold is stored in database. After a week of
trading the store has posted the following transactions.

Day Product Quantity Price Total

Monday Bread 1 $1.50 $1.50
Monday Potatoes 10 $0.20 $2.00
Monday Rice 1 $3.00 $3.00
Tuesday Cake 2 $5.00 $10.00
Tuesday Water 1 $2.00 $2.00
Tuesday Bread 1 $1.50 $1.50
Wednesday Cola 1 $2.50 $2.50
Wednesday Bread 1 $1.50 $1.50
Wednesday Fish 2 $6.00 $12.00
Thursday Bread 3 $1.50 $4.50
Thursday Rice 1 $3.00 $3.00
Thursday Water 2 $2.00 $4.00
Friday Cola 4 $2.50 $10.00
Friday Bread 3 $1.50 $4.50
Friday Cake 2 $5.00 $10.00

Detail Report
A Detail Report definition is the simplest to understand. It just returns a list of results from the
database. Each list items refers to a single table row.
• Financial management system example - a Detail Report can list all transactions for current
period sales for a range of debtors or for all transactions that have a particular T-code.
• Strategic asset and service management system example - a Detail Report can return a list of
inventory items.
• In the Grocery store example, a Detail Report can be used to list all items sold on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Day Product Quantity Price Total
Tuesday Cake 2 $5.00 $10.00
Tuesday Water 1 $2.00 $2.00
Tuesday Bread 1 $1.50 $1.50
Wednesday Cola 1 $2.50 $2.50

Vision XL

Wednesday Bread 1 $1.50 $1.50

Wednesday Fish 2 $6.00 $12.00

Summary Link
A Summary Link returns a single number. The number is result of arithmetical operation, such as
aggregated sum or average. It is typically used to return Base Amount or column totals.
• Financial management system example – a Summary Link can return the total original
purchase value, accumulated depreciation and book value of assets. Summary Links are used
extensively throughout Profit and Loss reports.
• Strategic asset and service management system example - a Detail Report can return the total
number of spare components currently available in the warehouse.
• In the Grocery store example, a Summary Link can return the total value of goods sold:
Product Total
<ALL> $72

• In the Grocery store example, a Summary Link can return the number of Bread items sold:
Product Quantity
Bread 9

Data Link
A Data Link returns a single value, be it a number or text. The value is simply extracted out of the
table. No aggregation is performed.
• Financial management system example – a Data Link can return an account description such
as ‘Software Sales’
• Strategic asset and service management system example - a Detail Report can return an
electrical part catalogue number or the description of the part, such ‘Industrial Motor’.
• In the Grocery store example, a Data Link can return a Product description, such as ‘Cake’.

Summary Report
A Summary Report is a combination of a Detail Report and Summary Link. A Summary Report
creates a list of grouped items, and for each list item, calculates the total.
• Financial management system example – a Summary Report can return a list of account
codes and the total for each account.
• Strategic asset and service management system example - a Summary Report can return a list
of industrial fuses of different current tolerances, with the total of each type in stock.
• In the Grocery store example, a Summary Report could return total beverage items.

Vision XL

Product Quantity Total

Cola 5 $12.50
Water 3 $6.00
Total 8 $18.50

Components of a Query Definition Form

All the Query types in Vision XL use a similar Query definition form. Below is a simple Detail Report.

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

1. Logon to Vision XL.

2. In an empty worksheet, select cell A1. This is the active cell.
3. Select Detail Report from the Vision menu. The Query definition form opens.
Definition forms can have one or three tabs: Definition, Report Style and Options. The Detail
Report, shown below, has three tabs.
Assist Lookup button –
list all potential values for
the active filter.

Filter window - restricts

the results to a specific
Product, table or subset
of values

Selection List – all items

Output window –
which can be output or
items to be extracted
filtered upon.
into the worksheet.

Vision XL

Setting Filters

Filters specify where to find the data; which Product, main table or time frame. It narrows the
area of interest. Each filter setting is concatenated by AND statements. In Vision, Query definition
form filters are referred to as Data Filter Items.
4. Select Product and click the assist button. The assist button generates a lookup list of values
return by the database.
5. Select the Product SunSystems 5. This means the Query definition is returning results from the
SunSystems 5 database.
6. Select Business Unit and click the assist button. The lookup list displays all available Business
7. Select Business Unit PK1. This means the Query definition is returning results from the PK1
Business Unit stored in the SunSystems 5 database.
8. Select Table and LA / Ledger. This means the Query definition is returning results from the
Ledger table in the PK1 Business Unit stored in the SunSystems 5 database.
9. Select Ledger and A (Actual).
10. Select Account Code. Account Code filter is defined as range of Account Code values, from a
start point to an end point.
11. Select Account Code range 11000 (Product Sales) to 19500 (Discounts Received).
12. Select Accounting Period. The Accounting Period defines the time scale in which returned results
should fall under.
13. Click the assist button to display the Period Selection dialog box and select YA (Year to date).

The Filter window has established the Query definition is returning results that occurred this
year, from an account code range 11000 to 19500, from the Actual ledger table, in the PK1
Business Unit stored in the SunSystems 5 database.
The next step is, given our area of interest defined by the filter, what sort of information do we
need to know ? This is made possible by the Output window.

Setting Output

The Output window sets the results inserted into the worksheet. In Vision, data items that
extracted into the worksheet are referred to as Data Output Items. Starting from the active cell, each

Vision XL

Data Output Item is inserted into the column on the right. In this exercise the active cell is A1, so the
first Data Output Item is extracted to column A, the next Data Output Item is extracted to column B
and so on.
14. In the Query definition form, drag Account Code and Base Amount from the Selection List to
the Output window. These are the data item we which output to our worksheet.

Results from the first Data Output Item, LA\Account Code, will start from the active cell A1.
The second Data Output Item, LA\Base Amount, will be placed in the next column to the right.
15. Click OK to run the Query definition. The results are inserted into the worksheet. Every
transaction that matched the Data Filter Items’ criteria is listed.

Vision XL

Query Formula
Notice that cell A1 contains a formula. The Query definition formula allows you to:
•Double-click cell A1 to re-open the completed Query definition form.
• Use Recalculate to re-extract the same query and return current results from the database.
16. Make a note of the total result, in this case: $ -5,101,299,190

Different query type…same answer

In the previous steps we created a Detail Report to list all Base Amount transactions from Account
Codes 11000 to 195000. Using a Summary Link a single total value can be returned without the need
to list and then the sum each transaction result.
17. In Excel, create a new worksheet and select cell A1.
18. On the Vision menu, select Summary Link.
19. Complete the query definition form with exactly the same Data Filter Items used in the Detail
Data Filter Items
• Product – SunSystems 5
• Business Unit – PK1
• Table – LA
• Ledger – A

Vision XL

• Account Code – 11000 to 19500

• Accounting Period – YA +0 (Year to Date)
Data Output Items
• LA\Base Amount
When outputting Base Amount, or any numerical data item displayed in red in the Selection List,
Vision automatically sums the results ( ). This is the default Extraction Type.

20. Click OK. The returned total for the Summary Link and Detail Report is the same. As like the
Detail Report, the Summary Link formula in inserted in the cell

Vision XL

Section 5: Debtor Report

Session Objectives
In this session we will:
• Create a standard age debtors report
• Demonstrate Automatic Filter Lookup
• Change the Data Output Item Extraction Type

Answer Preview
After completing the exercises in this section the worksheet should be similar to this:

Vision XL


Starting XL
1. Open the training workbook.
2. Select the Debtor Report tab.

Navigating the Workbook

The Training workbook includes sections to assist with navigating sheets and maximizing the screen
area. All of the tab include buttons, these are:
• Go to last sheet
• Go to first sheet
• Go to next sheet
• Go to previous sheet
• Maximize and Minimize window
• Run the report
On the left hand side a Filter box. We use this to set the Data Filter Item criteria.

Data Link
To return the customer’s (debtors) name, address and telephone we use a Data Link.
1. Set the Filter values in the left panel:
• Business Unit: PK1
• Customer From: 64007
• Period: BA
• Set the date 15th October 2005
As all the codes for PK1 are the same it has been decided to use the customer table to base the
extraction of the address details.
2. Click on cell G7.
3. On the Vision menu, click Data Link. The Query definition form is displayed.

Vision XL

Query Definition Form

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

We begin by setting Mandatory Data Filter Items.

Mandatory filters only apply to Data Filter Items. These filters always require criteria values. It
defines critical information, without which the Query definition form can not be completed and
extracted. Mandatory filters are displayed in bold.
4. Double click Product and select SunSystems 5 from the list.
5. Select Business Unit and then click cell C7, this sets the Business Unit to PK1
6. Select Table and click the assist button. A list of possible values is returned from the database.
Select NA / Address. NA is the table code and ‘Address’ is the description. Click OK.
7. Select Address Code and then click cell C8, this sets the filter item to 64007.
With our filter set, we next specify what to output to the worksheet. In Vision these are referred
to as Data Output Items.
8. Drag the following items from the Selection List to the Output window. As they appear in the
Output window, the Selection List changes to green to indicate that the item is being used as a
Data Output item.
The Data Output Items are:
• Name/Address 1
• Name/Address 2
• Name/Address 3
• Name/Address 4
• Name/Address 5
• Town /City
• Postal Code
• Telephone Number
If we were to run the Summary Query link, the Output Items would be listed in a column. For
this report we want to display the extracted result next to the heading. To explicitly set where the
extracted value is to inserted into a worksheet cell, use Target cells.

In this exercise we used cell reference to set the Business Unit and Account Code criteria values.
Using a cell reference makes it easy to modify the filter value without having to re-open and modify
the Query definition form. Simply change value in the referenced cell and recalculate the worksheet.

Target Cells

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

Vision XL

Target cells functionality is used to control where to output results. Each extracted Data Output
Item can be inserted into a nominated worksheet cell, known as a Target cell. The only exception is
the first Data Output Item; this can only be output to the active cell (the selected cell before the
Query definition form is opened) since this will hold Query formula.
9. For each of the Data Output Items, except the first Name/Address 1, select the item and then
click the cell in the worksheet. The first Name / Address 1 never has a Target cell as the query
definition formula, in this case the Summary Link, is always inserted into the active cell when the
query definition form was opened. For exercise that was cell G7.
The Data Output Item Target cell mapping is as follows:
• Name/Address 1 – automatically set to G7
• Name/Address 2 – G8
• Name/Address 3 – G9
• Name/Address 4 – G10
• Name/Address 5 – G11
• Town /City – G12
• Postal Code – G13
• Telephone Number – G14
10. Click OK.
11. The results for customer 64007 are extracted into the worksheet.
Of course, customer 64007 is not the only customer in the database. Using the Automatic Filter
Lookup feature it is possible to list possible values from the database and set a new customer

Automatic Filter Lookup

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

Automatic Filter Lookup generates a lookup list when double-clicking a worksheet cell that
contains filter criteria for a Data Filter Item used in a Query definition. Vision XL automatically
associates the cell. In the lookup list the filter range can be revised and the new value inserted into the
cell. This feature makes it possible to modify filter criteria ‘on the fly’ in the worksheet without having
to open the Query definition form.
12. Double click the Customer From filter value. A lookup window is displayed.
13. Clear the current customer value, 64007, and select a new customer. Say 64006 – Tway Port
14. Select 64006 and click OK.

Vision XL

You will notice that the details for the previous customer remain. The results for customer 64006
are yet to be extracted.

To ‘refresh’ the worksheet, use the Recalculate function. The Recalculate function re-extracts all the
queries and resolves formulas. Recalculation can be performed on an isolate range, worksheet or
complete workbook.

Recalculate is works with Microsoft Excel’s Calculation feature. When Vision XL is loaded the
Calculation option is set to Manual to maximize performance by preventing Excel from performing
an auto-calculation each time a cell is modified.
15. On the Vision menu, point to Recalculate and click Worksheet.
The customer’s details are extracted from the database.

Summary Link
In the Summary Link exercise we extracted single records from the database. But what if we want to
calculate the summation or average value of a group of records with numerical values? This can be
achieved with a Summary Link.
In the Debtor Report we will extract the balance of the account.
16. Select cell C11. The Summary Link query formula, and result, will be inserted this cell.
17. On the Vision menu, click Summary Link.
18. As with the Data Link, complete the following Data Filter Items:
• Product – SunSystems
• Business Unit – C$7
• Table – LA
• Ledger – A
• Account Code –From: $C$8 -> To: $C$8
• Account Period – C$9
The Account Code has two filter settings, Filter From and Filter To. This allows us to specify a
range of values. If only a single value is required then From and To should be set to the same
19. Drag the Base Amount item from the Selection List to the Output window.

Extraction Type
Since Base Amount is a measure is assumes the first extraction type, summation . This means that
for every record that satisfies the filter criteria, add each of the Base Amounts together.

Vision XL

Other Extraction Types are available for measure values. Extraction Types are available for string
values, where it is possible to output brief or extended descriptions of output fields.
The Extraction Type can be modified by clicking the Extraction Type button and selecting a new type
from the list. If the data item is output more than more, Vision automatically cycles through the
available Extraction Types, as shown below.

20. Only output Base Amount (Sum) and click OK. The Base Amount is extracted into cell C11.
The value extracted into the worksheet adopts the format style of the cell. Use functionality
provided by Excel to apply the correct formatting.
21. Modify the Excel cell formatting from ’General’ to ‘Currency’ to include a currency sign.

Adhoc Analysis – Drilldown

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

In addition to reporting into a worksheet, Vision XL can perform analysis on the extract results.
Drilldown is used to give insight how the result was obtained, what were the contributing factors ?
22. Select cell C11.
23. On the Vision menu, select Drilldown and click Summary.
The Drilldown definition form opens. The form contains the same Filter Data Items and Output
Data Items as the Summary Link definition. Additional data items are selected to define how the
original Base Amount should be broken down.
24. Change the Account Code range, set From 64000 and To 70000. In the Drilldown definition
form any of the criteria can be changed without impacting on the original query definition in the
25. Drag Account Code from the Filter window to the Output window.

Vision XL

The Base Amount is broken down into individual Account Codes. Further analysis can be
performed from Adhoc Drilldown, including Expand and Breakout.

Detail Report
A Detail Report is most basic form of report that can be created in Vision. It simply lists complete
records extracted from the database.
26. Select cell F16. This cell will be the starting point of the report. The Detail Report formula will be
stored in this cell.
27. On the Vision menu, click Detail Report.
28. As with previous query definition forms, set the following Data Filter Items:
• Product – SunSystems
• Business Unit – C$7
• Table – LA
• Ledger – A
• Account Code – From: $C$8 -> To: $C$8
• Account Period – C$9
29. Select the following Data Output Items:
• Transaction Date
• Transaction Reference
• Due Date
• Journal No.
• Base Amount

Vision XL

To help with locating data items, use the Find feature by right-clicking the Selection List.
The short cut keys are: F5 – Find and F3 – Find Next. Alternatively, simply type in the first letter
of the data item you wish to look for. Each time the key is pressed Vision skips to the next entry
beginning with that letter. For example, type the letter ‘T’ to find ‘Transaction Date’.

30. Click the Report Style tab. The Report Style tab is used to tailor the layout of Detail Reports and
Summary Reports.
31. Click the None option. The None option does not apply any formatting so a basic report is
32. Click the Option tab.
33. Type ‘Debtor Report’ into the Internal Definition box. Once the definition form has been saved
it can be retrieved at a later point in time.
34. Apply Excel cell Date formatting to correctly display Transaction Date and Due Date columns
and Currency formatting for Base Amount.

Saving Reports

There are three methods of saving a report:

• Internal definition file – saves a completed report definition in the Excel workbook.
• External definition file – saves a completed report definition to an external file.
• Query Templates – saves an incomplete or completed report definition to the Vision database
in either the user’s folder or the shared ‘library’ folder.
35. Click OK to extract the Detail Report. The results are inserted into the worksheet.

Vision XL

Macro Builder

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

Vision XL can work in conjunction with Microsoft Excel to build and run macros. Macros are mini
scripts which perform automated tasks. Buttons on the worksheet can be assigned to macros to easily
access and run the macro. In Vision XL, the Macro Builder utility contains Vision specific actions that
can be called in the macro.

In order to run Macros, Windows XP users must activate ‘Trust access to Visual Basic Project’
option in Excel security.

In this exercise we will build a macro to recalculate the Debtor Report workbook by clicking a button.
36. On the Vision menu, point to Utilities and click Macro Builder. The Macro Builder definition
form opens.
37. In the Steps List, select Recalculate Worksheet.
38. Click the Add button to the Macro Recipe. Parameters need to be set for the Recalculate
Worksheet step, specifically the worksheet name.
39. Click the Range/Worksheet Name assist button.
40. Select the ‘Debtor Report’ worksheet.
41. Click the Options tab.
42. Type DebtorUpdate in the Macro Name box.

Vision XL

43. Type Debtor Update in the Button Name.

44. Type Debtor Update into the Macro Build Internal Definition file box. This stores the Macro
Builder definition in the workbook.
45. Click OK. The button is inserted into the worksheet.
46. The position and size of the button can changed by dragging exterior handles.
47. Change the Customer From value to 64028, for Williamson Limited.
48. Click the Debtor Update button, the worksheet extracts Address details, Account Balance and
Transaction Reference report for Williamson Limited.

Summary Link
In this part of the exercise we are going to add the ageing Balances to the spread sheet. The starting
date is set in cell C10. The Aged dates are calculated in a working area to the right of the worksheet.

49. Go to cell K9
50. On the Vision menu select Summary Link.
51. Complete the Filter window:
• Product: SunSystems 5
• Business Unit: PK1
• Table: LA
• Ledger: A
• Account Code : $C$8 (64006)
• Period <ALL>
• Transaction Date: $N7 to $O7 (this is the working area)
52. Output: Base Amount
53. Click OK.
54. Copy the query formula in K9 to K10:K13

Vision XL

55. Recalculate the worksheet to return the results.

Vision XL

Section 6: Debtor Details Report

Session Objectives
In this session we will:
• Create a debtors details report.
• Sorting report results.
• Display subtotals.
• Use Report Designer to enhance the layout of the report.

Answer Preview
After completing the exercises in this section the worksheet should be similar to this:

Vision XL


Create Summary Report

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

1. Navigate to the Debtors Details worksheet.

2. In the Filters pane, complete the following filter settings:
• Database – PK1
• Period From – 2004/001
• Period To – 2004/008
• Account Codes From / To – 64001 / 64999
• Ledger - A
3. Select cell F7, this will contain the report definition.
4. On the Vision menu, click Summary Report.
5. Complete the Filter window by assigning Data Filter Items to the Filter pane values:
• Product – SunSystems 5
• Business Unit – $C7
• Table – click the assist button and select ‘LA’
• Ledger - $C$12
• Account Codes From – $C$10
• Account Codes To – $C$11
• Account Period From – $C$8
• Account Period To – $C$9
In addition to the mandatory filters listed above, new data items can become Data Filter Items to
provide further refinement of the dataset that is used for reporting.
6. From the Selection List, drag Account Type into the Filter window.
7. Click the Account Type assist button and select ‘Exclude Memo Account’. This inserts the code
‘9’ in to the filter criteria.
8. Drag the following items from the Selection List to the Output window.
The Data Output Items are:
• Account Code
• CA\Description (located in the Chart of Accounts join)
• Transaction Reference
• Currency Code
• Base Amount
• Transaction Amount

Vision XL

By default, Base Amount and Transaction Amount are assigned the Summation Extraction Type.
9. Click the Options tab.
10. Set Create Definition Form to ‘N’.

Create Definition Formula

11. In the Internal Definition file box, type Debtors Details.
12. Click OK to run the report. The results are extracted.
13. Go to cell F7.
Notice the cell does not contain a Vision formula. This is because the Create Definition Formula
has been disabled.
14. Try doubling in cell F7, unlike previous exercises, the definition form does not open. The
formula is not present to link it to the Internal Definition file. Fortunately, the definition has not
been lost as it is stored in the workbook.
15. On the Vision menu, click Summary Report.
16. Click the Load Definition button.
17. Select Internal Definition and click OK. A list of Summary Report definitions is shown.
18. Select Debtors Details and click OK. The definition form is populated with the settings
previously made.
19. Select the Options tab.
20. Type ‘Y’ in the Create Definition Formula box. Once the report is executed, a Vision formula
will be created in F7.
21. Return to the Definition tab.

The readability of the report can be improved by sorting the results.
22. Click the Sort button.
23. Drag the following Data Output Items from the Selection List to the Sort window.
• Account Code
• Current Code
• Transaction Reference
If required use the button to re-order the list. By default, items are sorted in descending order.
Double-clicking the data item will result in the values being sorted in ascending order.
24. Click OK.

Vision XL

Notice in the Output window numbers have been placed next to the sorted items. The number
order determines which of the data items will be sorted first. In this example, Account Code is
followed by Account Code, and then followed by Transaction Reference.

25. Click OK on the definition form to run the report.

Report Designer

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

Report Designer tailors the design and layout of a report generated by a Summary Report or Detail
Report definition. You can control the location of output items, provide subtotalling calculations,
include page breaks and titles, insert filtered columns and section headers.
1. Open the Debtors Details report definition.
2. Click the Report Style tab.
3. Select the Designer option.
4. Click the Edit button.
5. On the Report Designer form, click the Default button. Relocate Currency Code to the end of
the report.
6. Right-click Currency Code (column D), point to Move and click Column Right D.
7. Right-click Currency Code (column E), point to Move and click Column Right E.

Vision XL

8. Click the Add button, point to Section and click Header/Subtotal.

9. Drag Account Code to the Change of window.
10. Select Subtotal option.
11. Select dark blue colour and click OK.
12. In the report, go to the Base Amount column (D).
13. Right-click the column, point to Add, point to Section and click Total.
14. Select the Total rows (8 and 9).
15. Format the cells and change the colour to dark blue.
16. Click column F, Format cell and remove colour.
17. In the Base Amount column, select the Subtotal cell.
18. Click the Add button and click the Field Total option. This sums the values in the Base Amount
19. In the Base Amount column, select the Total cell.
20. Click the Add button and click the Field Total option.

21. Click OK to run the report.

Vision XL

Filter Options
The report includes blank values, such as European Guidance Systems (408OTHE56). This is simply
because the database does not include any data for the transaction reference. The blank rows can be
omitted from the report by only including transactions will a Base Amount greater than zero. To do
this we add a new Data Filter Item.
1. Double-click cell F7 to reopen the query definition. The formula references the Internal
Definition file.
2. From the Selection List, drag Base Amount to the Filter window. Base Amount is now a Data
Filter Item and Data Output Item.
3. In the Filter window, right-click Base Amount and select Options.
4. Type zero (0) in the Filter From box.
5. Select ‘Is Greater Than’.

6. Click OK to close the Filter Options dialog box. The Base Amount will only return transactions
that are greater than zero.
7. Click OK to run the report. The report no longer contains blank Base Amount values.

Vision XL

Section 7: Quarterly Profit and Loss

Session Objectives
In this session we will:
• Create a Profit and Loss statement.
• Copy and paste queries.
• Use Period Offset.
• Use Automatic Filter Lookup feature.
• Set filters with continuous and non-contiguous ranges.

Answer Preview
After completing the exercises in this section the worksheet should be similar to this:

Vision XL


Create Single Query

1. Go to the Rolling Quarterly Profit and Loss tab.
2. Complete the Filters pane:
• Business Unit: - PK1
• Period – 2005/001
• Ledger – A
• Product Group - <ALL>
3. Select cell G16.
4. On Vision menu, click Summary Link.
5. Reference the Data Filter Items from Filter pane values:
• Product – SunSystems
• Business Unit - $C$7
• Table – LA
• Ledger - $C$9
• Account Code - $B16 to $C$16
6. To set the Accounting Period, click the assist button. The Period Selection dialog box appears.
7. Select This Period (PA) from the list. Confirm the Period Offset value is set to 0. The Period will
be set by a cell reference.
8. Click inside the Current Period Override box.
9. Type $C$8 and click OK.
10. From the Selection List, add Product Type Analysis Code to the Filter.
11. Set Product Type Analysis Code to cell $C$10.
12. Output Base Amount.

Vision XL

Build Report with Multiple Queries

13. Copy the original query in G16 and paste into cells H16 and I16.
14. Edit the query in H16, set Period Offset to 1.
15. Edit the query in I16, set Period Offset to 2.
16. Copy cells G16:I16 down to G20:I20.
17. Copy cells G16:I16 from G24:I24 to G29:I29.
18. Recalculate the Rolling Quarterly Profit and Loss worksheet.

Vision XL

Period Offset
19. Change the Period filter from 2005/001 to 2005/002.
20. Recalculate the worksheet. Notice values in the Period 2 column are ‘shifted’ into column Period
1 as the period offset is incremented.

Continuous and Non-contiguous Ranges

21. In the Filter pane, double-click the Product Group <ALL> cell. The Automatic Filter Lookup
has associated the cell reference with ‘Product Type Analysis Code’ Data Filter Item. The
Product Type Analysis Code lookup is displayed; a list of valid values extracted from the
Choosing a single value is straight forward, simply select it and click OK. Continuous and non-
contiguous ranges are also possible.
22. To select a continuous range, click the first value in the range and then hold down the SHIFT key
and click end value in the range.
23. To select a non-continuous range, hold down the CTRL key and select individual values. Select
P1, P04, P05 and P06.
24. Click OK. Product Group filter cell contains ‘<<P01,P04, P05,P06’. Individual values are
separated by commas, while ranges use a series of three full-stops.
25. Recalculate the worksheet. The results are restricted to those that match the Product Group non-
contiguous values.
26. Double-click Product Group value cell. The lookup list is displayed.
27. Select <ALL> and click OK.
28. Recalculate the report. The queries are extracted with no restrictions on Product Type Analysis
Code values.

Vision XL

Formula Fill

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

In the previous exercise we copied the Summary Link formula across the table, being careful not to
over write the total sum formulas. The Formula Fill function can do this for us. Formula Fill is used
to expedite the process of creating multiple Summary Links that reference filter criteria in a row and
column. This allows you to create a single Summary Link formula and then use Formula Fill to
replicate Summary Link formulas with changing filter criteria over a defined area. Formula Fill only
inserts Summary Link formulas where filter criteria are present and can be configured not to over
write formulas already present in the defined area.
29. Go to the Fixed Quarterly Profit and Loss tab.
30. Go to cell H15.
31. Open a Summary Link definition form.
32. Set the Filters:
• Table: LA
• Ledger: $C$8
• Account Code To and From: G15
• Period To and From: H12
33. Output: Base Amount.
34. Click OK
35. On the Vision menu, point to Utilities and click Formula Fill.
36. Click yes to create the Formula Fill formula. This means that when the worksheet is recalculated,
the Formula Fill formula will be executed.
37. Change the Formula Fill Formula Target Cell from H15 to G14.

If this isn’t done, the Formula Fill formula overwrites the original Summary Link created in
cell H15.
38. Set the Summary Link Formula to H15, the AG_SMLK formula is inserted.
39. Highlight range H15 to M38 for summary link fill range. The selected area includes the Total
Sales and Total Cost of Goods Sold sum formulas.
40. Click OK. Formula Fill populates the table with Summary Link formula, with each formula
referencing the correct Account Code and Period for its location. Notice Formula Fill has not
over written the ‘Sum’ total formulas. Further, the K column does not include Summary Link
formula since there was no period filter.

Vision XL

Section 8: Enhanced Profit and Loss Report

Session Objectives
In this session we will cover:
• Create an Enhance Profit and Loss statement.
• The Reverse Sign option
• Use Query Templates to save and load a query definition.
• Format Table to identify sales categories that fell below the anticipated budget.
• Using Hierarchy Designer to specify Account Code ranges.

Answer Preview
After completing the exercises in this section the worksheet should be similar to this:

Vision XL


Export Formula
A query formula can be export from Excel worksheet and imported into another. The formula can
also be transferred to other Vision applications. When a query include references to cells to set values,
and these values may not be accessible once imported, the reference is replaced by the resolved value.
1. In Rolling Quarterly Profit and Loss, select cell G16.
2. On the Vision menu, click Utilities, point to Formula and click Formula Export.
3. Select Enhanced Profit and Loss worksheet.
4. Select Cell G16.
5. On the Vision menu, click Utilities, point to Formula and click Formula Import.
6. Double-click cell G16. Notice the cell references have been replaced by the resolved values.

7. Update the Data Filter Item criteria with the Filter panel values, such as Business Unit set to $C7.
8. Copy the completed formula in G16 to G17:G20.

Reverse Sign
Notice that some of the extract values have returned negative results. The sign can be quickly changed
in the Extract Type dialog box.
9. Open the Summary Link formula in cell G16.
10. Select Base Amount in the Output window.
11. Click the Extraction Type button.

Vision XL

12. Select the Reverse Sign option and click OK. Note that parenthesis is placed around the Base
Amount data item.
13. Click OK to extract the query. Negative values will become positive values and vice versa.
14. Copy the query formula in G16 to G17:G20.

Query Templates
So far we have saved query definitions as Internal Definition formula. This is OK if the queries are to
be re-used in the same workbook. But what if you wanted to share the query with other Vision users?
Further, what if the query is incomplete and requires additional refinement? It is only possible to save
a completed query as an Internal Definition formula. The answer is to use Query Templates.
15. Open the query in cell G16.
16. Right-click the Filter window.
17. Select Save Query.
18. Select the Library folder.
19. Click the Save In button.
20. Click the Save button.
21. Go to cell G24.
22. On the Vision menu, click Query Templates.
23. Open the previously saved query and click OK. Cell reference values are resolved.
24. Repeat for cells G25 to G29.

Vision XL

Format Tables

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

The Budget values have been manually typed in for this exercise. Column I calculates the difference
between the budgeted figures and the actual results from the database. Although it is possible to scan
through the figures and locate negative values, indicating that we are over budget, this can be difficult
with a large column of numbers.
Format Tables can highlight cells that fall in a specified range. In this case, Accounts which are under
budget. This information will be displayed in the Comment column.
Format Tables can be used to trigger an Alert ‘flag’. On detecting this ‘flag’, the Alert application can
be set to perform a series of defined activities. For example, if actual sales fall below budgeted sales,
triggering an Alert, the Alert application sends an e-mail the Sales Manager.
25. Select K16 cell. This will be the Target Cell. The Target Cell will contain the value returned by
the Format Table.
26. On the Vision menu, click Format Tables.
27. In the Value cell, click $I16. This is cell that will be monitored.
28. Click the Format Table assist button.
29. Click the Add button. The first step is to name the Format Table.
30. Type P&Lvar in the Code box.
31. Type P&L variance in the description field. We define the range of values in the format table.
32. Click the Add button.
33. Type in From box -999999999, in the To -2000 box and Unacceptable in the Display box.
Change the Background colour to red by clicking the Background button and selecting the colour
from the palette.
34. Repeat adding rows for the following values and colours:
From To Display

-99999999 -2000 Unacceptable - red

-2000 0 Verification required - yellow

0 500 Expected – white

500 2500 Good - blue

2500 999999999 Excellent – green

Vision XL

35. Click OK
36. Copy the Format Tables formula from K16 to K17:K20.
37. Recalculate the worksheet. The Comment column clearly highlights areas that require attention.

Hierarchy Designer

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

Hierarchy Designer is a power tool that allows Vision users to group information for aggregation or
consolidation. Vision can group ranges and individual data item values under newly created data
items. The new data items can have more meaningful headings to better describe the data it
represents. For example a hierarchy could be account types, regional office, dates or periods. The
advantage of Hierarchies is Business Units that have disparate Account Codes can be combined,
selected in reporting, under a common heading.
In the following example, rather than reporting from Account Codes, the codes will be associated
with Account category names. So 11000 will be ‘Product Sales’, 12000 will be ‘Service Sales’ and so
on. The report definition will be built from this defined Hierarchy.
38. On the Vision XL, point to Utilities and click Hierarchy Designer. Hierarchy Designer opens.
39. On the File menu, click Select Product.

Vision XL

40. Select SunSystems 5 and click OK.

41. Click the Add New button. The New Hierarchy definition form is displayed.
42. Type in P&L in the Hierarchy Name.
43. Set the following Filters:
• Product – SunSystems 5
• Business Unit – PK1
• Table – LA/Ledger
44. Drag Account Code from the Selection List to the Hierarchy Item list.
45. Click OK.
46. On the Insert menu, click Child. A child node is created.
47. Name the node Product Sales.
48. In the Hierarchy Item Account Code Table, click the assist button and set the range from 11000
to 11000.
49. Repeat the process of creating Hierarchy nodes and values.
Products Sales 11000 to 11000
Service Sales 12000 to 12000
Maintenance Fees 13000 to 13000
Other Income 14000 to 15000
Returns 18000 to 19500

50. On the Manage menu, click Validate.

51. Complete the definition form with same filter values used to define the Hierarchy. Set Account
Code to <ALL>.
52. Click the Check button. There is no code overlap, so this sheet remaining blank. On the Missing
Values tab, Account Codes omitted in the Hierarchy definition are shown. This is not necessarily
an error just that these Account Codes are unaccounted for in the Hierarchy. In this exercise we
are not concerned with Account Codes great than 19500.
53. Click Cancel.
54. Right-click the Mapping Details pane and click New. Currently the Hierarchy is mapped to PK1.
To add a new mapping we select a new Business Unit.
55. Select another business unit, such as PKP or PK2, and click OK.
56. Click OK on the New Mapping definition form. The Business Unit is appended to the mapping
list. The mapping listed in bold type is the ‘Base mapping’. When a query uses this Hierarchy, but
not explicit state which business unit to use, Vision defaults to the base mapping.

Vision XL

57. Click the Exit button. The Hierarchy synchronizes with the database.

Selecting Hierarchies in a Report

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

In the following exercise we will modify the existing Summary Links to use Hierarchy nodes, such as
“Product Sales’, instead of the Account Code 11000.
58. Return to the Enhanced Profit and Loss worksheet.
59. Go to cell G16, Actual Product Sales, and double-click the cell. Currently the Summary Link
accesses the Account Code rage from the cells A16 and B16. Instead we can use the Hierarchy to
define the account range.
60. Set the mandatory filter, Account Code, to retrieve <ALL> values. Instead filtering will be
controlled by the Hierarchy definition. In the Selection List, below Account Code, is Hierarchy:
Account Code displayed in green. This is the Hierarchy defined in the previous exercise.
61. Drag Hierarchy: Account Code to the Filter window.
62. Click the assist button and select the P&L\Product Sales node. Product Sales represents the same
Account Code 11000 to 11000.
63. Click OK. The result should be the same.
64. Repeat the process for cells G17 to G20. In each case select the applicable Hierarchy node for
the filter criteria.
• G16 – Hierarchy: Account Code - P&L\Product Sales
• G17 – Hierarchy: Account Code - P&L\Service Sales
• G18 – Hierarchy: Account Code - P&L\Maintenance Fees
• G19 – Hierarchy: Account Code - P&L\Other Income
• G20 – Hierarchy: Account Code - P&L\Returns
65. Recalculate the worksheet.

Vision XL

Section 9: Asset Value Report

Session Objectives
In this session we will cover:
• User Defined Output

Answer Preview
After completing the exercises in this section the worksheet should be similar to this:

Detail Report and Sorting

In the following session we will create a User Defined Output. The User Defined Output feature is
used to define your own calculations or text to output. This UDO will highlight zero value assets.
1. Go to Asset Value Report tab.
2. In cell F10 open the Detail Report definition form.
3. Set the following filters:
• Product filter to SunSystems 5
• Business Unit filter map to $C$7

Vision XL

• Table filter to Static Data > Financials > Fixed Assets > Fixed Assets
• Asset Code filter to <ALL>
4. Add Asset Status and Asset Disposed and to the Filter window and set their filter values to A and
N respectively.
5. Also add AR\AD#1\Purchase Price the rich click and choose Options set the radio button to Is
not equal to, then set filter from to 0
6. Transfer Asset Code, Description, Asset Location Analysis Code, F2\Name, AD\Purchase Price
and Base Net Value to the Output window.
7. Set sorting to be by Asset Code.
8. Go to Options tab and enter Internal and external definition.

User Defined Output

Show me the video. Hold down the CTRL key and click the link. Run the executable file.

9. Open the Detail Report again and click on the User Defined Output button.
10. Type in Net Value in the Description field.
11. On the Output tab add {AR\Base Net Value} to the Formula window from the Functions
12. Type in error in the Default value in the error field and change the Format to Currency.
13. Click the Format Tables tab and add Base Net Value to the Formula window from the Selection
List window and modify the formula to be
14. {AR\Base Net Value} = 0. Drag AD\Purchase Price to the Formula window and modify the
formula to be {AR\Base Net Value} = 0 AND {AR\AD#1\Purchase Price} > 0. Change the
background colour to red.

Vision XL

15. Click the Alert tab and type in Zero Value Asset in the Code field. This triggers an Alert if the
formula is true.
16. In the Store value window type in Asset: then drag Description to the Store value window. The
stored value that triggered the Alert can be retrieved later by selecting Alerts in the Vision XL
17. To move to the next line, press the Enter key.
18. Type in Location: then drag F2\Name to the Store value window.

Vision XL

19. Click the Comments tab and type This asset now has a zero net value.
20. Click OK to close the User Defined Output dialog box.
21. Delete the data item Base Net Value from the Output window.
22. Click OK to run the report.

Vision XL

Section 10: Ledger Data Send

Session Objectives
In this session we will cover:
• Creating a Data Send

In the following session we will create a Data Send to post Ledger send.

Data Send: Period Down

1. Go to Data Send Period Down worksheet.
2. On the Vision menu, click Data Send. On the Definition tab, the Business Unit and Business
Unit have already been set to SunSystems and PK1 respectively.
3. Select Definition and click the assist button. A list Data Send definition types is listed.
4. Select Ledger Import. It is important to note that when loading a Data Send definition from a
file, such as an Internal Definition file, the Data Send Definition type must be selected first.
5. Complete the filter window:
• Business Unit – PK1
• Definition – Ledger Import
• Layout Identifier – B16
• Error Cell – B6
• Comment Cell – C6
• Matrix Send – N
• Skip Blanks - Y
6. Select the Ledger Import Header and complete the following mappings:
• Create Date - $C$7 (9/06/2006)
• Description – Period Down Data Send
• Posting type – 2
• Write to hold file – N
• Post to Rough Book – N
• Allow balancing transactions – Y
• Suspense account – 999
• Other account – 999
• Default period - $C$9 (2006001)
• Report errors only – Y

Vision XL

• Suppress substitute message - $C$10 (N)

• Journal Type - $C$8 (FGJ)
7. Select the Ledger Import Details and complete the following mappings:
• Account Code – C16 (11000)
• Accounting Period - $C$9 (2006001)
• Transaction Date - $C$7 (9/06/2006)
• Journal Source – PK1
• Transaction Reference – G16 (401SALE1)
• Description – H16 (Product Sales)
• Debit/credit marker – F16 (C)
• Currency Code – D16 (GBP)
• Transaction Amount – E16 (613.17)
8. Click the Options tab.
9. Type in ‘Data Send - Period Down’ in the Internal Definition box.
10. Clear the Send to SunSystems option.
11. Click the Preview button. The records to be posted are listed.
12. Select the Send to SunSystems option.
13. Click OK to post the transactions to the PK1 business unit.

Data Send: Period Across

In the Period Across exercise we will modify the Data Send - Period Down definition to pick up
period values held in a row rather than a single period held in cell C9.
14. Go to the Data Send Period Across worksheet.
15. On the Vision menu, click Data Send.
16. Click the Definition assist button.
17. Select Ledger Import and click OK.
18. Complete the filter window:
• Business Unit – PK1
• Definition – Ledger Import
• Layout Identifier – D17 (1 ; 2)
• Error Cell – B6
• Comment Cell – C6
• Matrix Send – N
• Skip Blanks - Y
19. Select the Ledger Import Header and complete the following mappings:
• Created Date - $C$7 (9/06/2006)
• Description – Period Across Data Send

Vision XL

• Posting type – 2
• Write to hold file – N
• Post to Rough Book – N
• Allow balancing transactions – N
• Suspense account – 999
• Other account – 999
• Default period - 2006001
• Report errors only – N
• Suppress substitute message - Y
• Journal Type - $C$8 (FGJ)
20. Select the Ledger Import Details and complete the following mappings:
• Account Code – B18 (11000)
• Accounting Period - $E$16:$J$16 (2006001)
• Transaction Date - $C$7 (9/06/2006)
• Journal Source – PK1
• Transaction Reference – $C$11
• Description – Period Across Data Send
• Currency Code – K17(USD)
• Transaction Amount – E17:J17 (11000)
• Product Type Analysis - #
• Department Analysis – C18 (12)
• Project Analysis - #
• Employee Code Analysis - #
• Tax Analysis - #
21. Click the Options tab.
22. Type in ‘Data Send - Period Across’ in the Internal Definition box.
23. Clear the Send to SunSystems option.
24. Click the Preview button. The records to be posted are listed.
25. Select the Send to SunSystems option.
26. Click OK to post the transactions to the PK1 business unit.

Data Send: Data Matrix

In the Data Matrix exercise we will modify the Data Send - Period Down definition to pick up period
values held in a table. The period field will be repeated.
27. Go to the Data Send Data Matrix worksheet.
28. On the Vision menu, click Data Send.
29. Click the Definition assist button.
30. Select Ledger Import and click OK.

Vision XL

31. Complete the filter window:

• Business Unit – PK1
• Definition – Ledger Import
• Layout Identifier – G16 (1 ; 2)
• Error Cell – B6
• Comment Cell – C6
• Matrix Send – Y
• Skip Blanks - Y
32. Select the Ledger Import Header and complete the following mappings:
• Created Date - $C$7 (9/06/2006)
• Description – $C$10 Revenue Deduction
• Posting type – 2
• Write to hold file – N
• Post to Rough Book – N
• Allow balancing transactions – N
• Default period - 2006001
• Report errors only – N
• Suppress substitute message - Y
• Journal Type - $C$8 (FGJ)
33. Select the Ledger Import Details and complete the following mappings:
• Account Code – $H$13:$N$13 (11000)
• Accounting Period - $C$9:$D$9 (2006001)
• Transaction Date - $C$7 (9/06/2006)
• Journal Source – PK1
• Transaction Reference – $C$11 Training
• Description – $C$10 (Revenue Deduction)
• Currency Code – GBP
• Transaction Amount – H16:N16
• Product Type Analysis – F16 (P01)
• Department Analysis – $H$14:$N$14 (11)
• Project Analysis - #
• Employee Code Analysis - #
• Tax Analysis - #
34. Click the Options tab.
35. Type in ‘Data Send – Data Matrix’ in the Internal Definition box.
36. Clear the Send to SunSystems option.
37. Click the Preview button. The records to be posted are listed.
38. Select the Send to SunSystems option.
39. Click OK to post the transactions to the PK1 business unit.


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