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Faculty & Student

Research Collaboration

TILAMSIK | Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015

ISSN: 1656-1953 (Print) 2467-6209 (Online)

Maximal Flow Algorithm Applied to Delegation

of Tasks during the Inter-Collegiate and
Campuses Athletic Competition
Main Author
Pauline Jane M. Par
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics minor in Statistics

Josephine A. Camson, MAT
Department of Mathematics, BS Mathematics Program


Maximal Flow Algorithm was applied to assign tasks to major working com-
mittees for the Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition with the
optimal number of committees involved in this activity during the A.Y. 2014-
2015. Specifically, this aimed to present the existing assignments of major
committees in ICCAC, to apply maximal flow algorithm and to find the opti-
mal number of committees assigned in a specific task. Maximal flow problem
was applied to every associated task involved in Inter-Collegiate and Cam-
puses Athletic Competition to reduce the target time assigned to each task.
Similarly, it also attempted to motivate the major working committees to focus
on the major task and work efficiently with an optimal number of committees
involved. Existing tasking of major committees in ICCAC was also present-
ed, and several committees have parallel assignments which minimized tasks
according to the nature of work. Through the maximal flow algorithm, time
spend in performing the assigned task of every major working committees will
be reduced and the idle time bound of every task will be minimized.

Keywords: maximal flow algorithm, tasking

Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.


The Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition is a
traditional event in Southern Luzon State University. ICCAC consists of 18
associated tasks performed by the working committees of the said event.
For three (3) years the researcher was able to witness the annual sports
and cultural event for students from the main and satellite campuses or
the Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition. After reading
the concept of the maximal flow, the researcher realized that it could be
applied in giving assignment to perform activities.

This study focused on the concept of maximal flow algorithm applied
to the assignment of Inter Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition
2014 which aimed to present the existing assignments of major committees
during ICCAC; to apply maximal flow algorithm in the delegation of tasks
of ICCAC; and to find the optimal number of committees assigned in a
specific task. Participants, administrator, instructors, students and even
future researchers will be benefitted by the result of this study. The study’s
significance lies on the systematic and efficient operation of the committees
for each tasks in the ICCAC through flow algorithm to reduce delays in the

The study presented the assigned task of the major working committees
and analyzed the existing tasking practices during ICCAC. The data
coming from the interview of the concerned persons and the head of
the sports and cultural activities was limited and used to analyze to task
assigned in every committee. At the same time, it is also limited to the 18
associated tasks based on the manual of operations of the Inter-Collegiate
and Campuses Athletic Competition 2014. These include Program and
Invitation, Opening and Closing Program, Manual of Operation, Finance
Committee, Supplies/Equipment Committee, Game Venue, Facilities and
Ground Preparation, Information, Communication and Documentation,
Technical Committee, Technical Secretariat, Screening Committee, Food
and Refreshment, Medals and Trophies, Prizes and Token, Parade, Peace
and Order, Medical/Dental/First Aid/Health and Sanitation Committee,
Stage Decoration and Sound System, Accommodation Committee/

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M. | Research Articles

Billeting Quarters and Physical Arrangement/Area Cleanliness.

Framework of the Study

As stated by Ryan (2000), managing a project is not an easy task.
Effort is exerted and is tended to be handled by groups of person. Project
is essential for project scheduling which is a series of task or jobs related
to each other and directed toward a common goal or output. The number
of persons assigned in a specific task depends on the size of the project
or activity. Using network analysis can provide an up-to-the-minute
assessment between the actual and planned activity. It is the best way to
reduce time.

In a network, two special nodes can de distinguished: a source node
and a sink node. The idea of the maximal flow problem is to find a path
or branch from source S to sink A that can accommodate a positive flow.
Maximal flow algorithm was used by the researcher to determine the
optimal number of persons in a specific task without exceeding its capacity.
The capacity of each task depends on the total number of the committees
assigned to do the specific task.

The study of Parañaque (2001) summarized and concluded that
maximum flow could be applied to determine the least number of
members assigned to specific task while ensuring that all activities
would be accomplished. At the same time, Ahuja, Magnanti and Wong
(1993) applied maximal flow algorithm to water pipelines, where the
maximum capacity of the network between the wells and the refineries
was determined. The researcher aimed to determine the optimal number
of major committees assigned to a specific task while ensuring that the
activity would be accomplished on or before the target date and time.
Therefore, the researcher conducted a maximal flow algorithm which will
be applied in assigning task in the Inter Collegiate and Campuses Athletic

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.


The research used the descriptive analysis of the data in the study.
The researcher analyzed and measured every flow to find the optimal
number of person in a specific task. Data were gathered from the head of
the Sports and Cultural activity and members of each committee. To apply
the algorithm for the maximal flow, a path from source S to I that could
accommodate a positive flow was determined. Since all flows were positive,
committees one (1) to thirty-one could definitely be accommodated. The
maximum flow of the first path that could be shipped was determined. The
direct capacity (that is, the capacity in the direction of the flow of the k
units) of each branch of this path was decreased by k and was increased in
reverse capacity by k. K unit was added to the amount delivered to the sink.
This was performed until there was no path from the source node S to the
sink node I that could accommodate a positive flow.

Since there was no path from the source to sink that permitted flow,
the network was given. The optimal number of major working committees
of each task was determined by comparing the original network with the
final network.


To define the maximum flow problem, two special nodes can be

distinguished: a source node S and a sink node I. The source node S of
the network represents the starting point of the flow or the executive
committee of the Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition.
The sink node I is the activity which is the Inter-Collegiate and Campuses
Athletic Competition’14 which is also the end point of the flow. Moreover,
the first part or the vertices denoted by C in this network corresponds to
each major working committee in ICCAC, while the second part denoted
by A corresponds to every assigned task. In addition, head is represented as
the flow and the tail is the capacity of each committee and task.

The maximal flow was determined when the source node S to the sink
node I satisfied the edge capacities. The main objective of this problem is to

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M. | Research Articles

minimize the number of the major committees assigned to a specific task

to ensure that the activity would be accomplished considering the time
and cost.

Table 1 shows the 18 associated tasks during the Inter-Collegiate and

Campuses Athletic Competition (ICCAC) 2014 at Southern Luzon State
University (SLSU) Lucban, Quezon. These are Program and Invitation,
Opening and Closing Program, Manual of Operation, Finance Committee,
Supplies/Equipment Committee, Game Venue, Facilities and Ground
Preparation, Information, Communication and Documentation, Technical

Table 1. Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition’14 Tasks

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

Committee, Technical Secretariat, Screening Committee, Food and

Refreshment, Medals and Trophies, Prizes and Token, Parade, Peace and
Order, Medical/Dental/First Aid/Health and Sanitation Committee, Stage
Decoration and Sound System, Accommodation Committee/Billeting
Quarters and Physical Arrangement/Area Cleanliness.

Major working committees in ICCAC consisted of 31 individuals

who worked on the assigned task. The level of every task depends on the
number of major committees who are assigned in the given task. The
researcher experienced that task with various committee encountered a
problem with respect to time. Time bound activities task also contributed
to the delays on performing task. Since time is one of the most important
problem encountered on performing different tasks in such activities, the
application of maximal flow problem is used. Every major committee has
unequal number of assigned tasks.

Figure 1 shows the existing tasking of major committees in Inter-

Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition’14. Moreover, it shows
the capacity of each task which correspond to the number of major
committees assigned in a particular task. Considering the color of every
edge, means that the same color corresponds to the same assigned tasks.
The source node S of the network is represented as the starting point of
the flow or in this study it is represented as the executive committees of
Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition. The sink node I is
the activity (the Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition ’14)
and also the end point of the flow. Furthermore, the vertices which are
denoted by C correspond to the major committees, while vertex A is for the
assigned task of the major committees. The initial capacity or the major
committees which are assigned for Program and Invitation was 3; Opening
and Closing Program, 3; Manual of Operation, 2; Finance Committee, 1;
Supplies/Equipment Committee, 3; Game Venues, Facilities and Ground
Preparation, 5; Information Communication and Documentation, 3;
Technical Committee, 4; Technical Secretariat , 4; Screening Committee, 4;
Food and Refreshment, 3; Awards, Trophies, 3; Prizes and Token, 3; Parade,
Peace and Order, 3; Medical/Dental/First Aid/Health and Sanitation
Committee, 3; Stage Decoration and Sound System, 4; Accommodation

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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
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Figure 1. Existing tasking of major working committees in ICCAC

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

Committee, 3; and Physical Arrangement/Area Cleanliness, 3.

ICCAC was a project managed by different major committees. Since,
it was a project management, network was used. Time is one of the most
useful tool that the involved committees need to consider. It somehow
demonstrates who is responsible for which tasks or the tasks that they need
to accomplish.

Ryan stated that, managing a project is not an easy task. It exerts more
effort on time and tends to be handled by groups of person. The number
of persons assigned in a specific task depends on the size of the project
or activity. Using network analysis could provide an up-to-the-minute
assessment between the actual and planned activity. It is the best way to
reduce time.

The same statement was stated by Thierauf (2014), network analysis
has an underlying logic that forces disciplined thinking in planning a
project if followed, that logic will increase committee’s confidence that
they are aware of the important elements of their programs or activities.
It can also provide a useful tool for carrying out their responsibilities
for controlling projects and taking actions to ensure to what extent that
projects are proceeding according to plan and according to the responsible
person’s involves.

To illustrate maximum Flow algorithm, an assignment problem was
considered, the Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition’14
(ICCAC) which involved 18 associated tasks. These are: Program and
Invitation, Opening and Closing Program, Manual of Operation, Finance
Committee, Supplies/Equipment Committee, Game Venue, Facilities and
Ground Preparation, Information, Communication and Documentation,
Technical Committee, Technical Secretariat, Screening Committee, Food
and Refreshment, Medals and Trophies, Prizes and Token, Parade, Peace
and Order, Medical/Dental/First Aid/Health and Sanitation Committee,
Stage Decoration and Sound System, Accommodation Committee/
Billeting Quarters and Physical Arrangement/Area Cleanliness.

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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M. | Research Articles

The maximum flow algorithm was applied to attain the objectives.

Ci = major committees in ICCAC for 2014; i = 1, 2, 3, . . , n
n = total number of major committees in ICCAC
Aj = Assigned task for every i = 1, 2, 3, . . , n
N = total number of associated task.

The node C1, . . ,Cn represent the major committees in ICCAC and
n is the total number of major committees in ICCAC. (The node A1, . . ,
An) represent the assigned task given in table 3 and N is the total number
of associated task.. The edges of the network are follows: An arc (Si, Ci)
whenever the committee Ci assigned tasks Aj is counted as one (1), then
every branch CiAi pass through from node Ci to node Aj has also one (1)
unit capacity. The capacity of edge (Aj, I) is equal to the total number of
the committee who assigned to do task Aj. For instance, the arc (A1,I) has
a capacity equal to three (3), since arc C3, C4 and C5 were assigned to do
A1, which belongs to I. Another example is arc (A2,I) whose capacity is
also three (3), since C1, C3 and C6 were assigned to do tasks A2. The goal of
the study was to find a path or branch from source S to sink I that could
accommodate a positive flow or flow capacities in the direction of the flow
greater than zero for all arcs on the path between the source nose S and
the sink node I. The maximum value of the flow from the source node S
to the sink node I is equal to the minimum cut. Cut is a set of arcs whose
deletion disconnects the network into two (2) parts from among all cuts
in the network that separate the source and sink node; find the cut with
the minimum capacity. The value of any flow x is less than or equal to the
capacity of any cut in the network. This implies that if a flow x whose value
equals the capacity of some cut is determined, then x is a maximum flow
and the cut is a minimum cut.

The network in figure 2 (in the next page) has S as a source node, I as the
sink node, and Ci and Aj as the junctions. Note that 1 unit can be shipped
from S to C along SCi and same 1 unit can be shipped in the opposite
direction. A1 unit capacity can be shipped from Ci to Aj along CiAj and
same 1 unit can be shipped in the opposite direction. Finally, an arc (Aj,I)
equals to the sum of the capacity assigned in the Aj task. Major committees

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

Figure 2. Flow chart of committee 1

assigned to each arc (Aj,I) is the sum of the capacities for example A2I has
capacity equals to three (3) since C3, C4, and C5, were assigned to do A1
which belongs to A1 and 1 unit capacity was assigned to each committee to
sum it up a value of 4 units was determined.

Every node or vertex in the network, except the source node S and
sink node I has at most one incoming arc or at most one outgoing arc. This

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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
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means one is always the minimum capacity and the flow will always be
increased by one step.

In a path the maximum flow that can be shipped does not exceed the
capacity of any set, the algorithm will terminate after finite number of
path which accommodate a positive flow. The value of a maximum flow
in the graph is actually equal to the capacity of a minimum cut as stated
in the theorem, known as the maximum flow-minimum-cut theorem. The
maximum flow value is equal to the minimum capacity. The connection
between flows and cuts arises from the observation that the value of any
flow is less than or equal to the capacity of any cut. This inequality always
holds because the removal of any edge in the cut separates the network into
parts X and Y. But the value of the flow is the amount of product flowing
through the network and all this product must travel from X to Y along the
edges of the cut. So the value of the flow cannot exceed k, the maximum
flow allowed through the arc. In fact, if F denoted the value of flow then F
is given by the equation F = (total flow from X to Y) - (total flow from Y
to X) since the total flow from X to Y is at most k, and the total flow from
Y to X is at least zero, the value of F is less than or equal to k. They can go
further since the value of any flow is less than or equal to the capacity of
any cut. This inequality must be true for a maximum flow in particular. So,
the value of any maximum flow is less than or equal to the capacity of any
minimum cut. In particular, find a flow with value and a cut with capacity
equal to this value of k, and then, the flow is a maximum flow.

The directed capacity (or the capacity in the direction of the flow of
k units) is decreased by the maximum flow value of each branch of the
path and the reverse capacity is increased by k units Add k units to the
amount delivered to the sink. Then, look for another path until all paths
with positive flow has been saturated. If the maximum flow saturates all
source and sink arcs, then, it has a feasible or possible solutions; otherwise
it is infeasible.

The idea in applying maximum flow algorithm in Inter-Collegiate and
Campuses Athletic Competition’ 14 (ICCAC) is to find a path or branch
from source S to sink I that can accommodate a positive flow and to

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

minimize the total number of major committees assigned in each task.

The figure shows that one path from source to sink that can
accommodate a positive flow is the branch (SC1, C2A2, A2I). Committee 1
was assigned to task A2 which is Opening and Closing Program.

Step 2: Determine the maximum flow that can be shipped along the
path and denote it by k. The maximum amount of materials that can be
sent along this path is a minimum (1,1,3) = 1 unit, the capacity of SC1 and

Step 3: Decrease the direct capacity (that is, the capacity in the direction
of the flow of the k units) of each branch of this path by k and increase the
reverse capacity by k. Add k units to the amount delivered to the sink.
Making such a shipment, will increase the supply at A1 from 0 to 1 and at
the same time will decrease the capacity of SC1, C1A2 and A2I by 1 unit and
will increase by this same amount its capacities of C1S, A2 and I1A2.The
changes in the capacities of each branch for flows in the 2 directions are
indicated near the ends of the branch.

Step 4: Consider the path (SC2, C2A9, A9I) and apply same algorithm
as in first path considered. The previous figure is another path that can
accommodate a positive flow (SC2, C2A9, A9I1). By step 2, the maximum
amount that can be sent along this minimum (1,1,3) = 1 unit. Increase
the supply at A1 by unit 1 from 3+1 = 4 and at the same time decrease the
capacity of SC2, C2A9, A9I1 by unit 1 and decrease by this same amount its
capacities of C2S, A9C2 and I1A9 by step 3. Committee 2 was assigned to task
A9 which is the Stage Decoration and Sound System.

Apply the algorithm for the maximal flow until the last flow was
determined. Since all flows were positive, committees one (1) to thirty-
one could definitely be accommodated. The maximum flow of the first
path that could shipped was determined. The direct capacity (that is, the
capacity in the direction of the flow of the k units) of each branch of this
path was decreased by k and was increased the reverse capacity by k. K unit
was added to the amount delivered to the sink. This was performed until

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M. | Research Articles

Figure 3. Existing tasking of major working committees in ICCAC

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

there was no path from the source node S to the sink node I that could
accommodate a positive flow.

Since there was no path from the source to sink that permitted flow, thus
the network was given. The optimal number of major working committees
of each task was determined by comparing the original network with the
final network.

Figure 3 (in the previous page) shows the final model/network of the
Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic Competition which corresponds to
the optimal number of major working committees assigned in every task.
The tasks were grouped or minimized according to similarities in terms of
work and corresponding level. Considering the color of every edge, the same
color means the same task. Black edges refer to the technical committees;
blue for the award committees; red for the program committees; light green
for the logistic committees; purple for the supplies committees; light blue
for the documentation committees; orange for the securities and first-aid

Table 2. Minimized task with an optimal number of major committees

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
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Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M. | Research Articles

committees; pink for the manual operation committee; neon green for the
finance committee and yellow for the screening committee. Those colors
represent the committees assigned with the same task. The following table
presented the optimal number of major committees assigned in each task.

Table 2 shows the ten (10) minimized tasks with its associated
assignments which corresponds to the optimal number of major
committees. A1 represents the Technical Committees which includes
Technical Committee and Technical Secretariat; A2 represents the
Award Committees which includes Prizes, Token, Trophies and Awards.
Furthermore, A3 represents the Program Committees which include
Program, Invitation, Opening and Closing program; A4 represents the
Logistic Committees which includes Game Venues, Facilities, Ground
Preparation, Stage Decoration, Sound System, Accommodation/Billeting
Quarters, Physical Arrangement and Area Cleanliness; A5 represents
the Supplies Committees which includes Equipment, Supplies, Food
and Refreshment. A6 represent the Documentation Committees which
includes Information, Communication and Documentation. Moreover, A7
represents the Security and First-Aid Committees which includes Medical,
Dental, Health, Sanitation, Parade and Peace and Order. A8 represent
as Manual Operation Committee. In addition, A9 represent the Finance
Committee. Lastly, A10 represents the Screening Committee.

These reductions, considered as shipments, constitutes the optimal task
assignment. The value of the maximum flow is 31, which can be checked
by finding the minimum cut (A1I, A2I, A3I, A4I, A5I, A6I, A7I, A8I A9I,
A10I) = 3+2+3+6+2+3+7+1+1+3=31.This means that the optimal number
of major committees for every associated task for the Inter-Collegiate
and Campuses Athletic Competition’ 14 (ICCAC) are as follows: Three
represents the Technical Committees which includes Technical Committee
and Technical Secretariat. Two represents the Award Committees which
includes Prizes, Token, Trophies and Awards. Furthermore, 3 represents
the Program Committees which include Program, Invitation, Opening
and Closing program. 6 represents as Logistic Committees which includes
Game Venues, Facilities, Ground Preparation, Stage Decoration, Sound
System, Accommodation/Billeting Quarters, Physical Arrangement

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

and Area Cleanliness. 2 represents as Supplies Committees which

includes Equipment, Supplies, Food and Refreshment. 3 represent as
Documentation Committees which includes Information, Communication
and Documentation. Moreover, 7 represents as Securities and First-Aid
Committees which includes Medical, Dental, Health, Sanitation, Parade
and Peace and Order. 1 represent as Manual Operation Committee.
In addition, 1 represent as Finance Committee. Lastly, 3 represents as
Screening Committee.

Maximal flow algorithm can be used in different types of application
of model arc capacities. ICCAC is such a big event and every task itself has
a capacity that corresponds to the total number of working committees
involves in this task. Since, it is a big event it involves different levels of
tasks which refer to 31 major committees of the 18 associated tasks. It is
also possible to minimize those tasks with the same objectives and levels so
that the time itself will be reduced.

As stated by Das Purkayastha (2001), managing of a project brings
about many challenges for the committees involved. One of the frequently
encountered challenges in the activity is time management. As any
practicing project committees can attest, time is one of the most important
project constraints frequently encountered in the practice. Time constraint
can be particularly challenging when committees impose a predetermined
target completion date even before the project planning begins or is still
in-progress. This also means that persons engage in every task really affects
the time bounds in such activities.

In the study of Parañaque (2001), network analysis which is the

maximal flow algorithm is used in a project management which cites that:
planning a project or even tasking an activity can be reduced and evaluated
in terms of time. Also, the implementation of the project will be improved
and it will provide discipline on such organization or institution network
analysis. The study of Parañaque about the ‘Maximal Flow Algorithm
Applied to the Assignment Problem of Society of Applied Mathematics
in UPLB concluded that maximal flow problem can be applied in activity
where problem on assigning task is observable. Moreover, it serves as an

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
84 Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M. | Research Articles

analytic aid to committees by helping them understand and analyze that

planning a project or performing an activity is not an easy task. Lastly,
they should consider what needs to be done and how long it will take to
accomplished the assigned task.


Based on the findings, the following are the conclusion drawn:

1. From the existing tasking of Inter-Collegiate and Campuses Athletic

Competition, it shows that some of the committees were assigned various
2. It is possible to minimize the task to find the optimal number of
major committees in ensuring that a certain activity will be accomplished.
3. By applying the maximal flow algorithm, the number of committees
assigned to a certain task is reduced.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the researcher came up with the
following recommendations:

1. The application of the optimal number of major working

committees assigned to every task may reduce the target time spent for
each corresponding task is recommended to the management of ICCAC.
2. A study that will apply the concept of maximal flow algorithm in
tasking of assignments in other time-bound organizational activities
where time bound occurs is encouraged.
3. An application of this concept to other activities where assignment
problem is observable is recommended.

Ahuja R., Magnanti T., & Orlin J., (1993). Network flows: Theory, algorithms
and applications. London: Prentice-Hall.
Das Purkayastha J. (2001). Project Network Diagrams: Important Tool

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015
Research Articles | Camson, J.A. & Par, P.M.

for Project Time Management. Retrieved from

Parañaque Ma. T. (2001). Maximal Flow Algorithm Applied to the
Assignment Problem of the Society of Applied Mathematics of UPLB.
Los Baños: University of the Philippines.
Ryan C. (2000). Project Scheduling Essay, Research Paper. Retrieved on
January 22, 2014 from http://


About the Authors

Pauline Jane M. Par finished her Bachelor’s degree in
Mathematics minor in Statistics in 2015. She has been an
active member and officer of the Mathematical Society of
SLSU. She also served in different extension activities of the
said organization.

Josephine A. Camson, MAT is an Assistant Professor

and the Program Chairperson of BS Mathematics. She is
presently completing her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education
at the Philippine Normal University. She is a member of
various academic organizations such as the Southeast Asian
Mathematical Society (SEAM), Mathematical Society of
the Philippines (MSP), and Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher
Educators, among others.

Journal of Research of the College of Arts and Sciences,
86 Southern Luzon State University
Vol. 8, No. 1 | July 2015

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