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White Light Corporation, Titanium Corp and Sta of prostitutes and drug dealers through active police
Mesa Tourist Dev. Corp v. City of Manila work would be more effective in easing the situation.
So would the strict enforcement of existing laws and
FACTS: Mayor Lim signed into law the Ordinance No. regulations penalizing prostitution and drug use. These
7744 prohibiting hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, measures would have minimal intrusion on the
pensions houses and similar establishments from offering businesses of the petitioners and other legitimate
short-time admission, as well as pro-rated or “wash-up” merchants. Further, it is apparent that the Ordinance can
rates or room rates that offer less than 12 hours or renting easily be circumvented by merely paying the whole day
of rooms more that twice a day. rate without any hindrance to those engaged in illicit
activities. Moreover, drug dealers and prostitutes can in
White Light Corp, Titanium Corp, and Sta. Mesa Tourist fact collect "wash rates" from their clientele by charging
and Development Corp. filed a motion to intervene on the their customers a portion of the rent for motel rooms and
ground that said Ordinance directly affects their business even apartments.
interest as operators of drive-in-hotels and motels in
Manila. Jesus Garcia v. Hon. Alan Drilon
RTC – granted the motion to intervene and issued a TRO FACTS: Private Respondent Rosalie Garcia filed a
directing the City to cease and desist from enforcing the verified petition before RTC for the issuance of TPO
Ordinance. City alleged that that it was a valid exercise of against her husband Jesus Garcia pursuant to RA 9262.
police power; hence, the said Ordinance was She alleged that she’s a victim of physical abuse,
constitutional. Nevertheless, the RTC declared the said emotional, psychological, and economic violence as a
Ordinance null and void as it strikes at the personal result of marital infidelity of her husband, with threats of
liberty of the individual guaranteed and jealously deprivation of custody of her children and of financial
guarded by the Constitution support.
CA – reversed the DECISION and affirmed the Garcia’s infidelity spawned a series of fights that left
constitutionality of the Ordinance arguing that it did not Rosalie physically and emotionally wounded. There was
violate the right to privacy or freedom of movement as it a time when Jesus grabbed Rosalie on both arms and
only penalizes the owners and operators of shook her with such force that caused bruises and
establishments that admit individuals for short tie stays. hematoma. And other series of abuse. Jesus got angry
The objective of the Ordinance was lawful as it aims to when Rosalie informed the management of Robinson’s
curb immoral activities Bank that she will file charges against the bank manager
ISSUE: WON Ordinance No. 7774 is a valid exercise of who happens to be Jesus’ paramour. Jesus got angry; he
police power of the City of Manila. packed his things and told Rosalie that he’s leaver her for
HELD: It cannot be considered as a valid exercise of
police power, hence, unconstitutional. The Ordinance RTC – granted the TPO but the petitioner failed to
suffers from overbreadth as makes a sweeping faithfully comply with the conditions set forth by the said
intrusion into the right to liberty of the petitioner’s TPO, private-respondent filed another application for the
clients. It is their right to patronize their establishments issuance of a TPO ex parte. The RTC issued a modified
for a wash-rate time frame. The test of a valid ordinance TPO and extended the same when petitioner failed to
was already established in previous cases: comment on why the TPO should not be modified. After
the given time allowance to answer, the petitioner no
1. Must not contravene the Constitution or any longer submitted the required comment.
2. Must not be unfair or oppressive; Jesus – filed a petition for prohibition with prayer for
3. Must not be partial or discriminatory; injunction and TRO on questioning the constitutionality of
4. Must not prohibit but may regulate trade; the RA 9265 for violating the due process and equal
5. Must be general and consistent with public policy; protection clauses, and the validity of the modified TPO
and for being an unwanted product of an invalid law.
6. Must not be unreasonable. CA – issued the TRO on the enforcement of the TPO but
In this case, the SC held that requisites for exercise of denied the petition for failure to raise the constitutionality
Police Power were not met as the means of interfering a in his pleadings before the RTC.
supposed private right was unreasonable. The Ordinance ISSUE: WON RA 9262 is violative of the due process and
makes no distinction between places frequented by the equal protection clauses
patrons engaged in illicit activities and patrons
engaged in legitimate actions. Thus, it prevents HELD: R.A. 9262 does not violate the guaranty of
legitimate use of places where illicit activities are rare or equal protection of the laws. RA is based on a valid
even unheard of. A plain reading of section 3 of the classification and it does not favor women over men as
Ordinance shows it makes no classification of places of victims of violence and abuse to whom the State extends
lodging, thus deems them all susceptible to illicit its protection. For classification to be valid:
patronage and subject them without exception to the
unjustified prohibition. 1. The classification should be based on substantial
distinctions which make for real differences;
The behavior which the Ordinance seeks to curtail is in 2. It must be germane to the purpose of the law;
fact already prohibited and could in fact be 3. It must not be limited to existing conditions only;
diminished simply by applying existing laws. Less and
intrusive measures such as curbing the proliferation 4. It must apply equally to each member of the class.

R.A. 9262 is not violative of the due process clause of memory of one who is dead. Thus, the elements of libel
the Constitution. The fear of petitioner of being "stripped are: (a) imputation of a discreditable act or condition to
of family, property, guns, money, children, job, future another; (b) publication of the imputation; (c) identity of
employment and reputation, all in a matter of seconds, the person defamed; and, (d) existence of malice.
without an inkling of what happened" is a mere product of
an overactive imagination. The essence of due process is The SC held that Torralba is a public figure and in order
in the reasonable opportunity to be heard and submit any to justify a conviction for criminal libel against a public
evidence one may have in support of one’s defense. The figure, it must be established beyond reasonable doubt
grant of the TPO ex parte cannot be impugned as violative that the libelous statements were made or published
of the right to due process. In fact, he filed an Opposition with actual malice, meaning knowledge that the
to the Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for Renewal of the TPO that statement was false or with reckless disregard as to
was granted two days earlier. He also filed a motion for whether or not it was true. As it has been established
the modification of the TPO to allow him visitation rights that complainant was a public figure, it was incumbent
to his children. The RTC gave him 5 days within which to upon the prosecution to prove actual malice on the part of
show cause why the TPO should not be renewed or Lim and petitioner when the latter published the article
extended, but he chose not to filed the required comment subject matter of the complaint. Set otherwise, the
arguing that it would be an “exercise in futility.” Having prosecution must have established beyond reasonable
failed to do so, he may not now be heard to complain that doubt that the defendants knew the statements in the
he was denied due process of law. advertisement was false or nonetheless proceeded with
reckless disregard as to publish it whether or not it was
Ciracio “Boy” Guingguing v. CA true.

It should thus proceed that if the statements made

FACTS: Cirse “Choy” Torralba was a broadcast journalist
who filed a criminal complaint for libel against Lim and against the public figure are essentially true, then no
Guingguing. In 1991, Lim caused the publication of conviction for libel can be had. Any statement that
does not contain a provably false factual connotation
criminal cases filed against Torralba and photographs of
will receive full constitutional protection
the latter being arrested. These were published by means
of a one-page ad paid for by Lim in the Sunday Post, a A public figure has been defined as a person who, by his
weekly publication edited and published by Guingguing. accomplishments, fame, or mode of living, or by adopting
a profession or calling which gives the public a legitimate
Torralba argued that he had been acquitted and the cases
interest in his doings, his affairs, and his character, has
mentioned had already been settled; he also claimed that
become a 'public personage.'
the publication was also designed to degrade, malign, and
destroy him as a broadcast journalist. Lim contended that
Alejandro Estrada v. Soledad Escritor
Torralba was allegedly making scurrilous attacks against
him and his family over the airwaves. Since he had no FACTS: Alejandro Estrada filed a complaint against
access to radio time, he paid ads via newspapers to Escritor for committing “disgrace and immoral conduct”
answer the attacks instead. under the Revised Administrative Court. He alleged that
RTC – The publication was indeed libelous. Soledad Escritor, court interpreter in said court, for living
with a man not her husband, and having borne a child
CA – It modified the penalty imposed but it affirmed the within this live-in arrangement. Estrada believes that
RTC’s finding of guilt. Escritor is committing an immoral act that tarnishes the
image of the court, thus she should not be allowed to
ISSUE: WON the crime of libel against Guingguing remain employed therein as it might appear that the court
constitutes an infringement of his constitutional right to condones her act.
freedom of speech and of the press.
Escritor contended that she was already a widow when
HELD: Libelous speech does not fall within the ambit she entered the judiciary. She admitted that she’s living
of constitutional protection. However, the SC held that with Luciano Quilapio, Jr. without the benefit of marriage
Guingguing was not guilty of libel. for more than 20 yrs ago when her late husband lived with
The guarantee of free speech was enacted to protect not another woman. She also admitted that they have a son.
only polite speech, but even expression in its most As a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watch
unsophisticated form. Criminal libel stands as a Tower and Bible Tract Society, she asserted that their
necessary qualification to any absolutist interpretation of conjugal arrangement is in conformity with their
the free speech clause, if only because it prevents the religious beliefs and has the approval of her
proliferation of untruths which if unrefuted, would gain an congregation. In fact, after ten years of living together,
undue influence in the public discourse. But in order to she executed a Declaration of Pledging Faithfulness.
safeguard against fears that the public debate might be For Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Declaration allows
muted due to the reckless enforcement of libel laws, truth members of the congregation who have been abandoned
has been sanctioned as a defense, much more in the case by their spouses to enter into marital relations. The
when the statements in question address public issues or Declaration thus makes the resulting union moral and
involve public figures. binding within the congregation all over the world except
in countries where divorce is allowed.
Under our law, criminal libel is defined as a public and
malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real ISSUE: WON Escritor should be found guilty of the
or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or administration charge of disgraceful and immoral conduct.
circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or
contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the

HELD: No, it was dismissed. The SC held that there was cases, it is the duty of judicial officers to respect and
no compelling state interest to override Escritor’s freedom apply the law regardless of their private opinions,"
of religion. In fact, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have
standards and procedures which must be followed before Lito Corpuz v. Pp
cohabitation without marriage is given the blessing of the
congregation. This includes an investigative process FACTS: Private complainant Danilo Tangcoy and Lito
whereby the elders of the congregation verify the Corpuz met in a casino in Olongapo City. Tangcoy was
circumstances of the declarants. Also, the Declaration is then engaged in the business of lending money to casino
not a blanket authority to cohabit without marriage players and upon hearing Tangcoy had some pieces of
because once all legal impediments for the couple are jewelry for sale, Corpuz approached him at the same
lifted, the validity of the Declaration ceases, and the casino and offered to sell the said jewelry on commission
congregation requires that the couple legalize their union. basis. Then, Tangcoy entrust certain jewelries amounting
to 98K to Corpus for the purpose of selling them. He
The free exercise of religion is specifically articulated as waited for Corpuz to remit the sale proceeds or return the
one of the fundamental rights in our Constitution. It is a said jewelry but Corpuz failed to do so. Hence, an
fundamental right that enjoys a preferred position in the information for the crime of estafa was charged against
hierarchy of rights — "the most inalienable and sacred of Corpuz was filed.
human rights," in the words of Jefferson. Hence, it is not
enough to contend that the state’s interest is RTC – convicted
important, because our Constitution itself holds the CA – affirmed
right to religious freedom sacred. The State must
articulate in specific terms the state interest involved in Corpuz contended that the penalty imposed upon him by
preventing the exemption, which must be compelling, for the court a quo violates the equal protection clause and
only the gravest abuses, endangering paramount the prohibition against oppressive and cruel punishment.
interests can limit the fundamental right to religious Thus, he asked the Court to suspend the execution of the
freedom. To rule otherwise would be to emasculate the sentence or amend the same to accord respect to his
Free Exercise Clause as a source of right by itself constitutional rights.

ISSUE: WON the incremental penalty provided under

Article 315 of the RPC violated the Equal Protection
Pp v. Leo Echegaray Clause.

FACTS: The SC previously rendered a Decision in the HELD: No. The incremental penalty is where the
Echegaray case affirming the conviction of Leo for the punishment to be meted out to a convict increases as the
crime of raping his ten-year old daughter. The Death amount involved in estafa gets higher. In the present
Penalty Law (RA 7659) was already in effect when the case, the value amounted to a total of 98K, hence Corpuz
crime has been committed. Leo discharged his defense was convicted to serve imprisonment a total of 18 yrs, in
counsel and retained the services of the Anti-Death addition to the fines imposed.
Penalty Task Force of the Free Legal Assistance Group
In ruling for the constitutionality of the assailed RPC
of the Philippines (FLAG). The FLAG questioned the
provision, the Court explained that it has no authority to
constitutionality of the said law as death penalty is a
modify the range of penalties, as such would constitute
severe and excessive penalty in violation of Art III, Sec 19
judicial legislation. What the legislature’s perceived failure
(1) of the 1987 Constitution and cruel and unusual
in amending the penalties provided for in the said crimes
punishment in violation of Art III, Sec 11 of the 1987
cannot be remedied through the Court’s decision.
The added that besides, it has long been held that the
ISSUE: WON the death penalty is a cruel, unjust,
prohibition of cruel and unusual punishments is
excessive or unusual punishment in violation of the
generally aimed at the form or character of the
constitutional proscription against cruel and unusual
punishment rather than its severity in respect of
duration or amount, and applies to punishments
HELD: No. It was previously held in Harden v. Director of which public sentiment has regarded as cruel or
Prison that punishments are cruel when they involve obsolete, for instance, those inflicted at the whipping
torture or a lingering death, but the punishment of post, or in the pillory, burning at the stake, breaking
death is not cruel, within the meaning of that word as on the wheel, disemboweling, and the like. Fine and
used in the constitution. It implies there something imprisonment would not thus be within the prohibition.
inhuman and barbarous, something more than the
It takes more than merely being harsh, excessive, out
mere extinguishment of life.
of proportion, or severe for a penalty to be obnoxious
The SC emphasized that our courts are not the fora for a to the Constitution. The fact that the punishment
protracted debate on the morality or propriety of the death authorized by the statute is severe does not make it
sentence where the law itself provides therefor in specific cruel and unusual. Expressed in other terms, it has
and well-defined criminal acts. In Limaco Case: been held that to come under the ban, the punishment
must be "flagrantly and plainly oppressive," "wholly
"x x x there are quite a number of people who honestly disproportionate to the nature of the offense as to
believe that the supreme penalty is either morally wrong shock the moral sense of the community."
or unwise or ineffective. However, as long as that
penalty remains in the statute books, and as long as
our criminal law provides for its imposition in certain

Cruel as it may be, as discussed above, it is for the US v. Vicente Diaz Conde and Apolinaria De Conde
Congress to amend the law and adapt it to our
modern time. FACTS: On December 30, 1915, private complainant
Bartolome Oliveros and Engracia Llianco entered into a
Pp v. Ferrer contract with Vicente Diaz Conde and Apolinaria De
Conde concerning a debt of Php300. The former were
FACTS: A criminal complaint for violation of Section 4 of obligated to pay 5% per month within the first ten days of
the Anti-Subversion Act was filed against Feliciano Co every month.
before the CFI of Tarlac. It was alleged that Co was an
officer of the Communist Party of the Philippines, an A complaint was presented in the CFI of Manila charging
outlawed and illegal organization aimed to overthrow the Vicente and Apolinaria with violation of the Usury Law (Act
government of the Philippines No. 2655). Upon said complaint, both were arrested,
arraigned, and pleaded not guilty.
Co moved to quash on the ground that the Anti-
Subversion Act is a bill of attainder RTC – Guilty. At the time of the execution and delivery of
said contract, there was no law in force in PH punishing
Meanwhile, another criminal complaint was filed against usury, but inasmuch as the defendants had collected a
Tayag, Casipe, Garcia, Alavado, Bie, and several John usurious rate of interest after the adoption of the Usury
Does (and five others) with subversion as they were Law in the Philippine Islands (Act No. 2655), they were
tagged as officers of the Kabataang Makabayan, a guilty of a violation of that law and should be punished in
subversion organization instigating and inciting the people accordance with its provisions
to organize and unite for the purpose of overthrowing the
Government of the PH. Vicente and Apolinaria contended (a) That the contract
upon which the alleged usurious interest was
Tayag also moved to quash the complaint on the grounds collected was executed before Act No. 2655 was
that (1) it is a bill of attainder; (2) it is vague; (3) it adopted; (b) that at the time said contract was made
embraces more than one subject not expressed in the title (December 30, 1915), there was no usury law in force
thereof; and (4) it denied him the equal protection of the in the Philippine Islands; (c) that said Act No. 2655 did
laws. not become effective until the 1st day of May, 1916, or
RTC – declared the statute void on the grounds that it is four months and a half after the contract in question was
a bill of attainder and that it is vague and overboard, and executed; (d) that said law could have no retroactive effect
dismissed the information against the two accused. or operation, and (e) that said law impairs the obligation
of a contract, and that for all of said reasons the judgment
ISSUE: WON RA 1700 (Anti-Subversion Act) is a bill of imposed by the lower court should be revoked; that the
attainder. complaint should be dismissed, and that they should each
be discharged from the custody of the law.
*A bill of attainder is an act of a legislature declaring a
person, or a group of persons, guilty of some crime - and ISSUE: WON the Usury Law has the retroactive effect.
punishing them, often without a trial
HELD: No. The SC held that a law imposing a new
HELD: No. The SC said it is only when a statute applies penalty, or a new liability or disability, or giving a new
either to named individuals or to easily ascertainable right of action, must not be construed as having a
members of a group in such a way as to inflict punishment retroactive effect. It is an elementary rule of contract that
on them without a judicial trial does it become a bill of the laws in force at the time the contract was made must
attainder. govern its interpretation and application. Laws must be
construed prospectively and not retrospectively. If a
The SC explained that it does not specify the Communist
contract is legal at its inception, it cannot be rendered
Party of the Philippines or the members thereof for the
illegal by any subsequent legislation. If that were
purpose of punishment. What it does is simple to
permitted then the obligations of a contract might be
declare the party to be an organized conspiracy for
impaired, which is prohibited by the organic law of the
the overthrow of the Government for the purposes of
Philippine Islands.
the prohibition.
Ex post facto laws, unless they are favorable to the
The term "Communist Part of the Philippines" issues
defendant, are prohibited in this jurisdiction. Every
solely for definitional purposes. In fact the act applies not
law that makes an action, done before the passage of the
only to the Communist Party of the Philippines but also to
law, and which was innocent when done, criminal, and
"any organisation having the same purpose and their
punishes such action, is an ex post facto law. In the
successors." Its focus is not on individuals but on conduct.
present case Act No. 2655 made an act which had been
The contention about the word “overthrow” regarding the done before the law was adopted, a criminal act, and
government (peaceful overthrowing) is clarified by the to make said Act applicable to the act complained of
provision of the clause: by means of force, violence, would be to give it an ex post facto operation. The
deceit, subversion or any other illegal means. Legislature is prohibited from adopting a law which will
make an act done before its adoption a crime. A law may
The freedom of expression and freedom of association is be given a retroactive effect in civil action, providing it is
superseded by the right of the state to self-preservation. curative in character, but ex post facto laws are absolutely
prohibited unless its retroactive effect is favorable to the

IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR THE 22, 1975 be applicable to a crime committed on October
HELD: No. The SC held that the penalty of prision mayor
KAY VILLEGAS KAMI, INC medium, or eight years and one day to ten years, imposed
by Presidential Decree No. 818, applies only to
FACTS: Kay Villegas Kami, Inc., claiming to be a duly swindling by means of issuing bouncing checks
recognized and existing non-stock and non-profit which was committed or after October 22, 1975.
corporation created under the land, filed a petition for Increased penalty does not apply to the estafa committed
declaratory relief praying for a determination of the validity by Puerto on October 16, 1974. To apply it to Puerto
if Sec. 8(a) of RA 6132 – would make the decree an ex post facto law. Its
retroactive application is prohibited by articles 21 and
Section 8. Prohibited Acts. In addition to and 22 of the Revised Penal Code and section 12, Article
supplementing prohibited acts provided for in the IV of the Constitution
Revised Election Code, in the election of delegates:

(a) No candidate or delegate to the convention shall

represent or allow himself to be represented as
being a candidate of any political party or any
other organization, and no political party, political
group, political committee, civic, religious,
professional or other organization or organized
group of whatever nature shall intervene in the
nomination of any such candidate or in the filing
of his certificate of candidacy or give aid or
support, directly or indirectly, material or
otherwise, favorable to or against his campaign
for election.

According to them, the paragraph violates the due

process clause, right of association, and freedom of
expression, and that is an ex post facto law.

ISSUE: WON Sec 8(a) of RA 6132 is an ex post facto law.

HELD: No. While it is true that Section 18 penalizes a

violation of any provision of R.A. No. 6132 including Sec.
8(a) thereof, the penalty is imposed only for acts
committed after the approval of the law and not those
perpetrated prior thereto.

There is nothing in the law that remotely insinuates that

Sections 8(a) and 18, or any other provision thereof, shall
apply to acts carried out prior to its approval. On the
contrary, Section 23 directs that the entire law shall be
effective upon its approval.

Pp. v. Hon. Rolando Villaraza and Caesar Puerto

FACTS: After Ceasar Puerto waived the second stage of

the preliminary investigation, City Judge Vilaraza directed
to elevate the case of Caesar Puerto for trial. Puerto was
charged with estafa

The CFI of Misamis Oriental returned the case to the city

court because in its opinion the case falls within the
concurrent jurisdiction of the two courts and, the city court,
as the first court which took cognizance of the case,
should try it.

Hon. Villaraza directed the re-elevation of the case. His

view is that the case falls within the exclusive original
jurisdiction of the CFI because estafa committed by the
accused is punishable by prision mayor medium under
Presidential Decree No. 818 which took effect on October
22, 1975 and which amended article 315 of the Revised
Penal Code.

ISSUE: WON the penalty of prision mayor medium, or

eight years and one day to ten years, imposed by
Presidential Decree No. 818 which took effect on October

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