Clinical Biomechanics: Paulo Cesar Barauce Bento, Gleber Pereira, Carlos Ugrinowitsch, André Luiz Felix Rodacki

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Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 450–454

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Peak torque and rate of torque development in elderly with and without
fall history q
Paulo Cesar Barauce Bento a, Gleber Pereira b, Carlos Ugrinowitsch c, André Luiz Felix Rodacki a,*
Centro de Estudos do Comportamento Motor, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Nucleus of Biological and Health Science, Positivo University, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Escola de Educação Física e Esporte, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly. A number of studies have described
Received 10 August 2009 peak torque as one of the best fall-related predictor. No studies have comprehensively focused on the rate
Accepted 10 February 2010 of torque development of the lower limb muscles among elderly fallers. Then, the aim of this study was to
determine the relationship between muscle peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower
limb joints in elderly with and without fall history. It was also aimed to determine whether these param-
Keywords: eters of muscle performance (i.e., peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to the number
Risk of falls
of falls.
Rate of torque development
Methods: Thirty-one women volunteered to participate in the study and were assigned in one of the
groups according to the number of falls over the 12 months that preceded the present. Then, participants
with no fall history (GI; n = 13; 67.6[7.5] years-old), one fall (GII; n = 8; 66.0[4.9] years-old) and two or
more falls (GIII; n = 10; 67.8[8.8] years-old) performed a number of lower limb maximal isometric volun-
tary contractions from which peak torque and rate of torque development were quantified.
Findings: Primary outcomes indicated no peak torque differences between experimental groups in any
lower limb joint. The rate of torque development of the knee flexor muscles observed in the non-fallers
(GI) was greater than that observed in the fallers (P < 0.05) and had a significant relationship with the
number of falls (P < 0.05).
Interpretation: The greater knee flexor muscles’ rate of torque development found in the non-fallers in
comparison to the fallers indicated that the ability of the elderly to rapidly reorganise the arrangement
of the lower limb may play a significant role in allowing the elderly to recover balance after a trip. Thus,
training stimulus aimed to improve the rate of torque development may be more beneficial to prevent
falls among the elderly than other training stimulus, which are not specifically designed to improve
the ability to rapidly produce large amounts of torque.
Ó 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction fractures occur as a consequence of falls and prospective data indi-

cates that 33% of the women and 17% of the men will suffer a hip
Falls are a relatively common event among elderly people and fracture after 90 years of age (Hayes et al., 1996).
are one of the major public health concerns with respect to mor- Declines in neuromuscular function of the lower limbs have
bidity, mortality and health service costs. Approximately 30% of been identified as a major risk factor for falls among elderly.
individuals aged 65 or older fall at least once a year with a 50% Strength training has been considered as an attractive strategy to
reoccurrence rate within the same time period (Masud and Morris, reduce the risk of falls because it attenuates the decline in the neu-
2001). The proportion of falls increases up to 40% in elderly aged romuscular function (Fiatarone et al., 1994; Larsson et al., 1979;
75 years or older (Tinetti et al., 1988). Ninety percent of the hip Moreland et al., 2004; Persch et al., 2009; Skelton et al., 1994).
However, strength training requires moving a heavy resistance at
q slow or at moderate speeds, which may not constitute an optimal
We certify that no party having a direct interest in the results of the research
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on us or on any organization with stimulus to decrease response time to avoid a fall after tripping
which we are associated. (van den Bogert et al., 2002). Therefore, falls may be more related
* Corresponding author. Address: Universidade Federal do Paraná, Departamento to the ability to produce power than torque, as the later increases
de Educação Física, Rua Coração de Maria, 92, Jardim Botânico, Curitiba-PR, CEP the muscle ability to generate torque rapidly, decreasing the re-
80215-370, Brazil.
E-mail address: (A.L.F. Rodacki).
sponse time after tripping (Thelen et al., 1996).

0268-0033/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

P.C.B. Bento et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 450–454 451

Power training has been proposed as a promising stimulus for by the next one, irrespective of the experimental group. For in-
improving elderly functionality because high speed movements stance, one participant was tested using a proximal-to-distal order
can improve motor-unit firing rate, synchronization, muscle acti- and the next one was tested in a distal-to-proximal order in which
vation level and decrease activation threshold more than strength each pair of agonist/antagonist pairs were tested in sequence, due
training (Cutsem et al., 1998; Miszko et al., 2003), which may be to set up constraints (i.e., the table and load cell position were
critical to increase response time. Thus, it seems that the ability changed for each test). It was assumed that no learning effect oc-
of the elderly to produce torque rapidly may be more specific than curred in this approach which was conveniently applied to reduce
strength training. In fact, fallers are less powerful than non-fallers collection session time.
during a leg extension test (Perry et al., 2007; Skelton et al., 2002). Force–time traces were determined with a load cell (Model
Thus, it is important to determine whether fallers and non-fallers CZC500, Kratos, São Paulo, Brazil) firmly attached to an adjustable
can be differentiated based on measurements of lower limb joints pole that permitted aligning the line of pull perpendicularly to the
torque magnitude (i.e., joint peak torques) and how quickly these tested (dominant) segment. An adjustable cuff was used to secure
torques are developed (i.e., the rate of torque development) (Robi- the cable to the participant’s segment. The perpendicular distance
novitch et al., 2002). between the load cell and the joint centre was determined and
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare muscle used to calculate net joint torques. Fig. 1 provides a schematic rep-
peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower limb resentation of the torque testing procedures. Participants were al-
joints in elderly with and without fall history. It was also aimed lowed three to five trials to get familiarized with the test demands.
to determine whether these parameters of muscle performance Then, three maximal trials were performed and that with the high-
(i.e., peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to est peak torque was used for further analysis. Participants were in-
the number of falls. The understanding of the factors that influence structed to produce torque as fast and hard as possible and sustain
falls are relevant for several health professionals involved in the the contraction for a short period (approximately 2–3 s). The use of
conduction of exercises specifically designed for elderly subjects. short periods of contraction was deemed important to minimise fa-
tigue effects. Intervals of 1 min were introduced between efforts.
The peak torque was continually monitored during the session
2. Methods and trials in which a torque variation greater than 10% of the mean
peak torque were repeated. In general, participants achieved the
Thirty-one women from the local community volunteered to standard with three trials, but in some cases one extra trial was
participate on the study. The inclusion criteria were: aged allowed.
60 years-old or above, not participating in any physical activity The force–time signals were sampled with a frequency of
program in the last 6 months, free from orthopaedic, balance and 1000 Hz, amplified (Kratos, model IK-1C, São Paulo, Brazil) and
other health problems that could affect gait. All procedures were converted to digital signals with the aid of a 16 bit A/D card (Na-
approved by the University Ethics Committee and participants tional Instruments, model NI USB 6218, USA) and finally stored
signed an informed consent form before participation. on a personal computer. Raw torque data was low pass filter with
Participants attended to one laboratory session and answered a a Butterworth second order recursive filter set at 20 Hz. Peak tor-
customised questionnaire before performing a number of lower que was determined as the highest torque value obtained after
limb maximal strength tests (see below). The questionnaire was the onset of the voluntary contraction. The rate of torque develop-
designed to identify whether participants experienced a fall during ment was calculated using a customised routine (Matlab 6.0Ó,
the last 12 months and the circumstances participants felt. A fall USA) and defined as the slope of the force–time curve from 20%
was defined as unintentionally coming to rest on the ground, floor, to 80% of the peak torque values. The coefficient of determination
or other lower level, whether or not it produced an injury (Buchner was calculated to assess the fitting of the regression equations
et al., 1997). According to the responses, participants were divided (R2 = 0.98).
in three groups: no fall history (GI; n = 13), one fall (GII; n = 8) and
two or more falls (GIII; n = 10) (Table 1). a one-way ANOVA re-
vealed no differences in the physical characteristics between 3. Statistical approach
groups (P > 0.05).
Participants performed a series of lower limb maximal isomet- Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were per-
ric contraction tests. Hip, knee, and, ankle flexion and extension formed to characterise the participants. The Kolmogorof–Smirnoff
maximal voluntary isometric torques were assessed in a recum- test was applied and confirmed data normality. A number of one-
bent posture with the joints positioned at approximately 90o (Pers- way ANOVAs were performed to compare the results between
ch et al., 2009). The proximal segments were firmly secured and groups. Bonferroni post hoc test was used for multiple compari-
stabilized by a velcrum strap. Hip abduction and adduction tests sons purpose. In addition, a multiple regression equation (stepwise
were performed with the participants in a standing posture and method) was performed to identify the variables that were corre-
the experimenters ensured that they did not use additional move- lated with the number of falls. The coefficient of significance was
ments in order to improve performance. The order of the tests fol- set at P < 0.05 and all statistical procedures calculated using the
lowed a reversed balanced order between participants, i.e., the 16.0 SPSS statistical package (USA).
order followed by one participant was followed in a reversed order

4. Results
Table 1
Mean (SD) physical characteristics of the participants of the non-fallers (GI), one fall
Fig. 2 shows peak torques and rates of torque development. No
(GII), and two or more falls (GIII) in the last 12 months.
differences were found between groups on peak torque and rate of
GI (n = 13) GII (n = 08) GIII (n = 10) F P torque development (P > 0.05) in any joint of the lower limbs, ex-
Age (years-old) 67.6 (7.5) 66.0 (4.9) 67.8 (8.8) 0.29 0.74 cept the knee flexors, which showed larger (P < 0.05) rate of force
Body mass (kg) 73.5 (16.1) 73.3 (4.4) 75.8 (12.0) 0.24 0.78 development in the non-fallers than in the other two groups of fal-
Stature (cm) 157.9 (12.0) 157.5 (4.1) 157.1 (7.4) 0.04 0.96
lers. No differences were found in peak knee flexor torque between
BMI (m2 kg 1) 29.1 (3.9) 29.5 (3.0) 30.6 (2.1) 1.24 0.29
the fallers, irrespective of the number of falls (P > 0.05).
452 P.C.B. Bento et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 450–454

Dorsiflexion Plantiflexion

Knee Flexors

Knee Extensors

Hip Flexors
Hip Extensors

Hip Adductors Hip Abductors

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the position of the line of pull and participants’ position during the Peak torque and rate of torque development tests.

Regarding the multiple regression analysis, only the rate of tor- process. For instance, fallers have been reported to present reduced
que development of the knee flexor muscles entered the model knee (Aniansson et al., 1983; Fugl-Meyer et al., 1980; Persch et al.,
(P = 0.02). However, this variable shared a small portion of the total 2009) and ankle (Thelen et al., 1996; Whipple et al., 1987; Wolfson
variance of the factors that affect the number of falls (r2 = 0.13). et al., 1995) isokinetic peak torques, irrespective of the testing
speed. However, isometric strength assessments do not seem to
detect differences in peak torque between fallers and non-fallers.
5. Discussion Indeed, Skelton et al. (2002), Laroche et al. (2009) and the present
study did not report differences in peak knee extension and flexion
The main finding of the present study was that peak torque and torques between fallers and non-fallers. On the other hand, Perry
rate of torque development in fallers and non-fallers did not differ, et al. (2007) reported differences in isometric peak torque for the
except the knee flexor muscles which showed greater rate of tor- hamstrings, plantar flexors, and dorsiflexor muscles between fal-
que development in the non-fallers group, irrespective of the num- lers and non-fallers. The difference between Perry’s findings and
ber of falls. the present study may be related to discrepancies in participants’
Increasing the ability to produce muscle strength has been sug- age as they used an older population (75.9 vs. 67.1 years-old).
gested as one of the fundamental components of exercise programs The importance of producing muscle force rapidly (i.e., rate of
to prevent the functional decline and to decrease the risk of fall torque development) to fall prevention has been described by oth-
(Persch et al., 2009; Province et al., 1995) throughout the aging ers. Bean et al. (2002) and Sayers et al. (2005) reported that con-
P.C.B. Bento et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 450–454 453

300 150 50

Torque (N•m)

200 100

100 50

0 0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
Groups Groups Groups
Rate of torque development (N •m•s )

Rate of torque development (N •m•s )

Rate of torque development (N •m•s )
3 1.5
2 1.0
1 0.5

0 0.0 0.0
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
Groups Groups Groups

Fig. 2. Peak torque and rate of torque development around the hip, knee and ankle joints of elderly participants with no falls (0), one fall (1) and two or more falls (2) in the
last 12 months.

traction velocity was a stronger predictor of performance on lower on the maximum speeds with which the lower extremity could
intensity functional tasks than muscle strength. This argument is in be moved, rather than on the sensory or motor programming pro-
line with those proposed by Cuoco et al. (2004) that walking tasks cesses involved in response initiation.
are more dependent on speed than strength. Probably, the rate of The natural age-related losses in the neuromuscular system
torque development influences more the ability of the subjects to may explain the increased risk of falls among the elderly. A number
recover balance and avoid a fall after tripping than the maximum of studies (Erim et al., 1999; Lockhart and Kim, 2006; Thelen et al.,
force capability (i.e., peak torque), as evidenced here. For instance, 1996) have consistently reported great reductions in the number
elderly non-fallers have higher knee extensors rate of torque devel- and area of fast-twitch muscle fibres in comparison to the slow-
opment than fallers (Perry et al., 2007; Pijnappels et al., 2008). Lar- twitch muscle fibres in elderly. Thus, the reduced ability to rapidly
oche et al. (2009) reported no differences in rate of torque develop torque seems to be a typical characteristic in the elderly.
development (RTD) between fallers and non-fallers. The reason The present study confirms previous ones that have reported this
for such difference is probably the lack of familiarization trials. In decline is more pronounced in the older subjects with a fall history
our experience, elderly need to learn how to perform fast isometric than non-fallers. Probably, age-related changes in muscle activa-
contractions because the RTD is highly variable between trials. Fur- tion rate (Lockhart and Kim, 2006) may have an important implica-
thermore, they calculated RTD over a 200 ms interval. Some indi- tion in the ability to recover from a trip and avoid a fall as most
viduals may have reached peak torque at the end of this time actions have to be explosive and ballistic nature to avoid it. It
interval, which greatly decreases RTD values. Calculating RTD from should be noted that peak torque magnitude (i.e., ability to gener-
20% to 80% of the peak torque values guarantees that the RTD is ate large amounts of force) was not as relevant as the rate of torque
calculated in a steep region of the torque curve. development among fallers. Indeed, Pavol et al. (2002) showed that
The sequence of actions after tripping may help to unravel the weak and strongest older adults were similar with respect to the
importance of the rate of torque development to prevent falls. Trip- risk of a trip. However, high muscle strength increases the risk of
ping usually occurs during single support, in the middle of the fall during-step or elevating response fall, while decreased strength
swing phase, producing loss of balance. After tripping, the body’s may represent a risk of an after-step fall (Pavol et al., 2002).
centre of mass moves forward, passing the base of support, causing Therefore, it seems that improving the ability of the knee flexor
the fall. The only way to prevent a fall is through a fast recovery muscles to rapidly control the arrangement of the lower segments
step of the swing leg to support the body weight. However, the is a relevant strategy to prevent falls. Experimental studies de-
individual should reduce the moment of inertia of the swinging signed to improve the rate of torque development of the knee flex-
leg to increase the whole segment angular acceleration. A high rate or muscles are required to test whether such improvements are
of torque development of the knee flexor muscles may produce a effective to ameliorate the ability to recover balance and to reduce
fast knee flexion movement, which reduces the radius of gyration the risk of falls. According to the sequence of actions that occur
and, consequently, the segment’s moment of inertia. The findings during a trip, the rate of torque development of the hip flexor mus-
of Thelen et al. (1997), corroborate with this idea. They showed cles may be also relevant to avoid a fall after tripping because rais-
that the age-related decline in balance recovery largely depends ing the lower segment is required to enlarge the clearance of the
454 P.C.B. Bento et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 450–454

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