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The influence of aging and sex on skeletal muscle mass and

Timothy J. Doherty

This brief review examines the influence of aging on skeletal Introduction

muscle mass and strength and specifically highlights sex-related It is well established that aging in men and women is
differences. It is well established that aging is associated with a associated with a substantial decline in neuromuscular
significant decline in muscle strength that becomes functionally performance [1±3]. Characteristic of this decline is the
important by the seventh decade of life. Age-related strength inevitable reduction in skeletal muscle mass and
losses are mainly secondary to decline in skeletal muscle mass associated loss of strength that occurs even with `healthy'
in men and women. While women may experience earlier aging. This decline in skeletal muscle mass, or
strength losses than men, overall, age associated decreases in sarcopenia, is considered a major contributing factor to
strength are similar when controlling for muscle mass. Although the loss of functional independence and frailty present in
men may experience greater losses of total muscle mass, recent many older individuals [4,5 . .]. Age-associated losses of
evidence, however, points toward greater declines in muscle skeletal muscle mass and strength have received
quality in older women. The implications and potential considerable attention in the literature over the past
mechanisms for these differences are discussed. Curr Opin Clin Nutr two decades. More recent work has begun to focus on
Metab Care 4:503±508. # 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. underlying factors contributing to sarcopenia, losses in
strength and associated functional impairment. This
review will brie¯y examine factors contributing to age-
associated sarcopenia and strength decline and speci®-
cally highlight the in¯uence of sex.
Correspondence to Timothy J. Doherty, MD, PhD, FRCPC, The Department of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, The Age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass
University of Western Ontario, University Campus, London Health Sciences Centre, Age-related losses of strength are directly impacted by,
339 Windermere Rd, London, ON, Canada N6A 5A5
Tel: +1 519 663 3926; fax +1 519 663 3039; e-mail: and correlated with, losses of skeletal muscle mass. The
total muscle cross-sectional area decreases by about 40%
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2001, 4:503±508
between the ages of 20 and 40 years [1,3,6]. Cross-
# 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
sectional areas have been determined for various limb
1363-1950 muscles using ultrasound, computed tomographic, and
magnetic resonance imaging, and direct measurement of
whole muscle cross sections from cadaveric specimens.
Young et al. [7,8], using ultrasonographic imaging,
reported 25±35% reductions in the cross-sectional areas
of the quadriceps muscles in older men and women as
compared with young controls. Computed tomographic
scanning has shown similar results for the quadriceps
muscle [9,10], the brachial biceps [9,11] and triceps [11]
in men. Additionally, highlighting the inaccuracy of
simple anthropometric measures of limb circumference,
Rice et al. found 27%, 45%, and 81% more non-muscle
tissue (fat and connective tissue) for the arm ¯exors, arm
extensors and plantar¯exors respectively. Similarly,
Overend et al. [10] reported increases in non-muscle
tissue of 59% for the quadriceps and 127% for the
hamstrings. Interestingly, cross-sectional area measures
taken directly from whole muscles obtained post mortem
showed similar average reductions of 40% between 20
and 80 years of age. The average reduction was 10% at
50 years and it accelerated thereafter.

The above studies are limited from the standpoint of

using small sample sizes, measuring only cross-sectional
area of one to three muscles, and speci®c to this
504 Nutrition and physiological function

discussion, mainly comprising males. Two recent high Reductions in skeletal muscle fiber size
quality studies, however, have overcome many of these and number
failings. Gallagher et al. [12] measured arm skeletal In attempts to understand the underlying cause of age-
muscle mass, leg skeletal muscle mass and total related atrophy, numerous studies have assessed muscle
appendicular skeletal muscle mass using dual-energy morphology from tissue obtained using muscle biopsy.
X-ray absorptiometry in a sample of 148 women and 136 The majority of these studies have been undertaken on
men between 20 and 90 years of age. After adjusting for the vastus lateralis muscle and the overall conclusion is
height, body weight and age, men had larger total reasonably consistent: average type II ®ber size is
appendicular skeletal muscle mass than women. More- diminished with age while the size of type I ®bers is
over, men exhibited larger age-related decreases in total much less affected [1±3,16±18]. While reductions in type
appendicular skeletal muscle mass, in comparison to II area range from 20±50%, type I ®ber area losses range
women (14.8% versus 10.8% respectively). Similarly, from 1±25%. The variability noted in these studies relates
Janssen et al. [13 .] used whole body magnetic resonance to sampling variability, potential sampling bias with
imaging to determine skeletal muscle mass in a sample muscle biopsy, and the undoubted inherent variability
of 268 men and 200 women between 18 and 88 years of in both the older and younger control populations.
age. Again, men had signi®cantly greater skeletal muscle
mass than women with greater losses of skeletal muscle The above reductions in ®ber size, however, are
mass with aging. The mechanisms leading to greater considered moderate in comparison with the reductions
losses of muscle mass with aging in men as compared in muscle mass, and therefore reductions in muscle ®ber
with women are unknown but have been postulated to number have been proposed. Lexell et al. [18], using
relate to hormonal factors including growth hormone, whole muscle cross-sections from the vastus lateralis
insulin-like growth factor, and androgens [13 .]. While muscle obtained post mortem, reported that by the ninth
greater losses of muscle mass occur with aging in men, it decade approximately 50% fewer type I and type II
has been suggested that sarcopenia is a greater public ®bers were present than in tissue from 20-year-olds. The
health problem for women since they live longer and fact that similar losses of muscle ®bers were present for
have higher rates of disability [5 . .]. type I and II ®bers stood in contrast to earlier work from
samples obtained with muscle biopsy. Further analysis
Age-associated loss of muscle mass appears inevitable determined that the cross-sectional area of the vastus
and is likely the most signi®cant contributing factor to lateralis, at least, is mainly determined by the total
the decline in muscle strength [4,5 . .]. While all men and number of ®bers and, to a lesser extent, by the size or
women experience some degree of sarcopenia, this is number of type II ®bers [16,17].
variable and on a continuum. However, as per the typical
clinical de®nition for osteoporosis, it is possible to Electrophysiologic studies have demonstrated similar
dichotomize this continuous process by establishing a dramatic losses of whole functioning motor units in
lower limit of normal, such as 2 SD below the mean proximal and distal muscles in the upper and lower
appendicular muscle mass for healthy young adults. For extremities, in the order of 50% for the thenar and
example, Baumgartner et al. [14], in the New Mexico biceps/brachialis muscle groups [19±21]. These ®ndings,
Elder Survey, measured appendicular muscle mass by taken together with histologic changes consistent with a
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 883 randomly chronic neurodegenerative process, point toward age-
selected elderly Hispanic and white men and women. associated losses of anterior horn cells as an important
Sarcopenia was de®ned as losses greater than 2 SD contributing factor to reduced muscle ®ber number and
below the mean for young healthy controls. The muscle mass [1,3].
prevalence of sarcopenia ranged from 13±24% in persons
aged 65±70 years and was over 50% for those older than There is a paucity of data on the effect of sex on changes
80 years. In this study the prevalence was higher for men in muscle ®ber number and area. In general, similar
over age 75 (58%) than for women (45%). In a similar losses of type I and type II ®ber area have been reported.
study, the prevalence based on total skeletal mass Essen-Gustavsson and Borges [22], however, reported
determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was more signi®cant decline for older women in type 1 (men
10% for men and 8% for women between 60 and 69 15%, women 25%) and type II ®ber area (men 19%,
years, and 40% and 18% respectively for men and women 45%) for the vastus lateralis muscle. Aniansson et
women over 80 years [15]. As these prevalance rates are al. [23] similarly reported smaller mean type I and type
relative to sex-speci®c younger control populations they II ®ber areas in older women than in older men.
suggest greater declines in muscle mass for men than
women. Nevertheless, substantial declines occur for both Age-related changes in muscle strength
sexes and are directly related to increasing disability with Starting at approximately 30 years of age, in the absence
advancing age. of training, strength declines at a rate of about 10±15%
Skeletal muscle mass and strength Doherty 505

per decade. Since typical activities of daily living require Many of the studies that have examined age-related
minimal to moderate muscular contractile efforts, this changes in strength have studied small numbers of
gradual loss of strength does not become functionally subjects, employed cross-sectional designs, and in many
signi®cant until beyond 55±60 years of age for most men cases studied only men, or inappropriately combined
and women. Beyond about the sixth decade, the rate of men and women in their analysis. To examine the
force loss may accelerate, but eventually levels off in the in¯uence of sex on age-related changes in strength,
seventh and eighth decades, such that men and women selected older and more recent high quality studies will
in this age group have about 50% of the strength of be reviewed.
younger adults. In the absence of disease, further losses
in the subsequent decades may be no greater than 10%. Cross-sectional studies
This level of strength often approaches that necessary to Vandervoort and McComas [32] examined young,
carry out the basic tasks of daily living, but leaves little or middle aged and elderly men and women. Maximal
no safety factor for dealing with concomitant illness or voluntary and electrically evoked maximal twitch forces
for leisure activities requiring higher levels of function were determined for both the plantar¯exor and dorsi-
[1,3,4,5 .,23]. ¯exor muscles. As illustrated in Fig. 1, men were
stronger than women at all ages and aging was associated
Age-related decreases in strength have been well with substantial declines in force. These changes were
documented in numerous studies. A variety of limb similar for men and women and the declines were similar
muscles have been examined in cross-sectional studies for both evoked and voluntary contractions. Interest-
during isometric and dynamic conditions in young, ingly, when the values for subjects in the youngest and
middle-aged, and older men and women. In general, middle-aged (40±52 years) groups were compared, the
these studies suggest that reductions in isometric and voluntary torques were similar, with only dorsi¯exion in
dynamic voluntary and electrically evoked contractile men showing a signi®cant decline. In an attempt to
strength become substantial by the seventh decade of determine the extent to which reduced central drive may
life, and may accelerate thereafter. Healthy men and contribute to reduced volitional torque production, the
women in their seventh and eighth decades demonstrate twitch interpolation technique was used. An important
average reductions of 20±40% in maximal isometric ®nding of this study was that most older men and
strength in comparison to young controls (Table 1). In women were able to maximally activate the lower motor
general, similar reductions have been reported for both neuron pool for maximal force production. Thus, the
men and women in both upper and lower limb muscles. reduced volitional forces with aging, and the lower forces
There is some indication that greater losses are present across all ages in women, were attributed to decreased
at higher contractile velocities during dynamic contrac- muscle mass as opposed to the inability to adequately
tions and that eccentric force production may be better recruit the available contractile tissue [1,3]. Reductions
preserved than concentric [28,29,31]. in muscle cross-sectional area were less than the

Table 1. Age-related changes in knee extensor strength

Sex Age (decade) Testing condition Study design % Decline

Larsson et al. [24] M 7th Isometric Cross-sectional 75
Murray et al. [25] M 8±9th Isometric Cross-sectional 55
Murray et al. [26] F 8±9th Isometric Cross-sectional 63
Young et al. [7] F 8th Isometric Cross-sectional 65
Young et al. [8] M 7th Isometric Cross-sectional 61
Overend et al. [10] M 7±8th Isometric Cross-sectional 76
Ivey et al. [27] M 7±8th Isometric Cross-sectional 76
F 7±8th Isometric Cross-sectional 75
Poulin et al. [28] M 7±8th Isokinetic 908/s Cross-sectional
Concentric 68
Eccentric 81
Isokinetic 1808/s
Concentric 69
Eccentric 98
Vandervoort et al. [29] F 7±8th Isokinetic 908/s Cross-sectional
Concentric 50
Eccentric 64
Lynch et al. [30] M 8th Isokinetic 308/s Cross-sectional
Concentric 65
Eccentric 67
F Concentric 69
Eccentric 73
506 Nutrition and physiological function

Figure 1. Age-related changes in muscle strength There has been interest in the extent to which aging
effects concentric and eccentric force production. Both
(a) Vandervoort et al. [29], and Poulin et al. [28] reported
Maximal 50 losses of eccentric strength with aging, but such losses
voluntary were signi®cantly less than those reported for the
contraction 40 concentric testing condition. A larger, more recent study
(Nm) of subjects drawn from the Baltimore Longitudinal
30 Study of Aging is in contrast to these ®ndings, in that
similar losses were found for concentric and eccentric
knee extensor torque with no signi®cant effect of sex.
Regression analysis did however reveal that age ex-
plained losses in concentric torque better than eccentric
0 [30].
20 – 32 40 – 52 60 – 69 70 –79 80 –100
Age (years) Longitudinal studies
Relatively few longitudinal studies of skeletal muscle
strength and aging have been undertaken. In one study,
Maximal 200
the extent of strength decline over time was greater
contraction when studied longitudinally, suggesting the potential for
(Nm) underestimation of age-related strength loss from cross-
sectional studies [34]. Earlier longitudinal studies have
100 reported a decline [34], no change [35] or gains [36,37]
over variable time periods in differing muscle groups.
Bassey and Harries [34] reported a 12% loss in grip
strength for men over a 4-year period and a 19% loss for
women. Alternatively, similar losses of 25±35% were
20 – 32 40 – 52 60 – 69 70 –79 80 –100 reported for men and women over an 11-year period for
Age (years) knee extensors [38].

Frontera et al. [39 .] reexamined 9 of 12 men who had

Graphs show age-related changes in (a) dorsiflexor and (b) plantarflexor
strength for young, middle-aged and older men (black bars) and women taken part in a training study 12 years earlier. Isokinetic
(white bars). Based on data from [32]. strength losses for the knee and elbow ¯exors and
extensors ranged from 9% (elbow extension 1808/sec) to
30% for knee extension at 2408/s. These changes were
decrease in voluntary torque for the plantar¯exors; so for accompanied by signi®cant reductions in muscle cross-
this muscle group, at least, torque per unit area was sectional area from computerized tomography scanning.
lower. These ratios did not show a sex difference. Winegard et al. [40] longitudinally examined 22 men and
women from the 69 initially studied by Vandervoort and
Frontera and coworkers [33] examined the isokinetic McComas [32]. Over the 12-year follow-up period
torque at 608/s and 2408/s for the elbow and knee ¯exors signi®cant decreases of 30% for men and 25% for
and extensors in 200 healthy men and women between women were noted for ankle plantar¯exors while less
45 and 78 years of age. Fat free mass was estimated by dramatic losses of 9.5% and 3.3% were reported for
hydrostatic weighing and muscle mass was determined in dorsi¯exors. The discrepancies in these studies are
141 subjects from urinary creatinine excretion. Strength potentially related to the muscle group studied and
was found to be lower for all muscle groups by 15±27% in testing condition, the follow-up period and, perhaps
the older versus younger age group. However, when most importantly, the extent to which similar popula-
strength was adjusted for fat free mass or muscle mass, tions were examined longitudinally. As with any long-
the age-related differences were eliminated for all itudinal design, loss of subjects over time may lead to
muscle groups except the knee extensors at 2408/s. potential bias.
The absolute strength of women ranged from about 40±
60% of men, but these sex differences were eliminated Overall, strength appears to peak between 25 and 35
or minimal when strength was expressed per kg of years of age, is maintained or slightly lower between 40
muscle mass. Therefore, in general from these cross- and 59 years of age and then declines by 12±14% per
sectional studies, signi®cant and similar losses occur with decade after 50 years of age. In general, while there is
aging in men and women. These losses of strength are some degree of variability between studies and in
mainly accounted for by reductions in muscle mass. comparing results from different muscle groups, similar
Skeletal muscle mass and strength Doherty 507

age-related decreases in strength appear to occur for men stronger than similar ®bers from older women, even after
and women. adjusting for size. These important ®ndings provide
direct evidence for differences in muscle quality in older
Age-related changes in muscle quality men and women. The mechanism underlying such sex-
Recent work has highlighted the importance of expres- related differences with aging remains in question.
sing age-related strength losses relative to muscle mass. However, hormonal factors may play a role. It has been
Thus, the term `muscle quality' has been coined, which, demonstrated that speci®c force is similar in men and
otherwise known as speci®c tension, refers to the premenopausal women, whereas there was a dramatic
strength per unit muscle mass and is considered a better decline in speci®c force around the time of menopause;
indicator of muscle function than strength alone [5 . .]. the latter, however, was diminished in women using
hormone replacement therapy [43].
Some interesting sex differences in muscle quality with
aging have been suggested in a number of cross- Conclusion
sectional studies. Some reports have found no difference Aging is associated with signi®cant decreases in strength
in muscle quality when comparing young and older in men and women and, while women may show
women, but many have reported an age-associated somewhat earlier losses in strength, the overall reduc-
decline in muscle quality in men. In a recent compre- tions are reasonably similar. Decline in the quantity and
hensive study, Lynch et al. [30] set out to determine perhaps quality of muscle mass is the most important
differences in muscle quality between arm and leg contributing factor to age-related reductions in strength.
muscles across the life span. Reliable measures were On average, men tend to be stronger than women at all
used for measurement of both concentric and eccentric ages, however, the majority of these differences are
strength as well as muscle mass. The major ®ndings accounted for by differences in muscle mass. Recent
of this study were as follows: (1) age-associated differ- evidence, however, suggests that differences may exist
ences in arm muscle quality were greater in men than in muscle quality when comparing men and women and
women; whereas leg muscle quality declined similarly. that these differences may relate to altered muscle ®ber
(2) Muscle quality for the arm was higher than for the leg contractile function in men and women. The impact of
across all age groups for men and women. (3) The physical activity, hormonal and nutritional in¯uences on
decline in leg muscle quality was greater than the such sex related differences are the topic of considerable
decline in arm muscle quality for women, whereas for ongoing study.
men they declined at the same rate. These age-related
losses in muscle quality are potentially related, among
other factors, to changes in neural drive, altered muscle References and recommended reading
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The first study to examine the relationship between strength and size at the whole
26 Murray MP, Duthie EH Jr, Gambert SR, et al. Age-related differences in knee muscle and single fiber level in young and older subjects. Reveals very interesting
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