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factura / Invoice no:

Data factura / Invoice date:

Client / Client:



Fabricant Manufacturer
Sat Crainimat, Comuna Sieu-Magherus, DN15A KM 45+500, jud. Bistrita-Nasaud, ROMANIA
T: +40 263 238 202 | F: +40 263 342 276

Sistemul de evaluare si de verificare a constantei performantei: 3

RO Standard armonizat: EN 14509:2013
4-Performanta la focul vent din exterior
System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance: 3
EN Harmonized standard: EN 14509:2013
4-External fire perfomance

RO Numele si adresa laboratorului notificat: AFITI-LICOF -Spain

EN Name and address of the notified laboratory: AFITI-LICOF -Spain

RO Cod unic de identificare al produsului-tip:

EN Unique identification code of the product-type

RO Panou sandwich autoportant cu imbinare vizibila, izolant, cu ambele fete metalice

EN Thermal insulating self-supporting sandwich panel, with visible joint and metal faces

ISOPERnMW LS D [mm] 50 60 80 100 120 150 200

RO Panou sandwich autoportant cu imbinare ascunsa, izolant, cu ambele fete metalice

EN Thermal insulating self-supporting sandwich panel, with hidden joint and metal faces

ISOPERaMW LS D [mm] 50 60 80 100 120

RO Panou sandwich autoportant cu cinci nervuri, izolant, cu ambele fete metalice

EN Thermal insulating self-supporting sandwich panel, with 5 ribs and metal faces

ISOAC5MW LS D [mm] 50 60 80 100 120 150

Nr. DoP: 1-28MW-LS Pag. 1 / 5

-pereti exteriori/placarea peretilor/pereti despartitori/tavane in interiorul anvelopei cladirii
RO Utilizari preconizate:
-acoperis si placarea acoperisului
-external walls/wall cladding/partition walls/ceilings within building’s enclosure
EN Intended use:
-roof and roof cladding

Fete:exterioara- otel 0,50 mm S250GD (EN 10346), acoperire SP/25μm;

RO Interioara- otel 0,50 mm; S220GD (EN 10346); acoperire SP/25μm;
Faces: exterior- steel 0,50 mm S250GD (EN 10346), covering SP/25μm;
interior- steel 0,50 mm; S220GD (EN 10346); covering SP/25μm;

RO Izolatie: MW densitate: 100 kg/m3 Conductivitatea termica: 0,041 W/mK

EN Insulation: MW density: 100 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity: 0,041 W/mK

Performanta produsului identificat mai sus este în conformitate cu setul de performante declarate. Aceasta declaratie de performanta este eliberata
RO in conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) nr. 305/2011, pe raspunderea exclusiva a fabricantului identificat mai sus.

The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the set of the declared performances. This declaration of
performance is according the Regulati on (EU) nr. 305/2011, is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer mentioned above.

Semnata pentru si in numele fabricantului de catre:

RO Responsabil Management CPF

Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:

EN FPC Management Responsible

Nr. DoP: 1-28MW-LS Pag. 2 / 5

Tip produs ISOPERnMW LS RO
Utilizari preconizate Pereti exteriori/placarea peretilor/pereti despartitori/tavane in interiorul anvelopei cladirii UM
Caracteristici esentiale: Performanta declarata
Grosime 50 60 80 100 120 150 200 mm
Masa informativa 13,80 14,80 16,80 18,80 20,80 23,80 28,80 kg/m2
Coeficient de transfer termic-Ud,s 0,78 0,65 0,49 0,39 0,33 0,27 0,20 W/m2K
Coeficient de transfer termic-Un,s 0,70 0,60 0,46 0,38 0,32 0,26 0,20 W/m2K
Rezistenta mecanica:
Rezistenta la tractiune 0,03 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03 MPa
Rezistenta la forfecare 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 MPa
Modul de forfecare (miez) 3,27 3,20 3,07 2,93 2,73 2,43 1,93 MPa
Rezistenta la compresiune (miez) 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 MPa
Reactia la foc A2-s1, d0 clasa
Rezistenta la foc NPD EI30 EI120 clasa
Permeabilitate la apa; permeabilitatea la aer NPD
Permeabilitate la vapori de apa Impermeabil
Izolare la zgomot aerian; absorbtia acustica NPD
Durabilitate Satisface

Tip produs ISOPERaMW LS RO

Utilizari preconizate Pereti exteriori/placarea peretilor/pereti despartitori/tavane in interiorul anvelopei cladirii UM
Caracteristici esentiale: Performanta declarata
Grosime 50 60 80 100 120 mm
Masa informativa 14,20 15,20 17,20 19,20 21,20 kg/m2
Coeficient de transfer termic-Ud,s 0,87 0,74 0,51 0,40 0,34 W/m2K
Coeficient de transfer termic-Un,s 0,70 0,60 0,46 0,38 0,32 W/m2K
Rezistenta mecanica:
Rezistenta la tractiune 0,03 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,05 MPa
Rezistenta la forfecare 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 MPa
Modul de forfecare (miez) 3,27 3,20 3,07 2,93 2,73 MPa
Rezistenta la compresiune (miez) 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 MPa
Reactia la foc A2-s1, d0 clasa
Rezistenta la foc NPD NPD EI30 EI60 clasa
Permeabilitate la apa; permeabilitatea la aer NPD
Permeabilitate la vapori de apa Impermeabil
Izolare la zgomot aerian; absorbtia acustica NPD
Durabilitate Satisface

Tip produs ISOAC5MW LS; RO

Utilizari preconizate Acoperis si placarea acoperisului UM
Caracteristici esentiale: Performanta declarata
Grosime 50 60 80 100 120 150 mm
Masa informativa 14,50 15,50 17,50 20,00 21,50 24,50 kg/m2
Coeficient de transfer termic-Ud,s 0,73 0,62 0,47 0,39 0,32 0,26 W/m2K
Coeficient de transfer termic-Un,s 0,70 0,60 0,46 0,38 0,32 0,26 W/m2K
Rezistenta mecanica:
Rezistenta la tractiune 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,04 MPa
Rezistenta la forfecare 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 MPa
Modul de forfecare (miez) 2,38 2,39 2,42 2,44 2,46 2,50 MPa
Rezistenta la compresiune (miez) 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 MPa
Reactia la foc A2-s1, d0 clasa
Rezistenta la foc NPD NPD NPD REI60 RE120 REI90 RE120 REI90 RE120 clasa
Performanta la foc exterior BROOF (t1) clasa
Permeabilitate la apa; Permeabilitate la aer;
Izolare la zgomot aerian NPD
Permeabilitate la vapori de apa Impermeabil
Durabilitate Satisface

Nr. DoP: 1-28MW-LS Pag. 3 / 5

Intended use External walls/wall cladding/partition walls/ceilings within building’s enclosure UM
Essential characteristics: Declared performance
Thickness 50 60 80 100 120 150 200 mm
Weight (informative) 13,80 14,80 16,80 18,80 20,8 23,80 28,80 kg/m2
Thermal transfer coefficient -Ud,s 0,78 0,65 0,49 0,39 0,33 0,27 0,20 W/m2K
Thermal transfer coefficient -Un,s 0,70 0,60 0,46 0,38 0,32 0,26 0,20 W/m2K
Mechanical resistance:
Tensile strength 0,03 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,03 MPa
Shear strength 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 MPa
Shear modulus (core) 3,27 3,20 3,07 2,93 2,73 2,43 1,93 MPa
Compressive strength (core) 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 MPa
Reaction to fire A2-s1, d0 class
Fire resistance NPD EI30 EI120 class
Water permeability; Air permeability NPD
Water vapour permeability Impermeable
Airborn sound insulation; Sound absorption NPD
Durability Satisfactory

Intended use External walls/wall cladding/partition walls/ceilings within building’s enclosure UM
Essential characteristics: Declared performance
Thickness 50 60 80 100 120 mm
Weight (informative) 14,20 15,20 17,20 19,20 21,20 kg/m2
Thermal transfer coefficient -Ud,s 0,87 0,74 0,51 0,40 0,34 W/m2K
Thermal transfer coefficient -Un,s 0,70 0,60 0,46 0,38 0,32 W/m2K
Mechanical resistance:
Tensile strength 0,03 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,05 MPa
Shear strength 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 MPa
Shear modulus (core) 3,27 3,20 3,07 2,93 2,73 MPa
Compressive strength (core) 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 MPa
Reaction to fire A2-s1, d0 class
Fire resistance NPD NPD EI30 EI60 class
Water permeability; Air permeability NPD
Water vapour permeability Impermeable
Airborn sound insulation; Sound absorption NPD
Durability Satisface

Intended use Roof and roof cladding UM
Essential characteristics: Declared performance
Grosime 50 60 80 100 120 150 mm
Weight (informative) 14,50 15,50 17,50 20,00 21,50 24,50 kg/m2
Thermal transfer coefficient -Ud,s 0,73 0,62 0,47 0,39 0,32 0,26 W/m2K
Thermal transfer coefficient -Un,s 0,70 0,60 0,46 0,38 0,32 0,26 W/m2K
Mechanical resistance:
Tensile strength 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,04 MPa
Shear strength 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 MPa
Shear modulus (core) 2,38 2,39 2,42 2,44 2,46 2,50 MPa
Compressive strength (core) 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 MPa
Reaction to fire A2-s1, d0 class
Fire resistance NPD NPD NPD REI60 RE120 REI90 RE120 REI90 RE120 class
External fire perfomance BROOF (t1) class
Water permeability; Air permeability; Airborne
sound insulation NPD
Water vapour permeability Impermeable
Durability Satisfactory

Nr. DoP: 1-28MW-LS Pag. 4 / 5


Prin prezentul certificat, in conformitate cu legislatia specifica in vigoare, By this certificate, under full compliance of the specific legislation in force, we
garantam calitatea produsului PANOU TERMOIZOLANT CU 2 FETE guarantee the quality of the product stipulated in the invoice accompanying the
METALICE UTILIZATE IN CONSTRUCTII consemnat in factura, in performance declaration – THERMAL INSULATING PANEL WITH 2
conditiile respectarii regulilor de manipulare, depozitare, transport si METAL FACES USED IN CONSTRUCTIONS, provided the rules of
instructiunile de montaj ale producatorului. handling, storage, transport and installation instructions given by the
manufacturer are dully respected.
Perioada si conditii de garantie
Warranty period and conditions::
Perioada Conditii de acordare
Caracteristici garantate Properties covered by this Warranty
de garantie a garantiei Warranty conditions
- Acoperirile suprafetelor Warranty period
metalice conditii normale - coverings of metal faces
3 ani under normal
- Caracteristici dimensionale de mediu - dimensional characteristics 3 years
environmental conditions
- Proprietati fizice - physical properties
Nota: Inspectia calitativa a produsului este obligatorie de la receptie, Note: The quality inspection of the product is mandatory starting from take-
pana la finalizarea montajului. Orice neconformitate sesizata la punerea over, until the completion of installation. Any non-compliance observed
in opera presupune sistarea imediata a montajului si instiintarea during the installation, requires immediate cessation of assembly and
producatorului. notification of the manufacturer.

Durata de viata a produsului : 25 ani Lifetime of the product : 25 years

Modalitate de asigurare a garantiei: Inlocuire sau Remediere neconformitati Warranty approach: Replacement or Remedy of the noncompliant
Inlaturarea conventioanla a garantiei.
-Diferentele de nuanta, datorate modifcarilor conditiilor atmosferice, This warranty does not cover the following:
imbatranirii si/sau a productiei /livrarii succesive a panourilor apartinand - -Color/shade differences due to ageing process, changes of atmospheric
aceluiasi proiect; conditions or in case of successive production/delivery of the panels for the
-Panourile demontate si remontate; intended project.
-Panourile asupra carora s-a intervenit ulterior montajului, decat daca s-a - -Panels that have previously been dismantled and reassembled ;
obtinut acordul prealabil al producatorului si daca interventia a fost efectuata -Panels subject to interventions performed after installation, unless obtaining
cu utilaje aprobate de acesta; the prior consent of the manufacturer and if the intervention was performed with
equipment approved by the latter;
Exonerarea de garantie.
-Produsele se deterioreaza in timpul transportului (exceptand situatia in care Extemption of warranty:
producatorul asigura transportul); - -Products damaged during transit (unless the manufacturer provides transport);
- -Produsele se deterioreaza datorita actiunii unor factori mecanici din culpa- -Products damaged under mechanical factors due to the beneficiary/client’s
beneficiarului; fault;
- -Nu se consemneaza in CMR defectele vizibile in pachet, la momentul- -Failure to record within CMR any defects that are visible in the package during
descarcarii si a receptiei ; unloading and take-over of the products ;
- -Nu se respecta instructiunile de manipulare, depozitare si transport; - -Failure to comply with handling, storage and transport rules;
- -Nu se respecta instructiunile de montaj si prevederile manualului de bune- -Failure to comply with the assembly instructions and provisions of the Best
practici disponibil pe site; practices manual available on;
- -Nu se prezinta declaratia de performanta si certificatul de garantie – in original;- -The customer does not submit the performance declaration and the warranty
- -Apar cazuri de forta majora (conflicte, dezastre naturale, incendii); certificate;
- -Apar defecte datorita modificarii scopului utilizarii finale, la montaj; - -Force majeure arises (conflicts, natural disasters, fire);
- -Produsele se utilizeaza in medii agresive/corozive/agenti nocivi: umiditate- -Defects appeared on the product, due to change of the intended use at
ridicata, contactul direct cu materiale care accelereaza coroziunea, (ca de installation;
exemplu elemente structurale fabricate din cupru sau lichide care circula prin -Products being used in aggressive / corrosive environments or in case of use of
acestea in caz de pierderi), poluanti industriali, emisii de fum si gaze daunatoare, harmful agents: high humidity, direct contact with materials that accelerate
amoniac, clor, sulf, nitrat de potasiu, saruri, solventi chimici etc (enumerarea corrosion (such as structural elements made of copper or liquid that flows
nu este limitativa); through them in case of losses), industrial pollutants, fumes and harmful gases,
ammonia, chlorine, sulfur, potassium nitrate, salts, chemical solvents etc.
Informatii suplimentare referitoare la conditiile de acordare, exonerari, limitari, (without limiting the above);
inlaturarea garantiei ori alte responsabilitati ale producatorului sunt disponibile
la cerere . Additional information regarding the conditions for granting the warranty,
exemptions, limitations, removing the guarantee or other responsibilities of the
Orice reclamatie se depune in scris la TERASTEEL S.A., sau la e-mail: manufacturer, are available on request. si se solutioneaza in termen de 15 zile lucratoare de la
inregistrare. Any complaint shall be submitted in written to TERASTEEL S.A., or to e-mail: and shall be solved within 15 days from registration.
Reproducerea partiala si utilizarea acestui document in alte scopuri decat
cele pentru care a fost emis este total interzisa, iar producatorul nu isi asuma Partial reproduction and use of this document for purposes other than those for
responsabilitatea pentru copiile necontrolate ale acestuia. which it was issued is completely forbidden, and the manufacturer assumes no
responsibility for uncontrolled copies.
Data : a se vedea data declaratiei de performanta
Date : please refer to performance declaration’s date of issue

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