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Without doubt, India has emerged as a country that no one can overlook.
Acknowledged as the next super power, India is proving to be a tough
competitor for China. It is noteworthy that everybody is bringing laurels for
this country, which is good. Indian economy is in good health, and politics
is very robust. India also became the proud manufacturer of the world¶s
smallest car, and thanks to telecom revolution, Indian villages have gone
global. Even Bollywood stars are doing their bit.

in the list of largest economies of world India stand at third position as on

2010 with America and Japan ahead.

According to the world's leading economists, projections show that by

2020, the largest economies will look like
1. India

As of 2010, India has the world's fastest growing economy. Here are the
GDP growth rates of leading nations.

1. India 11.5%
2. Russia 2.7%
3. America 2.1%

by 2020, Silicon Valley India in Bangalore will be the world's most

technologically advanced place
- Bollywood by 2020 would produce 3X as many movies as Hollywood
- India is so technically advanced, it will be the third nation to independently
send a person into outer space using their own space vehicle and is only
the second country to send a person to the moon
- India will produce and sell more cars then any country in the world not
named America or Japan
But, let me play a spoilsport and talk about our µreal¶ achievements. This is
the same country where poor farmers are committing suicide and
defaulters due to the draconian credit reforms. As we celebrate India¶s
status as a superpower and the achievements of the Mittals, Ambanis and
Tatas, in some place, not far, some poor farmer and his family may be
eating the last morsel of their life. Are we even bothered that since 1997, as
many as 40,000 farmers have committed

India is also crippled by poverty. It is quite an irony that on one handà Indian
economy has been rated as one of the fastest growing in the world and on
the otherà people are surviving on incomes of less than one US dollar a day

The problems are further compounded by low literacy rate and lack of
adequate health facilities and services. In India, only 66 per cent people are
literate (76 per cent men and 54 per cent women). Despite various
incentives and educational sops being provided, it is ironical that half of
India¶s schools still have leaking roofs and have inadequate or no water

Therefore, ladies and gentleman, let¶s not celebrate our ornamental

achievements. Let¶s dare to raise our voice and question the ones at the
helm of affairs ± how is India shiningc

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