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Ophthalmology – Lens: allows for fine focusing of light

Ophthalmology- the study of the eye, including diseases – Retina: lines the inside of the back part
of the eye and their respective treatments of the eye

Optometrist- examines people’s eyes to diagnose vision – Macula: center area of the retina
problems and eye diseases
– Optic nerve: transmits nerve signals of
Optician- person who dispenses lenses and other optical images to the brain
The Visual Process
Ophthalmologist- an MD who performs eye surgery, as
well as diagnoses and treats eye diseases and injuries Light → cornea → pupil → lens → retina →
photoreceptor layer → optic nerve → brain
Anatomy of the Eye
Common Visual Disorders
• The Outer Structures
• Myopia: nearsightedness
– Orbit: bony socket that holds the eye
• Hyperopia: farsightedness
– Lacrimal gland: the gland that secretes
• Astigmatism: irregular conformation of the
– Nasolacrimal ducts: drains tears into
• Presbyopia: “aging eyes”

– Eyelids: folds of skin that protect the • Diplopia: double vision

eye • Amblyopia: “lazy eye”
– Meibomian glands: secrete oils to Treatments
lubricate the eyelids
• Corrective lenses (glasses, contacts)
– Eyelashes: hair attached to the eyelids
to protect the eye • Surgical Treatments:

• Other Structures – LASIK: corrects the shape of the cornea

with a laser and microkeratome
– Cornea: “window of the eye”
– PRK: corrects the shape of the cornea
– Sclera: “white of the eye” but without cutting (as in LASIK)
– Extraocular muscles: move the eye in – RK: radial incisions placed into the
different directions cornea to correct myopia
– Conjunctiva: keeps bacteria and foreign – AK: curved patterns placed into the
material out of the eye cornea to correct astigmatism
– Iris: colored part; controls light that – LTK: treats hyperopia using a YAG laser
enters the eye shrinking collagen in the cornea
– Pupil: central opening that allows light – CK: uses low-level frequency waves to
to enter the eye shrink the collagen in the cornea
– ICL: injectable lens that unfolds to Diagnostic Studies and Procedures
correct nearsightedness
• Assessing Visual Acuity
Common Structural Diseases and Disorders
– Snellen chart
• Chalazion: a cyst caused by enlargement of a
meibomian gland – Refraction

• Dilated examination: examination of back of

• Blepharitis: inflammation of the lid margins
the eye with ophthalmoscope
• Entropion: abnormal inward curling of the
• Slit-lamp examination: can examine eyes under
high magnification
• Ectropion: abnormal outward curling of the
• Visual field testing:

• Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva; - Amsler grid: detects macular problems

“pink eye” - Perimetry test: tests peripheral vision
 Applanation tonometry: measures balance
• Scleritis: inflammation of the sclera of pressure to detect glaucoma
• Superficial punctate keratitis: inflammation  Gonioscopy: evaluates angle between
and death of cells on the cornea cornea and iris for glaucoma
 Fluorescein angiography: captures photos
• Keratoconus: a change in shape of the cornea
of retinal vasculature
to cone-shaped
 Corneal topography: analyzes the curvature
• Cataract: clouding of the lens of the cornea

• Glaucoma: increased eye pressure due to

inadequate drainage of aqueous humor

• Diabetic retinopathy: macular edema and

vision loss caused by diabetes

• Age-related macular (AMD) degeneration:

malfunction of rods and cones, causing vision

- Dry form:
• most common: 90% of cases

• cells of the macula begin to break down

• drusen form under the retina

- Wet form:
• considered to be advanced AMD

• blood vessels leak fluid and blood,

causing damage to the macula

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