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BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Assessment 1: Presentation & plan (Research &

SID: 15679
Name: Quoc Nam TRAN

Appendix 1: Presentation planning template

Title of Presentation

Clean Food

Audience profile

General audience who interest in Healthy diet

Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation

Audience understand what clean food is and how they contain clean food
Presentation strategies to suit audience needs and purpose:
(Room layout, opportunities for engagement)
Use PowerPoint to show the presentation
Legislative, regulatory and organisational requirements:
Anti-discrimination act
Privacy act
Copyright act
Human right act
Equal opportunity act.
Evaluation techniques:
Feedback form

Time Content Resources

7 Introduction Person responsible:
minute WHAT IS CLEAN EATING ? backstage staff
s How CLEAN FOOD IS IMPORTANT TO Presentation assistants
Using Microsoft
4 Body – point1 Person responsible:
minute WHY SHOULD WE USE THE CLEAN Presentation assistants
s FOOD ?
Using Flip cards

→ body point 2, ① using flip cards number

1 and 2
4 Body – point2 Person responsible:
minute HOW TO EAT CLEAN ? Presentation assistants
s ! body point 1 ①using PowerPoint
presentation, 🕑 checking time Using Microsoft
4 Body – point3 Person responsible:
minute Pros and cons of clean food
s ↔ body point 2
5 Conclusion/Summary/Call to action Person responsible:
s ↔ body 1, 2, and 3

Key (Use the following symbols as prompts for certain actions.)

! emphasise → link to ① graphic #1 🕑
check time
↔ link back to ? call for questions ask for comments

Appendix 2: Sample feedback questionnaire

Your Name Quoc Nam Tran
Presentation Title Clean food
Candidate’s Name Quoc Nam Tran
Presentation 26/5/2020
1 = strongly disagree 2= disagree 3 = unsure 4 = agree 5 = Scale
strongly agree
Presentation 1 2 3 4 5
An overview was given 
The content was organized logically 
The main points were backed up with evidence 
The presenter understood the content 
I was able to follow all the points made 
The presenter:
Was well-groomed 
Spoke clearly 
Stood and moved with purpose 
Used vocal techniques to create interest 
Engaged the audience through eye contact 
The layout of the room assisted delivery 
Presentation aids supported the content 
The delivery method held my attention 
Visual material was well constructed and added to the 
The presenter handled Q&A session effectively 
The presenter finished on time 

Aspect of the presentation that were effective included:

During the presentation, I was thinking about how can I convince audience to
understand about clean food and how they can contain the healthy product,
however, how have some knowledge about clean food so that we can join together
on our ideas that really make the presentation went well as we talked like friend
and also they interested in my presentation that made me less panic when I have
to role presenter.

Aspects that were not effective included:

Some of the detail are not specific enough so that audience ask for more detail, I
should find out more information about clean food including healthy behavior .

To improve the effectiveness of future presentations the presenter could:

I would find out more information to prepare when audience asking for more detail.

Other comments:
Prepare communication to brief people involved and send e-mail with required

Dear assessor,

During the presentation, I was thinking about how can I convince audience to
understand about clean food and how they can contain the healthy product,
however, how have some knowledge about clean food so that we can join together
on our ideas that really make the presentation went well as we talked like friend
and also they interested in my presentation that made me less panic when I have
to role presenter.

Some of the detail are not specific enough so that audience ask for more detail, I
should find out more information about clean food including healthy behavior .

Therefore, I would find out more information to prepare when audience asking for
more detail.

Best regards,

Quoc Nam Tran

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