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The writer wants to thank to Almighty God because of His bless and
grace, he can finish this paper. This paper titled ” Simple Past Tense”. The writer
wrote it to fulfill the final assignment of English subject.
The writer also, for his guidance to complete it. This English paper
provides the reader about the analysis of Simple Present Tense along with the
explanation for each of them. The writer realizes that this paper is far from perfect
in the arrangement or in the content of the paper. The writer hopes that the
suggestions from the reader can be a support to make her better in the next paper
Finally, the writer expects that it can be a medium for the reader to deepen
the knowledge about the figure of speech and its application.

Sayurmatinggi, January 16th, 2018

The Writer,

Group 8 (Eight)


FOREWORD............................................................................................... i
CONTENTS................................................................................................. ii
CHAPTER. I INTRODUCTION................................................................. 1
     A. Background........................................................................................ 1
     B. Problem Formulation.......................................................................... 1
     C. Objective............................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER. II DISCUSSION...................................................................... 2
     A. Definition of Simple Past Tense........................................................ 2
     B. Simple Past Tense Formula................................................................ 2
     C. Negative Sentences............................................................................. 4
     D. Sentences Ask.................................................................................... 4
     E. Irregular Verbs.................................................................................... 5
     F. Simple Past Tense Functions.............................................................. 6
     G. Remarks.............................................................................................. 9
     H. Examples of Simple Past Tense Sentences........................................ 9
     I. Easy Ways to Learn Simple Past Tense.............................................. 11
CHAPTER. III Closing................................................................................ 14
     3.1 Conclusions....................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES............................................................................................. 15


A. Background

English is the international language. By mastering English well, we will

be able to communicate with other nations in this world. In addition, we will be
able to add insight and knowledge to the advancement of our nation and country,
because we will be able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio
broadcasts, and watch films, add insight to your other knowledge . Thus, in the
end we can master the knowledge in all fields. Tenses are important in English
education. And also a rule in English. If someone wants to master English well,
then he must be able to master tenses well. Among other forms of tenses, in this
paper we explain simple past past tense.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is meant by Simple Past Tense?
2. Simple Past Tense Function?
3. How to easily learn Simple Past Tense?
C. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is to be able to understand and apply
tenses in daily conversations or formal activities that use English as the main


A. Understanding Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is a tense that serves to show the work that happened in
the past without wanting to emphasize that the work has been (perfect) or being
(continuous) done. Understanding this tense is almost the same as Simple Present
Tense, only time is different and often used in conversation and writing.

B. Simple Past Tense Formula.

Because this formula is simple, the formula is simple. We only need Verb-
2 as the absolute characteristics of the past tense formula. So the basic formula for
the verbal sentence is: S + Verb-2. As for nominal sentences, we must make "to
be" verb-2, namely "was and were". This tense is said to be simple because simple
past tense only wants to provide information about a job that has happened in the
past without wanting to show that the work is being done or has been done.

Form Formula Example Sentence

+ Verbal S + Verb-2 She killed a snake


Nominal S + was/were + I was there but you did not

nominal see me

- Verbal S + did + not + She did not know where to

Infinitive go.

Nominal S + was/were + not + When I was a child, I used

nominal to cry.

? Verbal Did + S + Infinitive Did you take my money?

Nominal Was/were + S + Was the case hard to

nominal? solve?

Simple Past Tense use kinds "TO BE 2" and "VERB 2"
TO BE 2 consists of: was & were (for details, see the following table)

I Was
They Were
She Was

He Did / Didn't

DID is used in the question sentence.
DID NOT (DIDN'T) used in negative sentences.
TO BE 2 (Was & Were) is used when a sentence has no verb element (NON
VERB 2 is only used in positive sentences.

2.3. Negative sentence

Negative sentence simple past tense is made with did and not. Did is the past form
of the verb to do. Did and notes are often abbreviated as didn't.

- I arrived in London on Monday -> I arrived at Sunday.

- They stayed at Vivaldi Hotel -> They didn’t stay at the Carlton Hotel.
Because "did" is a past form, the main verb is not changed. Example:
• We didn’t live in Italy. Did is a past form so that live is not changed to the past
• We didn’t lived in Italy. This sentence is incorrect

2.4. Sentence asks

Questions are made by placing did before the subject.
• You lived in Japan -> Did you live in Japan?
• They stayed at Vivaldi Hotel -> Did they stay at the Vivaldi Hotel?
The main verbs also do not change (not replaced into past tense), for example:
- You lived in Japan -> Did you live in Japan? (not true)
- You lived in Japan -> Did you live in Japan? (right)

2.5 Irregular verbs

There are many irregular verbs in English, which are not added -ed. Here are
some of the most common irregular verbs.

be – was/were make – made

become – became meet – met
begin – began pay – paid
break – broke read – read
bring – brought ride – rode
build – built run – run
buy – bought say – said
catch – caught sell – sold
choose – chose send – sent
come – came shut – shut
do – did sing – sang
draw -drea sit – sat
eat – ate sleep – slept
feel – felt smell – smelt/smelled
fight – fought speak – spoke
find – found stand – stood
fly – flew swim – swam
forget – forgot take – took
get – got teach – taught
give – gave tell – told

go – went
have – had think – thought
hear – heard understand – understood
hit – hit wear – wore
know – knew win – won
learn – learnt/learned write – wrote
leave – left  
lose – lost

2.6. Simple Past Tense Function

1. Shows work that happened in the past without wanting to emphasize the work
is happening or has happened. If you are confused with the difference with the
present perfect tense because both have happened, please read the difference.

o I knocked on your door last night but no one came out. (I knocked on the door
of your house last night, but no one came out)
o Did you tell me that I was with my another girl friend last weekend? (Did you
tell him that I was with my other boyfriend yesterday's weekend?)

2. Used in Conditional Sentence type 2.

o I would invite you to go along with me if the car was not full at that time. (I will
invite you to go together if the car is not full at that time)
o If you did not cheat me, I would be nice to you. (If you don't lie to me, I will be
nice to you).

3. Being the sentence of the interlocutor of an ongoing work in the past (past
continuous tense).
o She came into the class when the teacher was teaching.
(He entered class when the teacher was teaching).
o Last night I got an accident since a cat crossed in front of my car when I was
driving my car.

(Yesterday night I almost had an accident because a cat passed in front of me
when I drove my car)

Simple Present Tense function in verbal sentences

Declare an act that becomes a habit or is done at certain times (Habitual Action),
for example:
We study hard everyday.
She visits the library twice a month.

Declare a truth or general reality, or a truth that is considered to occur

continuously (The General Truth), for example:
A year has twelve months.
The sun rises in the East.

Expressing Simple Present Tense sentences that do not use verbs (Non VERB)
+ Subject + To be 1 + Non Verb + Object
- Subject + To be 1 + NOT + Non Verb + Object
? To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
? Question Word + To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?

+ I am a teacher.
She is a teacher.
- I am not a teacher.
She is not a teacher.
Are you a teacher?
? Jawaban: Yes I am, atau No, I am not
Is she a teacher?
Jawaban: Yes She is, atau No, She is not
What are you ?
? Jawaban: I am a teacher
Where is your sister ?
Jawaban: She is here

Simple Present Tense function in nomial sentences

To declare a condition that is taking place now or now or an action which is a

for example:
I am a teacher.
They are here now.

To declare general truth, but in nominal sentences no information of time is used,

for example:
Ice is cold.
Fire is hot.

2.7. Information

• Simple past tense uses the time statement that shows the past, such as yesterday
(yesterday), last week (last week), last night (last night), one year ago (a year
ago), the day before (a day before), once upon a time (at a time).

2.8. Examples of Simple Past Tense Sentences

1. My mother cooked fried chicken for my birthday party last week.

(My mother cooked fried chicken for my birthday last week).
2. I tried to call you yesterday, but no one was picked up on my phone.
(I tried to call you yesterday, but no one picked up the phone).
3. Jokowi won the president election several months ago.
(Jokowi won the presidential election a few years ago).
4. My smartphone was the fastest loading among others.
(My smartphone was the fastest loading among the others).
5. She did not go to school yesterday because since three days ago she has been

(He didn't go to school yesterday because he was sick 3 days ago.
6. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how they gave up (Most
who fail in life are those who are not aware of how close they are to success when
they give up).
7. I wonder why you did not take the scholarship to study abroad.
(I wonder why you don't take scholarships to study abroad).
8. Were you so sleepy that you left the show before it's over?
(Are you so sleepy that you leave the show before it's finished?)
9. I would wait for you if I was not in hurry to catch my flight.
(I'll wait for you if I'm not in a hurry to catch a plane).
10. The weather was not good enough to play football yesterday.
(The weather isn't good enough to play yesterday).

Applied in sentences.

1. Simple sentence, past positive tense

2. She knew me yesterday.
3. Retna and I loved to see beautiful scenery when we were child.
4. I saw your face in the crowded place.
5. When I looked into your eyes I felt so peace.
6. I did it for you darling.

1. Kalimat simple past tense negatif
2. She didn’t know me yesterday.
3. Retna and I didn’t love to see beautiful scenery when we were child.
4. I didn’t see your face in the crowded place.
5. When I didn’t look into your eyes I didn’t feel so peace.
6. I didn’t do it for you darling.

7. Kalimat simple past tense tanya

8. Did she know me yesterday?
9. Did Retna and I love to see beautiful scenery when we were child?
10. Did I see your face in the crowded place?
11. Did When I look into your eyes I felt so peace?
12. Did I do it for you darling?


Menggunakan simple past tense tidak terlalu sulit, pengunaannya hampir sama
dengan simple present tense. Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan
peristiwa atau fakta yang terjadi hanya di masa lampau.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita bisa berkata “Saya membaca buku itu dua hari yang
lalu”, “Dia makan mie soto kemarin” atau, “Tony pergi ke Surabaya bulan lalu”.
Itulah yang disebut dengan simple past tense dan cara menggunakannya dalam
bahasa Inggris juga tidak terlalu jauh berbeda.

Ada dua hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dengan baik dan diterapkan dalam
penggunaan secara verbal maupun tulisan.

1. Perubahan kata kerja Di dalam past tense kita menggunakan kata kerja kedua,
kata kerja kedua bisa disebut sebagai Past simple, atau Verb 2. Berbeda dengan
simple present tense kita menggunakan kata kerja pertama
Dibawah ini letak perbedaannya, yaitu
Present tense Past simple
I learn I learned
She drives She drove
He tells He told
You swim You swam

Perubahan kata kerja yang kita lakukan terbagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu kata
kerja yang beraturan (regular verbs) dan kata kerja yang tidak beraturan (irregular

Kata kerja beraturan diubah dengan cara yang sangat mudah, karena hanya
menambahkan “d” atau “ed” pada huruf terakhir.
Kata kerja beraturan atau regular verbs:
Add : added
Allow : allowed
Bake : baked
Book : booked
brush : brushed
call : called
close : closed
change : changed

Rumus :
Subject + Verb 2 + Object
Subject + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + Verb 1 + Object
He baked a cake for me two weeks ago
He didn't bake a cake for me two weeks ago

Kata kerja tidak beraturan atau irregular verbs

Arise : arose
Burn : burnt
catch : caught
choose : chose
come : came
Cling : clung
fly : flew
forbid : forbade
forget : forgot

+ Subject + To be 2 + Non Verb + Object
- Subject + To be 2 + NOT + Non Verb + Object
The baby began cry when nobody near him
The baby didn’t begin cry when nobody near him

2. Keterangan waktu
Keterangan waktu dipakai untuk melengkapi suatu kalimat. Ada beberapa
keterangan waktu dalam past tense yang secara umum digunakan, misalnya, last
year, last morning, last night, yesterday, two days ago, three weeks ago. Di bawah
ini ada contoh yang jauh lebih banyak dan beragam.

from July to December

Two weeks ago
last month
in ***10
for a long time
for 10 weeks
in the 1960s
in the last century
in the past


3.1. Kesimpulan
Past tense adalah suatu kalimat yang menyatakan ‘lampau’ past tense
sendiri terdiri dari :

1.      Simple past tense

RUMUS    :

A.     S + To Be (was/were)   + ……..

B.     S  + Verb II + …….

Affirmative (+) :  S + Verb II

Negative (-)          :  S + did not + Verb I
Interrogative (?) :  Did + S + Verb I






GROUP 5 ( Five )

 Ridho Maulana Saragi

 Rindi Artika
 Harisyanto
 Muhammad Arif

 Kurniawati

Kelas XII IPS 1


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