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[ENGLISH 105 RESEARCH PAPER BASICS The research paper is a mandatory part of English 105, without which you cannot pass: make sure you Tunderstand all the rules and requitements relating 10 it. Check also the course description. Scope of the Research Paper: The paptr should clearly demonstrate a combination of both primary and see afary research on a opie thats original as wel as prcticable, and conform to the standards of good academic ‘writing and research, Cheek also the course description. Goina Through the Process: The research paper is not writen all at once, but in a process consisting of several steps, each of which must be completed and approved before you can move on to the next stage, Due dates forthe submission of the diferent parts will be announced in class, /you miss any of these steps, xour research per will not be accepted. lems 2, 3 4, d 5 willbe graded separaely as assignments, All work nwst be neatly typed, and follow the MLA or APA format where applicable Keeping to Deadlines: The differen stages of writing the research paper have 10 be completed by the speified deadlines ~ otherwise you will end up with no paper, and no grade : . 1. List of Praposed Topies: You will start by submiting a list of at Ieast three proposed topics, with both the broad sand narrowed topics, and explaining briefly in a paragraph for each topic what you plan to investigate. 2. Research Proposal: Based on the approved topic, ou will then submit a fora research proposal of atleast. {wo pages, inthe format explained to you in class 3, Questionnaire: Cn approval of the above, you will design ad submit the questionnaire you will be wsingin ‘our survey. The questionnaire must foliaw the prescribed format, with the atleast 10 questions. 4, Aimotated List of Secondary Sourees: Next, you will submit a provisional list of secondary sources ~ your ‘Works Cited list ~in the correct MLA format, There should be at enst 8 sources listed, and each should include a short suunmary of the source (1 o¢ 2 sentenced). This lst may be modified later. 5. Detailed Outline af Research Paper: This will be due shortly before you start writing the draft of the research tmaper, and should be at east 2 pages long. : 6, lneclass Drafting: You will have to weite in the classroom raugh drafts of important sections of your paper. Thased on the results of your primary and secondary rescafch. These sections in your fina/finished paper must bbe clearly based oi your in-class dats, ‘ +2, Submission of Rough Draft: You will type up and complete the drafisof the sections written in class and submit thein for review and general feedback by the instructor. : 8, Presentation: Usvally scheduled during the last week of classes, the ptesentation is based mainly on your vesearch, and deals mainly with your primary research and’Gndings. You must se visual aids ~ charts end teraphs ~ in your presentation, using either PowerPoint slides or OHP transparencies. +9, submission of Research Paper: The final step isthe submission ofthe completed reseafch paper. Organize the different required scetions earefully according (o the handout given'to you, include all the required materials in the appendix, and then get the package neatly bound. capa sepurat: folder or envelope, include ptiniouts or photocopies of ALL the secondary sources you have used, as well ay il illed-in questionnaires not included in your appendix Vou are encouraged to individualize your paper with pictures and additional material, BUT remember that is no substitute for good content (writing/discussian and rverle-daze (special fonts, eraphies, paper, et research). MLAYAPA Format: You mus follow the MLA or APA (not boi) format fathflly in writing and documenting ‘Jour rescaret paper, bosed onthe assigned guidesftextbooks, Some reminders +e tefeyences Lats Each entry must fallow the format fr that type of source (ex. nevespaper article) accurately, shad must be netvally used inthe text, Remember also to lst the entries n alphabetical order. ‘nstext Cltations: Vou mast document ev@zy nse of a souree inthe text with in-text references and/or Vitus (ecuaily inthe sme sentence. atthe end), This means nat enly quotations, but aso ideas retain fran ay source The cttions mest aso be in the proper forma, wth enty the quired information, +Aelitnternet so Alocunent such ‘ces: Since mast af your sources will he from the weh, make sure you understand how to woes, Yau nist alsa avoid relying too much on only one source. such as Hikipedia ‘Pagination: Remewber to put page numbers on your esearch paper, from the Intraduetion to the Work Cited ist 2 ‘See the simple paper in the book on the APA format > SHC/Summer 2030 coe

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