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Software Requirements


Behavior Monitoring and

Profiling System
Version 1.1.0 approved

Prepared by:

Catacutan, Rico Daniel

Gulanes, Gene Jr.

Montaner, Tristan Lee

Nicolas, Jeno

Roble, Nelven Troy


October 14, 2019

Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
Revision History.............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Document Conventions........................................................................................................1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions......................................................................1
1.4 Product Scope......................................................................................................................1
1.5 References............................................................................................................................2
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective..............................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Functions................................................................................................................3
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics.........................................................................................5
2.4 Operating Environment........................................................................................................5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints..............................................................................5
2.6 User Documentation............................................................................................................5
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies..........................................................................................5
3. External Interface Requirements...........................................................................................6
3.1 User Interfaces.....................................................................................................................6
3.2 Hardware Interfaces.............................................................................................................6
3.3 Software Interfaces..............................................................................................................6
3.4 Communications Interfaces.................................................................................................6
4. System Features.......................................................................................................................6
4.1 Profiling...............................................................................................................................7
4.2 Behavior Monitoring............................................................................................................7
4.2 Printing…………….………………………………………………………………………7
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.......................................................................................7
5.1 Performance Requirements..................................................................................................8
5.2 Safety Requirements............................................................................................................8
5.3 Security Requirements.........................................................................................................8
5.4 Software Quality Attributes.................................................................................................8
5.5 Business Rules.....................................................................................................................8
6. Other Requirements................................................................................................................8
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................8
Appendix B: Analysis Models.......................................................................................................9
Appendix C: Testing Results......................................................................................................11
Appendix D: Supporting Images................................................................................................16

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Gene Gulanes July 11 2019 First Iteration 1.0.0
Jeno Nicolas October 1, Second Iteration 1.0.1
Gene Gulanes October 4 Third Iteration 1.0.2
Jr 2019
Jeno Nicolas October 20 Fourth Iteration 1.1.0
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 1

1. Introduction

DCTRCDD or Davao City Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Drug Dependents is located at
Bago Oshiro, Mintal. And is one of the country’s top Rehabilitation for Drug Recovering Residents.
It currently accommodates 100-200 residents regularly and is opening another bigger facility in
Malagos, Davao City with a 200-residents capacity.

The DCTRCDD currently uses a traditional paper/file system to manage the profiling and
behavioral management of the residents. The system automation of profiling and behavioral
management of residents with monthly breakdown reports of the residents regarding their behavior
with the current month will help with the evaluation of the residents regarding their status.

1.1 Purpose
The DCTRCDD has a huge number of residents and staff. The government department uses
conventional paper system to profile and monitor behaviors of the residents regarding their daily
conduct in the facility.

The system is based on software to automate the profiling and recording of the resident’s behavior
and to help with their monthly progress to help assess whether they can be release early or not.

1.2 Document Conventions

This Document was created based on the IEEE template for System Requirement Specification
ER Entity Relationship

ITE Information Technology Education

SR Safety Requirements

SRS System Requirement Specification

UIC University of the Immaculate Conception

DCTRCDD Davao City Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Drug Dependents

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This project is a standalone for the behavior management system, and it is restricted only for the
Social Workers within the Davao City Treatment and Rehabilitation Center premises. This software
is intended for offline uses where internet is not accessible.
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1.4 Product Scope

The purpose of the Profiling and Behavioral Monitoring System is to ease data storage and to
create a convenient and easy-to-use application for the social workers, trying to locate information.
The system is based on a relational database with its profiling and behavioral monitoring functions.
It is based on a standalone database (SQLite) server as internet access is not available. The system
contains residents profiling, violation reporting/monitoring and basic reports.

1.5 References
1. Bandakkanavar, R. (2019). Software Requirements Specification document with example -
Krazytech. [online] Krazytech. Available at:
software-requirements-specificationsrs-report-airline-database [Accessed 15 Oct. 2019].

2. Watts, S. (2017). Software Requirements Specifications: How To Write SRS with

Examples. [online] BMC Blogs. Available at:
requirements-specification-how-to-write-srs-with-examples/ [Accessed 15 Oct. 2019].

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This is a replacement for the existing manual/paper/file system. This system is a standalone system.
It aims to ease the behavioral monitoring of the DCTRCDD by providing enhanced and efficient

Residents Details

It includes residents id, name, address, case number. This information may be used for keeping the
records of the customer for any emergency or for any kind of information.

Report Description

It includes the residents violation and personal details (ex. Income, Civil status, Educational
attainment, religion, nature of admission , guardian name, court branch cost sharing and type of

2.2 Product Functions

The major features of the Behavior Monitoring System as shown in below Entity – Relationship
Diagram (ERD)
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 3

Entity – Relationship Diagram (ERD)

The Behavior Monitoring System contains the following key features:

PF1: Login
- This function allows the user to log – in as the admin or the main user of the system
PF2: Home
- In this section, the admin can see the Total number of violations, Total number of
Templates, Total number of Residents and the Total number of Violators.
PF3: Add New Residents
- This function lets the admin/user of the system to add a new resident.
PF4: Add Violation Type
- This function allows the user to add a new type of violation together with its generic

PF5: Add New Violation

- This function allows the user or the admin to add a new violation that a resident has
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 4

PF6: Create New Violation Template

- Creates a new template for a certain violation.
PF7: Reports
- In this section, the user can view or see the resident’s name, the violation he/she has
committed, also the date upon when the residents committed the certain violation, the
chief complain and also the action that was done for that specific violation.
PF7: Edit / Edit Residents
- This function allows the user to edit or update the resident’s personal information.
PF8: History
- This section allows the user to see all the past information, and action from a resident.
PF9: Residents
- In this section, the admin can see all the added new residents with its personal
information and also the number of violations the residents has done. Also in this section
the admin can add a new violation to that residents, edit its information and determines
the history of the residents.
PF10: Violation
- In this section, the admin can view the violation’s name, its corresponding sanction, the
template name and also the action being done.
PF11: Setting
- This section, allows the admin to update his/her profile including the name, email and
also by updating or changing the password.
PF12: Search
- It can be seen in the Reports, Template, Residents, and Violation sections. This function
allows the user to search for a specific residents, a certain name of a violation, the

Sub – function:
PF13: Logout
- This function is used whenever the user is done using the system. And also in order for
the system not be used by unauthorized personnel which can damage the privacy of the
resident’s information.
Class Diagram

 Residents Profiling
 Behavioral Monitoring
 Violation Category
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 5

 Login and Signup

 Admin Account
 Report

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

Users of the system should be able to create and store residents profiles and violations on the
database. The customer should be able to do the following functions:

 Create new Violation

 Create Resident Profile

 Delete Residents Profile
 Delete Violation
 Import/Export Resident Profile

2.4 Operating Environment

The operating environment for the Behavior monitoring and profiling is listed below:

 · Distributed database

 · Client/server system

 · Operating system: Windows

 · Database: SQLite

 · Platform: Java

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The software might be limited with the following:
 PC availability
 Physical Space for pc.
 Technical Skills of the operator
 Classified Information on some data

The software will be developed using java using Netbeans and Scene Builder.

2.6 User Documentation

The documentation will have a User Manual/Documents and on-site training for the staff that will
use the system.
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2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

Given that this is a behavior monitoring and profiling management system and it is used on the
following application:

 The software will be developed for No Internet Connection as a priority

 Create residents profile for new and existing residents.
 Create / Add violation to a resident’s profile.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

· Front-end software: Java

· Back-end software: SQLite

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

The software will operate on a remote location with decent internet connection and requires the
following specifications:

 CPU: Dual core CPU with speeds of at least 2Ghz

 GPU: Integrated Graphics
 Ram:1GB or higher
 Storage:500mb or higher

3.3 Software Interfaces


Operating System Windows 8 and above is recommended for its
best support and user-friendliness
Database To save the residents records we have used
SQLite as a standalone database.
Java We used java as our programming language as
we are familiar with it.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

The B-Mo does not require internet connection

4. System Features
This section exhibits the Behavior Monitoring and Profiling System important features and explains
how they will be used together with the results that they will give back to the user of the system.
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 7

4.1 Profiling
4.1.1 Description and Priority

Profiling maintains the important details on the resident’s information. This system
feature has a high priority because this is where the residents profile will be stored.

4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

 Create Profile for old/new residents
 Display the violations of each residents
 Delete/Edit information
4.1.3 Functional Requirements
REQ-1: Details of the resident
 Name
 Date of birth
 Sex
 Case number
 Address
REQ-2: Image of the resident

4.2 Behavior Monitoring

4.2.1 Description and Priority

Behavior monitoring monitors the residents violations. This system feature has a
medium priority because this is where the residents violations will be stored.

4.2.2 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Details of the resident

 Control Number
 Date of Admission
 Civil Status
 Educational Attainment
 Religion
 Drug Use
 Type of use single or poly
 Nature Admission
 Court Branch
 Income
 Cost Sharing
 Guardian Name
 Date of Discharge
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 8

4.3 Printing
4.3.1 Description and priority

Printing allows the stored information to be printed. This system feature has a high
priority because this system aims to replace old paper system.

4.3.2 Functional Requirements

 Printer

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements
 System requires an Intel Core i3 (3rd gen or higher) or Amd equivalent.
 With a windows 8.1 or higher.
 As well as a 500mb storage.
 No internet connection is required.

5.2 Safety Requirements

Securing the safety of the resident’s information is the topmost priority of this system. For it always
needs to keep private so that the resident’s identity stays as safe and protected as possible.
Therefore, the developers of this system database can be easily be backup in case the system might
breakdown and the information or data that is stored will be lost.

5.3 Security Requirements

The “B-Mo” provides Level – 1 Security protection. Which requires user username and password to
access the information stored in the database.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

The Behavior Management and Profiling system provides the users a simple yet a friendly user type
of feature. Due to its easy to use design and interface, it will be easier for the user to use the system.
The input fields can be easily replaced and has a installer to ensure that no other software is
required for the system to function.

5.5 Business Rules

 Profiling:
 Behavioral Monitoring
 Reports:
 Backup
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 9

6. Other Requirements
Appendix A: Glossary
 Management – is the process of having in control of thing/s.
 Profiling – the recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral
 Behavior – the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
 System – a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting
 Report – an account given for a particular matter, especially in a form of an official
document after a careful investigation and observation by a certain person.

Appendix B: Analysis Models

 Entity – Relationship Diagram (ERD)

 Class Diagram
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Appendix C: Testing Results

* = functioning

X = bugged

Test case Expected Outcome Actual Outcome Remarks


a. Registration Enables the User to Creates and *

create an account admin account

User Login

b. User Login Enables the User to Logs in *


User Logout

a. User Logout Enables the user to Logged out *


Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 11

a. Add Resident Enables the user to Users add a *

add a Resident resident

b. Add Violation Type Enables the user to User can create a *

create violation type violation type to
be used

c. Add new Violation Allows the user to User can *

add violation to a successfully add
resident. a violation to a


a. New Violation Enables the user to Violation is *

add violations successfully

b. Search Name Enables the user to Search is *

search the name of successful
the resident with

c. Delete Violation Enables the user to Violation is *

delete violations successfully

d. View Violation Enables the user to User can view *

view the instance of and print the
the report instance of the
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 12


a. Add Resident Enables the user to Users add a *

add a Resident resident

A1. Search Searches the Search *

resident in database successful

b. Add new Violation Adds a new violation Added new *

to a resident violation

c. Edit Enables the user to Residents Profile *

edit an existing edited
residents’ profile. successfully.

d. History Views the list of Viewed data *

violation the resident successfully

c. Delete Resident Delete the resident’s Residents data *

data in the database successfully
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 13


a. Add new Add new violation New violation *

Violations option option is added.

b. Search Searches the Violation name is *

violation name in searched in the
database database

c. Edit Enables the user to User has *

edit Violation successfully
information. edited/update a

d. Delete Enables the user to User has *

Delete Violations. successfully
deleted a violation


a. Import Allows the user to User has *

import data from a successfully
csv file imported data
from a csv file

b. Export Allows the user to User has *

export data into a successfully
csv file exported data to a
Software Requirements Specification for SIA Page 14

csv file


a. Update User can update the User has *

login and account successfully
details updated the login
and account

b. Change User can change the User has *

Password login password successfully
updated the

Appendix D: Supporting Images

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