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By Nat Raedwulf

Leo Moon is the 'sister scarf' to Capricorn. Created for my friend Alison, Leo
Moon was designed to be a luxurious scarf fit for the king or queen of the jungle, and
warm enough to keep one cozy during the Leo full moon (which occurs in the dead of
Winter). Beginning with a rich merino wool and silk blend, and using combination of
classical cables and lace, this royal scarf is a sophisticated and elegant while also having
weight and warmth.

Although it contains multiple cable and lace combinations, this project suitable for the
brave intermediate/ beginner who has some knowledge of cabling. A simple 8 row
repeat that is easily remembered after a few repetitions makes this scarf possible to
work without constantly having to reference the pattern. Lack of border stitches creates
a simple yet elegant wave down the length and ends of the scarf.

Final Measurement:
Length: 72 Inches / Width: 11 inches
Materials Used:
•6 skeins of Knit Picks Gloss DK (approximately 740 meters) “Winter Night”
colourway pictured
•Pair 4 mm straight or circular needles
•Cable needle
•Tapestry needle, and pins for finishing and blocking.

Techniques Used:
RS – Right Side
C4B – Cable 4 back
WS – Wrong Side
C4F – Cable 4 forward
CN – Cable Needle
FC – Front Cross: Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in
CO- Cast on
front, k2, then sl the purl st from cn back
K – Knit
to left-handed needle and purl it, then k2
P – Purl
from cn.
Yo – Yarn over
BC – Back Cross: Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in
SSK – Slip 2 stitches, knit together
back, k2, then sl the purl st from cn back to
K2tog – Knit 2 stitches together
left-handed needle and p it, then k2 from
S1 K2tog, PSSO – Slip 1 stitch,
knit 2 stitches together, pass slipped
stitch over (2 decreased stitches total)
BO – bind off
20 sts over 4 inches/ 10 cm
in Stockinette Stitch (unblocked)
*exact gauge is not necessary for this pattern


CO 72 stitches loosely (I use the long-tail cast-on method)

Set Up Row: K across.

Begin pattern as charted: (8 row repeat) Repeat rows 1-8 until you reach
approximately 72 inches or until length desired.
K 1 row,
BO loosely
Block Scarf and enjoy!
Leo Moon
Charted Instructions


Copyright 2014 Natalie Raedwulf. All rights reserved.

This pattern is for personal, non-commercial use only.
Questions or Comments? Please email me at
Photo Credit: Alison J. Dodd Model: Brendan Lough

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