WORKSHEET 7.1 The Respiratory Structures and Breathing Mechanisms in Humans and Animals

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Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration


WORKSHEET 7.1 The Respiratory Structures and Breathing Mechanisms in

Humans and Animals

1. Label the figure below

a. Gaseous exchange occurs over the whole plasma membrane of an Amoeba sp



the pathway of _____________ diffusion

the pathway of ________________ being eliminated

i. The respiratory surface for Amoeba sp. is the entire ______________membrane.

ii. It has a large surface area per unit volume of the body, therefore
________________ alone is sufficient to transport gases into and out of the

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration

b. The tracheal system of an insect

i M

i The respiratory system of insects is known as the _________system, which is

composed of air tubes called ____________.

ii Air enters the tracheae through ____________ which have _______________.

iii. The trachea is reinforced with rings of ___________ to prevent it from


Iv The tracheae branches into ________________which provide a large surface

area for the _________________ of gases.

c. The respiratory structure of a frog



i. Gaseous exchange in frogs occurs through the _________ and ____________

ii. The skin is ___________ and highly ______________ to respiratory gases with

a lot of _________________ under it.

iii. The lungs consist of two air ________ with thin and moist _______________

which are covered by a network of capillaries.

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration

d. The respiratory structure and breathing mechanism of fish

i. Fish have ____________ pairs of gills.

ii. Each gill is composed of __________________ which have numerous

thin–walled lamellae that have a rich supply of ___________________.

2. a. Label the diagram below

b. Rearrange the sequence in the correct order using numbers

Inspiration / inhalation Number

Ribs move upwards and outwards
External intercostal muscles contract
Diaphragm contract
Thoracic volume increases
Air moves into the lungs
Diaphragm flattens downwards
Internal intercostal muscles relax

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration

Air pressure inside lungs decreases


WORKSHEET 7.1 The Respiratory Structures and Breathing Mechanisms in

Humans and Animals

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration

Struktur Respirasi dan Mekanisme Pernafasan dalam Manusia dan


1. Label the figure below

Labelkan Rajah di bawah
e. Gaseous exchange occurs over the whole plasma membrane of an Amoeba sp
Pertukaran gas berlaku pada keseluruhan membran plasma Amoeba sp

P: cytoplasm

Q: nucleus

the pathway of oxygen diffusion

laluan resapan oksigen

the pathway of carbon dioxide being eliminated

laluan penyingkiran karbon dioksida

iv. The respiratory surface for Amoeba sp. is the entire plasma membrane.
Permukaan respirasi Amoeba sp. adalah keseluruhan plasma
v. It has a large surface area per unit volume of the body, therefore diffusion alone
is sufficient to transport gases into and out of the body
Ia mempunyai luas permukaan per isipadu badan yang besar, oleh itu resapan sahaja
tidak mencukupi untuk mengangkut gas-gas ke dalam dan keluar dari badan.

f. The tracheal system of an insect

Sistem trakea serangga

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration



i. The respiratory system of insects is known as the tracheal system, which is

composed of air tubes called tracheae.
Sistem respirasi serangga adalah sistem trakea, yang terdiri daripada tiub-tiub yang
dikenali sebagai trakea

ii. Air enters the tracheae through spiracles which have valves.
Udara memasuki trakea melalui spirakel yang mempunyai injap
iii. The trachea is reinforced with rings of chitin to prevent it from collapsing.
Trakea diperkukuhkan dengan cincin kitin untuk mengelakkan daripada ranap
iv. The tracheae branches into tracheoles which provide a large surface area for the
diffusion of gases.
Trakea bercabang membentuk trakeol yang menyediakan luas permukaan yang
besar untuk resapan gas.

g. The respiratory structure of a frog

Struktur respirasi katak
Q: nostri l/
P: lung/paru-paru

iv. Gaseous exchange in frogs occurs through the skin and lungs
Pertukaran gas dalam katak berlaku melalui kulit dan paru-paru.
v. The skin is thin and highly permeable to respiratory gases with a lot of blood
capillaries under it.
Kulit nipis dan sangat telap kepada gas-gas respirasi dengan banyak kapilari darah di
vi. The lungs consist of two air sacs with thin, moist membrane which are covered
by a network of capillaries.
Paru-paru terdiri daripada dua pundi udara dengan membran yang nipis dan lembab dan
dilitupi oleh jaringan kapilari.

V The respiratory structure and breathing mechanism of fish

Struktur respirasi dan pernafasan mekanisme ikan.

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration

iii. Fish have four pairs of gills.

Ikan mempunyai empat pasang insang.
iv. Each gill is composed of filaments which have numerous thin –walled lamellae
that have a rich supply of blood capillaries.
Setiap insang terdiri daripada filamen yang mempunyai banyak lamela berdinding
nipis dan kaya dengan kapilari darah.

2. a. Label the diagram below

Labelkan rajah di bawah.

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration

c. Rearrange the sequence in the correct order using numbers

Susun semula mengikut susunan nombor yang berikut

Inspiration / inhalation Number

Ribs move upwards and outwards 3
Tulang rusuk bergerak ke atas dan ke arah depan
External intercostal muscles contract 1
Otot interkosta luar mengecut
Diaphragm contracts 4
Diafragma mengecut
Thoracic volume increases 6
Isipadu rongga toraks bertambah
Air moves into the lungs 8
Udara bergerak masuk ke dalam paru-paru
Diaphragm flattens downwards 5
Diafragma mendatar
Internal intercostal muscles relax 2
Otot interkosta dalam mengendur
Air pressure inside lungs decreases 7
Tekanan udara di dalam paru-paru berkurang

Name : _____________________________ Chapter 7 Respiration


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