Qualification Title: Professional Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Unit Title: Managing Change

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Qualification Title: Professional Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

Unit Title: Managing Change

Learning Outcome 4: Managing Change (Assignment Type)

4.1: Discuss organizational change and managerial choice

4.2: Understand organizational change and managerial choice

4.3: Explain the links between management, leadership and change

Assignment for Managing Change. Sample Questions.

Question : 1 Describe the types of organization change within an organization’s internal

 Structural Change
 Process-Oriented Change
 Strategic Change
 People-Oriented Change
Question : 2 Explain the nature of change and Identify the Internal and External drivers for change.
Question : 3 Discuss and analyze the following model of change to be successful implementation in
your organization.
 Congruence Model (Nalder and Tushman’s 1980)
 Lewin’s Model of change
 Kotter’s Change Management Theory
 McKinsey 7-S Change Management Model
 AdKAR Change Management Model
 Five Stage Change Management Model ( Kuber-Ross)
Question : 4 Discuss about the relationship between leadership and change and the importance of
leadership in change.
Question : 5 Analyse how management and Leadership style impacts on the achievement of the
objectives of your chosen organization in the following case.
Question : 6 Be able to apply theory in an organizational context: Select four (4) appropriate
theories of management and leadership to identify and discuss how leadership can
affect change in an organization.
1. Trait Theory
2. Contingency Theory
3. Situational Theory
4. Behavioral Theory
5. Participative Theory

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