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A Hint of Spice Pullover

by Emily Walton for Expression Fiber Arts

An oversized pullover with a cozy cowl neck and eyelet trim at the
wrists and hem makes for a versatile piece that can be dressed up or
down as you please. Knit one for yourself before winter comes and
enjoy having a new staple piece in your cold weather wardrobe!
© Copyright 2017 Expression Fiber Arts

SIZES: 35" (38", 42", 45, 48", 52", 55") actual bust / 48" (51",
55", 58", 61", 65", 68") final bust, blocked and worn with
approximately 13" of positive ease.
MATERIALS: 6 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) skein(s) of Expression Fiber Arts
Luster Superwash Merino Tencel Worsted yarn (113 g/200 yds per
skein), shown in colorway Spice. If that color isn't available, any
shades from this category will work.
NEEDLES: 24" circular needle or larger in US size 7 (4.5 mm), 16"
circular needle in US size 7 (4.5 mm), 8" circular or DPNs in US size 8,
one additional size 7 needle (straight, circular or DPN) for working 3-
needle BO.
OTHER TOOLS: Tapestry needle for weaving in ends, waste yarn or stitch holders, stitch markers
GAUGE: 16 sts/22 rows=4" in Stockinette stitch on smaller needle, blocked
ABBREVIATIONS: K: Knit, K2tog: Knit 2 sts together, SSK: Slip, slip, knit, P: Purl, YO: Yarn over, PU: Pick up, CO:
Cast on, BO: Bind off, St(s): Stitch(es), RS: Right/front side of work, WS: Wrong/back side of work, Rep:
Repeat, Rnd: Round, PM: Place marker, SM: Slip marker

NOTES: This piece is worked flat in 2 pieces. Shoulders are connected using the three-needle bo method. Sides
are seamed from the hem partway up the sides, leaving a gap for the armhole. Sts are picked up and worked in
the round for the cowl. Sts are picked up from the sides of the armholes and worked in the round to the wrists.
—If you'd like this to fit with less than the intended 13" or so of positive ease, you might want to pick a
circumference relatively close to your actual bust size. If you'd like more positive ease, try a circumference
that is relatively further from your actual bust size.
—When working with hand-dyed yarns for a garment, I strongly recommend alternating skeins. You don't have
to, but it helps reduce color pooling and any noticeable line where you added a new skein. Sample shown did
not alternate skeins when working the sleeves, cowl or both sides of the front neck, but did alternate skeins
throughout the rest of the body.
—The larger size needle is intended for the sleeves, to make up for the gauge difference between knitting flat
and in the round. If you can maintain the same gauge when knitting flat and in the round, feel free to use the
same size needles for the sleeves as for the body. Sample was knit with size 7 needles for the body and cowl,
and size 8 needles for the sleeves.

With 24" smaller needle, CO 100 (104, 112, 118, 124, 132, 138) sts.
Work hem pattern as follows:
K 3 rows.
Next row (WS): P to end.
Next row (RS): K1, (yo, k2tog) to last st, k1.
P 1 row.
K 4 rows.
Beginning on RS row, work in Stockinette st (k all RS rows and p all WS rows) until piece measures 21" (22",
23", 24", 25", 26", 27") from CO edge, ending on a WS row.
Next row (RS): K30 (30, 32, 33, 36, 38, 41) sts, BO 40 (44, 48, 52, 52, 56, 56) sts for neck, k30 (30, 32,
33, 36, 38, 41) sts. Place both sets of shoulder sts on hold for later.

Work as for back until piece measures 19" (20", 21", 22", 23", 24", 25") from CO edge, or 12 rows less than
the back piece, ending on a WS row.
Next row (RS): K36 (36, 38, 39, 42, 44, 47), BO 28 (32, 36, 40, 40, 44, 44) sts for neck, k36 (36, 38, 39,
42, 44, 47).
Next row (WS): P to gap, join second skein, p to end. From now on, you will work both sides concurrently.

Decrease row (RS): K to last 3 sts of left neck, k2tog, k1. On right neck, k1, ssk, k to end. 1 st decreased on
each side of neck.
Work WS rows even in pattern. Repeat Decrease row every RS row 5 more times. You now have 30 (30, 32,
33, 36, 38, 41) sts for each shoulder.

Return back shoulder sts to needles and join to front using the three-needle BO technique. Sew side seams,
leaving a 7" (7", 7.5", 7.5", 8", 8", 8.5") opening on each side for the arm holes.
With 16" smaller needle and beginning at right shoulder, PU and K 100 (108, 116, 124, 124, 132, 132) sts
around neckline. PM and join in rnd. Knit 40 rnds, or until cowl measures 8" from pickup.
(P 1 rnd, k 1 rnd) twice. BO all sts purlwise.

With larger needle(s) and beginning at underarm, PU and K 70 (70, 72, 72, 74, 74, 76) sts. PM and join in rnd.
K 3 rnds even.
Decrease rnd: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, ssk, k1. 2 sts decreased.
Rep decrease rnd every 4th rnd until 32 (32, 34, 34, 36, 36, 38) sts remain.
(P 1 rnd, k 1 rnd) twice.
K 1 rnd.
Next rnd: (YO, k2tog) to end of rnd.
K 2 rnds.
P 1 rnd, k 1 rnd, p 1 rnd.
BO all sts knitwise.

Weave in all ends with a tapestry needle. Block by soaking your garment in lukewarm water for about 10
minutes. Gently squeeze the excess water from the garment (don't wring!), lay flat and pin to shape and
desired length, making sure to open the eyelet trim at the sleeves and hem, and air dry. Enjoy your new
More of Emily's patterns can be found here.

P. S. You can find Expression Fiber Arts here:

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Please post your finished items to your blog and/or favorite social network, tagging me or linking back so I can see your beautiful work.
You may sell the items you make using my patterns. I just ask that you link back to my shop: Thank
you so much! By purchasing our patterns or downloading our free patterns, you’re helping to support our sample knitters and crocheters
(whom we pay). So THANK YOU. We put a massive amount of time and love into our patterns and adore offering them to you. Please
share this pattern on your favorite social network or your blog so as many people as possible can benefit from it. Much love!! Chandi

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