Empowerment Technology (Lesson 2)

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Title: Empowerment Technology

Topic: Online Safety, Security, Ethics and Etiquette

Format: School-on-the-Air
Length: 30 minutes
Scriptwriter: Zahjid N. Callang
Objective: After the indepth listening to this episode, the learners should be apply online safety,
security, ethics and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their
specific professional tracks and use



3 RADIO TEACHER : Amazing God’s morning my dear learners! Deped Radyo Eskwela

4 is back! I am your teacher Zahjid N. Callang from Cagasat National High School Main. Today,

we shall have fun together as we go on with our new topic under

Empowerment Technology! Power....Up!


6 RADIO TEACHER: Just make sure that you stay on your most comfortable zone as you

7 stay tuned to this episode. Oh, by the way I hope you have taken your

8 meal already okay? Let’s get it on!


10 RADIO TEACHER: Hold your pen and open your notebook ‘coz we are so ready!

11 RADIO TEACHER: So to start with, may I ask what have you discussed about

12 Empowerment Technology during the last episode?(PAUSE) Okay! Good job! Last episode you

have discussed abou the current state of ICT

13 Technologies. Now, we are going to talk about Online Safety, Security,

14 Ethics and Etiquette.


Empowerment Technlogy

1 RADIO TEACHER: And to begin with, let us have the one million dollar question of the

2 day is, who among you here often access the internet?(PAUSE) Wow! So most of you do access

the internet.

3 RADIO TEACHER: You know, that does not surprise me anymore. We cannot deny the

4 fact that most teenagers like you, spend their time online. But I am going to ask you this.

(PAUSE) Are you safe and secured online?(PAUSE) If your answer is

yes, then how safe and secured are you online? (PAUSE). Being a

teenager and a person who often access the internet, you must be

aware that there are several ways to stay online. All we need to do is

know them by heart and apply them. Power....Up!


6 RADIO TEACHER: Internet.....Internet.....Internet......Almost all of the people around the

7 world speak about internet.(PAUSE) But what exactly is internet?

8 (PAUSE) Can you tell something about it?(PAUSE) You;re right!

9 Internet, is considered as the information superhighway. Take that!

10 (PAUSE) Information highway! Do you know that means?(PAUSE)

11 Absolutely! It means, anyone has access to this highway, and anyone

12 can grab information; even things that you have set privately, can be

13 accessed one way or another.



Empowerment Technlogy

1 RADIO TEACHER: So now we know what internet means. But, it is more important for us

2 to know how to stay safe online or everytime you access the internet.

3 RADIO TEACHER: Before that, I think we should define two important terms related to

4 internet. These are, Internet Safety and Netiquette.

5 RADIO TEACHER; First, let us define Internet Safety. Do you know what is the meaning

6 of this?(PAUSE) Yeah you’re right! Internet Safety refers to online

7 security or safety of people and their information when using internet.

8 RADIO TEACHER: The second term that we must consider is the word Netiquette. Do you

9 what this mean? Definitely! Good Job! Netiquette is simply Network

10 Etiquette. You got that?(PAUSE) Netiquette is the composition of the

11 do’s and dont’s of online communication.

12 RADIO TEACHER: There you have it. The two important terms connected to internet. I

13 hope you are taking down notes because we will have a simple activity

14 later on. Okay?(PAUSE)


16 RADIO TEACHER: So regardless of who you are, and what you do everytime you access

17 the internet, let me ask you this. How safe are you online?(PAUSE)

18 Oh I get it! You cannot answer me right?

19 RADIO TEACHER; Do not worry! I will help you on how to stay safe online so just stay

20 tuned. You know, there are some types of information that we share

21 online, but we are unaware that these are very risky.

Empowerment Technlogy

1 RADIO TEACHER: Do you know why is it risky to share your current location?(PAUSE)

2 Correct! It is risky because when you share your location, it advises

3 any potential thieves that you may not be home. So watch out!

4 RADIO TEACHER: The second type of information is Your Personal Information. What are

5 the things included in your personal infomation? Can you name some?

6 Name (PAUSE), birthday (PAUSE), age (PAUSE), address (PAUSE)

7 and even your phone number compose your personal information.

8 How risky is it to share your personal information online? Yes! It’s

9 true! Once you share all of your personal information online, it makes

10 it easier for identity thieves to replicate your online presence. So next

11 time you access the internet do not just share all of your personal

12 information especially to the online platforms that you are not aware

13 of. You heard it okay?

14 RADIO TEACHER: Let us move on to the third type of information and that is Passwords.

15 Do you have your own passwords?(PAUSE) I bet you do! Password is

16 very important and is very crucial at the same time. It serves as our

17 passkey to access some online platforms or social media networks like

18 Facebook right? Yes! Being internet users, you need to be careful

19 about any type of information you share and how you protect it, even

20 if you share your password with a significant other. If you end up

21 happily ever after then that would be great. But, if it’s not forever, you

Empowerment Technlogy

1 need to worry. Your significant other might hack your FB or your

2 messenger and might even destroy your reputation online using your

3 account. Walang Forever sa taong bitter. (HAHAHA). Joke!

4 RADIO TEACHER: The next type of information is your Embarassing Statuses and Photos

5 You Would Not Want Shared With Your Family or Employer. Guys

6 please listen here. Before you post anything online, remember that

7 anything you share has the potential to leak in some manner. So

8 before, you post something ask yourself. “ Whom do you want to see

9 your post? Your parents? (PAUSE) Your grandparents? (PAUSE) your

10 significant other? (PAUSE) Your future boss?(PAUSE) If you think

11 that none of them should see your post then do not post it. Usually,

12 your instincts are correct! So make sure you are protecting your online

13 reputation! Did you get it? I hope so!

14 RADIO TEACHER: The last type of information that could be risky when shared online is

15 Your Private Issues. Whatever happens, do not share your personal

16 and private issues online especially on social networks. Why?(PAUSE)

17 Absolutely! If you share those online , there is a good chance that

18 others do not really care. Listen to my advice! If you are not

19 comfortable sharing your personal and private issue with your family,

20 friends, significant other, and even strangers in person, then never ever

Empowerment Technlogy

1 share them online. You got that? Okay!



4 RADIO TEACHER: Are you still up?(PAUSE) I guess so! You heard the different types of

5 information and the risks they give if you are not responsible enough

6 and careless to share them online. Now, let me ask you! Do you know

7 how to stay safe online?(PAUSE) Can you enumerate some safety tips

8 to be scured while accessing the internet?(PAUSE) Very good! If you

9 have, then let us try to examine them one by one okay?

10 RADIO TEACHER: There are several tips to stay safe online. And on this episode we are

11 going to enumerate and discuss some of the tips to stay safe online.

12 RADIO TEACHER: Number 1. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you

13 share it to. (PAUSE) Always think first before sharing any post online.

14 RADIO TEACHER: Number 2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.(PAUSE) I

15 understand sometimes even I d not read anymore terms and

16 conditions with some online platforms. But if you are hesitant to

17 subscribe a certain offer and platform in the internet then you better be

18 extra careful. You must read first ok? Alright!

19 RADIO TEACHER: Next! Number 3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website.

20 (PAUSE). Who among you do this? Are you reading the private

Empowerment Technlogy

1 page of a website?(PAUSE) If not, then you better start now because it

2 would help you avoid being at risk everytime you access the internet.

3 RADIO TEACHER: Fourth tip! Know the security features of the social networking sites

4 you use. (PAUSE) Bear in mind my dear learners, if you keep your

5 profile private, search engines will not be able to scan your profile.

6 Remember that!

7 RADIO TEACHER: Number 5 tip! Do not share your password with anyone. (PAUSE)

8 We talked about that a while back. Sharing your password with

9 anyone would cause you trouble.

10 RADIO TEACHER: Next tip! Number 6! Avoid logging in to public networks/ WI-FI.

11 Sometimes there are hackers. They could hack your personal

12 information if you keep on logging in to public networks

13 RADIO TEACHER: Number 7! Do not talk to strangers whether onlie or face-to-face. If

14 when you are just kids, your parents often say do not talk to strangers.

15 Until now that we have already access in the internet, we must avoid

16 talking to strangers period. That’s it!

17 RADIO TEACHER: Number 8! Never post anything about a future vacation. (PAUSE)

18 Have you enjoyed your vacation this year?(HAHAHA) I don’t think

19 so. Okay, if you enjoy having a vacation then atleast do not post about

20 your future vacation because identity thieves would not that you are

Empowerment Technlogy

1 not home.

2 RADIO TEACHER: Next tip. Number 9! Add friend you know in real life.(PAUSE) Do not

3 just add and add friends in you Facebook account or the like if you do

4 not know them personally. You might be put into risk.

5 RADIO TEACHER: Number 10! Avoid visiting untrusted websites. (PAUSE) If your

6 computer says you are accessing untrusted sites then you better not

7 access in it. It might harm your computer or worse, it can get

8 information about you and use them for dirty tricks. Careful okay?

9 RADIO TEACHER: Number 11. Install and update antivirus software on your

10 computer.(PAUSE) You must always have an active and updated

11 antivirus software to keep you and your computer or cellphones from

12 any harm. You got that right? Okay let’s move on!

13 RADIO TEACHER: Number 12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it private by adding

14 password. (PAUSE) Some bystanders near your house might just be

15 able to access through your internet if it does not have a password.

16 Three to go! Let’s go!

17 RADIO TEACHER: Number 13! Avoid downloading anything from untrusted

18 websites.(PAUSE) If you do not trust the source of a certain file, then

19 do not try to download from it. You may be put into risk. So, do not

20 do it!

Empowerment Technlogy

1 RADIO TEACHER : Number 14 tip. Bu the software; do not use pirated ones.(PAUSE)

2 What can I say?( HAHAHA). I just have to shut my mouth.

3 (HAHAHA). Seriously speaking, this means that sometimes pirated

4 software has malware with it which could bring harm to your

5 computer. So inorder to avoid this, you should buy genuine softwares.

6 RADIO TEACHER: Last tip but not the least. Number 15! Do not reply or click links from

7 suspicious emails. (PAUSE) You might get a spam or malware if you keep on replying or

clicking links which are not trusted.

8 RADIO TEACHER: And there you have it my dear learners! Those are the fifteen (15) tips to

stay safe online. I hope you were able to note them down.


10 RADIO TEACHER: Let us pause for a break! Stay tuned and we’ ll be back!



13 RADIO TEACHER: Ok guys! Are you still with me?(PAUSE) I know right! You are still there.

Now listen! Who among you have laptops, desktops or smartphones?

(PAUSE) That’s nice! But, have you encountered alert messages

suddelyn popping out in your screen saying there is a malware?

(PAUSE) Oh I see!

14 RADIO TEACHER: Actually, internet has lots of threats. Now, we will be dealing with

Empowerment Technlogy

1 With the three common threats that we can encounnter in the

2 internet.

3 RADIO TEACHER: These three (3) Internet Threats are, Malware, Spam and Pishing.

4 Again, Malware, Spam and Pishing. You got that?(PAUSE) Good Job!

5 RADIO TEACHER: Let us define each term. First is Malware. So what is this

6 malware?(PAUSE). Yes! You are correct! Malware stand for malicious

7 software. Don’t you know that malware has five (5) types?(PAUSE). I

8 am so sure that you have already encountered some of its types. The

9 five (5) types of Malware are, Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware and

10 Adware. Again, Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Adware. There you

11 have it!

12 RADIO TEACHER: Now let us take them one by one alright? Okay! First is virus. Virus, is

13 a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one

14 another wether through the internet and local data storage like

15 flashdrives and CD’s. So you must be very extra careful even in

16 lending your personal flashdrive.

17 RADIO TEACHER: Second type of malware is Worm. Worm, is a malicious program that

18 transfers from one computer to another by any means. That is how a

19 worm works. More often, it uses computer network to spread itself. It

Empowerment Technlogy

1 also sometimes duplicate your files. Now, if you see that your files are

2 being duplicated without your knowledge, then your computer has

3 been infected by a worm.

4 RADIO TEACHER: The third type of a malware is Trojan. It is not a horse okay?

5 (HAHAHA). I repeat, Trojan. Do you know what it is?(PAUSE)

6 Correct! Trojan is a malicious program that is disguised as a useful

7 program. But, once it is installed, it leaves your PC unprotected and

8 allow hackers to get your information. What’s worse is that, it also

9 disguises itself as Rogue security software. This software tricks the

10 user into posing that it is a security software but in reality the users are

11 not protected at all. So be very careful in dealing with it guys, okay?

12 RADIO TEACHER: The next type of a malware is Spyware. You heard it! Spyware. Have

13 you encountered this alread? (PAUSE) Ah, okay! Spyware, is a

14 program that runs in the background without you knowing it. That is

15 why it has the name Spyware. And to jus to give you an additional

16 detail, this malware uses the so calle Keyloggers. What’s that

17 again?(PAUSE) Yes, Keyloggers. This is used to record the keystroke

18 done by the users. You know why? (PAUSE) Absolutely! This is done

19 to steal the password or any sensitive information of the users.

Empowerment Technlogy

1 RADIO TEACHER: The last type of Malware is Adware. Can you repeat that?(PAUSE)

2 Adware. Do you know how this works?(PAUSE) Yeah you’re right!

3 This is a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly pop-

4 ups. I am sure that most of you have encountered this already.


6 RADIO TEACHER: There you go! I hope you got the five (5) types of Malware. Do you

7 have any question so far?(PAUSE) Okay!

8 RADIO TEACHER: Now, let us proceed to the second internet threat and that is Spam. So,

9 what is Spam?(PAUSE) Nah! It is not a food okay? (HAHAHA) That’s

10 different. I think you are gettting hungry again so let us keep going.

11 Spam, is an unwanted email, mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be

12 used to send also malware. If you have an email account, I’m sure that

13 you do, you can check that there is a Spam in there. That is where

14 unwanted email is stored. So be alert okay?

15 RADIO TEACHER: And the last internet threat is, Phishing. Phishing, not Fishing! It has

16 Ph in the beginning. So what is this Phishing all about?(PAUSE) How

17 does it work? (PAUSE) Very Good! Phishing has the mission to

18 acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card

19 details. How?(PAUSE) This is done by sending an email that will

Empowerment Technlogy

1 direct the user to visit a website adn be asked to update his/her

2 usename, password, or personal information. Ooohhhh.......(FEELING

3 SCARED). Are you not scared? (TREMBLING VOICE). So am I! Let us

4 be very careful guys everytime we access the internet okay? And also,

5 share this information to your loved ones if you care.


7 RADIO TEACHER: There you have it guys! Can you name the three internet threats again?

8 (PAUSE) Alright! The three internet threats are, Malware, Spam and

9 Pishing. How about the five (5) types of Malware?(PAUSE). Okay!

10 The five types of Malware are; Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware,

11 Adware. Alright! Power....Up!

12 RADIO TEACHER: I think we need to pause for a break and afterward you will have your

13 activity. Stay tuned!



16 RADIO TEACHER: And we’re back! Listen guys! On your notebook or paper, Write Yes if

17 you agree with the statement and No if you disagree. You got that?

18 (PAUSE) Alright! Here we go!


20 Number 1 (READ WITH ANIMATED VOICE). My computer has an anti virus so it is okay

Empowerment Technlogy

1 to open most email attachments like e-cards and video files.

2 RADIO TEACHER: Number 2! Your friend told you that his college

3 application was rejected due to the fact that you posted a video of him

4 doing crazy stuff at a party. You posted this several years ago but later

5 took it down to protect your friend’s reputation. Can your friend be

6 right that the college found the video?

7 RADIO TEACHER: Number 3! You and your bestfriend play a lot of video game. One time,

she asks you for your password so she can help you level up and get in-game money.

She promises to keep your password a secret. Is it okay to give your password?

8 RADIO TEACHER: Number 4! You received an email stating that your mother’s account is

going to be forfeited if you do not respond to the email. Is is safe to reply?

9 RADIO TEACHER: Number 5! You and your family plan to go for a trip next Sunday. Is it

10 okay if you post online that you will have a vacation?

11 RADIO TEACHER: Number 6! A virus is a malware that multiplies and infects other computer

through flash drives.

12 RADIO TEACHER: Number 7! Keyloggers are software that show pop-up advertisments even

if you are not using your browsers.

13 RADIO TEACHER: Number 8! Search engines scan websites for resutls even if you have set

your post to “private”.

14 RADIO TEACHER: Number 9! Spam is an unwanted email which can be used to send

Empowerment Technlogy

1 malware

2 RADIO TEACHER: And, number 10! Letting people know your birthday is probably a

3 must if you want to get as many gifts as possible. But having it in your

4 profile makes vulnerable to identity theft.


6 RADIO TEACHER: Okay! Let’s checkout your answers! I am just going to announce the

7 answers okay? I think we are running out of time.

8 RADIO TEACHER: These are the answers. Number 1, No;

9 RADIO TEACHER: Number 2, Yes;

10 RADIO TEACHER: Number 3, No;

11 RADIO TEACHER: Number 4, No;

12 RADIO TEACHER: Number 5, No;

13 RADIO TEACHER: Number 6, Yes;

14 RADIO TEACHER: Number 7, No;

15 RADIO TEACHER: Number 8, No;

16 RADIO TEACHER: Number 9, Yes;;

17 RADIO TEACHER: Number 10, Yes;

18 RADIO TEACHER: That’s it! Who got a perfect 10?

19 RADIO TEACHER: Wow! You nailed it! You have listened very well! Good Job guys!

20 RADIO TEACHER: Now you know how to stay safe online and how to be secured.

Empowerment Technlogy

1 RADIO TEACHER: If you have questions feel free to chat me on my messenger account or

2 email me at zahjidcallang@gmail.com or you can just text or call me at

3 09978092939. Until next episode my dear learners. This is your School

4 On Air Teacher for Empowerment Technology, Zahjid N. Callang

5 saying, “Sa Radyo Eskwela, may Future Ka”! Keep safe and Godbless.



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