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Autumn Garden Sweater

Autumn Garden Sweater From the October 2017 issue by Olivia Kent See more patterns in the sweaters category.

Casually chic and yet so

comfy, this design checks
all the boxes on what a
sweater should be. Its
sharp color change and
low front pocket create a
one-of-a-kind style that will
be perfect for outdoor
strolls, football games and
holiday gatherings.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Size: Small/Medium
(Medium/Large); 20 (22)” /
[52 (57) cm] wide x 26½
(28)” / [67 (71) cm] long

Shown in size

Gauge: 13 sts and 13 rows

= 4” [10 cm] in sc using
larger hook

Yarn: Garnstudio Drops Nepal (65% Wool; 35% Alpaca; 82 yards [75 meters]/50 grams):
Deep Red (A), 8 (9) balls; Goldenrod (B), 8 (9) balls;

Hook: UK size 2 (7.0 mm); US size J/10 (6.0mm)

Notions: Tapestry needle


st(s) – stitch(es)

ch – chain stitch
sc – single crochet

sc2tog – single crochet 2 together

camel sc – camel single crochet

camel hdc – camel half double crochet

Special Stitches
Single Crochet 2 Together (sc2tog)

Insert hook into next st, yo, draw up a lp (2 lps on hook), insert hook into next st, yo, draw up
a lp (3 lps on hook), yo, pull through 3 lps on hook.

Camel Single Crochet (camel sc)

Insert hook into next st, not through the front or back lp, but instead an extra lp that is
behind the st from the previous row, yo, draw up a lp (2 lps on hook), yo, pull through 2 lps
on hook.

Camel Half Double Crochet (camel hdc)

Yo, insert hook into next st, not through the front or back lp, but instead an extra lp that is
behind the st from the previous row, yo, draw up a lp (3 lps on hook), yo, pull through 3 lps
on hook.

Pattern Notes
This sweater is worked in rows from bottom to top. This sweater is worked in four parts,
which are seamed together to create the final sweater.


With larger hook and B, ch 67 (73).

Row 1: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in 2nd ch from hook, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next
st; rep from * 31 (34) more times, sc in next st, turn – 67 (73) sts.

Rows 2-40 (42): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next
st; rep from * 31 (34) more times, sc in next st, turn – 67 (73) sts.

Rows 41 (43)-53 (55): Change to A, ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc
in next st, sk next st; rep from * 31 (34) more times, sc in next st, turn – 67 (73) sts.

Row 54 (56): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 29 (32) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 65
(71) sts.

Row 55 (57): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 28 (31) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 63
(69) sts.

Row 56 (58): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 27 (30) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 61
(67) sts.

Row 57 (59): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 26 (29) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 59
(65) sts.

Row 58 (60): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 25 (28) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 57
(63) sts.

Row 59 (61): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 24 (27) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 55
(61) sts.

Row 60 (62): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 23 (26) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 53
(59) sts.

Row 61 (63): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 22 (25) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 51
(57) sts.

Row 62 (64): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 21 (24) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 49
(55) sts.

Row 63 (65): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 20 (23) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 47
(53) sts.

Row 64 (66): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 19 (22) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 45
(51) sts.

Row 65 (67): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 18 (21) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 43
(49) sts.

Row 66 (68): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 17 (20) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 41
(47) sts.

Row 67 (69): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 16 (19) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 39
(45) sts.

Row 68 (70): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 15 (18) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 37
(43) sts.

Row 69 (71): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 14 (17) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 35
(41) sts.

Row 70 (72): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 13 (16) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 33
(39) sts.

Row 71 (73): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 12 (15) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 31
(37) sts.

Row 72 (74): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 11 (14) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 29
(35) sts.

Row 73 (75): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 10 (13) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 27
(33) sts.

Row 74 (76): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 9 (12) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 25 (31)

Row 75 (77): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 8 (11) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 23 (29)

Row 76 (78): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 7 (10) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 21 (27)

Size Medium/Large only

Row 79: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in
next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 9 more times, sc in
next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 25 sts.

Row 80: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in
next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 8 more times, sc in
next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 23 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.

Work same as Front to Row 76 (78) – 21 (27) sts.

Row 77 (79): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 6 (9) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 19 (25)

Row 78 (80): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 5 (8) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 17 (23)

Size Medium/Large only

Row 81: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in
next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 7 more times, sc in
next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st, turn – 21 sts.

Row 82: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in
next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 6 more times, sc in
next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 19 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.

Sleeves (make 2)
With larger hook and B, ch 27 (29).
Row 1: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in 2nd ch from hook, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next
st; rep from * 11 (12) more times, sc in next st, turn – 27 (29) sts.

Rows 2-5 (6): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 11 (12) more times, sc in next st, turn – 27 (29) sts.

Row 6 (7): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 11 (12) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn –29 (31) sts.

Rows 7 (8)-9 (10): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 12 (13) more times, sc in next st, turn – 29 (31) sts.

Row 10 (11): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 12 (13) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 31 (33) sts.

Rows 11 (12)-13 (14): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 13 (14) more times, sc in next st, turn – 31 (33) sts.

Row 14 (15): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 13 (14) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 33 (35) sts.

Rows 15 (16)-17 (18): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 14 (15) more times, sc in next st, turn – 33 (35) sts.

Row 18 (19): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 14 (15) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 35 (37) sts.

Rows 19 (20)-21 (22): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 15 (16) more times, sc in next st, turn – 35 (37) sts.

Row 22 (23): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 15 (16) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 37 (39) sts.

Rows 23 (24)-25 (26): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 16 (17) more times, sc in next st, turn – 37 (39) sts.

Row 26 (27): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 16 (17) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 39 (41) sts.

Rows 27 (28)-29 (30): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 17 (18) more times, sc in next st, turn – 39 (41) sts.

Row 30 (31): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 17 (18) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 41 (43) sts.

Rows 31 (32)-32 (33): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 18 (19) more times, sc in next st, turn – 41 (43) sts.

Row 33 (34): Change to A, ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st,
sk next st; rep from * 18 (19) more times, sc in next st, turn – 41 (43) sts.

Row 34 (35): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 18 (19) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 43 (45) sts.

Rows 35 (36)-37 (38): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 19 (20) more times, sc in next st, turn – 43 (45) sts.

Row 38 (39): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 19 (20) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 45 (47) sts.

Rows 39 (40)-41 (43): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 20 (21) more times, sc in next st, turn – 45 (47) sts.

Row 42 (44): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st;
rep from * 20 (21) more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 47 (49) sts.

Rows 43 (45)-46 (48): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 21 (22) more times, sc in next st, turn – 47 (49) sts.

Row 47 (49): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 19 (20) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 45 (47)

Rows 48 (50)-49 (51): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 20 (21) more times, sc in next st, turn – 45 (47) sts.

Row 50 (52): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 18 (19) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 43 (45)

Rows 51 (53)-52 (54): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 19 (20) more times, sc in next st, turn – 43 (45) sts.

Row 53 (55): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 17 (18) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 41 (43)

Rows 54 (56)-55 (57): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 18 (19) more times, sc in next st, turn – (41 (43) sts.

Row 56 (58): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 16 (17) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 39 (41)

Rows 57 (59)-58 (60): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 17 (18) more times, sc in next st, turn – 39 (41) sts.

Row 59 (61): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 15 (16) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 37 (39)

Rows 60 (62)-61 (63): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 16 (17) more times, sc in next st, turn – 37 (39) sts.

Row 62 (64): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 14 (15) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 35 (37)

Rows 63 (65)-64 (66): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 15 (16) more times, sc in next st, turn – 35 (37) sts.

Row 65 (67): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 13 (14) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 33 (35)

Rows 66 (68)-67 (69): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 14 (15) more times, sc in next st, turn – 33 (35) sts.

Row 68 (70): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 12 (13) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 31 (33)

Rows 69 (71)-70 (72): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk
next st; rep from * 13 (14) more times, sc in next st, turn – 31 (33) sts.

Row 71 (73): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 11 (12) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 29 (31)

Rows 72 (74-75): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next
st; rep from * 12 (13) more times, sc in next st, turn – 29 (31) sts.

Row 73 (76): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 10 (11) more
times, sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 27 (29)

Row 74 (77): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 9 (10) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 25 (27) sts.

Row 75 (78): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 8 (9) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 23 (25) sts.

Row 76 (79): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 7 (8) more times,
sc in next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 21 (23) sts.

Row 77 (80): Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog
in next st, sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep from * 7 more times, sc in
next st, sc2tog across same st, sk next st, continue sc2tog in next st – 21 sts.

With larger hook and B, ch 15.

Row 1: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in 2nd ch from hook, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next
st; rep from * 5 more times, sc in next st, turn – 15 sts.

Row 2: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep
from * 5 more times, sc in next st, turn – 15 sts.

Row 3: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), 2 sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep
from * 5 more times, 2 sc in next st, turn – 17 sts.

Rows 4-9: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st, sk next st; rep
from * 5 more times, sc in next st, turn – 15 sts.

Rows 10-15: Change to A, ch 1 (counts as first sc), sc in same st, sk next st, *2 sc in next st,
sk next st; rep from * 5 more times, sc in next st, turn – 15 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.

Pocket Ribbing
With smaller hook, attach A in the first st of Row 15 of Pocket.

Row 1: Ch 4, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in next 2 ch, sk next st of Row 15 of Pocket, sl st
in next st of Pocket, turn – 3 sts.

Row 2: Sl st in next 3 sts, turn, ch 1, camel hdc in same st, camel hdc in next 2 sts, sk next
st of Row 15 of Pocket, sl st in next st of Pocket, turn – 3 sts.

Rows 3-7: Rep Row 2.

Row 8: Sl st in next 3 sts, turn, ch 1, camel hdc in same st, camel hdc in next 2 sts, sl st in
15th st of Row 15 of Pocket. 3 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.


Follow Assembly Diagram.

Place Front on top of Back.

Flip this layout inside out, then seam along the ends of either side of the sweater, working
bottom to top to Row 54 (56) of Back and Front.

Flip each sleeve inside out and seam along the ends of the rows from Rows 1-45 (47).

Seam each sleeve onto the body of the sweater along Rows 46 (48)-76 (80) of Sleeve and
Rows 55 (57)-78 (82) of Body.

Flip seamed sweater right side out.

Ribbed Bottom
With smaller hook, attach A in the bottom of 34th (36th) st of Row 1 of Back.

Row 1: Ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 3 ch, sk next st of Row 1 of Back, sl st in

next st of Back, turn – 4 sts.

Row 2: Sl st in next 4 sts, turn, ch 1, camel sc in same st, camel sc in next 3 sts, sk next st of
Row 1 of Back, sl st in next st of Back, turn – 4 sts.

Rows 3-67 (73): Rep Row 2.

Row 68 (74): Sl st in next 4 sts, turn, ch 1, camel sc in same st, camel sc in next 3 sts, sl st
in 34th (36th) st of Row 1 of Back – 4 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.

Seam Ribbed Bottom together, Rows 1 and 68 (74).

Ribbed Sleeve Cuff

With smaller hook, attach A in the bottom of the first st of Row 1 of Sleeve.

Row 1: Ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 2 ch, sk next st of Row 1 of Sleeve, sl st in

next st of Sleeve, turn – 3 sts.

Row 2: Sl st in next 3 sts, turn, ch 1, camel sc in same st, camel sc in next 2 sts, sk next st of
Row 1 of Sleeve, sl st in next st of Sleeve, turn – 3 sts.

Rows 3-13 (14): Rep Row 2.

Row 14 (15): Sl st in next 3 sts, turn, ch 1, camel sc in same st, camel sc in next 2 sts, sl st
in first st of Row 1 of Sleeve – 3 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.

Seam Cuff together, Rows 1 and 14 (15).

Repeat on second Sleeve.

Ribbed Neckline
Note: The neckline consists of 80 (84) sts and runs along the border of the Back, top of the
left Sleeve, Front, and top of the right Sleeve. Rows 1-40 (42) of the Neckline are worked
using the join-as-you-go method along the border.

With smaller hook, attach A in 9th (10th) st of Row 78 (82) of Back.

Row 1: Ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 2 ch, sk next st of Neckline, sl st in next st of

Neckline, turn – 3 sts.

Row 2: Sl st in next 3 sts, turn, ch 1, camel sc in same st, camel sc in next 2 sts, sk next st of
Neckline, sl st in next st of Neckline turn – 3 sts.

Rows 3-39 (41): Rep Row 2.

Row 40 (42): Sl st in next 3 sts, turn, ch 1, camel sc in same st, camel sc in next 2 sts, sl st
in 9th (10th) st of Row 78 (82) of Back – 3 sts.

Fasten off. Weave in loose ends.

Seam Neckline together, Rows 1 and 40 (42).

Sew Pocket onto front of sweater over two-toned section.

Block sweater to measurement. Weave in all ends.


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