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What are Watt, Kilowatt and a unit of electricity

Abhishek Jain (Mod) November 29, 2019 400 Comments Ask A Question

When we get our electricity bills, it shows that we have used a certain number of units for the given period. When we go to buy appliances, most o
have watts mentioned on them. If you find it difficult to understand the relation between the two, then you are not alone. Electricity bill and its comp
are confusing to many and with this article we will try to explain what are watt, kilowatt and a unit of electricity.

Table of Contents

What are Power and Energy/Electricity

Power and its units
Energy/Electricity and its units
Estimating units consumed by any appliance
Tools on Amazon that you can use to evaluate your electricity bill:
Discussion Forum

What are Power and Energy/Electricity

Power and Energy/Electricity are two words that are used so much for each other that many feel that they mean the same. Interestingly both of the
a very different meaning. Power is the rate at which electricity is used and energy/electricity is the actual consumption. To give an analogy, power is
to speed but electricity/energy is the actual distance traveled.

So Power x Time = Electricity (or energy)

Just like Speed x Time = Distance Traveled.

Power and its units

Power is always represented in watt (W) or kilowatt (kW). A thousand (1000) watts make one kilowatt. So if any appliance is rated as 1.2 kW then it
that it consumes electricity at a rate of 1200 W. Now as we discussed earlier that power is the rate at which electricity is consumed and not the
electricity consumed, Watt or Kilowatt just represent the rate at which electricity is consumed per hour. Which means that when you buy a 100
does not consume 100 units of electricity but consumes at a rate of 100 W.

Energy/Electricity and its units

A unit (as mentioned on the electricity bills) is represented in kWH or Kilowatt Hour. This is the actual electricity or energy used. If you use 1000 Wa
Kilowatt of power for 1 hour then you consume 1 unit or 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) of electricity. So the reading on the electricity meter represents the
electricity used. Just like the odometer on your vehicle that shows the actual distance travelled by the vehicle, electricity meter shows the am
electricity that is used. So a 100-Watt bulb if kept on for 10 hours will consume:

100 x 10 = 1000 Watt-Hour = 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) = 1 units (on your meter).

Estimating units consumed by any appliance

Now with most of the concepts explained we would like to make it easy for you to calculate how much units does any appliance consume. Most app
have wattage written on them (either on their container box or somewhere on the appliance). Once you have the wattage, next you need to figure o
many hours a day do you use it. After that you can use the formula below: x

Daily Units = (Wattage x Usage hours per day) ÷ 1000

Monthly Units = Units x 30 (or 28,29,31 based on month) x

Please note that this formula may not work always. For appliances like Air Conditioner, Water Heater, Cloth Iron (any heating or cooling device h
thermostat to switch it on or off) and pumps, this will not work.

If required you can use a calculator to estimate the daily/monthly unit consumption if you have the ‘watt’ of the appliance and the likely usage
appliance per day/month.




Check this video to make it easier to understand:


Also check this video that can help you understand how many units your appliances are consuming:


Tools on Amazon that you can use to evaluate your electricity bill:

28% 8% 30%
-28% -8% -30%

Meco Meco PG08T Energy M… Meco PG09 Energy Meter Kill… Blackt Electrotech 230V 24x7… P3 International P4460 Kill A …
Price: INR 1,766.00 Price: INR 2,700.00 Price: INR 626.00 Price: Check on Amazon
Was: INR 2,449.00 Was: INR 2,925.00 Was: INR 900.00
-31% -44% -48%

Magideal Plastic Micro Power… HTC Instrument PM-03 Energ… P3 International Kill A Watt E…
Price: INR 969.00 Price: INR 2,199.00 Price: INR 5,109.00
Was: INR 1,397.00 Was: INR 3,900.00 Was: INR 9,762.00

Source of Information: x
About the Author:
Abhishek Jain is an Alumnus of IIT Bombay with almost 10 years of experience in corporate before starting Bijli Bachao in 2012. His passion
solving problems moved him towards Energy Sector and he is keen to learn about customer behavior towards Energy and find ways to influence
same towards Sustainability. More from this author.

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400 comments Sort: by Newest x

 9:03 pm November 11, 2019


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 11:28 pm November 3, 2019

Neelam Mashelkar
Hello, I want to know how many units of electricity will be consumed in the following situation.

A common meter for two consumers. Units one bill are 630 for 41 days. Usage by one consumer per day on an
average is
1 cloth iron (daily for about 1 hour)
Ceiling and table fan ( About 17 hrs)
TV for about 20 hrs
60 watt bulb for about 4 hrs
And rest equipments are laptop, water heater, tubelight, mixer grinder

Consumer 2 uses
LED TV for about 10 hrs
Ceiling fan for about 20 hrs
Table fan for 8 hrs
Induction for 1 to 2 hrs
Oven 5 hrs Max per month
Refrigerator 2 star
40 watt bulb 4 hrs

Which consumer's consumption will be more by what percentage?

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3  12:03 pm November 4, 2019 x
Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
You should make a table giving the wattage of each of the appliance and daily usage in an hour, then
calculate daily watt-hour. Multiply it with 41 days and divide it by 1000 to get the expected unit consumed
distirbute in the ratio of each of the consumer connected to common meter. In fact, you should install
energy meter for one of the conusmer instead of doing all this calculation.

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 2:14 pm November 4, 2019

Neelam Mashelkar
Thank you so much for responding. Here is what I did,

Consumer 1
Appliance with wattage Usage in hrs per 41 days Units calculated for 41 days
Iron 1200W 28 33.6
Refrigerator Continual 24.5
Fan 75W 738 55.35
TV 35W 410 14.35
Table Fan 50W 500 20.5
Bulb 60W x 2 451 27.06
Tubelight 36W 287 10.332
Laptop 50 2
Mixer Grinder 4 2.4
Total Units consumed 190.092

Consumer 2
Iron 1200W 7 8.4
Refrigerator Continual 24.5
Oven 1500W 10 15
Ceiling Fan 75W 738 55.35
LED TV 32W (with stabilizer so 5% cutoff) 410 12.464 x
Table Fan 15W 300 4.5
Bulb 40W 164 6.56
Tubelight 36W 364 13.104 x
LED Bulb 5W 88 0.44
Induction 2000W 82 164
Mixer Grinder 600W 7 4.2
Total Units consumed 308.518

But the total units consumed shown on the bill is 623 while the calculated units does not sum up to 623. I
might have missed 124 units somewhere I can’t recall. Is this correct?

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 3:13 pm November 4, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
The usage time is very subjective and you must have missed that. Now if you can distribute it to both the
consumer in the ratio of 190:308 or otherwise fix another energy meter for second consumer.

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 10:53 am November 3, 2019

(1) watt to hp power how to calculation,
(2) kw to hp power how to calculation.

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 11:31 am November 4, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
1 W = 0.746 hp; 1 kW = 746 HP

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8  11:39 am November 2, 2019

moniruzzaman x
unit -1000 to 1 watts . it is ok

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 12:10 pm November 2, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
No. 1000 units is equal to 1000 kWh i.e. when you use 1 kW load for a period of 1000 hrs.

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10  10:39 am October 26, 2019

Sir GEB meter reading me hamne kwh me 12 hours reading diffence/unit 480 aata hai. to electric a/c panel me mwh
diffence 0.856 = 856 kwh = 856 unit 12 hours, yahi samjh ne nahi aa raha hai ki main meter me all unit 480 to only
a/c unit 856 itana jyada kyu.

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 11:55 am October 28, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
आपके न प ट नह ं है

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12  8:01 pm October 11, 2019

Do we need stabilizer for TV ? Does it really has stabilizer ? x
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13  12:15 pm October 12, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

No they do not need a stabilizer. Most modern TVs can work easily between 110 and 240V.
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14  6:20 pm October 5, 2019

how to save electricity bill using a inverter AC.
could you please tell some important tips

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15  2:26 pm October 6, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Just try to keep AC at a temperature as high which is comfortable. Also if you are not on top floor (ceiling
Author exposed to sun), you can use ceiling fan along with AC.

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 2:43 pm September 25, 2019

sunil kumar
150 kw load 415 volt industries 12 hours how money unit consume sir

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17  4:11 pm September 25, 2019 x

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
150 kW does not mean that the power is drawn continuously the same. It is the energy meter which x
counts kWh. If it is drawn continuously, then it will be 1500 kWh or unit. Is this question relates to some
competitive examination, then it is OK.

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18  11:05 am September 25, 2019

40w and 60w bulb consume how many units how to calculate?

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19  12:54 pm September 25, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

40 watt in 10 hours will consume 40 x 10 = 400 Wh or 0.4 units
60 watt in 10 hours will consume 60 x 10 = 600 Wh or 0.6 units.

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 2:31 pm September 23, 2019

Sir mera miter 2000 riding bataa rahaa hai to kitni unit banegi

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 4:13 pm September 23, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod) x
Difference between two readings is taken for the purpose of calculating the bill for that period. Absolute
reading will only be giving the total summation of units consumed since installation.
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22  10:50 am September 16, 2019

Dear Abhishek and Mahesh Kumar Ji -
Does old Fridge and washing machines consumes more power as they turn older (we have a 10 yr old fridge )?
I have been suggested by MSEDCL to change fridge to save on power consumption

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23  11:09 am September 16, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Refrigerators do get slightly inefficient over time (depending on how well you have maintained them).
Author Also with time energy efficiency of the newer models available in the market increases. So it is certainly
better to change the refrigerator.

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24  12:29 pm September 14, 2019

Kya Stablizer ke karan bhi unit ki kapat hoti hai

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 8:46 pm September 14, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Bilkul hoti hai. Stabilizer ka power consumption usme lage hue appliance ka 3-5% hota hai.
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26  6:46 am September 13, 2019 x
Preeti Singh
I am using 18 hrs of celling fan 75 watt ,....2 unit consume electricity its ok or not's to much consumed

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 11:49 am September 13, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
Considering that the fan is working at full speed and drawing full power, the consumption in 18 hrs. shall
be 1.35 unit.

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28  2:38 pm September 12, 2019

If we use 2000watt elect.gyeser for 1hour how many unit consuption

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 4:18 pm September 12, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Himanshu,
It will depend on the volume of water you heat and the temperature at which you heat at and the
standing loss of the geyser. Water heaters have a thermostat which stop heating water when the set
temperature reaches. So energy consumption will be less if you heat it to say 40 degrees, and more if
you heat it to 75 degrees. Also if you heat more water, it will take longer to heat and thus consume more
electricity. We have given a formula for calculation on this link:

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 11:03 am September 9, 2019
Chander Shekhar
Complete house Load = 18amp. Volt =220, permitted load =.48kw Used on singh phase.
Can I go to 3phase AC supply according my consumption or over billing...???

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 11:14 am September 9, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
How you have calculated the permitted load of 48kW? From the information given, it appears to be less
than 5 kW and a single phase is ok. You may check the website of the power supply company and single
phase is permitted upto 5 kW.

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32  8:45 pm September 8, 2019

I am very thankful to you this imformation really helped me lot

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33  10:11 pm September 6, 2019

Moinuddain sayyad
सर मेरे घर के मीटर बहुत riding जादा होता है उसका कुछ इलाज

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34  7:28 am September 7, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)

मीटर क र डंग तो बजल खच के अनस ु ार ह आएगी। य द बजल क र डंग म पछले माह के मक
ु ाबले बहुत अ धक x
बढ़ोतर हुआ है तो आप मीटर को ख़राब होने का न कष नकल सकते ह।

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 1:05 pm September 3, 2019

Shivshyam pal
Rccb current lane par trip Kyo Marti hai

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 1:19 pm September 3, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
या आप यह कहना चाहते ह क RCCB लगे होना के बाद भी आप को करं ट कसी ए लायंस को टच करने पर मारती है और
RCCB स कट को प नह ं कर रह है । प ट करे ।

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 12:14 pm September 3, 2019

In 3 BR flat my daily use of electricity is Ac 1.5 T 5 hrs 2 fans 20 hrs 4 led tibelights 4 hrs, oven 15 min steam iron 30
min TV 12 hrs washing machiene 30 min wifi box 24 hrs . My monthly consumption for the last 3 months coming
around 1000 units. Its looks on higher side. How can it be reduced. Is my meter running fast.

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38  2:47 pm September 3, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Here is how your numbers look like: x
Author Appliance Count WattageUsage Units
AC 1 1500 5 7.5
Fans 2 90 20 3.6 x
LED Tubelights 4 20 2 0.16
Oven 1 2400 0.25 0.18
Iron 1 1500 0.5 0.225
TV+DTH 1 120 12 1.44
Washing Machine1 350 0.5 0.175
Wifi box 1 5 24 0.12
Daily Total 13.4
Monthly Total 402

If you have missed out something then you will have to add them. Typically units = watts x hours/1000.
So if you have 50 watts appliance and you use it for 20 hours, then it is 50 x 20 = 1000 Wh or 1 unit. In
case of Oven and Steam iron, there is a thermostat that switches it off time to time so that it does not
overheat. And that is why I have considered it as "on" only for 30% of the time. ACs and Fans contribute
a lot in general. You should ideally buy efficient AC so that wattage is less. Or you use less of them so
that hours is less. So in watt x hours, you can either reduce watts or hours to reduce electricity

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 2:38 pm September 3, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
Your energy consumption appears to be on a higher side. I suggest you compare the trend of energy
consumption during the last one year and if there is any spurt in any month with any change of
installation of the appliances in your house and its usage. You can also request the power distribution
company that your energy consumption trend has shot up and install a check meter to confirm. Check
the system for seeking the help of check meter on the website power distribution company.

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40  7:48 am August 31, 2019 x

Sir my meter reading is coming 240-250 units continuesly from last four months than before was 140-160 normally. x
How we can check why it is coming more. Even we have not added any other electronic devices in our hone. Pls do

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 8:23 am August 31, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
It was summer during last four months during which the usage of the fan, fridge, and dessert cooler if
installed by you etc, goes up. compare your unit consumption with the same months last year. You can
install a check meter at your own cost, but at after the power company energy meter, with the help of a
licensed electrician and compare and if you find a meaningful difference, you can request for change of
energy meter or power company to install check meter for which you have to pay the charges. If they find
a difference, then the bill can be adjusted based on company norms. The power company will not give
any recognition to the check meter installed by you.

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42  2:17 am August 31, 2019

I live in a 3BHK and in a month my meter reading comes up to 490-500 I multiply is with ₹10. I don’t use AC neither
cooler. Besides 5 Star refrigerator, ceiling fan and light is used for 14 hours for 2 rooms. I absolutely do not believe
it’s correct but because I cannot figure what much why ? Can you please help. Although your video was informative.

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43  8:56 am August 31, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)

From the data given your consumption shall be 4-5 units/day. I will suggest you note the reading at a
specific hour and subtract it from the reading you record after 5 days. If it is more than 25 units, lodge a x
complaint that your energy meter is defective and provide a check energy meter for which you have to
bear the cost of energy meter. Read the domestic tariff of your state about the policy if check meter x
records less.

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44  8:57 pm August 30, 2019

sir. kere ghar pe sab mitter lagaya hua he usme 1unit kitne rs. charge lagta he?

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45  9:12 pm August 30, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)

सब मीटर कसने लगाया है ? आपका एनज बल पावर कंपनी वारा लगाई गए मीटर के हसाब से ब लंग क जाएगी।

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 9:38 pm August 28, 2019

1000watt solar system hai
1kw inverter kya me fridge
Kitne hour
Chala sakta hu

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 11:40 am August 29, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kW solar pv system din mein 3-4 unit bijli generate karta hai. Aapka fridge kitna purana hai us par x
Author nirbhar karta hai. Purane fridge din mein 3 unit take bijli lete hain aur naye 0.5 unit per day mein bhi chal
jaate hain.
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 11:08 am August 25, 2019

i use a computer with a 500w power supply for 5 hrs per much units will that be and how much price will
it be for 15 and 30 days?

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 11:15 am August 25, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)
You have to check the load of the computer which generally varies from 60W on no load and 250 W on
full load. The power supply will also have a power consumption of around 50W. So taking that you
working on the computer on full load for 5 hrs/day, you will be consuming 1500Wh/day and
45000wh/month or 45kWh/month i.e. 45 units per month.

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 11:04 am August 23, 2019

We have 3 android phones charge almost twice a day.
They sum up to 9000 mah all 3 included they are charged twice
How much units this can consume

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51  11:06 am September 9, 2019

Chander Shekhar x
16 unit per day

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52  5:03 pm August 23, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Phone batteries are about 3.7-4V lithium ion batteries. So 9000 mAh battery can store 9000 x 4 = 36000
Author mVAh energy or 36 VAh or roughly 36 Wh of energy which is 0.036 units of energy.

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 3:54 pm August 17, 2019

Mirembe joy
Covert 421kwh to units

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54  4:29 pm August 17, 2019

Mahesh Kumar Jain (mod)

421 units

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55  6:29 am August 3, 2019

सर्, power factor या होता है ? ये हमारे consumption को कैसे effect करता है ? आपने जो tools दखाए है इससे consumption कैसे
कम हो सकता है ??

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56  11:04 am August 3, 2019 x

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Author Power Factor is page par explain kiya hua hai: x

Ghar ke connection mein power factor kuch bhi kaam nahin karta hai.

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57  6:48 pm July 26, 2019

Sir mere yha 1.5 ton ka Ac lga hua roj 5 hours chalata hu kitna unit per day bnega

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58  9:41 am July 27, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1.5 unit 1 ghante mein to 7.5 units.
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59  11:18 am July 25, 2019

Hi, I brought a power monitor and when I attached it to my laptop it is drawing 35 watts. My laptop charger is rated at
65watt(19.v,3.34A), is the meter faulty or I am reading wrong. Reading on power monitor are Voltage: 242 volts,
Current: 278 mA, Power factor: 0.53, and frequency: 50hz. Does power factor reduces/increases power output?

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 5:30 pm July 24, 2019

Sethuram x
60v running 24/7 per month how many units will required

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61  6:21 pm July 24, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

60V is the potential difference, you also need the current to understand the units.
For e.g. if you want to find out amount of water falling from a height. You cannot just tell it based on the
height and time for which water falls. You need to know the flow rate of water.

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62  12:29 pm July 24, 2019

Kirtikumar Shetty
"How many units does your electric appliance consume" clip is very informative.

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63  12:52 pm July 24, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Thanks. I am glad that you found it useful.
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64  4:20 pm July 23, 2019

how many consum unit 12w dc remote lock per day

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 2:11 pm July 24, 2019
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
12 W in 24 hours means - 12 W x 24 h = 288 Wh or 0.288 units of electricity. x
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 5:41 pm July 21, 2019

My 195 liter 4 star fridge consumes 151 watts per year.
That's 0.42 watts in a day. How much current it is drawing ?? I want to decide the guage of extension cable. It uses
6A plug. Is 1.5sqmm wire sufficient?

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67  11:25 am July 22, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1.5 sq mm wire can carry 9-14 Amp current. It is more than enough for the fridge.
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68  4:09 pm July 18, 2019

Sangeeta meena
How to convert 3522 KWH into electricity units

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69  4:28 pm July 18, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1 kWh = 1 unit. So 3522 kWh = 3522 units.
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70  5:39 pm July 16, 2019 x
Ranabir Bhowmik
Our landlord Multiply our total sub - meter unit with 60.
say, 524X60 = 31,440units............. is this calculation OK

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 9:05 am July 17, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
No this is not right. What is the rational behind number 60? Submeter should show actual consumption.
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 10:29 am July 14, 2019

Harshita Shukla
Thankyou so much ,This stuff is really helpful.

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 9:26 pm July 12, 2019

1kw light connection me kitna unit chala sakte hai

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 12:36 pm July 13, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 unit = 1 kWh = 1 kW x 1 hour .... yani 1 kW load jab 1 ghante chalta hai to 1 unit hota hai. To agar x
Author aapke paas 20 watt ki light hai to 50 aisi light jab 1 ghante chalengi tab 1 unit consumption hoga.

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75  9:24 pm July 12, 2019

1 kW connection me kitna unit light chala sakte hai

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76  12:26 pm July 13, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1 kW = 1000 Watts .... agar aap 20 watt ka bulb jalayenge to 1000/20 = 50 bulbs.
Reply  Share

 8:10 pm July 11, 2019

Hello Abhishek Sir, Actually I want a favor from you. Can I use reference of your reports in my project. That project is
not for a monetary purpose it is for a climate conference in Chile. I am doing work on it and they can use that project
for their own use if they liked it. Sir it is not for my monetary benefit but for raising awareness among people. I will not
copy the whole material and I will give full credit to your website for whatever material I will use, only with your
permission sir. So can I use these reports for reference in my project. I will be very grateful to you sir. Please reply


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78  11:02 am July 12, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

You can certainly go ahead and use it. x
Reply  Share
 10:05 am July 10, 2019
Tushar makade
Watt kilowatt means kya hotahe

Reply  Share

 1:54 pm July 5, 2019

Anki saha
I use a 9wattts led lamp, how many electric units are destroy in 1 hour?

Reply  Share

 9:46 pm July 5, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
9 watt x 1 hour = 9 Wh .... 1000 Wh = 1 kWh = 1 unit.
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 9:43 pm July 2, 2019

My gaming laptops adaptor is 150watt. If i used my laptop heavy load(full performance) 8 hours a day how much will
be my total units per month?

Reply  Share

83  8:34 am July 3, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod) x

total units consumption = 150 x 8 = 1200 Wh or 1.2 kWh or 1.2 units per day.
Reply  Share x

 11:59 am July 3, 2019

laptop adapter 150watt does it means it always consume 150watts or less? Or only consume if i use
heavy load?

Reply  Share

 6:53 pm July 3, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It will consume 150 watts when the laptop is charging and will not consume anything (or very less) when
Author laptop is 100% charged.

Reply  Share

 7:15 pm July 1, 2019

JS Rathore
My monthly residential electric consumption ranges between 400 to 1100 units with an average of 623 units per
Presently i have single phase and can run only one AC of 1.5 ton.
I want to convert it into 3 phase as the wiring ia as per 3 phase.
What load should be ideal to which it should be applied for 3 phase as against the present single phase.

Reply  Share

 7:30 pm July 1, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
Usually in most state 3 phase starts with 7-7.5 kW. In some places it also starts at 5 kW. You will have to
Author contact your electricity distribution company to know the rules.
Reply  Share x

88  2:21 pm June 30, 2019

Mere meter me 2401 Kw Ka reading hai ise mujhe unit me Janna hai jaisa ki bijli bill me aata hai

Reply  Share

89  2:47 am June 30, 2019

Anwar khan
Hello abhishek
Abhi mere ghar me 1 kw ka connection hai. 1 window Ac 1.5 ka hai... Jo din me sahi chalta hai.. But rat me bilkul nhi
chal pata.
Abi bill around 700-1000 tak aata hai..
Agar mai meter 1 kw se 2 kw me upgrade karta hu.. To bill me kitna diffrece aayega..?
Bill kitna badh jayega..!

Reply  Share

 8:35 pm June 30, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Bijli bill mein 2 parts hote hain: fixed charge aur energy charge. Energy charge consumption par hota
Author hai. 1 kW se 2 kW mein consumption par kuch farak nahin padega to energy charge same rahega. Par
fixed charge badh jayega. Kitna? woh alag alag state mein alag alag hai:

Reply  Share

 10:59 pm June 28, 2019
Sir refrigerator. 0.6amp current leta hai ek dina me Kitana unit होगा. x
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 9:03 pm June 29, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
0.6 A x 220 V = 132 VA jo ki lagbhag 132 watts ke barabar hoga. Aur 1 ghante mein 132 watts 132 x 1 =
Author 132 Wh hota hai jo ki 0.132 units hota hai.

Reply  Share

93  10:43 am June 20, 2019

3512 units usage my electricity bill whats my bill in calculation

Reply  Share

94  9:53 am June 19, 2019

My contracted load with electricity board is 1.00 KW.
This month I have consumed 551 units, is this more than my contracted load?
I would like to know how to calculated the consumption of units vs 1.00 KW.
Could you please help me out in calculating the units vs. KW.

Reply  Share

95  4:27 pm June 17, 2019 x

Shishir gupta
Sir mera ac 1.5 ton ka H jo rat m 10 se 11 hours chalta h aur 1kg watt ka conection h alga se ac ka to minimum x
monthly bill kitna ayega plz reply

Reply  Share

 8:57 am June 18, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Aapke AC ki efficiency par nirbhar karta hai ... ek 1.5 ton AC 0.5 unit prati ghante se le kar 2 unit prati
Author ghanta bhi le sakta hai ..... isi liye kuch bhi bataana aasaan nahin hai.

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97  11:32 pm June 16, 2019

Ravi Singh
145voltage me kit name power consume hoga

Reply  Share

98  6:50 am June 13, 2019

Sir, मने 1मह ने मे 176 यू न स बजल का इ तेमाल कया, अब इसका बल कतना बनेगा। मै पंजाब म रहता हूँ।

Reply  Share

99  9:30 am June 11, 2019

Ajit Panghal
I want to take a new connection.i confused about a simple thing that what is difference between 1 kw or 2 kw
connection unit value.
For example..
For 1kw connection
1 unit =1kw * 1h x
For 2kw connection
1unit =2kw * 1h
Can explain sir please..

Reply  Share

 11:18 am June 11, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kW = 1000 Watt .... 2 kW = 2000 Watt .... If you have a bulb which is 50 watt bulb, then that means in 1
Author kW connection you can run 1000/50 = 20 such bulbs at a time. If you have 2 kW connection, then you
can run 2000/50 = 40 such bulbs at any given time.

Reply  Share

 1:22 pm June 6, 2019

Santosh yadav
A motor load of 1kw at 0.85 pf lagging on an average of 10 hrs per day then how many unit in one day???

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 1:30 pm June 6, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 x 10 = 10 kWh or 10 units.
Reply  Share

 8:30 am June 4, 2019

Glen x
Hi.. I'm planning to install solar panel for my house... Right now my daily electricty usage is 10 units. How many kw
panel should I need to cover my usage...
Reply  Share x

 11:52 am June 4, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kWp panel can generate 3-4 units per day on an average. It will be more during peak summer days
Author and much less during rainy days.

Reply  Share

 9:24 pm June 1, 2019

Sukhdeep sharma
I have 1.5 bluestar a/c..1.5 ton...used it 10 hours per day..plzz tell me how many uNits it consume..

Reply  Share

106  11:57 am June 2, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Your AC would have annual units consumption mentioned on the Star Label. That is for 1600 hrs. You
Author can divide that number by 1600 to get 1 hour consumption and then multiply it by 10 to get units

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 10:18 am August 14, 2019

I have 1.5 ton Mitsubishi electric 2 star ac ..annual units mentioned on ac is 1280 unit per year so for one
hour how much unit will it come..

Reply  Share
108  12:43 pm August 14, 2019 x
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
The units mentioned are for the usage of 1600 hours in a year. So your AC will consume 1280 units for
Author the usage of 1600 hrs. You will have to look at your annual usage.

Reply  Share

 8:29 pm June 1, 2019

Ashwini Meena
I have 1kw power capacity in my house. I have an 1.5 ton AC, now I want to set 1 ton AC. I have single phase
connection. Is it possible to set new AC in single phase or do I need three phase connection.

Reply  Share

 11:53 am June 2, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You will have to get your load increased. In fact 1 kW is less for 1.5 ton AC, so you would be already
Author consuming more. You would need about 3-4 kW if you want to put 1 ton AC. Single phase would be fine.

Reply  Share

 3:47 pm May 31, 2019

How many unit does a 22watts can consume per day if it runs for 24hrs.

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112  3:59 pm May 31, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
The formula is given above in the article.
Author Reply  Share x

 12:40 am May 27, 2019

सर या म बना पैन ट दए अपने 2 KW के कने सन से 1.5 ton 3 star AC ,7 kg automatic washing Machine,एक छत का
पंखा,1 1 kw का invertor,2 10 वाट के LED ब ब एक साथ व 300 ल टर 3 star ज़ कर सकता हूँ या..??य द नह तो पैन ट से
बचने के लए उपरो त उपकरण म से कतने उपकरण एक साथ योग कर सकता हूँ..?? ध यवाद।

Reply  Share

 8:01 am May 27, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
पेन ट से बचने के कये आप अपना घर का कने शन 2 kW से 3 kW करवा ल िजये। आपका एक AC ह 1.5 से 2 kW तक
Author क बजल ले लेगा उसके बाद यादा कुछ बचेगा नह ं।

Reply  Share

 9:00 am May 27, 2019

एक ह समय म 1.5 टन का एक वंडो AC,300 ल टर का ज़,छत का पंखा, व एक 10 वाट का led ब ब,व एक 1 kw का
invertor चलाया जाएं तो या 2 kw के कने सन पर पैन ट आएगी..??

Reply  Share

116  11:28 am May 27, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

आपके उपकरण का हसाब ऐसा है :
Author उपकरण वाट x
1.5 टन window AC1900
300 ल टर का ज़ 400
छत का पंखा 90 x
led ब ब 10
inverter charging 300

अब इसम जैसे भी चीज़ चलगी कुल मला कर 2 kW से यादा हो ह जायेगा। अगर आपके ा त म लोड से यादा बजल
इ तेमाल करने से पेन ट लगती है तो ज़ र लगेगी। मझ
ु े अभी तक द ल और उ तर दे श का मालम
ू है क वहां पेन ट
लगती है ।

Reply  Share

 1:02 pm May 27, 2019

सादर ध यवाद।
जी म उ तर दे श से हूँ।यहाँ पैन ट लगती ह।1.5 ton वंडो AC चलाने के लए कतने इनपट
ु बजल चा हए।
Reply  Share

118  1:30 pm May 27, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1.5 ton वंडो AC चलाने के लए कतने इनपट
ु बजल चा हए : इसका जवाब मने अपने पछले कमट म ह दे दया था।
Reply  Share

 7:46 am May 26, 2019

Rajnish yadav
Your idea is best of explain anything .
I want joining you too.

Reply  Share

 12:17 pm May 24, 2019
Divya x
600 units first Bill 1.5 all wether ac voltas, led t.v ,4led lights 12 watts, 2celling,1 fridge 265 litre ka,1 automatic
washing approx 15 days ac was not working, 38 day pe Bill aye h,2k.v powder supply h,Kya Bill sahi h ya mujhe
complaint kr hoga

Reply  Share

 1:22 pm May 24, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Divya,
Difficult to say anything without analyzing usage. Ye aisa question hai jaise kisi ne poocha, mere paas 2
car hain, 2 scooter hain aur ek motor cycle hai, kitna petrol kharch hoga?

Reply  Share

122  8:21 pm May 16, 2019

For my 3 member family, 12Apr to 12May BESCOM bill and meter says 107 units consumed. During this period for
18 days no one was at home. I feel 107 units for 12 days as huge consumption. No AC. 750 watt output inverter is
ON. Will it be true that we consumed 107 units or am I missing something to notice ? If true which could consume
more ? Appliances are TV, Geyser 4*, Fridge 4*, Mixer Grinder, Inverter, Router, DTH, RO, Washing machine,
Induction stove

Reply  Share

 1:47 pm May 17, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
By the way Inverters also have trickle current and these is some usage of that as well.
Author x
Reply  Share
124  1:47 pm May 17, 2019 x
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hello Mr Sundarprasad,
It is difficult to tell the consumption by just knowing the appliances. A 100 watt run for 10 hours will
consume 1 unit. From the appliances, I can only tell the watts but not the usage.

Reply  Share

125  2:06 pm May 17, 2019

Thanks for ur time and reply. Also I would like to know what is the letter "E" denotes in electricity meter
display. When that will be displayed? Why because I dont see that in all meters. Only few in my
apartment displays "E". Do I need to take any action from my end for that ? Please clarify

Reply  Share

 3:56 pm May 17, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
I am not very sure of that. So it will be difficult for me to clarify.
Reply  Share

 4:25 pm May 17, 2019

That's ok np.

Reply  Share

 5:09 pm May 14, 2019
Pankaj Mishra
1unit =kitana kilo what x
Reply  Share

129  8:09 pm May 14, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1 unit = 1 kWh (or Kilo Watt-hour).
Reply  Share

130  3:37 pm May 13, 2019

so if I leave the TV on for an hour, how much unit it'll consume?

Reply  Share

 11:34 am May 14, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
The annual electricity consumption of TV is calculated assuming daily usage of 6 hours in ON mode and
Author 12 hours in standby mode (which means power of the TV is on but no scene is playing on the screen).
112 kWH/Year means that the wattage of the TV would be about 50 watts .... so in 1 hour it will consume
0.05 units of electricity.

Reply  Share

 12:34 pm May 14, 2019

Liked the way you responded dear. Resembles your hard-work. The site says that, the TV is 93 Watt and
if running 4 Hrs daily, it'll consume 112 kWh/Year. Hope now I get a proper calculation.
Thanks again for your effort & response... x
Reply  Share

 1:44 pm May 14, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
The power consumption of the TV depends on the brightness of the scene that shows up on the screen.
Author If the scene is completely bright, the power consumption will be more. If it is less, then it will be less.
Although it would be rated at 93 watt, which means ideally it should consume 0.093 unit per hour of
viewing, when it averages out over the year, it comes to 112 kWh/Year. Now in the annual consumption,
it also includes standby power which would be a watt or two and in 12 hours it would add 0.01 unit in a
day .... but on an average I think it would be about 0.05-0.06 units per hour. So in 4 hours it would
consume about 0.2 units.

Reply  Share

 12:38 pm May 14, 2019

Power Consumption (in Operation) : 93 W

Energy consumption per year [kWh/annum] is based on the power consumption of the television
operating 4 hours per day for 365 days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how the
television is used.

Reply  Share

 1:46 pm May 14, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You can check BEE's schedule on TV on this link: x
Author 11=CTV.pdf

Check Page 4 onwards.

Reply  Share x

136  11:01 am May 6, 2019

Suman kumar
1.54 kw me kitne unit hota h

Reply  Share

 11:43 am May 6, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1.54 kW agar 1 ghante chalta hai to 1.54 x 1 = 1.54 units hote hain. Aur agar 2 ghante chalta hai to 1.54
Author x 2 = 3.08 units hote hain.

Reply  Share

 12:43 pm May 3, 2019

Shaikh MD. Ilyas
सर 1 hp= कतना kWH? हमारे यहां 3 phase लाइन हे लगभग 7.5 hp क मोटर है ये क तना kWH होगा? ओर हमारे यहाँ मीटर क तने
kWH +kvhr का हे ?? ये जानने के लए या तर का है ?

Reply  Share

139  3:10 pm May 3, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1 hp = 750 watts होता है ..... और 1000 वाट जब 1 घंटे चलता है तो 1 यू नट या न क 1 kWh बजल लेता है । 7.5 hp
Author = 5625 watts, तो वो 1 घंटे म 5.625 यू नट या kWh लेगा। आपका मीटर कतने kVA या kW का है वो आपको आपके
बल पर मल जायेगा।

Reply  Share
140  12:45 pm April 17, 2019 x
Watt ampiar unit yah sab kya hai

Reply  Share

 7:28 am April 6, 2019

Dhiraj Kumar
Par unit charge rs

Reply  Share

 5:32 pm April 6, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You can get it on this:
Author all-states-in-india-in.html

Reply  Share

 9:49 pm March 31, 2019

Mene 230v ka adjust fan lagaya hai kitni der me 1 unit banayga

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144  8:14 am March 20, 2019

Hamne 5kw ka solar plant bithaya he to hame rojana kitne unit milenge x
Reply  Share
 3:23 pm March 10, 2019
3kw me kitne ki rahid katega

Reply  Share

146  1:18 pm March 9, 2019

Ramkesh Meena
513 KWH ka bill kya hoga

Reply  Share

147  9:25 am March 4, 2019

My flat is in 1st floor of 1+4 floor apartment. Is it worth installing the solar water heater as I have to install on terrace
of the apartment. what will be the water wastage (cold water before getting the hot water). currently I am using LPG
water heater for hot water.

Reply  Share

 12:33 pm March 4, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Water wastage will depend on the length of the piping and on the temperature of the surroundings.
Author During winters, the wastage would be more, and in summers it will be less. If you have access to the
terrace then you can certainly install a solar water heater. Or if people on all the floors get together, then
you can install a big solar water heater which is good for all the houses.

Reply  Share x
149  5:03 pm February 19, 2019 x
Sir, for a house with unit consumption of 200 units per month, how much power does a solar panel need to produce
to meet it?
Or vise versa how much unit per month can I cover for 1Kw power produced by solar panels?

Reply  Share

 5:33 pm February 19, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
A 1 kW panel would produce about 3-4 units of electricity per day.
Reply  Share

 1:15 am February 15, 2019

Chirantan Mukherjee
Dear Abhishek,
Thanks for your noble initiative. My query was for metering unit. This has been understood by your write up as well
as your videos. Thank you again.

Reply  Share

152  11:28 am February 15, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Thanks for the appreciation. I am glad that you found the information useful.
Reply  Share

153  6:45 pm February 12, 2019

Vipul maheshwari
Hi, x
Thank you for your initiative. I wanted to know that my monthly consumption of electricity is 1000 units. Can you
suggest about Solar power rooftop solution for it ?

Reply  Share

 11:49 am February 13, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Vipul,
You can read the information on this page:

It will be helpful.

Reply  Share

 8:13 am February 2, 2019

Col VijayaKumar B
Dear Jain
Your Understanding Voltage, Ampere given at 4.14 min Video clip cannot be heard properly due to heavy distortion
of the back ground music. You should have recorded your speech by keeping the volume of background music low.
Such a nice explanation marred by high intensity back ground music which is irritating.

Reply  Share

 1:01 pm February 3, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Thanks for the feedback. We will surely keep this in mind.
Reply  Share

 2:37 pm February 1, 2019

157 Sahil x
Hi Sir,

What would be the average meter (kW) required for a 2 BHK flat?

Reply  Share

 12:24 pm February 3, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It will depend on the appliances that you are planning to use.
Reply  Share

 10:06 pm January 24, 2019

Hi Sir, I am from hyderabad. I am staying in a house for rent for more than a year. The owner has been charging me
exorbitant power bill, as it is a sub meter, and he never used to show me the copy of power bill. on reading your blog
i found out how less number of units i could get. Is there any proper channel (Police/Court/electricity depy etc) to
recover the excess paid amount. Kindly respond. Thank you.

Reply  Share

 8:51 am January 25, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Akhilesh,
When on rent, most of the terms are driven by what is written on the rent agreement. You can go to
police if you want, but without clear terms in the agreement, there is very less support that you have for
your case.

Reply  Share x
161  4:47 am January 24, 2019 x
1000 elect units are equal to how much kwh or 1000 kwh is equal to how many units ?

Reply  Share

 10:40 am January 24, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Please read the article written above.
Reply  Share

 9:33 pm January 20, 2019

How can I check kilowatt in metre

Reply  Share

 2:51 pm January 16, 2019

Mahendra Kumar
15kw fan Kitna kwh in 1 hours

Reply  Share

 12:24 pm January 15, 2019

Reply  Share
166  12:13 am January 13, 2019 x
सर, मझ
ु े 18kAV का मोटर 1घंटे चलाने मे कतनी unit बजल खच होगी
Reply  Share

 9:03 pm January 9, 2019

Harsh singh
Difference between 1kw and 2kw power supply.
If I want to use 1kw which appliances I can use.
Please answer my question.

Reply  Share

 9:01 pm January 9, 2019

Harsh singh
1 KW or 2 KW mein kya Antar hai. agar mein 2 KW ka power supply le raha hun Tu uske andar kya kya appliances
Aate Hain agar mai 1kw supply Lena Chahta Hoon To Kya kya main use kar sakunga uske baad.

Reply  Share

169  11:26 am January 10, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

WOh to aap kya lagate hain uske wattage par nirbhar karega. Ek bulb 100 watt ka, 60 watt ka, 40 watt
Author ka bhi aata hai. Ek CFL 23 watts ka, 20 watts ka, 15 watt ka aur 10 watt ka bhi aata hai. Ek tubelight 50
watt se le kar 18 watt tak ki aati hai.Ek AC 700 watt se le kar 2500 watt tak ka aata hai. Aap kya lagate
hain us par nirbhar karega.

Reply  Share

170  5:38 pm January 3, 2019

Krishan Lal x
We have bentax energy meter, there coming units but sir I need kwh

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171  10:44 am January 4, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Units and kWh are the same thing.
Reply  Share

 7:16 pm December 31, 2018

Jai Prakash
If I use 800watt twelve hour per day then how much units I used

Reply  Share

 4:06 pm January 1, 2019

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
9.6 units.
Reply  Share

 9:38 am December 24, 2018

Dear Abhishek,

you have started a very nice portal.Congrates.

1)Please advice how we can save electricity ? am from an avg middle class....
2)am from MP where our govt has waived off electricity bills of bpl people and we are afraid that they (electricity x
board) may manipulate Meter readings to recover the loss from the commoners who regularly pay bill...your expert
comment on it.

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 12:15 pm December 27, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
The whole website is about saving electricity. If you go through different sections of the website, you can
Author understand how to save electricity.

The electricity distribution in MP is by the government. So I do not think that they will manipulate meter

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176  6:56 pm December 21, 2018

Asad juned
Sir 1000 watt how many unit

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177  12:24 pm December 22, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1000 watt in 1 hour will consume 1 unit ... in 2 hours 2 units... in 3 hrs 3 units.
Reply  Share

178  12:32 pm December 8, 2018

100watt 1devsala keti unit ghete
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179  4:23 pm December 5, 2018

Jab maiera load 140amp chal raha hai to per hour kitne unit ayengi

Reply  Share

 10:52 am December 4, 2018

Eb used per day 200 unit pls share how calculate eb hours

Reply  Share

 10:55 pm November 26, 2018

vinod kumar meena
two lights 75w/230v and 125w/230v are conntcted in parallel and continuously glowing at0.8 p.f for 8 hrs/day for one
month.calculate units consumed

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 1:49 pm November 14, 2018

Asha kadam
Please tell me per unit charges

Reply  Share

 5:13 pm November 13, 2018

Muthu kumar
Sir,I am living in rental room i use 2 tubelite(40 w) and 2 CFL ( 7w ) 2 Fan 36" and 1 fridge x
in month of nov 2018 unit consupsum show 376 units please advice my are this is ok or not or how many unit be
actualy consumpsun

Reply  Share

 8:24 pm November 12, 2018

Alok Kumar
What's your Twitter link. May be again I missed it. I am opening website on mobile , may be that's the reason the
website is not opening clearly.

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185  2:48 pm November 10, 2018

Alok Kumar
Write down some information regarding induction heater. Things like what to look before purchasing . Features etc.
And which is best in India. Like top 5 or something like that with details like energy efficiency, cost efficiency etc.

Reply  Share

 10:05 am November 12, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Are you looking for this:
Author india.html ?

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187  8:21 pm November 12, 2018 x

Alok Kumar
Great article. I totally missed it at first sight. Thanks for the link.
Reply  Share x

 11:24 pm November 2, 2018

Mohd Tasleem
Mera 2200W power consumption wala ifb convection one hour mn kitni electricity unit banayega?

Reply  Share

 4:04 pm November 4, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
One hour mein 2.2 units.
Reply  Share

 3:43 pm November 2, 2018

what unit will be electirc unit of 2540 watt

Reply  Share

 8:28 pm November 2, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
2540 watts in 1 hour will consume 2540 x 1 = 2540 Wh or 2.54 units. In 10 hours it will be 2540 x 10 =
Author 25400 Wh or 25.4 units.

Reply  Share

 7:17 pm October 31, 2018

Bijli ki ek unite kitne ki je x
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193  11:06 am October 23, 2018

Vikram singh
My home connection 2000watt bt how to change my 1000watt connection

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194  3:43 pm October 13, 2018

Mohd umar
Domecial 1kw ke meetar me kitna unit chalna jo overlod na ho

Reply  Share

195  1:16 pm October 9, 2018

Ranjeet raj
Sir, 5 led bulb(10w) aur 2fan(75w) ko per day 12h chalane par kitna unit electricity bill Sayers.

Reply  Share

 12:31 pm October 6, 2018

how much kw is required if i have 2 refrigerator, 1 ac, and 2 tv at home apart from 4 ceiling fans what is the estimated
kw i have to apply or increase.

Reply  Share

 8:55 pm September 28, 2018
Satish Kharmale x
Hi sir Total load calculate at home power=motor 12kw and heater =10 kw voltage 440 current 20 amper calculate
total load and power factor

Reply  Share

198  9:01 am September 29, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Total Load = 12 kW + 10 kW = 22 kW.
Heater should be a resistive load so power factor should be above 0.9. For the motor you will have to
look at the manual to find power factor, or else you will have to use a meter to get the VA value to find
the power factor.

Reply  Share

 3:30 pm September 27, 2018

Raman Jee Chy
Main meter se connect krke personal meter ko jorne pr unit sahi aata hiiiii kya????????

Reply  Share

200  6:13 pm September 18, 2018

how to calculate per kwh in full day meter unit consumption in on grid solar system

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201  9:56 am September 19, 2018 x

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Author On Grid system uses net meter which should show both energy produced as well as energy consumed x
in kwh.

Reply  Share

 10:40 pm September 16, 2018

10 led ब ब 10वाट का और 2पंखा 60वाट का य द 12घंटा चलाने के लए बो टे ज का सोलर बै लगेगा

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203  10:25 am September 17, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

आप हमार वेबसाइट के इस पेज पर दए हुए कैलकुलेटर का इ तेमाल कर:

इससे आपको समझ म आ जायेगा क कतना सोलर पैनल लगेगा।

Reply  Share

 8:56 am September 16, 2018

umesh kumar
Hi, i want to know about any wireless power consumption monitoring device for my single phase 2 wire powered
house that can give analysis results at various parameters with real time data even on my Android smartphone.

Reply  Share x
205  3:49 pm September 16, 2018 x
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Umesh,
You will have to look at IOT based smart home solutions for this. There is a lot of people trying to put
solutions for it, but no one has been able to come up with a proper business case for residential usage of
the same. Many IOT solutions have been developed for commercial setups. However, you can check

Reply  Share

 4:41 pm September 7, 2018

umesh kumar
Dear Sir, i want to know about any portable device that can analyze power consumption of whole house and can give
time/duration of consumption,real time reading and other useful data.i had heard about MECO Power analyzer that
can bear maximum 10 Amphere Current.Can it bear the load of my house where a 50 watt fan, a refrigerator, 850 VA
invertor with 150 Amp battery, two Led bulbs of 15 watt ,3 mobile charger etc are run on power.these items are not
run at the same time.tell me the best power consumption analyzing device and tell me about Amphere.

Reply  Share

 7:13 am September 8, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
In a residential setup Meco can analyze most of the appliances leaving Air Conditioners or may be a
Author pump (if it is 1 hp). Else it can measure everything. So you can certainly check Meco power analyzer.
You can read more about it here:

Reply  Share

 10:24 pm September 9, 2018
Apne ghar ki power consumption measure krne ke liye maine Meco powerguard PG 09H (15 Amp x
current capacity ) ko select kiya.par iske peeche Warning me likha hai ki ise 10 A se 15 A ke beech 10
minutes se jyada chalane se ye instrument damage ho it true????10 A current par kitne Watt
ka load hota hai yaani kitne Watt pr 10A current hota hai????
doosra model maine Meco ka single phase multifunction appliance meter EM 09 ko bhi select kiya.

dono model Meco Powerguard PG 09H aur single phase EM 09 me se kon sa achha rhega jisse mai
apne poore ghar ki consumption 24×7 analyze kar saku aur jo maximum current hone pr bhi damage
naa ho.

Reply  Share

 1:46 pm September 10, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
10 Amp 220 Volt par 10x220 = 2200 VA hota hai. Ideal state mein 2200 VA 2200 Watts ke barabar hona
Author chahiye. Par lagbhag 2000 Watt le sakte hain. Sir Air Conditioner (AC) measure karne mein thodi
problem ho sakti hai. Par baaki sab kuch aaram se measure ho jayega. AC mein starting current kaafi
zyada hota hai (agar aapke paas non inverter AC hai to). Koi bhi le lijiye jo 10-15 Amp measure kar
sakta hai.

Reply  Share

 12:07 am September 4, 2018

Umesh Kumar
hello, i have shifted in to a new home on rent,where i felt Over-Reading of meter of the house owner. i uses following
appliances/per day consumption :-

a 240 ltr 5star rating godrej refrigerator for 18 hours,

a seiling fan 50 watt for 16 hours
a led tube light 20 watt 12 hours
2 led bulbs 7 watt for 5 hours
4 mobile charger 4 hours x
850 VA inverter with 150 Ah battery (power supply cuts for 5-6hours per day)
i want to know approximated per day power consumption.Energy meter gives consumption 2.5 to 3 Units pr it x
corrected or over rated? plz reply

Reply  Share

 11:11 am September 4, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Umesh,
You can use the calculator on this link to do approx calculation:

In the calculator you have to select appliances and put number of hours it is used for. At the bottom you
will get total Wh. The conversion for Wh to units is: 1000 Wh = 1 unit.

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212  10:27 am August 27, 2018

how to convert kwh in units

Reply  Share

 10:41 am August 30, 2018

mere pass 1,coolar+1frij+1fan+1tube yehi load hai batayen ki kitna unit 24h me hona chahiye jab ki
10hour chalta hai. me

Reply  Share

 11:33 am August 30, 2018
Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
Author Aap is link par diye hue calculator ka istemaal karein:

Is calculator mein aap apne saare appliances daal kar unko kitne ghante chalate hain woh daal sakte
hain. Neeche calculation mein ye "Total Wh" dikhayega. 1000 Wh ek unit ke barabar hota hai.

Reply  Share

 10:31 am August 27, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kwh = 1 unit.
Reply  Share

 3:39 pm August 16, 2018

Srijib Nath
mere meter mai 00091 dikha raha hai uske hisab se kitna unit hua

Reply  Share

 11:07 pm August 12, 2018

Parminder Shergill
Mera AC 8 hours chalta hai jisme se 3hours20minutes compressor chlta hai........or vo 5.5 amp load leta hai...iske
hisaab se kitni unit huyi 8hours ki

Reply  Share

 12:43 pm August 13, 2018
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
5.5 Amp yane 5.5 x 220 = 1210 ya lagbhag 1200 watt. 1200 watt 1 ghante mein 1.2 unit lega. Aur 3 x
ghante 20 min mein 4 unit ho jayega.

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219  10:08 am August 5, 2018


How many watt solar panels are used in 12volt/150Ah Tubular battery

Reply  Share

 12:42 pm August 5, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
150 Ah battery can store 1.5 units of electricity. A 1 kWp panel can generate 3-4 units of electricity in a
Author day. So 400-500 Wp should be good enough for that.

Reply  Share

 4:46 pm August 2, 2018

Neeraj Kaushik
We have 11KVA HT connection. We have to pay INR25500 as fix charges. Now pls clear about fix charges, how they
calculated, and how can we reduce them.

Reply  Share

 3:31 pm June 15, 2018

Jagdish Rana
Mein meter Bill 2370 1months
And submeter units 141
176 Paisa per unit
Mein meter unit 370 x
How to calculations?

Reply  Share

 9:25 pm June 7, 2018

Ram pal
हम अपना बल कैसे नकाले ग और एक कलो वाट वाले कने शन पर त यू नट कतना चाज जाता है एवं मीटर
का त मह ना कतना चाज जाता है ।कृपया बताने का क ट कर आपका बहुत बहुत ध यवाद ।

Reply  Share

 1:53 pm April 28, 2018

Ashwani kumar
Calorie to change by the magawatt

Reply  Share

225  6:41 am April 22, 2018

Ashish Bhatt
We have installed solar panel and it is generating 10 kWh per day. I want to convert it in units as appears in meter.
So that I can understand whether it will cover my daily needs.

Reply  Share

 2:29 pm April 22, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kWh = 1 unit of electricity. So 10 kWh = 10 units.
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227  12:44 am April 4, 2018 x
Akhilesh kumar
Ghrelu bijli ki khapat

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 6:59 am April 2, 2018

My e meter shows i consumed 8 unit in night but only fan was runing.. Its possible?

Reply  Share

 9:28 pm June 7, 2018

Ram pal
Please tell me the electric charge per unit and meter charge per month .

Reply  Share

 11:41 am June 8, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You can check the same on this link:
Author and-rates-for-all-states-in-india-in-2017.html

Reply  Share

 12:21 pm April 2, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Fan typically consumes 80-100 watts (or max 150 watts if it is an old inefficient fan). And 100 watts in 8 x
Author hours makes it 100x8 = 800 Wh or 0.8 units. It cannot consume 8 units in a night.

Reply  Share
 8:35 am March 20, 2018
I have 3 tube lights, 2 ceiling fan, 1 refrigerator of 165 litre and a water pump which is inside the tank name (jalpari).
Which i run only for 10 minutes in a day But my electric meter shows 10 units per day. Pls give me ur suggestion
regarfing the number of units consumed.

Reply  Share

 11:44 am March 20, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
I would suggest that you use the calculator on this link:
Author right-inverter-ups-for-home-and-maintain-it-right-to-manage-electricity-bills.html#inverter-battery-

It can tell you the number of units that you consume. You will have to put running hours of each
appliance. This calculator is for inverter sizing, but then you can also use it to calculate the electricity
consumption in units or kWh.

Reply  Share

234  10:11 pm March 18, 2018

M Ravi CN
I appreciated your interest in writing this Blog and I'm very thankful to you giving the basics of understanding how this

Reply  Share

235  10:45 am March 19, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
I am glad that you found the information useful.
Author Reply  Share x

 8:41 pm March 11, 2018

Nidhi thakur
Reding par unit kitni h yani 6 R's ya7Rs and fast and pls

Reply  Share

237  11:42 am March 12, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Aapko is link par information mil jayegi:
Author slabs-and-rates-for-all-states-in-india-in-2017.html

Reply  Share

 7:03 am February 11, 2018

Air condition ke liye load 2KV OR 3KV KYA COONNECTION HIGA

Reply  Share

 7:02 pm February 11, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
kitne ton ka air conditioner hai?
Reply  Share

 9:41 am January 25, 2018

vivek kumar
200 watts ka balb kitne ghante jalane par 1 units banega. x
Reply  Share

 10:20 am January 25, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
in 5 hours. 1 unit = 1 kWh or 1000 Wh. So 200 W x 5 h = 1000 Wh or 1 unit.
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 2:55 pm January 22, 2018

kaushal ohdar
how much rs in one kw

Reply  Share

 10:46 am February 15, 2018

depends on your supplier

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 5:13 pm January 10, 2018

Suppose new k-elctric has installed on 9/1/2018 my meter is showing 00390 KWH how much unit has consumed , i
think i should 00390 divide by 1000 this means i have consumed 3.90 unit, am i right , if i wrong please guide me
how to calculate , thanks imtiaz

Reply  Share x
245  4:48 pm January 7, 2018 x
manish kumar
25 kv ka motar ek ghanta me kitna unit bijali khapat krega or ishe chalane ke liye kitne kv ka steplizer ki zarurat hogi

Reply  Share

 6:03 pm January 14, 2018

Ram Bachan Yadav
Manish ji ,
25 KV ka motor kitna bijli consume karega.....This question is incorrect.It must be 25 KW means ek
ghante me 25 unit consume karega.lske liye aapko 25 KVA ka stablizer kharidna padega

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 12:24 pm December 8, 2017

Ajay lakhera
1.What is multiplying factor, how much it effect on total cost.
2.what is contol load , how much it effect on total cost
3. All above questions related to 3 phase

Reply  Share

 11:05 pm November 23, 2017

A very much Thanks for this article.

Reply  Share

 6:51 pm November 21, 2017
Lochan Adjuad
all type electric bil calculation x
Reply  Share

 5:24 pm November 17, 2017

1 kwh mein kya kya use hot and hai

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251  7:41 pm November 14, 2017

what should be the monthly commercial electricity bill, if 200 watts used 10 hours daily???

Reply  Share

 1:02 pm November 15, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It depends on the tariff (electricity price). And the tariff varies from state to state. 1 unit will cost different
Author in UP as compared to Delhi. 200 watts in 10 hrs will be 2 units. And for 30 days it would be 60 units. You
can get the tariffs on this page;

Reply  Share

253  10:13 pm November 12, 2017

What is the tariff for calculation of residential connection of 2kw ln AMETHi in up
Reply  Share
254  10:44 am November 13, 2017 x
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You can check the tariffs on this link:
Author and-rates-for-all-states-in-india-in-2017.html

Reply  Share

 6:47 pm October 31, 2017

So. What about electronic charger? If I have smartphone charger with input of 220 V and 0.2 A, does it constantly
consume 44 W? So if I charge my smartphone for 2 hour (with no excessive charging, means the plug is pulled out
before it reach 100%), does it consume 44 * 2 = 88 WH?

Reply  Share

 10:43 am November 1, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Every battery has an energy storage capacity. Let's assume your smartphone battery is 3000 mAh which
Author is 3 Ah. And it usually 3.8V battery. So it can store 3 x 3.8 VAh energy = 11.4 VAh ... Assuming power
factor is almost 1 then 11.4 VAh would be 11.4 Wh.

A battery is a like a tank. A tank of 10 lts cannot store more water than 10 lts even if you leave the tap
on. Similarly, a battery of 3000 mAh cannot store more energy. And most smartphones have battery
management system which do not let battery overcharge. So it does not draw more current when the
battery is charged. It may have trickle charging if processes are running in the background that are
draining energy.

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257  5:30 pm October 28, 2017 x

Sona jha
1664kwh बजल का बहार मे कतना बल होगी
Reply  Share x

258  12:17 pm October 30, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Please use this link to calculate:
Author calculator-for-all-states-in-india.html

Reply  Share

 1:04 am October 16, 2017

Dinesh Gautam
1.5 ton ka ac 1 ghante me kitna voltage lega

Reply  Share

 12:22 pm October 16, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
India mein AC chalane ke liye 220-230 V ki zaroorat padti hai.
Reply  Share

 1:06 am October 16, 2017

Dinesh Gautam
1.5ton ka ac 1ghante me kitna unit charge krega

Reply  Share

 12:23 pm October 16, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Author Aapke AC par kaafi depend karta hai .... jo achche energy efficient AC aate hain woh 0.6-0.7 units per x
hour mein bhi chal jaate hain ... aur jo inefficient hote hain woh 1.5-2 unit tak bhi le lete hain.

Reply  Share

263  4:07 pm January 15, 2018

muhammad zubair
sir agr Hamri three Phase ki Motor 26.4a load Leti hy to wo 1 hour m kitny unit charg kry gi

Reply  Share

 9:17 am January 17, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
maaf kijiye mera calculation thoda gadbad ho gaya. Aapka calculation hoga:
root3 x Voltage(440) x Current(26.4) x power factor(about 0.7)/1000 = about 14.08 units per hour.

To aapki motor lagbhag 14.08 units ek ghante mein consume karegi.

Reply  Share

 10:58 am January 16, 2018

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Aapka calculation hoga:
root3 x Voltage(230) x Current(26.4) x power factor(about 0.7)/1000 = about 7.36 units per hour.

To aapki motor lagbhag 7.36 units ek ghante mein consume karegi.

Reply  Share

 7:19 pm October 15, 2017
अगर म 1200 W का मशीन 24 Hour चलाता हूं तो 1 दन म कतना यू नट खच होगा x
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 12:19 pm October 16, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
(1200 x 24)/1000 = 28.8 units.
Reply  Share

 5:00 pm October 11, 2017

lokesh Kumar
How many Diffrance of rate (Per Unit) load of 4killo watt Convert To 5killo watt

Reply  Share

 6:10 am October 1, 2017

Amp =kilowatt

Reply  Share

 4:04 pm October 1, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
What is the voltage at which you are measuring?
Reply  Share

 6:06 am October 1, 2017
1unit=how many kilowatt x
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272  4:03 pm October 1, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Hi Ashish,
It is all explained in the article above.

Reply  Share

 9:23 pm September 22, 2017

Raj patel
mujhe bataye ki meter ko kaise dekhte h i mean abhi new lga h na so abhi iska knowledge nahi h to please batayiye
ki kaise pta chalega ki kitna unit bijli gira h usme kya dekhna hota h please tell me..

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 4:42 pm August 19, 2017

150 unit kWh consumptionper manth bijli ka bill kitna hoga

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 10:00 am August 19, 2017

hi, unit(kwh) consumption of my meter is 166 per month, 2month back kw show 1.03 and now showing 14.74kw , so
what is meaning of kw. and can it affect unit. plz explain in hindi x
Reply  Share
276  1:45 pm August 20, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

KW मतलब आपका system कतनी तेज़ी से बजल खा रहा है और units मतलब उसने कतनी बजल खायी. जैसे क
Author र तार यह बताती है क आपक गाडी कतनी तेज़ी से चल रह है और KM से पता चलता है क आप कतनी दरू चले। अगर
एक 100 वाट का ब ब 10 घंटे चलता है तो वह 100x10 = 1000 Wh यानी क 1 unit बजल खता है । जैसे क अगर
आपक गाडी 100 km /hr से चल रह है तो 10 घंटे म 100x10 = 1000 km चलेगी.

अब आपके सारे जो उपकरण है वह सब मल के आपका KW बनाते ह। तो अगर आपके पास एक ब ब है जो 100 watt का है
और एक पंखा है जो 90 watt का है तो आपका कुल KW 190 हो जाता है । और अगर यह 10 घंटे चलता है तो 190x10 =
1900 Wh याने क 1.9 units खता है ।

आपके बल म मह ने के सारे units आते ह। तो अगर आपने 100 घंटे पंखे चलाये ह और 200 घंटे ब ब जलाये ह तो उनके
सारे units एक साथ कतने ह गे वह आपके बल पर units कर के आएंगे।

और जो kW आपके बल पर आता है वह मह ने म कसी भी 15 मनट म जो सबसे यादा कुल kW (सारे जो भी उपकरण

उस 15 मनट म चल रहे थे उनका कुल kW ) होते ह वह आता है ।

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 7:18 pm August 16, 2017

Raj kumar
2352 unit consumed in my house. Please advise me solar system will be affordable. And investment kitna hoga

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 1:28 pm July 22, 2017

Lokesh Diwan
My monthly consumption is 150 units in a month. What capacity of solar plant should I install.

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 4:32 pm July 23, 2017

279 Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
Daily consumption will be about 5 units. So 1.5-2 kW would be needed.
Reply  Share

 1:27 pm July 22, 2017

Lokesh Diwan
My monthly consumption is 150 units. What capacity of solar plant should I install

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 8:53 am July 21, 2017

Vaibhav sharma
Can u please explain me what is security deposit, i am consumer of wesco electricity and my power load is 3.5kw
they are telling that i am using more than 3.5kw.

Reply  Share

 11:46 am July 21, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Concept of security deposit has been added to electricity bills to make sure that electricity distribution
Author company has some money from a customer in case the customer does not pay electricity bills. In India,
lot of people do not pay electricity bills.

Usually this deposit amount is based on the past bills or connected load.

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283  8:00 pm July 15, 2017 x

fridge ke liye 1 din me kitne unit lagte hai
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 8:14 pm July 15, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
depend karta hi ki kitna purana fridge hai .... naya fridge din ka 1 unit se bhi kam leta hai .... purane 3-4
Author unit tak bhi lete hain.

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285  9:52 pm July 11, 2017

Ramesh loungani
1kw= how many unit please reply soon

Reply  Share

 11:02 am July 12, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kW in 1 hour will consume 1 unit. In 2 hours it would consume 2 units and so on.
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 10:12 pm June 28, 2017


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 6:57 pm July 14, 2017
Please Contact us @+91-78741-75445 for solar plant installation work at the best price in the Indian x

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 11:31 am June 29, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You will get lot of information on this page:
Author rooftop-system-india-home-panel-subsidy-cost.html

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290  1:40 pm June 5, 2017

R.A. Bhat
Good afternoon Sir,
Am mailing from Kashmir. The coordinates of my house are : Latitude = 34.006010 N Longitude = 74.923800 E

To overcome frequent electricity cuts I want to install solar panels on the roof my double storied- house. The roof is
fully exposed to sun and there is no nearby building or tree which casts shadow on it.
My net consumption of electricity 20 units per day. The area of the roof of my house approximates to 1250 sq. ft.

Kindly inform me about feasibility of installing solar plants along with the total cost of the project.

Thanks and regards

Reply  Share

 6:59 pm July 14, 2017

Please Contact us @+91-78741-75445 for solar plant installation work at the best price in the Indian
market x
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292  4:36 pm June 6, 2017 x
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hello Mr Bhat,
My guess is that irradiation levels in Kashmir will be lower as compared to the rest of India. So I am not
sure how much electricity would you be able to generate. But I think 3 units per day from a kWp plant
should be possible. A kWp plant should cost you about Rs 90000-1 lakh. You will need 6-7 kWp for the
whole consumption. Each kWp needs 100 sq ft. So it is feasible to install solar in your house.

Reply  Share

 10:21 pm June 3, 2017

Beautiful .... really you made it simple

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 5:52 pm May 30, 2017

I am from Vadodara my house electricity bill showing @300 units monthly so I want to know how much capacity will
need for solar system please.

Reply  Share

 6:59 pm July 14, 2017

Please Contact us @+91-78741-75445 for solar plant installation work at the best price in the Indian
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296  6:07 pm May 30, 2017 x
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
300 units would make it 10 units a day (roughly). 1 kWp system generates 3-4 units of electricity. So you
Author need about 3 kWp system for your house.

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 1:01 pm April 27, 2017

Kabir Pawar
Hi Abhishek i bought a Air conditioner ( Voltas 185 LY ) which has power consumption of 1495 watts . Could you
please tell me how much power does it consumes if i turn it on for 6 hours on daily basis.

Reply  Share

 1:30 pm April 27, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Difficult to tell exact value but to get an approx, it would be 1495*0.7/1000 = about 1 unit in an hour. So 6
Author units per day.

Reply  Share

 3:45 pm April 17, 2017

sai kumar
Hi Abishek i bought a Air conditioner(ASGA18FMTA) which has power consumption of 1830 watts . Could you please
tell me how much power does it consumes if i turn it on for 4-6 hours on daily basis. I will maintain in it A/C in 24
degrees at max.

+1 Reply  Share

300  5:32 pm April 17, 2017
Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
Author Difficult to tell the exact amount as it depends on the heat load. But at a very high level assuming it is
right sized, it will have cycle time of 75% (running for 45 mins in an hour), then the power consumption
would be 1830*0.75 = 1372.5 Wh or 1.3725 units in an hour. In 6 hours it would consume 8.235 units.
And this is assuming you have rightsized the AC and it is run at 25 degrees. At 24 degrees it may go up
to 9 units.

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 11:11 pm April 18, 2017

sai kumar
thanks for prompt reply :)

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 8:27 pm April 1, 2017

Mahesh Lad
Hi Sir,
I want to shift on Solar enrgy. i live in apartment but having sun light 7-8 hour directly on my window. no obtecals.
My electric bill is an average 150 unit and in summer 220 unit.
can u guide me for my requirment.
as per my understanding
2 -3 solar panel
not sure what type & capacity of battery need ..?
please suggest.

Mahesh Lad

Reply  Share

 10:11 pm April 1, 2017
Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
Author Hello Mr Lad,

Solar Panels have to be in right inclination and direction to get the right output. I am not sure where you
live, but in Mumbai it should be inclined at 18 degrees and should face south. On a window it will be at
90 degrees. So I doubt that it will work for you in an apartment.

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 6:33 pm February 22, 2017


I live in Goa. I do not switch off our room light (tube light) and leave it on everyday (4 to 5 hours usage everyday) is it
such a big deal? i do this because the tube light starter might get worn out sooner than later. But Im not sure if I am
doing the right thing, trying to save money on a starter or paying more on electricity? your assistance would be

Reply  Share

 11:23 am February 23, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It is better to switch off the light when not in use. The starter will not get worn out because of that. Also
Author these days most tubelights have electronic ballast that are really long lasting. Do you have old tubelights
with starter and electromagnetic ballast?

Reply  Share

 8:42 pm February 8, 2017

Abhishek Jain - GOD BLESS YOU (Thank you for sharing your knowledge)

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 9:25 am February 9, 2017
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Thanks Santosh. We are glad that you found the website useful. Thanks a lot for the appreciation.
Reply  Share

 2:46 pm January 18, 2017

Biswanath Sen
Start your own solar business with Aura Renewable energy Pvt. Ltd. , Faridabad, India
We are the solar manufacturer company based in Faridabad, seeking dealer & distributor various part of the

Dealership: Applicable for those Applicants who are ready to invest on First Billing of Minimum 2 Lakhs of Solar
Products & Services. Security Deposit is @Rs. 25,000/= ((Refundable after Termination of Dealership/Distributorship

Distributorship: Applicable on First Billing of Minimum 6 Lakhs of Solar Products and Services. Security Deposit for
Distributorship: An amount of Rs 50,000/= to be deposited as Security (Refundable after Termination of
Dealership/Distributorship Agreement).

Interested candidate may call us 8697000196

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 1:18 am February 7, 2017

Rik White
Blow me

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310  12:51 am October 9, 2016
Naveed Shaikh x
Hello, I have 3 Ac at my Home I just wants to know which Ac is Consuming How much Electricity.
O General 1.5 Ton 5 Star Split Ac for 6 Hours. (Room Size 9 x 12 Ft Master Bedroom)
Panasonic 1.5 Ton 2 Star Split Ac for 6 Hours. (Room Size 9 x 18 Ft Hall)
Voltas 0.75 2 Star Window Ac for 6 Hours. (Room Size 7 x 6.5 Ft Small Bedroom)

Your Reply will help me a lot Thank in Advance.

Reply  Share

 1:49 pm October 10, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Naveed,
There are two ways you can do it. The cheaper option is to buy a submeter from the market and get it
fabricated by a local electrician in the manner explained in this post:

The other slightly expensive ways is to go for a kill a watt meter that can handle 15 Amp current. More on
kill a watt meter on this post:

You can get kill-a-watt meter on any ecommerce site (Amazon or ebay). But just make sure that it can
handle 15 Amp current (so that it can handle your ACs).

Reply  Share

312  6:26 pm September 29, 2016

Ankit Singh
We are Solar EPC company and we can provide

solar Rooftop system x

-On grid(with net metering)
-Off grid(with battery) x
-Solar street light 12W,120w

-solar water heater etc.

contact me at

Call / WhatsApp +91 - 9953384191

Whatsapp - 9454096191

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 12:26 am October 25, 2016

Pawan choudhary
I want a solar water heater for my hostel purpose what will be the cost

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 11:00 pm September 28, 2016

Jigar Shah
Sir, 25 Hp Power use 10 hours in a day so how many units readings

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315  2:18 pm September 29, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

1 Hp is 750 watts. You can use the formula given above on this page to do the calculations.
Reply  Share

 10:14 pm September 27, 2016
Avinash Kumar
Hello abhishek sir please tell me that when i use a 15W tubelight and a ceiling fan for 20 hours and one 10 W x
tubelight for 6 hours then how much unit consumed by me in a day. Please sir reply fast

Reply  Share

 2:04 pm September 29, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
The formula for calculation is given above on this page. Please use the same.
Reply  Share

 12:30 am September 18, 2016

Pradip Nath
I run a Desktop Computer (with CRT monitor) for 16 hours everyday,
Two 40watt Lights 5pm to 1am,
One mini speaker 2.1,
One table fan(it has 3 gears speed system) for 12 Hours everyday,
One Ceiling Fan almost 18 Hours everyday,
One Samsung TV 21 inch (it has 4* energy saving sticker) runs for 7 Hours everyday.
Three Mobiles of 2700mah battery charges 2 times everyday.

in the end I get 170 units Electric bill....

Is it normal or the bill is very high/low according to the usage?

Reply  Share

319  11:56 am September 19, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

170 units sounds normal for your usage. Your two fans (ceiling fan, table fan) and your computer would
Author consume most of the electricity. x
Reply  Share
320  11:18 am September 13, 2016 x
Please tell me if same formula will be applicable on commercial pizza oven. It say 2kw.

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 10:14 pm September 7, 2016

How many units are use in a months by 1kwh connection please clear

Reply  Share

 3:32 pm September 8, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
1 kWh is 1 unit of electricity.
Reply  Share

 5:09 pm September 14, 2016

Arup Mazumdar
Time is ,Hours, second,

Reply  Share

 5:42 pm August 29, 2016

sir i use in my house . 2 cooler . 3 roof fan . i hp water moter . 3 led bluf 10 watt ( 3 to 4 hours) 2 cfl 25 watt.
than i gat received ele bill 2 month 27000 rs of 4000 unit . x
pls given right information for this mate.

Reply  Share x

 1:58 pm August 10, 2016

Rahul Rawat
Sir in room I use 1tube light ND one fan how many unite im using in one day then rply fst

Reply  Share

 3:07 pm August 11, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It depends on how many hours you use them for. If you do not switch them on then you use 0 units. But if
Author you keep them on for 24 hours, then you use a lot of units.

Reply  Share

 4:54 pm July 21, 2016

I am thinking for Solar Power for my House, so could you please guide me tht how much power consume a day
based on electronic devices like Fridge, TV, lights, FAN, Washing Machine, Cooler, Water pump, laptop, computer

my house is 3 BHK house.

so my question is how many solar panel I'll require for the same.

Reply  Share

 2:52 pm January 18, 2017

Biswanath Sen x
Please call me at 8697000196 B Sen Aura Energy

Reply  Share
 6:39 pm July 22, 2016
Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Would suggest you to look at this video:

Solar PV Buying Guide in India

This can answer a lot

of your questions.

Reply  Share

 4:58 pm July 7, 2016

what is the relationship between voltage and wattage,will be happy for the answer.

Reply  Share

 3:33 pm July 8, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
If power factor is 1, Wattage = Voltage x Current otherwise Wattage = Power Factor x Voltage x Current.
Author Reply  Share x

 6:45 pm July 4, 2016

Ravi Thakur
Also sir, tell me if all the using things are work properly then how many units will came as per my last question.

Reply  Share

 11:47 am July 5, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Your 21 inch TV for 8 hours would not use more than 1 unit.
Cooler for 2 hours would consume about 0.7-0.8 units.

Fridge depending on size should not consume more than 3 units per day (I am not sure about the size
and type of your fridge, but any model which is about 500+ litres and double door consumes about that
much). And I am sure your fridge would be small, but still assuming on higher side, it should not
consume more than 3 units.

Reply  Share

 12:43 pm July 5, 2016

Ravi Thakur
fridge model : kelvinator 175ltrs

Reply  Share

 2:42 pm July 6, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
175 lts fridge should not consume more than 2 units of electricity in a day.
Reply  Share
 6:42 pm July 4, 2016
Ravi Thakur
Abhishek Sir,I already do this last night but unit still remain. Suggest me is there a fault in meter or there are some
additional wire attached with our sub- meter.

Reply  Share

337  3:04 pm July 3, 2016

Ravi Thakur
Hi Sir, My name Is Ravi Thakur, i live in punjab on ranted room. i have a samsung TV 21inches, a fridge, a cooler. In
a single day we used tv for approximatly 8hours, cooler for hardly 2 hours & fridge for near about 18 hours in a day.
But our unit came 7-8 unit. we think unit are very high. Please suggest us can 7 or 8 unit are rights as per our uses.
Also there are electricity cut 2 or 3 hours in a day

Reply  Share

 8:12 am July 2, 2017

Alok singh
Ak unit me 100w note h

Reply  Share

339  1:39 pm July 4, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

7-8 units sounds high but do check your fridge. Sometimes fridges consume a lot of electricity if they are
Author not efficient or are not being used properly. Try switching it off one day and then measure daily
Reply  Share
340  6:41 am June 29, 2016 x
ANIL kumar
Hi sir my name is Anil Kumar I am working as a junior engineer in fabric company there is no energy meters show
the power consumption my question is with energy meters we can use machine capacity n calculate the power
consumption...? Wether it will exact value? If not tell me another way to find out...My email

Reply  Share

 1:34 pm June 29, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Anil,
It depends on the precision and quality of energy meter. If you get a good meter, you can calculate power
of each and every machine running your plant accurately. You can also measure other vital factors like
power factor , kVA, kW, kVAH, kWH using a good digital energy meter.

Reply  Share

 6:43 am June 29, 2016

Sorry with out energy meter how can we find our power consumption

Reply  Share

343  1:35 pm June 29, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

You just put it between the machine and the power supply. It should get the value for you. If it is a big
Author machine, go for a 3 phase energy meter with CTs.
Reply  Share
344  2:17 am June 18, 2016 x
Karan Nagpal
Sir how much units does an automatic washing machine of 438 kwh will consume with a family of 4 and we have 2
Ac and use it each for 6 hours a day with both 3 star and 1.5 tons ??
Please reply..

Reply  Share

 11:02 am June 20, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It is 438 Watts or 438 kWh? Because 1 kWh = 1 unit. And 100 Watts when run for 10 hours consumes
Author 100x10 = 1000 Wh or 1 kWh or 1 unit of electricity.

Reply  Share

 7:52 am March 17, 2017

Naturaal Engineering Solution
Sir, if 2 kw is consumed in 30 minutes. How much unit consumed?

Reply  Share

347  12:21 pm March 17, 2017

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

2 kW x 0.5 hr = 1 kWh = 1 unit.
Reply  Share

348  3:37 pm June 9, 2016

Himmat Kamble
Hello Abhishek sir,how to check load in three phase electrical panel on multimeter or clamp meter ?
Reply  Share x

349  2:07 pm June 10, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

You need a 3 phase energy meter with CTs (current transformers).
Reply  Share

 9:29 pm June 3, 2016

How much unit does 8 watts wireless router consumes considering it is on whole month?

Reply  Share

351  6:57 pm June 4, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

If you use it for 24 hours then in 24 hours it would consume 8 x 24 = 192 Wh or 0.192 kWh or 0.192
Author units. If you use it for 30 days, you can multiply that by 30 and get the number.

Reply  Share

 1:39 pm May 31, 2016

Raghavendra Goggi
in our utility panel meter is showing 14871.1 kwh ( one month differnec) ct ratio is 200/5 how to convert this into units

Reply  Share

 7:13 pm May 17, 2016

Narendra Pandey
how much unit of electricity a geyser of 3000 kwh will consume consume using on an average 45 minutes a in day..? x
Reply  Share

 3:16 pm May 18, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Depend on the volume of hot water you use. It does not depend much on the Wattage of the geyser.
Author Check out this post on our website that explains in detail:

Reply  Share

 5:00 pm April 2, 2016

how much unit consume a normal cooler

Reply  Share

 11:44 am April 4, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
About 250-300 watts which means in an hour about 0.25 to 0.3 units.
Reply  Share

 11:46 am February 28, 2016

Ramrao Khose
iDear Sir,
Capacity of 1.5 Sq mm wires is 15 Amps Max. hence power can utilized more compared to 1 sq mm connecting
same load, If i connected same load by using 1 sq mm. power consumes in individual connected energy will less.
can I presume that lower the current capacity of wire, higher in savings, electricity.
if not please request to explain, why the users are playing, non standard wires with standard wires. no matter in
individual connections Watts of 1 KW lamps will less because of poor amp capacity compared to standard. x
If I made same connection with single bench circuit, with single source load, week wire consumes more power
compared to standard, even after current flow is lesser than standard wire.
I have made experiment connecting 1 KW- 2 Halogen light in parallel with energy meters,in single circuit, current
shows in wire 5.85 Amp,in one and and 2.84 in 2 nd, because of connections in parallel circuit 230 V remains same,
and also light intensity, but energy shows more in 2nd week wire connected bench circuits.
As current flows in week wire is 2.84^2 X Resistance losses is low in poor quality wires.

Reply  Share

 12:03 am January 15, 2016

Vignesh Sankaran
I observed the reading on the meter on the day the electricity dept took the reading. It was at 31640 kwh... the next
day night (roughly 36 hours), the meter read 31655 kwh, a whopping 15 units!! We don't have an air conditioner, no
geysers. We did not run the washing machine that day. Just 3 fans with usage not more than 10 hours a day, 3 tube
lights with less than 10 hours usage, a crt tv with 10 hours usage and a refrigerator running all day. I just used the
induction cooker to heat water for around 15 minutes in the morning. How could all this sum up to 15 units for 36
hours? Am i missing something or should I get the meter checked?

Reply  Share

 12:36 pm January 15, 2016

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Vignesh,
Assuming your fans consume 100 watts (worst case), then in 10 hrs each fan would consume 1 unit. So
3 units per day for the fans (max 6 units assuming 2 days). Each tubelight would consume 50 watts
(again worst case), then in 10 hrs each tubelight would consume 0.5 units, so 3 tubelights in 2 days
would consume 3 units. CRT TV would consume 150 watts, so in 10 hrs it would consume 1.5 units.
Again assuming 2 days it would be 3 units. Power consumption of refrigerator would depend on size,
technology, etc. But assuming 2 units in a day, in 2 days it would consume 4 units. Induction cooker in 15 x
mins would consume 0.5 units in worst case. So it totals up to 6 (fan) + 3 (lights) + 3 (TV) + 4
(Refrigerator) + 0.5 (induction) = 16.5 (approx) for 48 hours. This can have some errors as there are
approximation and these are not real measurements. Your refrigerator may be a bit more inefficient (or x
may be big as I have assumed 250 lts old one).

Reply  Share

 10:37 pm January 2, 2016

Apna Gujarati
Dear Sir,
I M using Ele cooktop 2000watt 2hour in kitchen and water Heater 2000watt 30 min. Please Tell me My Daily elec
Unit Usage

Reply  Share

 4:46 pm April 5, 2016

Deepakkumar Singh
4 Unit For Cooktop + 1 unit For Heater = 5 Unit

Reply  Share

362  11:01 pm November 22, 2015

Prashant mathur
Sir, my room size is 15x15 feet, i have 2.0 ton 5star rating hitachi A.C ,How many units it will consume in a month
and per hour

Reply  Share

 12:59 pm November 23, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
A 2 ton BEE 5 star rated AC would consume about 1.8 units in an hour. x
Reply  Share
 9:18 am September 23, 2015
So if i was to use a 5 40w tubes 16 hours a day...i need to sell my vw

Reply  Share

 5:39 pm August 22, 2015

Sir i use one cfl bulb and a table fan only.
My room owner said i used 97 units in 30 days .is it possible.
I m very tensed i paid 582 rs rate for 1 unit rs 6 rupees

Reply  Share

 1:32 pm August 25, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
It is not just about 1 CFL and 1 table fan. A lot also depends on how long you use them. A 23 watts CFL
Author plus a 75 watts fan can make up to 100 watts. And 100 watts for 10 hours can make 1 unit of electricity.
But still 97 looks unreal. Unless you have more things running in the room.

Reply  Share

 12:56 am August 21, 2015

Tanuj Singh
Dear Author,
I want to Install a 1Kwp of Roof PV Solar System with battery and Inverter.
How much will it cost to me...???
How can I get subsidy and where should I approach for that.
Hoping for your kind response.
Reply  Share x

 4:26 pm August 21, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
You can check this video. You can get some idea:

Solar PV Buying Guide in India

Reply  Share

 9:23 am August 20, 2015

You said, "For appliances like Air Conditioner, Water Heater, Cloth Iron (any heating or cooling device) and pumps,
this will not work". Please inform what formula works for these appliances. How to count units consumed by them.

Reply  Share

370  7:30 am August 19, 2015

Dr.K.Anusha x
hi,can you please tell me how much would 2 fans and a refrigerator would consume in 12hrs(overnight).i am using
Haier 170litres fridge,which has 5 stars for power saving quality and written 264 units of consumption per year?
I have noticed that its about 3units over nights,which i feel is little high..also would UPS consume more power?

Reply  Share

 11:14 am August 17, 2015

Saptrishi Mandal
This is Saptrishi Mandal need to know how to check "Earthing" in meter.

Reply  Share

 12:12 pm August 11, 2015

avik kumar
a work need 10amp for 10hp 440v 3phase motor, for same work 20 hp 440v 3phase motor need more than 10amp?

Reply  Share

 6:41 pm August 11, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Well if the work can be done by 10 HP machine then by using 20 HP you are underloading the machine.
Author The efficiency of motor is less when it is underutilized. So assuming 10 HP machine was right sized, then
yes 20 HP motor will take more than 10 Amp because it will be much less efficient for doing that job.

Reply  Share

 10:37 am August 2, 2015

What would be the cost of using an electric oven for 1 hr if the cost of unit is ₹8? x
Reply  Share

375  5:28 pm August 3, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Electric Oven would be about 2 KW. So 2 units in usage of 1 hour. At Rs 8 a unit it would Rs 16.
Reply  Share

 7:43 pm July 31, 2015

Manoj Sinha
Inverter continue contacted with electric.
Is it increase meter reading.

Reply  Share

 2:22 pm August 3, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Inverters do consume electricity when kept on.
Reply  Share

 5:46 pm July 28, 2015

Sunil Thakar
Trimming Beard at home is ECONOMICAL or one should go to salon

Reply  Share

 7:20 pm July 31, 2015
Abhishek Jain (Mod) x
Author Salon is better if it is not expensive :).

Reply  Share

 3:25 pm August 1, 2015

Viral Jain
I have Philips Trimmer using at home and Salon charges Rs. 30 for trimming beard then which one is
economical ?

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 3:49 pm August 3, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Using trimmer at home will be more economical.
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 5:30 pm July 28, 2015

Viral Jain
Sir Whether iron (Non Steam) my clothes at home or should i give it to presswala Which one is Economical ???

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 7:21 pm July 31, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Depends on how much the presswala charges you. However using iron at home in general is cheaper.
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384  3:22 pm August 1, 2015 x
Viral Jain
He Charges Rs. 4 Per Cloth and Rs. 10 per Saree then what to do ?

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 3:48 pm August 3, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Ironing at home will be cheaper. But then one has to spend time to iron.
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 7:53 pm July 20, 2015

I am using desktop with LCD SCREEN, D-LINK WIFI ROUTER and CISCO DPC 3008 CABLE MODEM. i want to
know that how much electricity (units) consumed by both modem in a month?

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 4:59 pm July 21, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Keshav,
Typically routers consume 4-5 watts. So their unit consumption would be (5 x 24 x 31) / 1000 = 3.72 units
per month.

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388  11:10 am July 15, 2015 x

Helo there,my last month meter shows 2017 kwh and this month it shows 4114 kwh so what is the unit i have x
consumed and how much do i have to pay if per unit is 8Rs.
please help.
thank you

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389  5:24 pm July 15, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

Your units consumed would be 4114 - 2017 = 2097. And at Rs 8 a unit, the cost would be Rs 16776 just
Author for the energy charges. Along with it you would get fixed charges, fuel surcharge and electricity duty/tax.

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 12:13 am July 17, 2015

Wow!!!i have to pay rs 16776 just for using 2 fans?
I don’t know whether i have given you the right kwh or not because i am not femelier with the meter.
anyway in my digital meter this was the numbers shown last month 2017 and for this month 4117.the
above numbers are the only numbers shown in the meter so i hope you are geting the picture of what im
saying now..
please help

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391  5:23 pm July 17, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)

If it is juts two fans then it may be that the reading would be 201.7 and 411.7. In that case your
Author consumption is 210 units. Then at Rs 8 per unit you would get energy charges of 210x8 = Rs 1680.
Some energy meters also measure to a single decimal place of kWh.

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392  2:56 pm July 3, 2015

Yogesh J Ingle
I like to know how can I increse the Pv cell efficiency using electronics components or devices?

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 5:05 pm July 3, 2015

Abhishek Jain (Mod)
Hi Yogesh,
We are not aware of it. You will have to ask this to a PV technical expert.

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394  10:05 am June 24, 2015

vinay kumar
Contact : Solar grid solutions for
Home/ Institutes/ hospitals/ malls/ industrial areas 2 KW to 10 MW. We provide services across India at very nominal
rate which are competitive in market.

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visit us at :

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 2:57 pm November 28, 2019

how i can find out per day unit if average load of company is 1800amp per day.
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