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Earth Data

Radius at the equator: 6.378 x 106 m

Radius at the poles: 6.357 x 106 m
Radius of a sphere having the same volume: 6.371 x 106 m
Mean density of the Earth: 5.522 g/cm3
Mass: 5.983 x 1024 kg
Land area: 1.488 x 108 km2
Ocean area: 3.612 x 108 km2
Ocean volume: 1.350 x 109 km3
Highest mountain: Everest: 8,840 m
Greatest sea depth: 10.43 km
Mean distance to the sun: 1.495 x 108 km
Mean distance to the moon: 3.844 x 105 km
Mean linear velocity of Earth in its orbit: 29.77 km/s
Mean linear velocity of rotation of the surface at the equator: 0.465 km/s

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