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Family and Friends

 Who are the most important people in your life?

 What do you enjoy doing with your friends?
 Who do you spend your free time with
 Have you done anything interesting with your friends recently?
 Who are you most like in your family?
 Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
 Tell me about your best friend.
 Tell me about a good friend of yours.
 Do you normally go out with family or friends?
 Tell me a little about your family.

Family and friends

1. Who do you spend your free time with?
2. Who are the most important people in your life?
3. Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
4. Tell me about your best friend?
5. Do you normally go out with family or friends?

 Personal Background
 Where do you come from?
 In how many different places have you lived during your life?
 Can you describe your neighbourhood?
 Do you come from a big or a small family?
 Would you like to live in the same place for a long time?

a) Who belongs to your nuclear family. Introduce them?
b) Who belongs to your extended family. How often are you in
touch with them?
c) Do you spend more time with your friends or your family?
d) What do you like doing with your family?


1. Describe your family (nuclear family and extended family)?

2. What do you like doing with your family?
3. Do you spend more time with your family or your friends?

1. When was the last time that you stood up for a friend who was in trouble?
2. Who do you look up to?
3. How often do you fall out with your friends or family?
4. Do you pick on your siblings?
5. Have you ever put down your best friend?
6. Which teacher do you get on with best?
7. Have you ever fallen for a celebrity?
8. Do you ever look down on your friends if they make big mistakes?
9. Do you always make up with friends after an argument?
10. What can´t you put up with in your day to day life?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a large family?
What difficulties do you think working mothers face?
Do you think that grandparents have an important role in the family? Why?
Do you enjoy large family gatherings or do you prefer to see members of your family on
own? Why?

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