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Solving Tips

for Talent Q’s* Elements Logical

In this document you will find useful information and tips regarding Talent
Q's Elements Logical questions.

JobTestPrep team

* Talent Q and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders.
None of the trademark holders are affiliated with JobTestPrep or this website.

Table of Contents

How to approach the questions ........................................................................ 3

Understanding the instructions .................................................................... 3

What to look for .............................................................................................. 4

Choosing between different logics ............................................................. 5

Solving within the time limit ......................................................................... 5

Summary – a recommended method of work ............................................... 6

How to approach the questions

Understanding the instructions

The instructions of the test are as follows: “In this test you are presented with
an incomplete series of symbols. Your task is to identify the missing symbol
from a number of alternatives. The symbols have no meaning, but the
series always follows a logical sequence, both from left to right and from
top to bottom”.

In order to better understand the instructions, let's break them up and

examine each section separately:

 “An incomplete series of symbols” – the general format of the

questions in the test can be described as a series of symbols
arranged in a 3X3 matrix (see illustration below). One of the matrix’s
cells is empty and we need to figure out which symbol/s should
appear in this cell.
 “A number of alternatives” – each matrix is followed by 7 to 14
alternatives (i.e. possible answers), from which we need to choose
the one that completes the matrix (see illustration below).
 “The symbols have no meaning” - in the context of the test, the
symbols bear no special meaning other than representing a distinct
item with certain visual characteristics. This is true even regarding
meaningful symbols such as % or +.
 “Logical sequence” – in each question the symbols are arranged
throughout the matrix according to a certain sequential logic. This
means that the symbols relate to one another in a certain way, which
isn’t necessarily arithmetic.
 “From left to right and from top to bottom” – since the questions are
based on matrices, the logical sequence can be found in the rows of
the matrix, i.e. from left to right, as well as in the columns, i.e. from
top to bottom (see illustration below). According to Talent Q’s
instructions, a certain logic must exist both from left to right and from
top to bottom. However, our experience shows that there could be
exceptions to this rule – i.e. questions where the logic is kept only
from left to right or from top to bottom.

The missing

The matrix:

 Top to bottom 
? ¥+∆ ♪☼¥

♪☼¥ +∆♪ ☼¥+

☼¥+ ∆♪☼ ¥+∆

 Left to right 

The alternatives:

∆♪+ ¥+∆ ♪∆☼ ∆+♪ ¥∆☼ ∆♪¥ ☼¥+

+♪☼ ♪☼♪ ☼¥∆ ♪☼¥ ∆♪☼ +∆♪ ☼♪∆

What to look for

Our task is to reveal the logic behind the matrix so we can find the missing
symbol that completes the matrix. This task is challenging both because the
type of logic varies from question to question and because the questions are
loaded with stimuli. Therefore, we need to stay focused and know what to
look for.

It is recommended that we ask ourselves the following guiding questions

while scanning the matrix:

 Which and how many symbols appear in each cell?

 What is the relationship between the different cells?
 What is the relationship between the symbols inside each cell?
 What is the order of the symbols inside each cell?

Choosing between different logics
While solving the test, we may find ourselves choosing an answer based on
one or more of the following:

 A “pop-up” experience – i.e., the matrix has a salient feature (e.g.

symmetry), leading to a certain answer without the need to
conceptualise the logic behind the matrix.
 A logic that takes into account only the rows.
 A logic that takes into account only the columns.
 A logic that takes into account both the rows and the columns.

Sometimes we may find two or even three logics behind a single matrix!

As long as all the logics lead to the same answer, it does not matter which
logic we follow.

However, what happens when different logics lead to different

answers? How should we choose which one to follow?

Our recommendation: follow the “better-logic” rule!

We need to bear in mind that the series of symbols usually, although not
always, follows a logical sequence both from left to right and from top to

Thus, in cases where different logics lead to different answers, it is advised

that we follow the better, more comprehensive, one – i.e., the logic that
encompasses both the rows and the columns and not just one of them.

The “better-logic” rule implies that we should always aim to find the
complete logic behind the matrix, thus examining the entire matrix both
from left to right and from top to bottom.

Solving within the time limit

Although there is no overall time limit for the test, there is a time limit for
each question: 75 seconds.

The need to examine the entire matrix and solve the question within the
time limit may seem impossible at first. However, let us encourage you by
saying that familiarising yourself with the questions has a great impact on
your performance - the more you practice, the faster you will get.

Since both your accuracy and speed influence your final score, it is advised
to work prudently while minding the clock: as long as you have enough
time, do not automatically choose the answer that “pops-up”; rather try and
find the complete logic behind the matrix and make sure the answer you
choose is the only alternative that fits that logic. However, once you feel
confident in your answer, quickly move on to the next question.

Summary – a recommended method of work

Examine the matrix

and ask the guiding questions

Formulate the logic

Scan and eliminate


None of the Only one of the More than one

alternatives fits alternatives fits alternative fits the
the logic the logic logic

Look for Make sure there Refine

another logic is no better logic the logic*

* Try to add another rule to the logic in order to narrow it down.

Good luck!


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