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TECHNOLOGY info to data

 Advancement,
 Technology education is the study of technology
enhancement and
in which students “learn about the processes and
knowledge related to technology”. It covers the
 Technology evolves everyday “deprecated”
human ability to shape and change the physical
being useful in the past but useless in the future
world to meet needs by manipulating materials
 Digital natives- born in the digital technology
and tools with techniques
o Automate some processes that are
 Digital immigrants- born before the existence
of the digital technology era.
 Technology includes the materials, tools,
techniques and sources of power to make life TECHNOLOGY AT ITS FINEST
easier or more pleasant and work more
productive  Improved communication- advanced

 Having a unified way to communicate is one of communication technology tools; printing press,

the goals of ICT. telephone, email and other communication

technologies have helped us to communicate in a
 In terms of economics, ICT has saved
global scale.
companies a lot of resources (time and money)
with the kind of communication technology they  Easy access information- anytime and

use nowadays. anywhere

 Technologies that enables humans to  Improved housing and lifestyle- most of the

communicate with one another items we have in our home today are automated

o Software- programs and other operating  Improved entertainment- we have more video

information used by a computer games, music and visual systems

 Operating – the link of the o Loading means downloading from the

software to the hardware. server

Communicating to the hardware o Videos are compressed number of

 Application- installed in the images

operating system o Data- data transferring

o Hardware- physical parts or  Social networking- great improvement for

components of a computer individuals and business
 Data- raw, doesn’t have any
meaning unless processed.
 Information- processed data,
can be a data if it is used in a
larger scale of data
 Increased food output- with the introduction of possible accurate diagnosis of health-related
methods and techniques of cultivation, human- problems
beings are able to increase food output. The
modern irrigation technologies have helped to
cultivate lands that were otherwise considered
 Increased industrial output- as a result of
introduction of technology in the process of
producing goods, there has been tremendous
increase in the industrial output. The automation
of industries processes has resulted in processing Information and Communications Technology
tasks ineffectively and efficiently. Large
production of food. “related to technologies that facilitate the transfer of

 Business growth- manufacturing, selling, information and various types of electrically mediated

marketing, distributing and recording. Business communication”

need to make a wide variety of mathematical

calculations for various purposes such as
counting and estimation of cost and profits. The ICT IT
growth of e-commerce business is an example.
 Comfort- clothes, house, car , bridge and Tech that supports Industry that involves

flyovers activities involving info computers, software,

 Better utilization of resources- modern tools such as gathering, networking, and other IT

help utilize the natural resources for the processing, storing and infrastructures to help

optimum use. Irrigations an, hydel power plants, presenting data relay or manage info

thermal, and nuclear plants important in modern day

living as seen primary in
 Convenience of travelling- invention of wheel,
large companies or
automobiles, train
 Emerging technologies- IA is among the most
important inventions. The introduction of
computer, internet and smartphones
 Changed the health industry- modern Information
technology in hospitals, reducing the mistakes
- Knowledge obtained from reading,
made by the doctors and technology has
investigation, study or research
revolutionized the healthcare industry. The
- Processed data
various diagnostic tools such as x-ray, bp,
- Information is needed to make decisions and to
glucose level measuring machine have made
foresee the future

- Act of transmitting messages ENIAC

- Process in which information is exchanged
- Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator
between individuals through verbal and non-
- Developed in 1946
verbal means
- J Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly
( University of Pennsylvania)


- Has made communication much easier and

faster through telephones, computers and mobile
devices - Was used as the interior sections of the
- Electronic device with properties and functions

- The concept of technology always starts with the similar to vacuum tubes, but is lightweight and

basic tool faster

- By combining a set of tools, people have come THIRD GENERATION

up with machines that can do the tasks faster Integrated Circuit (IC)

and more efficiently - Introduced by Jack Kilby in 1958

- Computer is an electronic device, operating - Composed of a group of transistors and circuit

under the control of instructions stored in its elements compressed in a single package

own memory that can accept data, manipulate - The IC revolutionized the use of computers and

data according to specified rules, produce results electronic devices because circuits are integrated

and store the results for the future use. in a chip or single package, limiting the distance
between components, resulting a faster operating
 Automated systems- can reduce the instances
of errors, which are usually caused by human-
based decisions and comprehension
- Very Large Scale Integrated (VSLI) circuits
 Intelligent systems- are far more complex and
were used to build computers
are capable of learning. Artificial intelligence
- The circuits had about 500o transistors and other
HISTORY OF COMPUTERS circuit elements with their connected circuits on
a single chip known as Microprocessor
 First generation- 1946- 1959
- Personal Computers became more powerful,
 Second- 1959- 1965 dense, reliable and inexpensive
 Third- 1965- 1971
 Fourth-1971- 1980 FIFTH GENERATION
 Fifth – 1980-onwards - Ultra Large Integration (ULSI) technology
- This generation involves computer intelligence GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONS OF COMPUTER
which is associated with Artificial Intelligence
1. Personal computer – a small, single-user computer
(AI), natural language and expert systems that
based in a microprocessor
interpret the means and practice of producing
2. Workstation- like a pc but it has a more powerful
computers that think like human beings.
microprocessor and higher quality monitor
COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER 3. Minicomputer- the multi-user computer capable of
supporting from 10 to hundreds of users
1. Input devices
a. Keyboard
4. Mainframe- a powerful multi-user computer
b. Mouse
capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of
c. Mic
users simultaneously
d. Scanner
5. Supercomputer- extremely fast computer that can
e. Digital camera
perform millions of instructions per second
f. PC video Camera
2. Output devices
a. Printer
i. Non-impact printer
ii. impact printer - Desktop computers
b. monitor - Laptop computers
i. CRT - Tablet computers
ii. LCD - Smartphones
iii. LED - Wearables
c. Speaker - Smart tv’s
3. System unit
a. System unit if the enclosure composed DIGITAL AGE, INFORMATION AGE AND
of the main elements of a computer that COMPUTER AGE
is used to administer data
 Digital age, information age, and computer age
4. Storage
used interchangeably, capture the ubiquitous
a. Flash disk drive
nature of computing and the prolific use of
b. Hard disk drive
technology in almost all aspects of human
c. Compact disk
activity such that digital interaction is defining
WHY COMPUTERS ARE POWERFUL characteristic of human activity
o 4th industrial revolution is all about
 Speed
automation and AI
 Reliability and consistency
 It is a period in human history characterized by
 Accuracy
the shift from traditional industry to information
 Communication technology-based economy brought by
industrialization during the Industrial destination. traditionally, professionals send
Revolution. The definition of digital means messages to the audience through the news.
continues to change overtime mean continues to
change over time as new techs, user devices and
methods of interaction with other people and
 The messenger is the one who delivers the
devices enter the domain of research,
message. This is why broadcasters, for example,
development and market launch.
being the messenger of news are called “media”.
 This period is also characterized by the digital
industry creating a knowledge-based society OVERVIEW OF CURRENT TRENDS
surrounded by a high-tech global economy that
A trend refers to something hip or popular at a certain
exerts its influence on how the manufacturing
point of time. It can be a particular style in fashion,
process and the service sector work in an
devices, or entertainment. A new trend may always
efficient and convenient way
come along to replace the old one.
 Media normally refers to the means of  The vision of the so-called Internet of Things
communication that uses unique tools to (IoT) has evolved due to the convergence of
interconnect among people. The forms of media technologies, including pervasive wireless
include television, radio, cellular phones and communication , data analytics, machine
internet. learning and use of hardware technology such as
 In the digital age, however, media can be sensors, microprocessors and microcontrollers.
considered as the message, the medium and the 2. AUGMENTED REALITY VS VIRTUAL
messenger REALITY
 Augmented reality involves blending of
THE MESSAGE computer-generated features to the real world as
experienced by a subject. On the other hand,
 Media is considered to be the message itself for
virtual reality includes immersing the user fully
those who created and own the rights of the
in a virtual world while separating him from the
content. The forms of content can be user-
real world. Virtual reality is hence much
generated or professionally produced. User-
complicated than augmented reality and needs
generated content (UGC) is a form of content
high cost and technology.
created and owned by the users of a system.
 Blog (website that contains written events,
 Also called artificial intelligence , having
stories and topics). Vlog (contains videos)
machines decide for you seems to be a daunting
THE MEDIUM task and would probably make you think of
robots and talking computers, similar to
 The medium used refers to the tools used in
sending a message from the source to the
ironman’s Jarvis. Examples are siri, cortana and Music (spotify), movies (Netflix), and drivers
alexa. (grab) are made available through the apps in a
 The IOS’ intelligent personal assistant, Siri has smartphone.
also been upgraded with enhanced learning
making the use of iphone more efficient. Its
latest features include the following:
o face id
o all bionic
o wireless changing
o ios 11-13
o augmented reality
 Through advanced technology, it is now
possible to automate previously human-
exclusive tasks. This is very much evident
through wearable devices such as step counters
and heart rate monitors used by health-conscious
individuals. Information collected is
automatically saved and stored in mobile
devices for analysis later on.
 Big data is a term that describes large and
complex volumes of data. But it is not how
much data an organization has; it is what they do
with it that matters. Big data can be analyzed for
insights which can help management make
better decisions and come up withy more
effective strategic plans. Example is waze.
 Majority of organizations nowadays are moving
towards system automation. As such, they
identify their physical elements and create
digital data for more efficient operation and back
 Due to the prevalence of network connectivity, it
is possible to have information on demand.

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