Reino Unido y Aliados Exigen Elecciones Presidenciales Libres y Justas en Venezuela (Comunicado)

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United Kingdom and partners have issued a statement calling for free and fair
presidential elections in Venezuela

We, a group of concerned countries including members of the Lima Group, the
International Contact Group, the European Union, the United States, and others, call
upon all Venezuelans, of all ideological tendencies and party affiliations, whether civilian
or military, to put the interests of Venezuela above politics and engage urgently in
support of a process shaped and driven by Venezuelans to establish an inclusive
transitional government that will lead the country into free and fair presidential
elections, sooner not later. National Assembly elections alone do not present a political
solution and instead may further polarize an already divided society.

We call upon all institutions of the Venezuelan state to participate in such a process.
Venezuelans and the international community have put proposals on the table towards
this goal. Such a process should include the ability of the National Assembly to fully
carry out its functions and the restoration of the independence and of the Supreme
Court and National Electoral Council. The discussions and progress made in the
Norwegian-led talks in Barbados should also inform the way forward.

We reiterate the willingness of all those countries maintaining economic sanctions to
discuss sanctions relief in the context of political progress.

The humanitarian, social and political situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate,
underlining the need for a peaceful and inclusive political process that will restore
democracy and set the country on course for recovery. The current pandemic and
Venezuela’s overwhelmed public health care system have added urgency to the need to
end the status quo. We are committed to continue our efforts to assist Venezuelans
facing the pandemic and the previously existing humanitarian crisis on the basis of need,
not political affiliation.

We call for an end to all political persecution and acts of repression. Human rights
defenders, humanitarian actors, health workers, journalists, members of Venezuela’s
indigenous communities, members of the National Assembly under the leadership of
Juan Guaido, and the Venezuelan population at large have all faced increased repression
in Venezuela.

We call on all political parties and institutions in Venezuela to engage promptly in, or in
support of, a process that will establish a broadly acceptable transitional government
that will administer free and fair presidential elections soon and begin to set the country
on a pathway to recovery. For a peaceful and sustainable resolution of the crisis, a
transitional government is needed to administer presidential elections, so that no
candidate has an improper advantage over others.

A swift and peaceful transition to democracy is the most effective and sustainable route
to stability, recovery and prosperity in Venezuela. We remain committed to helping the
Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future.

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