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SPE/lADC 16058

New MWD Applications Using a Slimline Fully Retrievable

by B Henderson. Baker Dlrec!lonal Services/Exlog. and M O. Cluchey. Tenneco 011 E&P Co.
SPE Memt3efs

w% .,. ,.- . ... . w -..., rm.i P., Lw. p,, +,.n!,.

~ a! 5PE IADC “IW.1 .Iy +r .urI, rcl m WDI <.mo. 0. EII.!o... I CV””VI.WP. o; lke !bl)c an$ SPE PIX
~,,c, ..I ,,> ,eL,, ., .,..,,,c,~~ ,U ,. .D.,,,~{, ‘,, ,,o, r,,.!@ ,..,, 3,30 .+o. o. l!,., !..,! c,r,. .,.,, .0! W [00, PO The ,IIx, ,w1 she?.ld CO. U ,, (0. s.P c“ou$ M
, .!.,. %.,,, ].,,.., ,,, .!,’-,. ,. , ,,, *W,” ,“,. ,,. ”,. ( ,. ~!,..,..,,1,l w! :,. P.rI .<.+, cm. 6k.maqv SPE P O 00, 833536 R <Ila.amfi TX 75083 383b TIWX
,3(WW >P[ (1A,

Arc.!. .l\llldt’11 !11 jr. 11,..1:,11lnkll:d.d ,Il!lq)lw:.. .,/,. .,11,1III?I1

CI>.I 1 h< lc.ult. ;dtcr c,\tcn.,,. t. 1, ,1,1it.. tin.. \I. I. .I rl, id \\ I!l> ti!~. 1,,1.
Ion mg .peL II h-d inn.:

l)\\\\ l) Ol). m (mm) 2 151 mm)

l)\l\\l) Ium!th. 1! tmm) :,1 (7,1:)
(m. L\) xt~ IL+tt I<IKm., !cwrh, lw. dI Ill k,dl.Ir
I 111.11
NC] h!. :1, (t\p:L.11) 17.5. ?11[) (s!1.1)1 A,, )
,\..L.,lll,ll’,l lrrl!ll 1,)111
4 tn 7.ft nuttlt)lu.

olfwf .pc, :11,.tlatm. .irc .Iuv.s r) !n 1 ,JIIL, I

1 hc rc,,af z. .hsmn II] I w 1.

I 1,11a..11im31,ilit) xl.;. ivtl. 1 ht. I,,, d p.!..d l,,(; , c.,, h N.,,

,1 !l.ll :11., Ik..h 1.
\\ 1:1),11111,.p.1.t !,,.,[. 111<,l)\l\\ 1) [,>811h.1. IW’11 cqwl, ttlrlt: ,11
rkltw-h <lr,ll. !rln~. ..tlth 11). l,f 2; nn IU
Ihc (: ‘T 1!1 .! u IA. r,m!,c d tltdlln!, cm ,r, mrwm.. ,n Iu,th nl,,,.,l [l!.I.UI (,11 !ht. \<n t,l,> of lhc IUI.VI [,, pcrmlr \. ,: CIIDC I< rr ,, ..
.,r],l mm .qq>] sm.. 111<.[(ml 11.1. [llIN 1(1<<1 it\\ 1) !11mrl:. u hcl,.
nlIt I:l.11 \l\\l) .l. tvm. uk,fr lmpr, s,l,,.,1 I \r&w.,.l. u,rcl, nc s: 1,.ttr:,, N.I. pcrlt,,:nc.d w,:h ,II!.
11.11.11!t!cpl f:.. 111~11’
.mpb. m,,<l mo)!hl.. 111111111$
.t..t’ml~lk ... .1:111
u,[d]nt, cqL]q>mcnt t~, mprbtnc 1111,nl. qI1r .Irc. I. d IL..
ll\l\Vl) tool description
.C.IILh Rtwlt. .h,nkr,f Ih,!t the ttwl L.N!IcI lx’ r(mo.c.,1 1!1,( Ir. ch nc, v.wn. b! u.:c,, [h<, .qqvo; vI.I!L,
\\ Irc.lIrlc cquqmwot
tor the prr\.,llmg COJ3LII:14
,11. ,im \+ Ird Iol. 01 11{P)2 kn (IT l.{rcl.1
0111.IJc dj.mlcw (01)) m.1,, Iw It 1. lxcll pn..lbk to .lnlill- Ic\c’ d .IIWIL. .flnt .Im! l)lfl~l). f*lr c\ M1lPlu. .3! I 1)
prIor m tnnd,!mnmg nwd .md ru!m,ry III,:. lI\l:l.11 rhc !IIIII ml
Irmyv I. ICIIUIILY() or v.hcn<!n:: J mol

One size lrml achiesecl. Il)e tool c.m bc kw.ud m .t.m,l.ud

ncm. m.tgncf]c drill cnll.n. ulth Ihc fo[lnw IW! .pm III, .I:mm

(X). in. (mmtmum m d.m,) .( .74

. The loo] ‘.houkf 11.NL’the Imccst uetgh! po..)hlt. for h]~h
[ma\tmum [0 d.kft.) 1[)
pori.d>,l]ry. lncludmg Iwlttoptcr tr.rn~port.
11), m mmlmum 214
~p]c.11 .~ ]J 16
. “rhc mfdlrmn of other tfrdlmg h.:rdw,!rc to tf]c drdl.trlrl~
Conntxtmrw till 10 I1KII,M1.
(C g . klwll Iwlwr wI).. (u.tnm,/ccf \f\\I) ,1,,11
[H IA plxement !$0]ttwn.
coil. u.) .hould tn. cllmln.t[d
S[;ihilwif ion !io rc.tricf] on.
“MWIY collar Ol)%olc we No rcs[rlclton.
.—— ——. —-- .- Wwght on IWI (W’OB) No rewlctmn~
Rcfcrenccs d ,Ilustrx]orw at crml of paper.
Rot.won (rpm) No rtwrlctmn~


TJMe 2 shows the rmsge of hole sizes and collar wzes m which
the l)hfWl) tool has run to date. Tle operwor now hiss more Sperldizerf hardware eliminrstecf. The rxerf (or .r cfc41c,IIud
flrxibdlfy ]n choosjng a p.rrhcular COIIW wze for a partlculicr hole MWI).pcdser sub or chdl collar was ellminafecf srcctcssfully for
S17L’ tlnn wjth any of her h4Wl) systc!m. rotary drdlmg and nors+tecrmg apphcat!ons. A lmffle plwc IS In-
serted mro the drdls!rmg. usually dmctly below the non. magncttc
Ily uwng \f;incfard non.magncfbc drrll collars, compcnsatmn for drill collar. The pkcle may be uwcf for seating the D\fWl) 1001 or
I;mhcrnes< rsrohlems often aswcj~[c.d cw(h frored.out \fWl) colI,Ir\ other sucve’y m%[rcrments.
IS motrfuf. This feimcre immediately pro\]df% the operator more
opt}ons m Ihe prepxatlon of ddfererx hmcfs of drdlmg awcmbhc% To orient the DMWl> fool for steering ~ppllc~tlons, J
Amf IhI$ m turn. can Icacf 10 gremer chdllng eff!cwncy. In acfd][lon. mcdc+me sub IS located m the drdl.trmg IMOW the non-m~gncllc
[he need for an MWD prdser sub. often of Itmlrcd 01)-rsnge ; M drdl collar. Tfm mcrleshoe sub fits e]lher the’ DhfWl) or o[her wrr.
.c\oIdcIJ. The l)hiWI) tool IS a one-size tool for JI wed drd] COI. \ey mstmmcnls, retammg ffex]bildy wsrf s]mpllcny of wnlce “~ht”
I.srs mi drdl!ng &semhllcw. suh N made to match the drdl<trmg and no reqriltions r\M on 01)
or conncchon type.
The tool was also dcs!gned to Iw along [he low s,de of any cfrdt
collw cvhde taking surveys. In afl modes of operation, a small sleeve !s mscrtwf at the rop
of the non.magnetic collar and the pulser module lb refcvc.ncccl
An mlerw.orrg piece of ewdence ifemons!r.r!mg that the tool across this area. lience. when the drdl collar M firs! med. Ihc
does this IS as follows. On one well. repeafabd!cv of IIMWD sur. length of Ifsc tool m spaced to match the Icng!h of the collar 10 nh.
\e}s. and correla[]on of DhlWl) da!a WI*!, single shots and [am the correct operational length of the tool llu$ )~ J cmc-t]mc
berwhm,!rks suddenly became a proble!?. A replacement tool. procedure. When the drdi collar IS changed, the’ l)hlWl) once
Ccucl; rsed m. showed tfsc same da!a pat!ern. AI the end of [he WC+I. irgmn M rcfcwnced for the new collw.
JS the B}i A was being laid down. a bend m !he cirdl collar hoccwsg
[he f)MWl) tool was discovered. Lafc’r measurement of the angle The small sleeve directs mud flow Ihrough rhc II JIM}
of bend showed II matched the v,cr Iarions wc.n m I)M Wl) qrmey provides confirmation that Ihc’ tools arc correctly scwccf.
rfa:J c’xaclly. (The opcrirtor kr[er concluded the coil.rr became
bent through CXCC.SS weight on bit ) f:or ~o.dex,hng or rctrlcvlng purpows. 3 rmmmum mwdc
dnmefer (11)) of 2+ m IS nercww. Sh[mld the operatnr chrme.
Centralms!mn behcwn tool .md collm WJII IS 11x. he may nm !he !ocd non-re!r!m.rble. and [he 11) crnerbon [hrou~h
lerss[~e sucwy comp.rrbmr wsts fwruecvr the l)\lWl) tool anJ rhe cfrdl+rmg does not apply.
from cr[hcr wnc.y s).tcm. nn’iuding~arclanc uznet lorrl. (o fleri run
slmcrlt.meoudy). ~ro%. m.tgncttc mult!.hcrt> and rtcn o!hcr \lU’1) To accommodate the I) IIWI) Inol. the drdl.trm~ rhwxn
$.tem$ showed thd ~cmr.dva!mn wc5 not nc<e~.ary to produ<c. rcqutirc$ mm!m.d adprstmerst. in fJct. rewrl!< to date .Iu,w the tool
.. Nmf3ct0ry survey data often 15run In cfrdlmg awmhlws ccithour h.wmg tn mfd .mv rfrdl in;
hJrdbVJrC a! Jli
fkmd:ilily cschisned. ‘Fhe I) LIWI) tool c.m INSbroken down
mlo lcmr Ilght werght modrclc.. c’a{h cd which uclgh. .}pprcm]m~tcly ?slany new applications found
W lh (IX kg), A complete I)\! WI) Iocrl nr ..cIectcd mocfule (4-7 II
or 1.2.21 m long) may be tranqmried m a h.crcf pla.tu box (6 In hy llle l)ilWll tr)e,l i:.n hcw uwxf c\rcn.mclx ]n nph.d di[ct.
X In. by 9 f!) (IS x 2[) x 27S cm) unh i tor,d comhlrscd ucl~ht It”.. hon.d hlWl) ,]!(ms !h.d crthc’r KIWI) .j.fmn. Jrc U.C4 It,r. 2[JII lb (91 kg). In comp.rrtson. a tj’picA wngle shot with .!nkcr e g. kick nffi, snfetr.icks. corrcctmn rcm~. Iwh:rscf ~tecrablc’ .>.tcm..
Iur. cvetghs ]25 Ih (57 kg). A f)\fWl) fool rn.w he tr.m.por[ed tn Iettmg and rotwy drdlmg smm[mrr~ Thcw Imc been dl<u<.cd
remote Ioc.rtmn. (onshore .md nft.horv) \!.t hell, crptcr. 81. ll~ht clwwhcve Thew c,tw? hl.!nrws .Imw wlcclcxl Jccnmpldmwnt.
v,c@f Jnvng ,1 dettrfcd adi. m!,tgeolcr cnnicmpnr. rn hlWl) !nnl. umfcv iar!c’d condmnm .md dl. hn;u!.h the new tcml frnm mort-
Tfw !cr.mdlfy of the D\ fW’1) tncd m.]mfc.t. ]Iwlf in It. .dulm r,, IW cmwcmmn.
d KIU’1) w.lemt
h.mdlcd cad) ond tiu!chl), and even [oral m.!k.cup tlmv nn the rap
floor M m!mmd comp.!rcd to o[her .\stcm.. c’ c. .P.K mg at flu. t. Go-dctilirrg applieaticms. I’here ,src thrtc mcthmi. nf $n.t.,li.
mcnl~, If ,my. in match Ihc !nnl WI(II the dr]; l IJLV ,qv MC !he fool lntn the drill.!rjn~
prnxlm.tlcly 5 mtnu!e. Il. mmful,sr dcwgn Ji.n cn,,l,lc. .,)mc wr.
! Icgr]g of fhc tool to he Wtfmmccf Jt [hc well wIe . AI [he wrrface
. Ily ulrelme
Tfm ex:imple;]tc. porf.dul]q A f)\t\Vl) Imd In II. c.u . (in.cfcvdlng
vmg c:l~ cvml~Ioadecf mto a hclfcorfcr m Vcrme. 1 OUIVJTM .lf
(M ftfJ hours for frJnymrratlon to a rlg ‘I%c 11c41L
opter f nt,h t hv (hch ding of the ])~fi~i) fnn! 1. dL’flnc’d .!s thL, fru~. I.dlrnc !)1
tool 60 mdcs offshore uhere If was awcmhlcxf. and SO. dC’\ dd l“fn flw tool through the drdl.!rlng from fhe .urf.jte I!) tflv mm.
the hole. fly 09.30 hours. p]st 3* hours affcr Iv.ji mg I.smf. it W.I. magrwtlc cfrdl collar m uh[ch N I< m bc Iocatmf during tfrdhn$!
pcdwrg dounhole m 13.611() f! (4,150 m) hc’h]nd :m ,mgle cJropplng Thcrc arc’ tc.werd rcwcrrw one mlgh! prc’fcr fo go-drill. For In.
drdlmg aswmbly. .t.sncc. m high. !emfwraturr ~ell~ lt mw he :td~.mtagl’ou~ to {rll~ [n
wthm 5(J0.7UfJ ft (150-200 m) of hollom. circulate to cool the mud.
For normal onshore use. and m mess cchme uw of a heli, op. fhen go-de~d the tool and rcwrme trqqwng. The ford f:dk a! 5511.
Icr would be tmpractlcal. a van can be Io.sdcd cwfh lhe urrfa(e Xfll ft/mm. ( 170-244 m;mn’. ). B} the hmc lhc I*I! hm remhed lxx.
eqrslpment plus up to three complete tools and cfrncn to {he fcrm. fhe tool v.dl be m ds proper Inc:mnn. f3~ go-dcvdlng. tlw cl.
wellslte Because of this mobdtry. remote Iocatmn.. many not con. feet. of extreme temperatures c.m be m]olmtircd. JS clfwl In the trot.
snfered within [he reach of hfWl), can now bcnefjt Up to 2 week< v.ell rime hlvory
of operation can be sustained without need of ~esupply. In the
U.S.. spares and tools can be wst long distances by otermgh! “flw follo~tng dafa show J r.m~e of cmlronmcnts ]n which !hc
cocmer. and normally wlthm 12-24 hr may reach a cvellww. for ex- tool ha. been go-de~ dc’d.
ample 1.S@.l males from the nearest supply bisw. In Wmc c JW$.
remote onshore locations may be easier to support than some off.
shore Iaattons where transportahon IS hmnecf to mfrequem wspply

WE 16(15X Blil:Nl)[RSON ANI) \!. Ocl.UC’llEY 3

\Wlls where Dkl\VD was godeviled zone wasdrdlccf the od compmyh.d mtencfcd togo back 10 using
multwwor MW1).
hlc%lsurclf Inclination, hlu(f
depth, fl W4ghl. ppg On fhc firsI run. [he l)hlWl) two] was frlJccd m the cfflll$trmg
at (he srrrf~cc bchmd a mud motor anrf run m the hole. The hl;
2,W() 18.9 10-s taggwf frotrom 15 f! (.t6m) shallowcv than e~pec!c’d. ]ndlcmmg
3,69fJ 12.3 xx !h~f Ihe hole had ficllcn m. Tlsefdl wmwashcd out.mdthcdrdl.
4,5s7 4(1.0 10.0 s!rmg Immcdlatcly became stuck.
5,4$0 60.0 130
6,159 50.0 10.7 Thedrdlsfrmg was]arred frer. andahlghdmrwtypdl spotfctf
X,91(, (>2.0 135 on bottom Ix’fore trlppmg out. A rotwy run w]thocrf Ihc ht\VJ)
11.950 l.rl 16X tool was then made 10 clean up the hole.
12.015 40.0 17.0
13,nor) 2s o 170 After !hc hole WAS conrhlmncd. the I)MWI) ICIOI was TC-
I.l,(foo 23.(1 lU.1 mcerlccf m the hole for a slcermg run of 136ft (45 m). A rrmry
19.023 29.(1 14.8 run of 730ft (2.J(Jm) wasthcvr msde. #t uhlch porn! the hole ww
considered st~hle. The b]! was pullccf and lhc l)MWl) fool kucf !Ibccomc%ncccswym rcplacc.i !OUI ch, ~nholc. go. down.
cfmdmg UIII wc conwtlerablc rrmc (’rJble 3). Aflcr one IOOl I.
cc]relmcd out. tf!e wcond one IS go-devded in }mmcdiately. This en- I)rdlmg wjth a mcci!mensor MWI) system resumed for Ihc
rrrc, w[lucncct:tkcs! hc-mcttme: t$runn8nga single< hot. rcmamder of !he well.
the tool IS uuelme rctrwvirhle, It wits a complete rormcf trip of !hc
drlllstrmg. In ,ufdmcm gu-dckdmgm sd%csonec ompletentrclmc A wcondcisw hMoryoff.horc Loumwr&lswNhanodcom -
t[]p. l%l<mcthod w\-t-s\.llu:ll! lerigtime, &sw;>ll asconwm!ngh~t- who hid already lost two mcd!tumsor hlWf3s imd fJliAs m
[CO Ilk>. thcvehy extcndlng Ihc life of [he tool drwvnholc !hc or!gmal hole and sidetrack. They mtcnderf to csw the I)MWI)
1001 m the wcond wdc[rack before rcvcr!mg to mulfmwor hl\’Vl)
In !hr ebcnt a s!ngle non.magnetic collar M run. It IS po.wble 1Iowmer. due to contlnuetf hole prohlcms the l)\lWi) rool was
m pull urct tl)c I)MWI) tool, run a wngle shot In the wme cnll,tr. UWJIOTJ)
rctlwjc !1 .uwf lhcn w]rellne In or go.tlc~il Ihe l)hf Wl) tonl Iwk
In!o the cnli.!r. By th!s method. ful [her hcnchmJrk.s he e.1.rh. The tool was flr.t from 14,ss{1-15,02(1 fr (.$.537 .4.S79 m)
1}.lwcf. If reqwrecf 11 pro~ulc. :he option of elimmalmg the newcf 10 steer around the fidt Tfus CCmfollowccf 10 162 hr of ro!sr_s drdl-
tor running .r wcrmcf ncrn-rn,ignelu LOl!W. If II IS only requwctl fm mg from 15.020. 1FWA4 ft (-S.S79.5.(1S() m). rrwn: .m S 3 Wn. (213
tunmng sur%cy checks. Should two non. magnellc CUII.U. Iw run. .s mm) pOl)cw.talltne-tilJmOnd-cOml~.let (PI)C) Ivt, On the mwf rurl
.Inglc .IIOI c.rn he run cc}tfmut remrnlng :hc l)\l Wl) lnol 1 llC unere !tgh[ hole problems were cncoumercd A! 1K7111 It (5.7(M m)
wrnev m.lrumcnr I. then lmfccf cf)rc{tlj on top of the tool”+ I!. hlng A IIIP UM mmfe to the cawng ihoe .!! 13.S00 II (4.?07 m) and the
m,, k mud rec’rmdmonccf and ns ccelght ad)u.tcd.

Iligh Much.plpr risk. I’hc frrol has .q@il:ltmns In drdllm! en. Because of arrtlcqkrtccf commrcccf fq911 I1oIc concfllions, tlle
Lsrnnmrrlt. cchvrc stulk. pqw wtu.tlmn. ,Irc, .mticlp.ltcL l)hfWI) tool cca$ w!relmed out from th}s depth and Lr[d down. AI
Ihl. point. u was con~!dcrcd untertmn If drdlmg ahcmf was powhle.
A numhc’r o!,,gc. .*IC mmfc>le rn rlw npcr,,ror h) l)rllllng progrcwd m 19.0.?3 f! (5.720 m) wlrhout l)\iWl). No
uwn~ l)\lWl). wnglc. <hot wn’eys were taken. AI !111sdepth the hole was con-
vdrred sufljctcnlly Wdde to drill JhcJrJ ancl !hc l)hf WI> tool u.].
. I mv lo.t.lrl.hole r!.k 1 ht. t’n!l!c tori. In.ludrrl$ rhc’ Lrl- glJ.dCl dell m .1119.023 ft. Tllc pump. M-’.rc, brought Up ~ftcf [l,,. .JII
1<.pr.d, nl.n br rcllwicxl I {II cwmplr, n,, pulxv mmutc. for free.f.dl tlmc l) Jdlutg crm!mrwd to J’1) id
.ul,. nr .iwxl.dh .m. t,luncd \t\\’1) n,m. m,,~nclm ,1)11. ii. 31.11?5 ft I6,105 m) wl[hmrt furlhcr mcah,nr.
.Itc lclr t,. lht. hok,.
Smsll hulr applicali(ms. l“hc rqxv.ctor has lhc opllon of
. In Ihc unllk.cly e!cnt nf IO(1I In... rhc npcr.I!,lr l.j,e~ t ln- dc.qmn$ the rfrdl.ttmg to en.d)le full rerrw.. dullry of !hc l)\f\Vl)
l{>.[. an.lmlc ,1>.trgt. comp.trd ulrh orhcr,,.it<.11.cnll.8r tonl an holu VZC< r.mgmg from (1 34 to.$ 78X )n (171.1$) mm) ‘Ihu
or .ull hfWl) .>.wm.. mol hcen run In hole WC+ f[om f, 5.S m -5 7:H m. ( 165. 14[1
mm]. mrcf well depth. from 3.50+1 to mote th~n IS.(SM ft ( 1.067.
. Altct r,.trwi.d, the non. m.ticncvl~ cfrlll kn! 11131hnuwf 5..tXS m) ( r.ddc 2).
rlw l)\l Wl) ronl 8. Jt<c.vhlc [n m free pmnr .ur. n !n.
.rrumcrlr. run In rlw hnh. Ncm. rc’rr]ci.ddt’ hl\\l) .!.. Sm,tll hole appllca!lons h,n: Included
tcm~ frequently Mink. Itcc.pmnt .Icces. tn thr Iuucr (,(] It
ot fit 1A 1“111<m.w pro$ !dc Ihc, d! ftr~cmc fwtnmw . ShJllow cawx! hole wdctr~cks from cxmtmg prodrrcuon
rcm3mmg .!uLks m the hole m ftcclng tlw f[.h wells with ryplcal dcprtls of apprrm!m#cly 3.5fM It (1.067
. l’he .ihove combma!lon of A.mtagc. m.iy Pcrmlt the
opcr~tcrr to cm KIWI) In wclk i>rcx mu+ con.dcrccf un. . P1.mncd small hole exten.lorw of ew.[mg WCII$ m rca<h
f.n nr.ddc for KIWI) appllcmlons. total dcp!hs (Tl)) of 12.(WO- lX.OfJI) f{ (3.600.5.5(J0 m)

~JW Iuwx lcs +OW the uorkmgs of I hew ad! .mr.!ge.. A1tempK 10 reach Tl) m a hole s17.c smaller th,rn
originally mtencfcd.
On an ekploratmn ucll of f.hcrre I.orr]wm.t. J!n~ con-
Lrmmg .r h!gh cn~r. muhcn~or ML%]) swtem Iwc.imc’ stu:k m lhc . Uw m bolt’s Jwhmd mud motors for rotary drdling 10
hole aiold c.suwng c.ismg wear.

The od company prep.rred for a smfeir~ck ancf selet ICCJ the . Potential stuck pqrc !Jtuat]ons m small holes.
l)hfWl) tool as a low risk of loss and low cost hlw’11 system to crw.
should Ihcy become $tcsck again m the =me mtcn al. Ome the

A cme hls!ory de.wrdmg one of the I]rst-tier small.hole rurw “f_hlscaw hts!ory um the l)hl Wl) tool’s flr.1 fdcf WplIL.II IOn ]rl ,1
occcrrd on J wII offshore I.oulsmna If u-as dcc!ded to drdl a (,+. hor WCII. 1[ win conwferetf ~ wrc<c.. hy II!U od,
In. hole from 12.020 fi (3,f<,5 m) 10 l.l,OfJf} ft (4,.?(,s m) ~-1) lJvrrg a
PIX h)[. IIole angle was 33.6”. II was mtwtrfmf to mwnt.un ;Inglc The UCII had reached cmmg point Jr 12.1]15 f[ (3(,(,3 nl) ,u:C!
10 Tl>. The drdlstr;ng u.wd h~cf 19 JOlfIt> of hcmyw,dl cfrdl pqw (he LJVCI.IUII W.M mxh’ to LIrdl ?.()(11111 ((,1{) m) of (J.IFI. ( 1S2 mm)
wtth an 11) of .2 1/10 In. It w.n recogmzcxl lhJl llw 2.]n. 01) hole 17 Ih,’gd (2.IJ.J ,P &r) oll.luwd mud u,th c~pmlcd fll I I .
l)\lWl) IOOl COUIIJ encounter thfllccdry pmvng througtl 11)1<w. 10 cwccd 257 ‘F (IM “~). mu! dropplnp imylc 31 1“”!(X) II (1” ?(1
eon. Tire 1001 w.i> regmfcd .r* hrlng In 3 ncm. refire. d)le fsow[l[m m) oier the cntlre mlrmd llu. UJ. 10 lx’ .!cc[]ml,ll.hcd III UIW [VI
IWC.NIW of the 1]) Ibn)l[a[i”n. run Uwrg J Pi)(’ bkt to chmm.ilc IM trqM

I)rdl]ng from 12,020 In 12.(J95 f! (3.665.3.X70 m) w.i. drrrw 1 hv I)lfwl) 1001 ud. u.ed in !111. p.grtl. ul.u ;qqll]t .nlc,n
with 2 Iurs. Al 12,695 fl. the dfdlstr]ng Iwx.!mc’ .ILILJL. Allcmptt [u hcl,mw.
p free v.rre rzn.uccrs<ful. After runmng log~. a {Ice. polnl ;md
lw~off-charge comlmm!mn tool w,f. run In the hole ,md the he~i>. . II <Ullhf he !ctrll’\.d !,hm K,llllr,.d v.llh(lll! u:mc(,..-
w.rll pIpC w.m fxJckcAJ off at the top of the drdl CO1l.!r<. Ju>t lnwfc wrdy dcwro>mg ,m \l\l’1) trml lw. mw of cxce.wc hc, tl,
lhe cmng. No wtemp!s were m& to retrwve !hc l)hlW’1) fool
through the heary-swdl fsqw The fish was then I,lfched onto uvng . Il. unccrl.un Ilfr <pm In !I1,. ho.fdc en\ Ironnlcnt nl!ghl
;i screw. in wrh, and a uwelme u,as run to bottom. The I) L! WI) tool be long cnou~h IO gne .uftrc Itmt mdic.lrmn of how !11,.
WJS Ia!ched on!o and retricnuf successfully. ‘flus W.M 1[5 fw>!-mer hole was rti.poncflng [o Iht. hot!om.holv .J..cmi)l~
refrkwcd attempt from mmJe a 4 3M-m. drdf toll.!r. The sfrdl+fmg (lJ}IA)
u.,. stuck belo% the shoe. muf nothing elw n.!.
r?trickcd from the hole. . ][. lC[llV\,d COUld ht’ m.lde L\llhllLIt :4<Mnph.rv [cllllld tl]p
to rc~oier Ihc tonl. lhu. ..!tj. h!ng the r<,qu![~.mcnt t,:
%,crmtf small hnle. Armthcr ofl.horc Loul.;,m,i WCII h) [ht. thdlmg the ?.lllfl.ft mten.d ]n om. Iut run.
wrnc oper,nm prm Ides J second .Ilm-hole C.IW ht.tnn A d,tlcrcnl
1)11A u.,* wed am! 3}-m. hc.,k>-w.:11 pqw u,[h .! 2{ In. IJ) “l?w :dlerndtnc w.i. to rn.d.c J L(nnp!clv rlql It) rCmIB.<. .1 mm
dcld)cr:m4\ sclecfuf A (,+-In. hnlc WJ. 10 he cfrdlt,d IYIOW ]2.531 ft rctrlm.ddc \i\Vl) .).wrl ,It the !Imc. Ill 1 I. .qqlrtl.n I;vJ lh~ wn IL.(I
(3.S?0 m). to 14.6S9 ft (.S.S19 nl) tc.mpel.stuTe I!mn for th.!t p.utt, ul.8r .).ttim

on !ht’ f]l.t run. [hc l)\!Wl) Inol wd. ui!clmcd in a! 1..:IJc) h Wmr to tfrdllng below the t. I.tng .lu:e. th~. dt dl. tt]ng u.,.
(.S57 m) to check !he 11) of the BliA and hemvuall pqw .md tfe.!gned w a mm!mum If). m(lutfm? the prs. um nn! k>.. !h.m ?+
dclcfmlnc the r< w!.dvll~ of !he .).tcm Ih tool *.I. ltwn m. A .S3 .km 01) nnn. magnclx to;!.ar WI!lI lhc l)!.l\Vl) .IL’OU .,n,l
Wlrcllnc’d out .rmf Imf dnun untd the lrlp m u.*. tomplt’tc AI !hm b.dtlc pl.t[e m.1.!llcd *.9. mc.wrtcd ,md In<orpc]r.l[cd IJ1tc) tin,
pmnt. the I) LIWI) IOOl was utrcllnmf In and drlll]ng commemed dldl.t[lng.

l)rlllmg remhrd 13.59X fl (.S.1.!6 m) ,lnd a 10unlf [rip omc 00 Iwttom, ~mul.umn w.3. m:tilnl. uncd flu W n11m8(c.
m.tdc Hcfore rcwmmg drdllng, ;I fool am ~o.rhded In tlw c.t.lng “Thl. WA. .ulfn wnf tnme IO IIIL. inlunw of IIW drdl.rrlng ,md
pn8n: ;91 1?.443 fl (3.79-J m). (;n.dmd!ng hmf Iwt{)mc IIW plJt<. cnol mud on hrxtom The l)\l\Vl) tnnl wm ilcd tnto
opL. r., tol’. prcferr’.d pro<ccltlrt, tor ,nwv l,ng the l)\f \i”l) [nut ln[,, Ihu drill.tfmf, .md omc IIIc c.t, m.stcd ??.mlnufv Ilcc f.dl IImc W.I.
[ht. rfrlil. [ring. Irqqxng in 10 Imtl[]m crmt, mwd. I {(de cnnJ8ti(>rl. re. tchcd. Ihc purnp~ uerc lvough! up .Inxl!. I’ul. t,. mcr<. wen. tn.
lscrc k,nmvn to be dclermr.ttmp ,;1 [In. .I.!ge nf IIw well \\ IIIIC dlc.jtmg the tool wa. Lorrc(th pO.ltlnmwl In Ihr co!t.]r Jnd fumt!nn.
rc.tming to Im!tom. the 1111,1 Iw. mw .[UL L ,\ttem p!. 10 ).jr I<U>V ln~ norm.dlv.
*crt. un.u~ce..:ul 1 h’. l)ll\\l) [{ml u.,. th<.n lcrt ,ctcd b, Uir<.l,:w
.Imf drw. n II<!(NC runn, fig A Irt.c pmol. 1 hc !,.17 ,A.I. let:w!c,l 1111,t,r.t (C]rcul.,fing) kmqwr.dmu rv,ord,,d !,.I. ?~(,”l I 1[1~.~
O!tr the ncll Iew d.i~. 8( ‘J in IIIIS ,qq>llt. trmn.!Iw !(, [31”.[cmpcr.nulu .<n.a,t prcncxl 1,) Ik.
citlemch UWIUI A ~t.itic Ill I I 4)! ,7rl,l “1 [ I.W “( ) h.ul l~ui,rl ~...
On the nvxr fun, J l)\l\Vl) ln,>l u.(. +.lln po. dm dud r,> II:C ILm.ltmf 1 hu~, hv!u:g the lnol In cnnkr mud. P(IIcvI!:.J
b.i.]ng .hrx before pn,.. z to hotrom l)\dlm&! Lmltlmled. lull ,1[ .1 lltgil. ft. mllcr.trurc prrddcm. h.Id Iwen J!mdrd.
LL’q 10M r.!tc of pcnct SImn (5 tr hl. 1 5 m hr) L\!lh~cn .t,(b, hide
crmrfmon.. 1[ u.k~ nece+:lo tn ]m oft bottnm .nuf rot.tfe PIIW I)rdl]ng ‘ontlnued from }2.[)15 In 13. S[1(1 ff (3,3(+ -I.2117 mJ
Jurmg cnnnecrmn. Ai!mm,d tgme w.*. ,dlnllnf to olv.un .un{ L. for SS hr wIthrwI .m\ prri~lem. 1 h<, ttld .houed J Cll<Ui.lt811&!
,\l I.I. WM fr (4.2.79 m]. .If d 5 i 4“ Mu .nylc. [Iw Ill l,\ lwt. imc tcmpcr, iiurv of W “1’ (139 O(’). ,\t [III. polnf. II wm d<xdcd to
.IULA. J.ur]ng f[m. WA. un.u(<c.. ful “IIw l)\l\Vl) ,,,,. relric..<.,l IN run lng. .mf m,du,w lhc well. A wrqk ~hot u:!< drnppcd Jnd lhr
u!rclmc ,md I.ULJ drmn to ,IU.111 rc.ul t.. The UCII v..I. I.!tcr .d,.!n. tool Mm trq~pcd out of the hole m’!lh lht, tfrlll.lrmg. l)hf\Vl) di!t.I
doncd wti[h the 11.h .1,!1 m PI. NC. ncre tcrafwd b) tlw wnglc shot. Aftur runrung log.. If w.o dcculcd
10 drdl .dw.d ms depth of 15.CIIII) tt 1~.5~3 m). On, c :I;.lm drw.
,“.1 no time ulu!t’ uolk,lng m the h.v. wdou. %Sctl,m i~f IIw 11(IIc p]ng .mglc n Jc,cnfcd to IJ} down !he l)\l Wl) tool 1 he nper,ilor w.!. n.
plmtmg the fully-rctrtesalde femurc of Ihc cqurpmem IV t.d.m< ,\ .r,d]t RI IT of .1.?.S”1 ( Ill”( 1 V.J. Iccofdrd In the wlrellnu
.une}~ uhere the exposure [o stuck drdl pq)e W.IS tnfzh. whjlu mjn - hwc)ng [no! IIaw-d on mdlc.lluf .uncy .3, CUI.UV .Ir 1111.ICMPC7.I.
]mmng the risk of Iowng the tool m the hole. In this fwrr],ul. u lure. )( U.I. LJwnfmf to commuc utdulnz the [001 In ],lcnf)fl optr. It.
c.iw. hecarwe of the operator”. pre$mus etperlence and f.imdm; in lng I]mlt.ltmrm
u]rh this h4Wl) sys!em. he was comfortid>le commumg dralllng
uwng hfWl) for suneymg under thew athcrw drdling crmdttmn.. On Ihe ne~t trtp. the same drdl,ng .i.wrnbly u lhou! a I)\!\\’l)
1001 U.O rerun mfo fhe hnlc, On !hl. tool run. ,[ NM lIW Idml to
not WCI15. The Il\tWl) tool m+ bc run in well. u]th hmtom (frdl Jur]ng the W.mmute cmcuLmng i~crlOd necJed to c~ol lb,”
hole !emper.mms (flltT$) which exceed n< m!t]all~ dcvgnuf mud prmr to gcWfc\dmg ihc lord. W’Ilh 10% Penclr:!tr n rJlcs m
oi>cr,rrmg and dwectmnd wnsor prewt caltbrdllon llmns of 257 “1’ !hls pmt of the hole. H was powhlc 10 drLll during the cnculatln~
( 12S “~). The till retr]m.d~]llty fc”.!turc of the tool hi. mum period ulthoul need of a wzne}.
umque adw+mageswhlch may be appllecfm !hew wells A h!..
!ory of a well drdled off~hore Tema~ dlus!r.f;ec hot hole l)\!W7).

SPI. 16(15X 1?.lf[Xl)IRSOS ,INI) \l 0. [’1.lXliLY 5

“lWO cme Imtorms show’ time sa~mgs.

As J lurthcr (Iwck lo !CIIIY IIW tcrol’s cf.i!d, a chffclwrt tool wd.
used an thl. run. Upon hr, ng]ng ur Ihe frumps. goorl prdw. lcrrt,
The slecle and hJffle plate WJS PIJCCIJ in the dr]llstrmg :N
rcccmd. mf Lila from tlw prccmros wnc)s ieilfwd An tmtiJl
21.fM hours and the flfiA Irq>pecf to bottom m 3.36S ft (l,17ff m).
temper.i!ure of 271 “F (133 “C) w*% rccordecf. mcflt.dmg .urf.lce
Afier chdhng ro kick off point and cr:ccrlarmghotroms up. al 11:3(1
coohn?. but 3s cfrdlmg contmuecf, temper.cture5 hcg.m 10 ;ncrc~w
hours the next day. a f)hlWl> tool wm go-cfcwlecf {o bottom. %
J. hc.frrrc. AI ]4.303 fl (4,361 m) cfmw!ton.d wrccy~ fwg. m to lncfl -
m!nurcw Lrtc’r the tool was pcd~ing up vcr!ficatjon sun’ey Cfsta ancf
(.IIC (he c]rtcd.rt]ng WM Iwg]nmcg to exceed the tools the skermg run heg~n.
prtwt Wntiy-c.cllbr.rllon cc’lncfow.

FoHowmg the same pr~edure as m the case hmtory above. a

At 14,WII I( (4.415 m). ,iftc’r 42 c Irtul.rtlng hour. .md rc.ithmg
tool was go+c’ded 25 hour< after the slccct
to 4.~75 ft (1.4X6 m)
.i temper.lture of 295 “F ( 146 “C). Ihc 1001 shu! Nwlf oft If cc.!.
amf bJfffe plate ewes msfalled in the cfrdl$rrmg. Eight mmutcs later
rcv:Iclccf and drdl]ng le.crmcd $![hcrut \f\Vl). No further LIW’1)
the tool was lransmlltmg data and drdl]ng commenced.
1001< ccere run due to tcvnper.uurc conditions

The combmcd features of re[rmab]lity and high portihbry of

I)rllllng cont]nued cm to f_l) :Iftcr the tool w.!. rcmmrd
this MW1) system rou1mc4y h.cvc been UWCI by od compmes. For
ex~mple. three wells drdllng corwrrrrenlly cwtbin a 2-hr dnvc of
once the tool ccrolerl dwcn on the w!rf.trc. H hc’g.m m opm. rle
each other cwe able to use the s:ime l)!dWf) tool m selectmf m
norm.dly dmf p.Js> wlf cfxtk.. f I:gh tumpci.tture hwf Iwcn tlw
tcrv.ds. All three chdhrrmgs ceerc prepwed for l)%!WI) prior 10
rcmon for the tool to <top functmmng
running m the hole. The IOOl wm movecf between the Cvellvtes w
We of I) IIWI) m hot-wells IS reg.udecf a. mere.c.mgl} impor. .I< I! pros lclcs unuwr.d flcxd~dlfy LIW’1) Cfcpfhs can he e\-
By gcmhdmg the Iool mm a prcc’mudy wed for wrglc-
tumfccl hy cmdatmg ml cooling the mud on Iw!tom prmr 10
shcrt ornm[,ttmn, rhe opcraror mrcf cfirc’c[!omrl cffdler are suppl[ctl
wrclmnng or go. rfe\]lmg the tool In[o the Cfrdl.[tting. In add!lum 10
Immechm qcr.cbhmg rfata bmween the .mgle .hoI and [hc MWI)
the aho!c apphc,mon. other hot.nell wtu.mcm h~ic, hecvr con-
prior to dllllmg Commccccmg Of p.grt] note M both W.
wdcrecf lhc’w Include str:ugh! holes monltormg angle budd
\eys arc t,$ken uwng the wme mulc+ne wI>, non-mJpneItc rfrdl cul-
(V.lllng ulthm a mm!mum JflFIL’). .Md Vn.dl helm (6! In. 01 k’..)
I,cr spacing. and at the wme dcp!h downhole. I’hls hmm dw
Iwh]m] mud mntcrr<.
crepmrcm< hetwccn suncy d.flJ. A benchmark wncrlcf also be e%dm
Regional applications
In J p.t?licrrh! arcd of !hc U S.. uhclt’ budcfm!g to 17.3U”
I’lw l)hl\Vl) 100I h.:. hcc’n LIWd on Crn.hnlt, UL’11. cchc’ru cnn.
angle is oplcd. drdhng the htgh ROP >ectmn of such ir well using J
icntton,d hf\Vl) .A.1. nor cost clh.ctl~c.
Cclrcllne stcel]ng tool or wrg,lt’ ,hot WOUICI requ][c 17 - 26 wncy+
per Iwk off. wrh an mw.cgc’ hmc of 1 hr.hrwy. The adc’.mmgt r,f
Lnw transportation cost. A conqllch of l)Sl\\ 1)
Iwlng ah]e ro wlccINc4y Incorpol.uc the l)\t\\’1) tool mto tlm wc-
tool. .ancf equq>mcvrl cm Iw,o[ tvd ,n a .m.dl ~mr I f !:11
tlon of !hc WCIL cbrnmatcs almost all of thl~ nmc mwf pro! IUCS !hc
tr.m.pnrr.lfmn ch.lrgcx for hf\\’1) 10IIw< .mcf .UIM arc cltmln.ctul
oper~tnr addltmmcf co<t mc’mgs on r]g time.
Thl~ h.+. m.dc the 1001 mnrc CO.! cffvctiic’, .mcf hm helped nl.d.c
[hw h@~ly mnhdc hfW’1) .i.tenl a ir.d~lc propn.!rmn cm .hcvl-tcrnl
Nolel applications

Although [he orgm.d dc.) of Cfmclnpmg I) JIWI) eqwpmcm

Rcxluccd lr!p timr. The l)\!\Vl) font h.]. fwcn uwtf nn short.
cc.r. prim.trd) fm u- on dlrccr]on.d ccell., nrlnv ~ppl]catmn. h.!vc
!crm tfcertng run% cchme no ,AJlrum.d llq>. ,IIC nce<hcf to m.f.dl
Jll; lC.lrt’d
Jmf cru’ A! WI). “I”hl. n’,cIhod I. p. filrrcul. ulypopul,lr .Inwnp. ! rrrde.
pvmlc. nl 011 ccrmp.lnw utth Ion dldlkng hmlfur. I lx’ l)\l\\l)
oriented curing, 1..\l>,.ftr1>c!1t.8r!on L(IIII po.l!mning rhc
Icml”. .Itw, ,md balllc pl,I[c. J[c in.r.lllud In .i mm. m.!;rwt,c dl !il
l)\l\Vl) rod on rop of .m mncr cnrc fmrrd .md Ihcn !,>IIwAu1; r!w
Ldl.u prmr 10 lrq)pmg m I“fw t\pI1.d L.itk. o!l vquen. v.nn. hmc
mmemcnf. .md arlc, nr,t[lon cd rtw )nnvr h.srrul uhi!c d[liling Lt. It’d
LI s .1< ,). fcdlou<
t<) .I>m<- lntC1t’. tll1gr~.l!-tlm~ d.l!,l 1<.ldr<

1. I“he dlrectmn.d cfrdicr .Nh I.C. 01 dxdl!ng p.!r.tmrtcr.. !It>u

II h.,. hecm iC.MnCd th.u
T.l[’. \. etc.
.- Tht drdl coil.u h prep.ucd .md I)\lW 1) tool’s .Iuov m-
1 llw rnnl dm+ not UIIUIVI Ihe .kclIuiv Imn of boft’.
.t.dlccl. IIIC Cfldl.t[mg 11) is cht$ckmf 10 c’n. urc.! 2}-]n mtmnlom
.? II a conrmuocrs cnrc N hcvng CM. tlu~ tcmd~ to hc mchc.ited
~ho\c the non-m. qmetlc collar
IV stc.dy .urfacc prcwrrc and kf\Vl) rool-face d:d~ i~o!e Me;.
3. TrIP IO bottom cwthmr! the l)\fWl) tool .md v.!!! to drew
3 If no core M being cur. cmrwu.dly high (2fM pv. 1,379 IYJ)
.mlf cfrdl off the plug In one .MCJ of IIIc’ L’.S. fhi. 1.m f.Ae V.36 hr.
wrf.icc prewrc ffcrctu:mon~ amf IOU hl\Vl) tool-face cf~ta (Wr; or
“Ill, I)MWI) tnol wncdcf not he on Icrc.mon cftrrmg III,. time.
Icw) are teen.
4. Or]ent.itlon off hntlnm M hy uvng wngle shots r!plcd 4. If a contmcrocrs core IS being cut. htWl) data WIII mchcate lf
drdlmgrates m Ihl; area were 1-3 ft,hr ( m,hr). The ml
II M being u r dwf A sreacfytool fate ~lth ~lOWSPIIJI* mcan~ n
company uoufd mx !ncurrc’d anv KIWI) CO.1%during Ihl.
grind wrdw on tbe core. Random IOnl f.rces nrchcate cow brc,tkagc’
m lt M being cut.
5. When reaching the point Pene!r.atmn r,jtv. ore ,mticqvtecl S. l)rdlmg par.+mcters m~y be ch.mgctf to Improle core ac-
m mcrca$.e. KIWI) eqcrq>mcnt IS hroughl to lhc Icrc.cllon imd r!~g’d
qcrwtlon although rewlr~ 10 CfJIC’ m lhl~ area requilc$ furlhcr
up m apprO\lmmcl} 35-MI mmcrtcs.
anal} MS.
f). f)urmg this rig-up IIme, a tool M go-cfetdcd mlo !he hcdc.
6 The operator now has the’ potential of knocc’lng ormntat]on
0F1CJII% to a cfcpth of 3.5 fM-fLOOfl f! ( f .067-,?.43Ym). CM a,er.cgc.
ctata are bcmg wtc(imf on lhe surface I’Y Teal-t)me hfwl)”i~ul~
drdlmg wnh hfWIl cocchf commence 20 mmute$ after the tool M m-
rclcme try w hde’ , :C M hemg cut. llm compares uith relying on
sttillccf at the surface. This cc!th $X hr rcqum’d for a
stcu$mg mcdltshcr!m orher dmcnhrdc-recorded dma Krken during
round Inp to mstafl a non+etrle~able MWI) system.
coring. Ihe core run IScompletecf. Should
hut only acces<dde afler
this eqcnpmentfml rn any way ro provtde data. N is already too late
to repeat the core.

h has been found I!rat various formahons and the degree of

fr~cturing of the formaflons WIII have a bearing on the behavior of Tdrle 1
the core barrel, the pattern of the tool-face data prowdcxf. and the
level of success m enhancing core recovev. DMW’D specifications

To perform this serwce. the f3MWD tml M seated mm a OpcraImg frarismetcrx

muleshoe sleeve Iocaled on an exfenslon rod. TlsIs rod. m turn, IS
connected to lbe top of the inner core barrel. A non-magrseuc drdl hlrsd flow (rypIcJl), gpm 150-7G+J
collw of operator. deswed size is located on top of the outer core Mucl tempcr~ture, ‘F (“C) Operating 2S7 ( 125)
barrel. The DMWD is placed wlfhm this collar. Surwv.11 302( 150)
hfrrd type Vmiocrs
When drdlmg, rhe ourer barrel and collar ale rotating. whdc hfrsclwe]ght,Ib/gal up [0 18
the MWD tool and inner core barrel are expenecscmg var]able rola- AP at blt No restrtic[lons
t!on, depending on how well the core IS being cut, Im[lal concern POu-er Lkitlery
for Ihe MWD tool scrffermg abnormal wear against the wall of the (Life apx. 150 Iv)
nonmagnetic collar were unfounded. It is posalblc to use a normal
DMWD tool for th]s application w}thout any modlficatiorss. II also Sensor pac k~ge:
IS possible to mamfmn full retrlevidnlNy wtth the tool m orien!cd
coring. Dnecnonal TIMXMI accelerome!rr$
TII.wIal m.!grrctomcfc-rs
}lorizonIrd rfrilhng. Active researcht$onfinues m evalmrrmg Temperature 1n[errml 1001 sensor
use of the tonl m horizontal wells. ~rs stud mclucfes use m 3 5/8.
In. (92 mm) holes usrng 3+ I. (89 mm) OD drill collars. Such *P Sen<or range:
phcattonswoutd include the drdhrsg of riverbed crowrgs.
Tool face 0 fo 3flfr
Retrievable gamma r#y4kectlorsal. Addttton of a gamma ray Inclmaflon 010 1(HP
sensor to the extsting dlrecf}onal-sensor pack~ge would crezcte Azrmuth o(03(IO4
retr!ei able gamma ray MWD systems. Progrew m th]s area .WV
gcs[s retrievable gamma ray MWD to be viable. Sensor icccUISCY

Conclusions Toolf.~c ?T
Inclm,rtron :() 1°
In w’ercrl case hMotles. this p.rpa descrdscs how oper.rhng Anmrcth ? 1° from
comp.wrres hwe been able to bersefn from using a fully retrwvahle. horn 10 to 1(1(1”lnclln.glumr
hght-wetght MWD system.
The applications wrmfow for hlWf) has been expwrdc’d Into
drdlmg enwronments previorc4y considered unsult.ible for MW1) Toolf.cce updJIc. IS or 30 secrmck
due to economics. hole ccmdtiflon$. or geographic Iocalton For (wcllwte wlcct,d~lc) od compames. lhese new applications hive become %rmf.
ud lull Srrnc’y AI Jd.dIle 45 or 9(1 wc
w.cys of using Cfrrecliond MWI) from start of
(lvcll.ite wlccr,filiv)
Clo-cim llt’d m u 11c+nmt
We wish 10 lhank Tenneco 011 Cnmpmy md KAer I)]rc. f]on.d
Sem]ces (A l)n bwnn of [:ilog) fur permlwofl 10 publl.h thl< p.spcr Illnlmum c!c.rramr 2:.111 11)
We also thank all the other ml compwrlc~ who protldcd;t .md W!rcllrrc I.tfkht+ Armto on of!. t,!
w+lw!es fnr us to me. ml helped dciclop Ihe s}.tern Spec ].rl Almc[l lhdhlo~
thank% to the mmragcmcnt of Exlog md ILAer lntrrnNmn.d who \\lrc!mc. [) tor .h.,;l[r.,
supported and funded !hc cft’lc’lopmcn[ of !hm MW’1) .\.tcm 0 for dk.cp

S1 \tetrlc comersron f3cf01*

lbx4.535924x 10’1 . kg
gdl X37~54]2 = dms
bbl X 1.589 873x 10’] = ms
f! X 3.(M8x 10’1 =m

f3hl Wf)@ IS a reg,rstered Vn I{C mwk of E’cplorat mn 1.oggrng Inc


Table 2
Hole/collar combitsalions with DXIW)

c-oh Sizw, in. I Iole sizes,

or) ID in.

43,4 2 11,’16.27!8 5 7++, (,, (, ];g, 6*,(, 5.S

5 2i.2 11/16 6i
6 2 13116 77,$
6i 213:16 * 3.$4.Xj,8314 ;.
2i,2 13/16 $ 31X. N!,83/.l.9+. Y 7C4

2 13,16 8+
7 2 13!16 loj
7i 2 13/16.2 7[8 97i8
7.?4 2 1306,27!8 Y*, 12i. 13+. 143.’.4
x : 17,16.27!$
Y+ 3
1[1 3

12 s 18

BMary Pack
l’hI. rcprc.cnf. A wlct[ltln 01 tVWIN n,c In d.Ite

Table 3

. Rcl,l;lctmwm
Ilow D\l\VD

Iinw, hr -
sat-es time



The D\iW’D tOOi

One wt. fully WI I iev,ihle

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