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Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN

Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 2 of 12

1  Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
2  Terms, units, abbreviated terms ......................................................................................................................... 3 
2.1  Terms..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
2.2  Units ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
2.3  Abbreviated terms .................................................................................................................................................. 3 
3  Quality System ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 
4  Personnel qualifications ..................................................................................................................................... 4 
4.1  Welder performance qualification........................................................................................................................... 4 
4.2  Examination personnel .......................................................................................................................................... 5 
5  Welding processes and procedures .................................................................................................................. 5 
5.1  Procedure qualification record (PQR) .................................................................................................................... 5 
5.2  Welding procedure specification (WPS) ................................................................................................................. 5 
6  Materials ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 
6.1  General .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 
6.2  Identification of base materials............................................................................................................................... 5 
6.3  Filler Metal classification ........................................................................................................................................ 6 
6.4  General storage requirements for filler metals ....................................................................................................... 6 
7  Weld preparation.................................................................................................................................................. 6 
8  Welding ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 
8.1  Tack welding .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 
8.2  Welding .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 
8.3  Arc striking ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 
9  Heat treatment ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 
9.1  Preheating ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 
9.2  Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) ......................................................................................................................... 8 
10  Post-treatment of welds ...................................................................................................................................... 8 
10.1  Mechanical cleaning .............................................................................................................................................. 8 
10.2  Chemical cleaning.................................................................................................................................................. 9 
11  Non-destructive Examination (NDE) .................................................................................................................. 9 
11.1  Visual examination ................................................................................................................................................. 9 
11.2  Radiographic examination ..................................................................................................................................... 9 
11.3  Ultrasonic examination ........................................................................................................................................... 9 
11.4  Liquid penetrant testing / Magnetic particle testing .............................................................................................. 10 
11.5  Other examinations .............................................................................................................................................. 10 
11.6  Repairs ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 
12  Welding documentation .................................................................................................................................... 10 
13  References ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 3 of 12

1 Scope
This specification defines the requirements for welding of site storage tanks to be applied for the MOL Polyol
The aim is to ensure that the work performance is in accordance with defined and commonly used standards
for good workmanship. All references listed in this specification are to be carefully observed.
No deviation will be accepted unless written approval is obtained from CONTRACTOR.
All welding works shall be performed in accordance with
• API/ASME and/or EN standards, as referred herein
• TKIS requirements, standards and specifications, as detailed herein

2 Terms, units, abbreviated terms

2.1 Terms

COMPANY MOL Petrochemicals Ltd.

CONTRACTOR thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG
PROJECT Polyol Project, Tiszaújváros, Hungary
SUPPLIER Company / Organization supplying equipment, materials or engineering
SUB-SUPPLIER Company / Organization supplying equipment, materials or engineering to
and as specified by SUPPLIER.

2.2 Units

SI Units shall be used with exception of pressure unit which shall be indicated in bar a / bar g.

2.3 Abbreviated terms

ES = Project Engineering Specification

EDS = Equipment Data Sheet
TS = Technical Specification (Requisition package, bid package)
SS = Stainless Steel
CS = Carbon Steel / Mild Steel
TON = Technical Organization Number – will be assigned by CONTRACTOR to each
itemized equipment
ITP = Inspection and Test Plan

CSWIP = Certification Scheme for Welding Inspection Personnel

MC = Mechanical Completion
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 4 of 12

3 Quality System

SUPPLIER shall establish a quality system in accordance with ISO 3834-2 for welding of storage tanks. The
system shall be accepted by CONTRACTOR prior to commencement of welding work. SUPPLIER’s site
organization structure shall reflect these activities.

SUPPLIER shall ensure that

 QA/QC activities conform to drawings, specifications, data sheets, requirements specified by regulatory
agencies, local regulations and specified as well as common construction practices.
 the quality of the works will be continuously controlled. This includes preparation, compilation, filing and
storage of all relevant documentation to provide objective evidence of inspections and tests performed
during erection and after completion of the work, as well as the acceptance granted by all agreed parties.
 staff are adequately qualified and experienced in their relevant discipline to perform the duties of their
position in a satisfactory manner. SUPPLIER shall maintain the capabilities of the qualified personnel at
the required quality level during construction. Regular training sessions shall be held if required
 Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) are prepared and implemented considering witness or hold points to
ensure that inspection and testing activities are being properly performed by nominated parties and that
the corresponding documents are produced.
 Inspection reports are prepared for each inspection and test item based on the corresponding Inspection
and Test Plan.
 Quality program non-compliances and product non-conformances are promptly identified and evaluated,
corrective and/or preventive actions shall be taken as advised by CONTRACTOR.
 Quality documentation is being produced, and that it is accurate, legible and complete to facilitate the
timely turnover of systems and subsequent start-up activities.

SUPPLIER shall submit method statements/procedures for specific fabrication/installation steps, which define
the working sequence and inspection items as well as the manpower and tools to be used to CONTRACTOR
for review and approval in advance of the corresponding site activity.

4 Personnel qualifications

4.1 Welder performance qualification

All welders shall pass a welder performance qualification test on site in accordance with ASME BPVC Sect. IX
or EN ISO 9606-1 or EN ISO 14732, unless a welder has a valid welder performance qualification record
meeting this standard. If so, the welder must take a skill test prior to his assignment. The test specimen from a
skill test shall be subject to a radiographic examination and shall meet the requirements for production welds.
This also applies to support and tack welding activities.
Welder qualification tests on site or skill tests shall be announced in writing by SUPPLIER to CONTRACTOR
at least one day in advance.
In addition, a destructive examination (simplified bending test) may be performed. The assessment of the test
specimen shall be recorded in writing. The welder may be entrusted with the work after the test specimen has
been fully evaluated by SUPPLIER and approved by CONTRACTOR. In case the welder fails the test, he may
be re-tested one more time after adequate training. All related costs involved for qualification or skill testing of
welders shall be borne by SUPPLIER.
Each welder shall hold an unambiguous identification mark, a qualification / skill certificate, an identification
card and a hard-stamp with the welder’s mark. All welders shall, at all times, have at hand their identification
card(s) and hard-stamp.

SUPPLIER shall observe the requirements for renewal / prolongation of welder qualifications.
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 5 of 12

4.2 Examination personnel

SUPPLIER shall employ qualified and certified welding inspection personnel. Personnel performing,
supervising and evaluating nondestructive examinations and indirect visual testing shall be qualified and
certified level II or III in accordance with SNT-TC-1A or EN ISO 9712. Visual examiner shall meet the
requirements of API 650 para. 8.5.1. SUPPLIER’s welding supervisor and inspector shall hold the necessary
CSWIP qualifications relevant for their responsibility. Evidence about these personnel’s qualifications and
certifications shall be submitted by SUPPLIER to CONTRACTOR before assigning any welding inspection
personnel to site.

5 Welding processes and procedures

5.1 Procedure qualification record (PQR)

SUPPLIER shall have valid procedure qualification records in accordance with ASME BPVC Sect. IX or EN
ISO 15614.
Project requirements as detailed herein shall be considered. Otherwise new procedure qualification tests shall
be conducted and performed by SUPPLIER. All related costs for procedure qualification tests shall be borne

5.2 Welding procedure specification (WPS)

SUPPLIER shall elaborate from the procedure qualification records, welding procedure specifications for all
available combinations of materials and wall thicknesses in accordance with ASME BPVC Sect. IX or EN ISO
15609. Welding procedure specifications and supporting PQRs shall be submitted by SUPPLIER to
CONTRACTOR for approval before commencement of welding. SUPPLIER is obliged to hand over and
explain the approved welding procedure specifications to each welder.

Welding processes (SMAW, FCAW, SAW, GTAW) may be approved under appropriate conditions and after a
procedure qualification test.
FCAW or SAW welding process is strongly required to be used for shell, bottom and roof connecting seams.
Single side welded seams without back welding to be welded by GTAW process on root side.

6 Materials

6.1 General

Austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal shall be stored separately from ferritic steel. On site SUPPLIER shall
prevent any contamination of austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal by appropriate measures.
Any damaged or contaminated material shall be checked and, if applicable, restored to satisfactory condition
before being welded. The satisfactory condition shall be determined by CONTRACTOR.
Base materials shall only be welded with the specified welding filler metals. Filler metals may only be replaced
with approval by CONTRACTOR. In this case, process-related requirements shall be considered.

6.2 Identification of base materials

Upon arrival on site, material shall be checked for their material code numbers and heat numbers and stored
according to the material code numbers. Before cutting, it shall be ensured that all sections are re-traceable to
the corresponding material certificate. SUPPLIER shall submit a project specific re-stamping procedure to
CONTRACTOR for approval.
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 6 of 12

Materials which cannot be clearly identified shall be quarantined and a non-conformance report shall be

6.3 Filler Metal classification

Selection of filler metals shall be done by SUPPLIER under consideration of the EDS for individual tanks.
Approval for selected consumables shall be obtained from CONTRACTOR prior welding process qualification.
The welding filler metals shall be provided with appropriate certificates.
The data sheets of the manufacturers of the welding filler metals shall apply for the comparison of the material
data designations.

6.4 General storage requirements for filler metals

Filler metals shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer instructions in a dry room, be protected from
contamination and shall not be exposed to moisture. Filler metal packages shall be kept closed during
storage. Remaining filler metals on site shall be returned to the store after every shift.

Covered electrodes
Basic electrodes shall be re-dried. Maximum re-drying and holding cycles / times shall be observed in
accordance to manufacturer instructions. SUPPLIER shall provide and maintain calibrated ovens for re-drying
/ holding and quivers (portable ovens), if basic electrodes are used. Number and capacity of ovens and
quivers shall be adequate to project needs.
Basic electrodes shall only be removed from the oven in small quantities and kept in a heated quiver until use.
All electrodes, which have not been used, shall be put back into the oven.

Welding rods and welding wires

Any contamination shall carefully be removed before welding. To avoid any mix-up, the welder shall carry with
him only welding rods or wires of one single material.

It is recommended that flux powders are stored under the driest possible conditions and at temperatures
which are as even as possible to keep water absorption to a minimum during storage. Powders stored in this
manner may generally be kept for up to three years. Fluoride-basic flux powders should be re-dried prior to
use to ensure crack-free welding.
Manufacturer requirements and data sheets shall be observed.

Shielding/backing gases
Shielding gases shall comply with EN ISO 14175 and shall ensure a minimum purity of 99.95 %.

7 Weld preparation
Weld preparation shall be performed in accordance with API/ASME, if not specified otherwise. The surfaces in
and adjacent to the area of the welding joint shall be dry and free from any impurities (e.g. grinding dust,
welding slag, grease, rust, etc.).

Cutting, grinding and cleaning

Flame-cutting is permitted for unalloyed steel only. Specified welding preheating temperatures shall be
maintained for flame-cutting. Oxidation products and excessive undercuts shall be removed by grinding or
other suitable procedures.
Austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal shall be cut mechanically or by the plasma-arc process. Any slag or
groove at the welding joints shall be removed by grinding. Only austenitic steel brushes and cutting and
grinding discs approved for this material shall be used. Austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal shall be
stored and machined separately from unalloyed, low-alloy and ferrous high-alloy steel.
Cut-outs for nozzles and branches shall be made according to the aforementioned procedures and suitable for
the material. Internal pipe cleaning shall be done after the performance of cut-outs.
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 7 of 12

8 Welding
Welding work shall only be performed under conditions that ensure the required quality. During low
temperatures or under unfavourable weather conditions, welding shall be subjected to closer inspection.
During periods of windy, stormy, rainy weather or during snowfall, welding shall be performed in tents. At
temperatures of less than 5°C (41°F), special measures shall be taken to maintain a sufficient wall
temperature. The area of, and adjacent to, the welding joint shall be kept free from condensed water by
appropriate measures.

Identification of welders
The identification mark of a welder shall be used for identifying all welders joints made. Identification by
means of a low stress hard-stamp shall be applied at a distance of at least 30mm (1.2 in) from the weld.
Welds of thin-walled (<4mm, or 0.16in) or high-alloyed pipes shall be identified by using paint (e.g. felt pen).
The paint shall be suitable for CrNi materials. A data sheet shall be made available indicating chloride

8.1 Tack welding

Tack welds shall be welded by qualified welders only, be provided in sufficient numbers and be without
defects. Otherwise they shall be completely removed by grinding during welding of the root run.
Defect free tack welds made by gas tungsten arc welding may remain in place. Restarts of tack welds shall be
smoothed by grinding.
Earthing clamps of welding sets (cable connection between welding machine and work piece) shall be
adjacent to the pertaining welding location. Damages of bearings, in-line instruments, bolts / bolt connections,
rotors, motors, etc. caused by uncontrolled welding currents and resulting negative effects on erection and
commissioning shall be borne by SUPPLIER.
After tack welding, the welding joint area shall be protected against contamination.

8.2 Welding

Welding machines used for gas tungsten arc welding shall have non-contact ignition (e.g. by high frequency)
and a controlled current up and down slope feature.
Root runs, to be welded from one side only, shall be welded in such a manner that full penetration will be
achieved. Any imperfection detected on the surface of the weld shall be removed by grinding prior to the next
run / pass. Requirements for subsequent lining (e. g. rubber lining) shall be observed.
In case of welds to be welded from both sides, the root shall be gouged out and ground to base metal. In case
of austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal only grinding is accepted by CONTRACTOR.
It has to be examined for defects by a liquid penetrant test before welding at the gouged side. Examination
costs shall be borne by SUPPLIER.
In case of austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal, heat input during welding shall be kept to a minimum;
welds shall be executed narrow and the reinforcement small (string bead technique). Annealing colors above
straw yellow shall be avoided. SUPPLIER shall regularly inspect and measure interpass temperatures. Gas
backing requirements shall be adhered to. SUPPLIER shall constantly inspect backing activities and backing
equipment. Gas backing (oxygen level) shall be measured by calibrated equipment; its value shall be
adequate to project needs.
For basic electrodes, the arc length should be equal to half the electrode diameter, but to prevent porosity, it
shall be no more than 2mm (0.08 in).
Weaving technology is accepted and to be used for CS material only with a maximum width of 3-4 times of the
diameter for electrodes. In case of austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal no weaving to be preferred.

8.3 Arc striking

Arc striking shall be made in the area of the seam at a distance of approximately 20 mm (3/4 in) ahead of the
starting crown being melted during subsequent welding. Arc striking beyond this area is not permitted.
Any arc strikes located beyond the weld shall be completely removed by grinding and be subjected to crack
testing. All related costs for arc strike removal and testing shall be borne by SUPPLIER.
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 8 of 12

9 Heat treatment

9.1 Preheating

Specified preheating data as per WPS shall be observed. For preheating under unfavourable weather
conditions, special precautions shall be applied.
Preheating shall be carried out preferably by electric heating elements. Gas burners shall only be employed
with CONTRACTOR’s approval. The specified preheating temperature shall be maintained during welding and
checked with the aid of thermocouples, calibrated surface thermometers or thermochromic crayons. Every
welder shall be able to check preheating temperatures.

9.2 Post weld heat treatment (PWHT)

Specified PWHT data as per WPS shall be adhered to. PWHT with burners is not permitted. Adequate proof
(e.g. with a temperature-time chart) shall be furnished by the SUPPLIER that the specified temperature was
reached and that the specified temperature raising periods, PWHT periods and cooling periods were
On each PWHT chart the following information shall be given immediately before commencement of the
pertaining heat treatment cycle:
 Weld joint number
 Start date and start time of heat treatment cycle
 Chart paper speed
 Location of thermocouples on base material and weld seam
 Allocation of thermocouples to chart recorder colours
 Name and signature of heat treatment operator

Immediately after finishing of the heat treatment cycle the end date and end time shall be recorded on the
chart by the heat treatment operator.
The zone subject to PWHT – in which the weld seam shall be in its centre – shall be eight times the wall
thickness and have a minimum width of 100 mm (4 in).

Further heat treatment or welding is not permitted. A PWHT shall only be repeated after a weld repair has
been performed.
Remnants of thermocouple wires on the base material shall be ground flush.

10 Post-treatment of welds

10.1 Mechanical cleaning

All welds shall be freed from slag and weld spatter. Care shall be taken to avoid any damage to the weld and
adjacent base metal and to avoid reduced wall thickness.
In case of austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal, welds and adjacent areas shall be brushed. The brushes
shall not be used for other materials. The surface may be cleaned by grinding with emery discs or by blasting
with glass shot.
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 9 of 12

10.2 Chemical cleaning

Remaining oxides (annealing colours) above straw yellow, formed on any components outside or inside
surface of Austenitic, duplex and non-ferrous metal, shall be eliminated by pickling. For chemical cleaning
activities a method statement shall be prepared by SUPPLIER and submitted to CONTRACTOR for approval.

11 Non-destructive Examination (NDE)

Non-destructive examination shall be executed in accordance with the standards specified in ASME BPVC
Sect. V or in accordance with EN ISO 17636 (RT), EN ISO 3452 (PT), and EN ISO 9934 (MT):. Evaluation
shall meet the criteria of API 650. Additional requirements defined in the EDS or TS shall be fulfilled.
Non-destructive examination of welds shall be started directly after the last PWHT .
Subcontracting of NDE works shall not relieve SUPPLIER to have qualified and certified personnel for
evaluation of these results. Evidence about these personnel’s qualifications and certifications shall be
submitted by SUPPLIER to CONTRACTOR before assigning any examination personnel to site.
The rate of defects shall be determined by the number of welds showing defects compared with the number of
welds examined (in percent).
Examinations before PWHT shall be borne by SUPPLIER, unless otherwise specified.

11.1 Visual examination

All weld seams and heat affected zone (HAZ = 25mm (1 in) each side of weld center line) shall be 100%
visual tested prior to any other examination. Visual testing shall be performed prior, during and after welding.
Weld preparation and welding shall be inspected on a regular basis. Inspection during welding shall also
include proper application of only accepted WPS’s, correct type and designation of filler material, proper
storage of welding consumable, shielding/backing gases used and flow rate etc.
Visual examination results shall be recorded and form part of the final documentation.

11.2 Radiographic examination

The first two welds made by each welder shall be examined. If welds are defective, then the welder shall be
sent for training and re-qualification. SUPPLIER shall prepare a log sheet summarizing the first two welds for
each welder. The log sheet shall be submitted to CONTRACTOR at least weekly.
Site welds shall include all seams welded on site, welding procedure applied, and material. Radiographic
examination applies to butt joints only. Where radiographic examination cannot be performed, the test scope
defined in the erection line list shall be applied for alternative test methods. Alternative test methods are
subject to CONTRACTORs approval.

If defects are found in a weld, the scope of examination shall be extended in accordance with API 650. The
extension of the scope of examination shall be borne by SUPPLIER. Documentation in form of a log sheet
shall be prepared and submitted to CONTRACTOR at least weekly.
The quality of radiographs shall meet the requirements of the specified standards.

11.3 Ultrasonic examination

For wall thicknesses 20mm,(3/4 in) an ultrasonic examination may be performed instead of a radiographic
examination after review and approval by CONTRACTOR. In case of doubt, radiographic examinations shall
additionally be performed, in order to verify the results. The scope of the ultrasonic examination or any
combination of ultrasonic and radiographic examinations shall be in accordance with the specified scope of
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 10 of 12

11.4 Liquid penetrant testing / Magnetic particle testing

Liquid penetrant tests or magnetic particle tests shall be applied whenever defined herein, detailed in
engineering specifications or in case surface cracks are suspected. The manufacturer's instructions regarding
the reaction and development time of the testing agent shall be observed.

11.5 Other examinations

Hardness tests, vacuum testing and other tests shall be performed as required by code, EDS, TS or on
demand of CONTRACTOR.

11.6 Repairs

Weld defects shall be recorded until they have been fully eliminated. Repairs shall only be carried out after
previous consultation with CONTRACTOR.
Repairs by welding will be accepted and to be started only by approval of a NCR and an approved
Visible defects shall be removed by grinding and subsequent welding. Internal defects shall be eliminated by
grinding or flame-gouging (same restrictions apply as for flame-cutting) and subsequent welding. The repair of
welds shall be performed in accordance with the respective welding procedure specification.
Repaired welds shall be subjected to the same non-destructive examination method revealing the defect.
PWHT (if applicable) and examination of repaired welds shall be borne by SUPPLIER.

12 Welding documentation

The final welding documentation to be prepared by SUPPLIER consists of, but is not limited to:
 General welding documentation
– SUPPLIER certificates
– Procedure Qualification Records
– Welding Procedure Specifications
– Welder qualification / skill certificates
– NDE personnel qualifications
– Material certificates for welding consumables and auxiliaries, if applicable
 Welding documentation for each tank.
– Weld joint number, as marked on the as-built drawing, and used for all reports
– Weld joint dimensions
– Weld joint indication for weld repair, cut and re-welded
– Type of joint (butt / fillet)
– Welding procedure specification used
– Welding date
– Welder identification mark(s).
– NDE reports
– PWHT reports
– Re-stamping records
 Applicable MC sheets
 Further inspection records as defined the ITP

Welding documentation shall provide a complete history of welds by listing all preceding defective joints.
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 11 of 12

Prior to hydrostatic testing the pertaining welding documentation shall be submitted to CONTRACTOR for
The radiographs of each weld examined, including the radiographs of defective welds and repaired welds,
shall be marked according to the drawings (weld number, film data, welder's identification symbol). They shall
be attached to the pertaining non-destructive examination report.

SUPPLIER shall establish a computerized system for the generation of welding documentation and welding
statistics. Welding statistics shall be issued by SUPPLIER and submitted to CONTRACTOR on a weekly
Plant Client Code Doc ID Code UAN
Polyol Complex MOL Polyol Project PDE-CMG-G000-EC-00003 KXEO-00461

Engineering Specification
Welding of Storage Tanks
REV. 02 Page 12 of 12

13 References

API 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage




EN ISO 3452 Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing

ISO 3834-2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials -- Part 2:
Comprehensive quality requirements

EN ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels

EN ISO 9712 Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel

EN ISO 9934 Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing

EN ISO 14175 Welding consumables - Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied

EN ISO 14732 Welding personnel — Qualification testing of welding operators and weld
setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials

EN ISO 15609 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials --
Welding procedure specification

EN ISO 15614 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials —
Welding procedure test

EN ISO 17636 Non-destructive testing of welds -- Radiographic testing

SNT-TC-1A ASNT Recommended Practice: Personnel Qualification and Certification in

Nondestructive Testing


Requirements for Employer Specific Certification of Personnel Engaged in
Non-Destructive Testing in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9712

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