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Bluewater District School Board

Return to School Protocol

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
SCHOOL/ SITES OPERATIONS - CONVENTIONAL MODEL ......................................................................................................................................... 9
ACCESS TO SCHOOL ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
COVID-19 Screening ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Staff Access before School Opening .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Bus Unloading and Loading ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Bike Racks ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
School Entry, Exit and Hall Etiquette .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Occasional Staff........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Emergency Replacements ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Permanent Itinerant Staff .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Parents/ Guardians.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
MASKS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Staff ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Students ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Exemptions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
HAND HYGIENE AND RESPIRATORY ETIQUETTE ................................................................................................................................................. 11
SCHOOL SIGNAGE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
COVID-19 SCHOOL/ SITE OUTBREAK ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
SCHOOL REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
CLASS PLACEMENTS AND SCHEDULES ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Elementary................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Secondary.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
CLASSROOM SET-UP ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
OPENING EXERCISES ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Student....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Staff ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
STUDENT ACCESS TO DRINKING WATER .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
WASHROOM ACCESS ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
RECESS - ELEMENTARY ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
LUNCH SCHEDULES AND ROUTINES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Elementary................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Kindergarten Specific Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Secondary.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
SCHOOL CAFETERIAS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
HOSPITALITY COURSES THAT PROVIDE MEALS TO STUDENTS ....................................................................................................................... 17
BREAKFAST CLUBS/ SNACK PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
PIZZA DAYS/ SPECIAL MEALS................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
MILK ORDERS.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
FIELD TRIPS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
STAFF ROOMS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
SCHOOL OFFICE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
GUIDANCE OFFICES ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
LRT/ STUDENT SUCCESS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
ISNT/ IPRC MEETINGS................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
ISNT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
IPRC .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOMS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
PHYSICAL EDUCATION .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Elementary................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Secondary.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Equipment Use .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Change Rooms .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Weight/ Activity Rooms.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
LIBRARY ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT CLEANING ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
SCIENCE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
TECHNOLOGY CLASSROOMS AND EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 21
How to Clean Equipment ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
How to Clean and Disinfect Reusable PPE .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Hospitality Aprons, Hairstyling/ Aesthetic Gowns, Towels, Linens .......................................................................................................................... 22
Greenhouse Tools ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
CLASSROOM TOYS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
CLASSROOM PETS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
TEXTBOOKS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
CELEBRATIONS, SPORTS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................................... 23
HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
JHSC Meeting and Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
First Aid ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Health and Safety Training ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
STUDENT TRANSPORTATION ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
General Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Hand Hygiene ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Bus Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
PLANT AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
General Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Enhanced Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Air Circulation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Community Use of Schools ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Recycling Program .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
PROGRAM AND INSTRUCTION - CONVENTIONAL MODEL....................................................................................................................................... 27
ELEMENTARY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Porous items/ Shared objects/ Room/Desk set up ................................................................................................................................................... 27
CURRICULUM .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Pre-registration data .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
DPA ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Outdoor Education..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Mathematics .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Health and Science ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Language ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Physical Education .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
The Arts ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Remote Learning ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Preparation Periods (rotary limited) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
SPECIAL EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Attendance, Program and Transitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
TAs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
PD .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Sports......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Field Trips .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Special Events ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
OTHER .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Student pictures ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
SECONDARY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
CURRICULUM .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Pre-registration data .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Quadmester ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Mathematics .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Health and Safety School Wide ................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Science ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
English ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Physical Education .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
The Arts ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Remote Learning ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Technology Courses/OYAP ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
SHSM ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Foods Class ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Hospitality and Tourism ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Greenhouse ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Outdoor Education..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Cooperative Education .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Credit Recovery/ Alternative Education .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Adult Education.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Outreach/SAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Resource Room ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Mental Health Outside Supports ............................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Blended Learning ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Textbooks .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
SPECIAL EDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Attendance and Transitions....................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
GUIDANCE/STUDENT SUCCESS/LEARNING RESOURCE TEACHER .................................................................................................................. 34
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
PD .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Sports......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Field Trips .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Gymnasium................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Libraries ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Special Events ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
OTHER .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Student pictures ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

The health, safety and well-being of students and staff is the top priority as Bluewater District School Board plans to reopen schools for the 2020-21
school year. It is clearly preferred that students be back in class this September learning through conventional delivery with school every weekday,
with class sizes that reflect current regulations, and with regular social interaction and extra-curricular activities.

Current evidence and experience support the concept that children can return to school in a carefully structured manner that protects children's
health and minimizes risks from a public health perspective.

Board staff have been working with Grey Bruce Public Health officials to ensure that we have the most current and relevant information to support a
safe return to school. The Ministry of Education will also be providing direction regarding a safe return.

School boards have been asked to prepare plans to be ready for any eventuality in a return to school in the event that circumstances change
throughout the course of the school year. These include plans for the following:
• Conventional
• Regular school day routine, five days per week, face-to-face, full class sizes
• Enhanced health and safety protocols
• Adapted (four cohorts)
• Cohorts A and B - hybrid of face-to-face and online learning, AAABB and AABBB
• Cohort C – students with special needs in self-contained classes greater than 50% attend face-to-face every day
• Cohort D – students do not return face-to-face and engage in a fully remote model
• Fully Remote – all students are engaged in online learning (also students who do not attend conventional or adaptive)
Protocols and program and instructions documents have been developed to support staff with the return to school to ensure a safe and health
working and learning environment. These are living documents and will be revised as further information becomes available.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol


COVID-19 Screening ● All Bluewater District School Board students, staff, and essential visitors must complete COVID-19 screening
questionnaire daily.
● This screening must be done daily at home and before leaving for the school/worksite.
● The student screening questionnaire is here.
● The staff and essential visitor screening is here.
● All emergency replacement staff must complete and sign a screening questionnaire. It must be given to the
principal/supervisor for retention. The screening questionnaire is here.
● Anyone with any COVID-19 symptoms as per the screening questionnaire is to remain at home until they are symptom-
free. It is advised that they see their medical professional and/or go to an Assessment Centre to be tested.
Staff Access before ● Staff may access schools effective Monday, August 24, 2020.
School Opening ● Staff must sign in and sign out of the school.
● Staff must wash hands upon arrival in the school and before leaving.
● Physical distance must be maintained at all times.
● The board will provide all staff with masks. Masks must be worn at all times
Bus Unloading and ● Schools are to develop a coordinated process for bus unloading and loading that support physical distancing.
Loading ● It is suggested that unloading and loading be staggered.
● Students are to wash their hands at the end of the day before loading the bus.
● Principals with transfer buses are to work with Transportation to problem solve around student movement.
● Parents are to be advised/reminded that they are NOT to drop off or pick up students in the zones designated for bus
Bike Racks ● Schools must consider distancing for parking bikes in bike racks.
School Entry, Exit ● Schools must develop a schedule to coordinate entry and exit from the school.
and Hall Etiquette ● It is suggested that student movement be staggered for both entry and exit.
● Use a variety of entry doors to move students safely, easily, and quickly.
● Create designated routes for students to get to and from classrooms including different and separate entrance points for
students in different grades/classes.
● Schools may want to consider stairwells for going up to classrooms and different stairwells for going down.
● Provide visual clues where possible to guide appropriate distances in lines/queues and at other times.
● Create one-way routes in hallways.
● Always maintain physical distance.
● Teach routines through curricular lessons.
Occasional Staff ● Prior to attending a school site, staff must complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire.
● Occasional staff should not report to work if they have symptoms associated with COVID-19 or if they believe they have
been exposed to COVID-19. They should report to an Assessment Centre for testing.
● Occasional staff are to sign in and out of the school as per board procedure.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
● All school protocols must be followed. Protocols will be posted in SharePoint for all staff to access and read prior to
entering the school.
● Occasional staff will be provided with PPE and must wear PPE as directed by the board .
Emergency ● Emergency unqualified replacements are to be used ONLY if occasional staff on BWDSB occasional lists are not
Replacements available.
● Administrators must use SmartFind as the first tool through which absent staff are replaced.
● Administrators may call occasional staff directly if SmartFind is not providing replacement staff.
● Emergency staff will be required to complete a COVID-19 assessment screening questionnaire on every occasion that
they fill an unfilled job in a school. It must be signed and kept at the school.
● Emergency staff are to sign in and out of the school as per the board procedure.
Permanent Itinerant ● Offer consultations and services remotely where possible (I.e. TEAMS meeting).
Staff ● When itinerant staff are required to attend a school site, staff will make every effort to maximize their time in that location.
● Prior to attending a school site, staff must complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire.
● When onsite at a school location, all protocols must be followed. Meeting rooms must be scheduled in advance.
● Disinfect any counters/desks/tables before working. Disinfectant and cloths or wipes will be provided.
● Itinerant staff may request the use of a Plexiglas barrier from the office for a meeting room if available.
Parents/ Guardians ● Parents/guardians will only be provided with direct access to the school in the case of an emergency related to their
● Parents who enter the school for an urgent situation must do a screening questionnaire before entering if possible.
● Parents entering the school for an urgent situation must wear a mask.
● Administrators will designate drop off and pick up locations for students by parents.
● Schools must determine a process by which a parent can reach the school office if necessary. This could include buzzing
in to indicate they are there to pick up a child, texting if there is a school cell phone in the office, etc. Administrators will be
required to inform parents of the school process.
● All meetings with parents are to be held by phone or virtually.
Staff • All staff must wear masks and PPE as directed by the board.
Students • Students in Grades 4 to 12 will be required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors in schools, including in hallways
and during classes. Outdoor times like recess can be used as opportunities to provide students with breaks from wearing
• Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 will be encouraged, but not required to wear masks in indoor spaces.
• Students are encouraged to practice wearing masks and learn what type of mask is most comfortable for them. Students
may wear their own non-medical masks, and non-medical masks will also be available for students.
Exemptions The following are exempt from wearing a mask:
• Children under the age of five years either chronologically or developmentally who refuse to wear a mask and cannot be
persuaded to do so by their caregiver;
• Individuals with medical conditions including breathing or cognitive difficulties, or a disability, that prevents them from
safely wearing a mask; and
• Anyone who is unable to put on or remove their mask without help.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
The following are occasions when someone may remove their mask:
• A person who needs to temporarily remove their mask for the purposes of:
1. receiving services that require the removal of their mask;
2. consuming food or drink; or
3. an emergency or medical purpose.

Other considerations:
• Some people who are deaf or hard of hearing rely on lip reading to help understand verbal messages, and masks may
create a barrier. Employees should keep an open mind when communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing,
particularly when wearing a mask, and let the person suggest their preferred way of communicating.
• There may be situations where someone who is deaf or hard of hearing may require an employee to remove their mask or
face covering to speak to them. We remind anyone removing their mask or face covering to follow safe handling
procedures and to keep a distance of 2 metres (6 feet) away from others.
• Board provided masks are to be worn by staff at all times.
• PPE must be worn by staff who frequently work closely to their students and are unable to physically distance. PPE will include a mask, face shield,
and possibly gloves and/or a gown.
• PPE must be worn by staff dependent upon the task (e.g. custodians and administrators if attending to a bodily fluid clean-up).
• Staff will be provided with PPE by their administrator/supervisor.
• Each school/worksite must develop a process to provide PPE to the staff. This process must ensure that PPE is in a secure location at all times and
not available to staff unless upon request through the administrator/supervisor.
• Administrators/supervisors are to ensure that their staff are using any required PPE appropriately.
• Staff must wear the PPE that the board requires.
• Each school/worksite will be provided with a PPE kit for those staff who support an ill child or staff member. This kit will include a mask, gown,
gloves and face shield.
• Teach students why, how, and when to clean hands and cover coughs and sneezes, using age-appropriate learning resources and tools.
• Implement a schedule for frequent hand hygiene.
• Post signage that is appropriate for age, ability, and reading level to remind individuals to practice good hand hygiene.
• Signs will be posted at all entrances that are used by staff and students and will include the following:
o COVID-19 symptoms and self-assessment; and
o appropriate physical distancing.
• Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette signs will be posted in all washrooms, classrooms and meeting rooms.
• Appropriate hand sanitizing protocols will be posted at all hand sanitizing stations.
• Physical distancing decals will be placed on the floors outside all student washrooms.
• Safe mask usage signage will be posted where required.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Parent/guardians, students over the age of 18, staff, essential visitors and emergency replacement staff must be provided with the relevant BWDSB
COVID-19 screening questionnaire.
• Screening must be performed daily.
• Schools must ensure that ALL class lists are up to date.
• Schools must ensure that that ALL bus lists are up to date.
• School must ensure that ALL staff lists are up to date.
• Worksites must ensure that ALL staff lists are up to date.
• Schools/worksites must ensure that ALL occasional staff, itinerate staff, essential visitors and emergency staff sign in and out as per the board
• Schools and worksites must be prepared to immediately provide a record of all students, staff, occasional staff, itinerate staff, essential visitors and
emergency replacement staff who have been in the school/worksite and on the bus on any given day to Public Health.
• Records are necessary to support Public Health contact tracing.
• Public Health will provide direction regarding any next steps.
• A confirmed COVID-19 case will not automatically lead to a school closure.
• Principals must work with their area superintendent, the superintendent responsible for Public Health, and the BWDSB communications officer on
the school communication plan.
• Parents and staff must be notified, however privacy of the ill student/staff members must be maintained.
• The superintendent responsible for Human Resources Services will inform the necessary union presidents.
• If a student becomes ill at school, they are to be isolated immediately. Where isolation is not possible, a two metre distance is to be maintained. The
parent/guardian is to be contacted immediately to pick up the students. The child or a student 18 years of age or older should not attend school until
they are free of symptoms or have received a negative COVID-19 test result.
• If a staff member becomes ill at the school/worksite they should go home immediately. The staff member should not attend school or the worksite
until they are free of symptoms or have received a negative COVID-19 test result.
• All items used by the ill student/staff member should be cleaned and disinfected. All items that cannot be cleaned should be removed and stored in
a clear, sealed container that is labelled and stored for 7 days.
• Where a student or staff member is suspected of having or has a confirmed cased of COVID-19 the principal/supervisor must report this to Public
Health and their area superintendent.
• When a positive case is identified, Public Health will provide direction regarding next steps.
• In order to ensure adequate safety plans are in place, the Ministry of Education is recommending that all parents/guardians in Ontario register
their children for the fall term in advance. This will be required for all students, even if they were previously registered to attend a Bluewater
District School Board school.
• All students, new and current, who are planning to attend Bluewater District School Board schools must be registered on or before
August 19, 2020 in order to ensure they will be able to start on the first day of school, September 8, 2020. A student pre-registration survey
is being sent to families and posted on our Return to School web page.
• Parents/guardians who choose to keep their child(ren) at home at the beginning of the school year will also be required to fill out the student pre-
registration survey, where they will indicate their preference for remote learning.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Schools must develop a process to inform parents and students of their class placement for September 8, 2020 and the school entry process for the
first day.
• Opening assemblies may not be conducted.
• Inform all walkers that they are not to arrive at school until five minutes before the morning entry bell.
• Suggestions include the following:
Elementary • Zone the school yard by class.
• Assign each zone a number.
• Inform parents/guardians using School Messenger that a call/email will be coming.
• Share the number with parents/guardians prior to September 8.
• Teachers could send emails/make calls to inform parents of the number before September 8 and welcome the students at
the same time.
• On the morning of September 8 teachers will be in the correct zone and hold up the number.
• Youngest learners are to be zoned closed to the edge of the yard so parents/guardians can see them enter their cohort
• Students put on masks before entering the school.
• No parents/guardians are to enter the school.
• Similar to above but zone by teacher name.
• Teachers email/phone prior to September 8 with welcome message and introduction.
• School created process.
Secondary • Inform students of period 1 class placement for the first day.
• Inform parents/guardians using School Messenger that a call/email will be coming.
• Teachers (CRTs, Guidance, Student Success, LRT) support this process by making calls etc. before the first day.
• Students are to go directly to their period 1 class upon arrival at the school.
• Consider supports to help new students find their classrooms.
• Timetables are to be given to students during their period one class on September 8.
• School created process.
• Review AP 3825 ‘Decorations and Home Furnishings in the Workplace’ and remove excess decorations and furnishings as required.
• All fabric items such as pillows, stuffed animals, dress up clothes etc. should be removed from the classroom environment.
• Ensure that all toys and play materials that remain in use are made of materials that can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
• All flexible seating such as balls, cushions and rocking chairs are to be removed.
• All area rugs are to be removed. If floor seating is required use individual foam floor mats that can be cleaned.
• Desks/tables are to be arranged to ensure physical distancing where possible. Classrooms are to be configured with all students facing the same
• Desks should be organized in such a way as to permit physical distance between students and the teacher’s desk.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• In classrooms where only tables are used, teachers must create a system to allow for physical distance of students and storage of their belongings
that does not restrict movement around the room.
• Personal belongings brought to school should be minimized. They should be labeled and stored separately in cubbies/designated areas or lockers.
Personal belongings may include a backpack, clothing, sun protection, water bottle and food.
• Custodial staff will only clean and sanitize board owned furniture.
• Teachers and support staff will be responsible for the cleaning and sanitizing of all personal furniture and supplies.
• Teachers and support staff will be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting program materials, toys and/or play materials that remain in use.
• Keep classroom windows open where possible.
• Move activities outdoors where possible and only if physical distancing permits, according to the school schedule for the use of the school yard.
• Opening exercises are to be conducted using the PA system.
• Opening exercises and announcements will be conducted by the administrator or office professional.
• The microphone/handset must be sanitized before and after use.
• Students and staff are not to sing the national anthem.
Student • All student absences must be tracked.
• Contact Grey Bruce Public Health and your area superintendent regarding any student absence that may be a suspected
case of COVID-19. Public Health will provide next steps.
• Students who become ill during the day are to be isolated. They are to be picked up by a parent/guardian as soon as
possible. Ill students are NOT to be sent home on the bus. Ill students who walk home may be sent home with parent
• Staff members who are supporting ill students are to wear the appropriate PPE.
• Inform your area superintendent of any student who goes home ill during the day who is a bus student so that the area SO
may inform Transportation regarding any contact concerns.
Staff • All staff absences must be tracked.
• Contact Grey Bruce Public Health and your area superintendent regarding any staff absence that may be a suspected
case of COVID-19. Public Health will provide next steps.
• Any staff who become ill are to be sent home immediately.
• Staff members who are supporting ill staff are to wear the appropriate PPE.
• Students are to bring a water bottle from home as all water fountains will be cordoned off or bagged.
• Schools will provide water bottles if required. Water filling stations will be open.
• Principals are required to work with the Head Custodian to identify which taps in the school can be used to fill water bottles.
• Schools may want to schedule regular washroom breaks for students to help mitigate the numbers in the washroom at any one time.
• Schedules are to be shared with all staff.
• Student washroom access will be limited to a maximum of three students at one time based on the size of the washroom and ability to physically
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Physical distancing decals will be placed on the floor outside washrooms to direct students who are waiting to the appropriate physical distance.
• Schools are to develop a strategy to advise staff/students that the washroom is full and they must wait in line on the distancing decals.
• Individual students will not be prevented from accessing washrooms as needed.
• Hand hygiene signs will be posted in all student and staff washrooms.
• Students are not to enter the washroom if there are students waiting in line to enter the washroom.
• Accessible washrooms will be used by staff, students who require adult support due to disability, and students who are uncomfortable using the
regular students’ washrooms.
• Students are to perform proper hand hygiene routines before leaving the washroom.
• Students will require support in learning washroom routines.
• Washroom routines may be taught through curricular lessons.
• Schools must zone the school yard for recess and physical education. Consider the square footage of the yard when determining capacity for
• Administrators may wish to consider strategies for keeping cohorts from mixing in the yard, such as creating cohort zones, sending out a division at
a time, or sending out two divisions who are less likely to play together, for example primary and intermediate.
• Schedule at least two sustained periods of outdoor time every day for every child. Follow established entry and exit protocols.
• Avoid strict rules such as “no running” that can undermine the benefits of play and physical activity.
• It is recommended that any outdoor activities be no contact only.
• Play structures will be closed until further notice.
• Do not withhold recess as punishment for missed schoolwork, poor classroom behaviour or any other reason. Ensure that all children have access,
feel safe and included, and can experience meaningful and playful engagement.
• Walkie-talkies used by staff for during recess are to be sanitized by staff before and after use.
• Students are not required to wear masks during outdoor time to provide them with breaks from wearing their masks within their cohorts.
• Lunch routines will differ slightly based on each individual building’s physical plant and programming within it. These schedules and routines must
align with the overall protocol for each panel and the guidelines laid out through Bruce Grey Public Health.
Elementary • Principals will create break and lunch schedules that best fit their individual buildings.
• Principals are to consider lunch breaks that minimize the number of students in the yard at any one time.
• Students will be given 20 minutes for lunch within their classrooms and 20 minutes on the school yard.
• Principals will develop a supervision schedule with increased supervision during lunch times based on the number of
teaching and ESP staff available if possible.
• Students may not be used as lunchroom monitors to minimize contact between classes.
• Students will be escorted to and from the yard by supervising staff to ensure physical distancing between students.
• Students must perform proper hand hygiene before and after eating.
• Students will eat in their own classrooms.
• Students may not share lunches, drinks or snacks.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Students will bring a water bottle from home as all water fountains will be cordoned off. Schools will provide water bottles if
required. Water filling stations will be open. Principals are required to work with the Head Custodian to identify which taps
in the school can be used to fill water bottles.
• Students are to return any leftover lunch and packaging etc home in their lunch bag at the end of the day. Parents should
be asked to provide a small bag in which to put waste materials in the lunch bag.
• Microwaves, kettles or other shared heating devices will not be used. Parents are not to send in lunches that require
• Fundraising lunch programs provided by Home and School or any other groups will be cancelled until further notice.
• Following current policies, students with parent/guardian permission are permitted to leave school property for lunch (i.e.
go home for lunch); upon re-entry into the school facility after lunch, students will perform proper hand hygiene.
Kindergarten • Due to the additional support that is needed to support early years’ students with eating, all supervising staff will wear
Specific Guidelines appropriate PPE.
• Principals will ask parents to be mindful of the assistance their child will need when planning lunches (i.e. reduced complex
packaging or food that will need to be cut up, no meals requiring heating).
Secondary • Principals will create break and lunch schedules that best fit their individual buildings.
• Cafeteria services may be provided in schools based on the guidelines set out by Public Health and Chartwells. Please
also see additional information about School Cafeterias.
• Physical distancing must be maintained in all cafeteria lines and lunch areas.
• Principals will develop a supervision schedule with increased supervision during lunch times based on the number of
Teaching and ESP staff available if possible.
• Where possible, based on distancing required within individual school spaces, students may use the cafeteria space to eat
lunch/snack provided proper disinfecting can be maintained both during the use and between cascading uses. When
cafeterias are used for eating, students must eat with their class cohort for the day.
• Where the use of a cafeteria space is not possible, students will eat in their classrooms. Students are NOT to eat in
science rooms. An alternate location will have to be designated.
• Students must perform proper hand hygiene before and after eating.
• Students must be provided with the time to perform proper hand hygiene without losing time to eat their lunch.

• No buffet-style service may be provided.
• Close all self-serve locations and self-serve eating or drinking dispensing machines.
• A prepackaged or grab and go model is preferred.
• Students must be seated when eating.
• Consider arranging seating by cohort if space allows.
• Students may have to eat in cohort classrooms if space does not allow.
• Seating must be configured so that students seated at different tables are separated by a distance of two metres, or seated at alternate tables
provided they are two metres apart.
• Provide hand sanitizer at the entrances and exits to the cafeteria.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Ensure that cafeteria staff self-screen daily.

• Ensure that cafeteria staff do not attend if they are ill.
• Cafeteria staff must practice proper hand hygiene.
• Cafeteria staff must wear masks at all times.
• Minimize contact between students and cafeteria staff.
• Ensure that Plexiglas barriers are installed at service counters.
• Consider reusable condiments with single-use items or clean and disinfect condiment bottles between uses.
• Do not share food, utensils, tools and supplies.
• Clean and sanitize tables and chairs between each use.
• Food premises must comply with Ontario Regulation, 493, Food Premises s determined by an inspection from a Public Health Inspector.
• No buffet-style/serve yourself service is to be provided.
• A prepackaged or grab and go model is preferred.
• Close all self-serve locations and self-serve eating or drinking dispensing machines.
• Students must be seated when eating.
• Consider arranging seating by cohort if space allows.
• Students may have to eat in cohort classrooms if space does not allow.
• Seating must be configured so that students seated at different tables are separated by a distance of two metres, or seated at alternate tables
provided they are two metres apart.
• Provide hand sanitizer at the entrances and exits to the cafeteria.
• Ensure that cafeteria staff/students self-screen daily.
• Ensure that cafeteria staff/students do not attend if they are ill.
• Cafeteria staff/students must practice proper hand hygiene.
• Masks must be worn by cafeteria staff/students at all times.
• Ensure that Plexiglas barriers are installed at service counters.
• Consider reusable condiments with single-use items or clean and disinfect condiment bottles between uses.
• Do not share food, utensils, tools and supplies.
• Clean and sanitize tables and chairs between each use.
• Food premises must comply with Ontario Regulation, 493, Food Premises s determined by an inspection from a Public Health Inspector.
• Breakfast Club and Snack Programs may be provided in schools.
• Existing Student Nutrition Program Guidelines must continue to be followed.
• Breakfast Clubs and Snack Programs will follow a Grab and Go model.
• Grab and Go bags are not to be delivered to classrooms.
• Principals will create a consistent team of volunteers to prepare the Grab and Go bags.
• The number of volunteers must be kept to the minimum to reduce the risk of COVID – 19 contact in the schools.
• Volunteers must be screened daily.
• Volunteers must wear masks and gloves when preparing food.
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Proper hand hygiene must be practiced when preparing food.

• All surfaces, bins, and containers for food must be disinfected prior to and after each use.
• Food in Grab and Go bags must be whole as in whole banana, whole apple. Food is not to be cut up.
• Grab and Go bags may include such items as the following: granola bars, apples, unsweetened apple sauce, bananas, and cheese strings.
• Grab and Go bags may be picked up by students as they enter the building from a Grab and Go table set up specifically for this purpose.
• A utensil must be used to hand Grab and Go bags to students. Utensils must be cleaned and disinfected between users and tasks.
• Physical distancing at the Grab and Go table must always be maintained.
• Students must perform proper hand hygiene before and after eating.
• Pizza days and special meal days are cancelled until further notice.
• Milk orders are cancelled until further notice.
• No curricular field trips or sporting events will be scheduled until further notice.
• Some exceptions may apply for secondary outers programs. Please see further information here.
• Schools must determine how many staff may be in a staff room at any one time to ensure physical distancing.
• Staff may use the fridge for lunch storage.
• Staff may use the microwave to heat up meals. The microwave must be sanitized before and after use.
• Schools must determine how many people may be in the main office at any one time to allow for physical distancing.
• Plant Services will install Plexiglas barriers at office counters as required.
• Staff are not to send students to the school office for purposes of supervision. If student behaviour requires attention the staff member is to call the
office for support.
• Disinfectant spray bottles with cloths or sanitizing wipes will be provided in school offices. Staff must wipe down high touch areas of
photocopiers/scanners/printers before and after use.
• Itinerant staff and breakfast club volunteers are to follow board procedures regarding signing in and out of the school. This is particularly
important to support contact tracing if required.
• Keys must be disinfected before handing over to itinerant and occasional staff.
• Schools must determine how many people may be in the Guidance office at any one time to allow for physical distancing.
• Principals will direct guidance staff on programming changes related to restrictions due to COVID-19 including cohorting training.
• Disinfectant spray bottles with cloths or sanitizing wipes will be provided in school Guidance offices. All individuals must wipe down high touch areas
before and after use.
• Staff are not to send students to the Guidance office for purposes of supervision/independent work.
• All student and non-guidance staff visits to the Guidance office will be by appointment only.
• Each school will determine the best digital non-contact way to set up appointments (online through O365, by email etc.).
• Students will only enter the Guidance office at the invitation of the guidance staff.
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• No students or staff are to wait for guidance appointments within Guidance offices or use the outer guidance waiting area as a workspace.
• Proper hand hygiene must be completed at entry and exit to the guidance area.
• When meeting with students or staff, ensure physical distancing can be maintained by any parties involved. Where possible, meeting in a larger
space (i.e. the outer Guidance office/cafeteria/outdoors). Where another space is not available, proper PPE (masks) must be used.
• All in-person meetings must be 1:1.
• Guidance staff are to use Microsoft Teams for meeting with parents and community members.
• Guidance staff should consider using Microsoft Teams for meeting with students regarding course and career planning. This can be done for
students in physical attendance and those who are learning from home.
• Portable Plexiglas barriers will be provided when physical distancing in a guidance office is not possible.
• All Learning Resource Teacher and Student Success Teacher meetings must follow the same protocols as Guidance Offices when related to
meeting with parents, community members or 1:1 with students.
• Where LRT/Student Success may be working with multiple students/staff, proper PPE or alternative spaces must be used.
• Principals will direct LRT/Student Success teachers on programming changes related to restrictions due to COVID-19.
ISNT • ISNT meetings are to be held on a regular schedule while IPRCs are to be completed as necessary.
• ISNT meetings should be conducted in a large enough space to allow for social distancing or via Microsoft Teams when
IPRC • IPRC meetings should be conducted via Microsoft Teams or conference calls until further notice.
• Custodial staff are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings, while program staff shall be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting
program materials and/or play materials that remain in use.
• Teachers and educational assistants in special education classrooms and any other rooms that support students with special education needs are
required to disinfect all program related materials including but not limited to assistive equipment, mats, toys, manipulatives, OT/PT equipment etc.
• When cleaning equipment wash hands before and after cleaning.
• Disinfectant spray, cloths and/or wipes will be provided by the custodial staff.
• Schedules of the available staff may need to reflect sufficient time to disinfect between students. No additional staff will be provided.
• Walkie-talkies used for communication purposes are to be sanitized by staff before and after use.
Elementary • Gymnasiums should only be used where physical distancing measures can be followed.
• If a gym can be split into gym A/B, these are considered separate spaces when the wall is in place.
• Outdoor Physical Education/Daily Physical Activity is strongly encouraged as a first option in planning.
• Teachers should plan activities that support physical distancing while also limiting the use of shared equipment.
• Shared equipment should be disinfected regularly.
• Students are to be encouraged to practice hand hygiene before and after participating in physical activity and equipment
• Where possible, principals are to divide their outdoor spaces into zones for classes to use during DPA and scheduled
Physical Education (e.g. tarmac/basketball courts, field one, field two). These spaces must be scheduled for use.
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Class cohorts are to use outdoor spaces for Physical Education/DPA on non-gymnasium days.
• It is recommended that all activities be non-contact.
• Classes are not to be combined or participate in the same indoor or outdoor space.
• DPA should not be completed in the regular classroom space. This does not prohibit activities requiring some movement
for transitions from one activity to another.
Secondary • Gymnasiums should only be used where physical distancing measures can be followed.
• If a gym can be split into gym A/B, these are considered separate spaces when the wall is in place.
• Outdoor Physical Education is strongly encouraged as a first option in planning.
• Teachers should plan activities that support physical distancing while also limiting the use of shared equipment.
• Shared equipment should be disinfected regularly.
• Students are to be encouraged to practice hand hygiene before and after participating in physical activity and equipment
• Where possible, principals are to divide their outdoor spaces into zones for classes to use during Physical Education (e.g.
tarmac/basketball courts, field one, field two). These spaces must be scheduled for use.
• It is recommended that activities be non-contact where possible.
• Classes are not to be combined or participate in the same indoor or outdoor space.
• Sports with a high degree of physical contact (i.e. rugby, football, basketball, and wrestling) should be postponed until
further notice.
Equipment Use • Sports/activities where equipment is not needed are recommended ahead of all equipment-based sports/activities.
• Equipment use must be carefully considered to reduce cross contamination.
• If equipment is used, it must disinfected regularly.
• Cleaning of equipment must be completed before and after each use.
• Students are to be encouraged to practice hand hygiene before and after participating in physical activity and equipment
• Students must not share mats during circuit/floor-based activities. These should be used individually.
• Students are not to wear pinnies.
Change Rooms • Only one class cohort may use change rooms at one time. Secondary classes must be scheduled by the Physical
Education POR to stagger change room use when more than one Physical Education course is scheduled. Elementary
classes should be scheduled to avoid change room conflict.
• Where change room size does not allow for physical distancing, teachers are to limit the number of students in the change
room at one time.
• Hand hygiene must be performed before leaving the change room.
• All change room lockers are not to be used at this time.
• Shower facilities are not to be used at this time.
Weight/ Activity • Planning for personal fitness should be done with a reduction in shared equipment in mind. Where possible, personal
Rooms fitness classes should take place outdoors.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Students are to be encouraged to practice hand hygiene before and after participating in physical activity and equipment
• Cleaner and cloths should be provided for cleaning of equipment.
• All equipment must be cleaned both before and after each student use.
• Where possible, equipment should be distanced and students should be spaced throughout the weight/activity room.
• Students should not share mats/equipment during circuit-based activities. These should be completed individually.
• There will be no traditional book exchange at this time.
• School librarians and library technicians will support teachers by providing requested resources to enhance and support curriculum expectations.
• Where computer labs are located in a library, a schedule will be created to allow class cohorts use of the computers. The schedule will ensure
physical distancing and will take into account time for cleaning protocols.
• Secondary students will have access to EBSCO digital library.
• Library spaces may be used for a workspace for staff and students who have a spare if supervision is available.
• Physical distancing will be adhered to when possible; masks will be worn.
• Hand sanitizer will be provided near the entrances and exits to the space.
• Designate an entrance and an exit where possible.
• Desks, tables, chairs will be wiped down by the user before and after each use.
• The following general cleaning tips provides guidance on how to clean high-touch electronics. Examples include computers, computer accessories,
touchscreen devices, printers and. All electronics in shared and public locations should be frequently cleaned and disinfected.
o Unplug all external power sources and cables.
o Use a lint-free cloth, such as a screen wipe, a cloth made from microfiber or a board-approved disinfectant wipe to carefully wipe the
hard, nonporous surface of the item. This includes the display, touchscreen keyboard, mouse and the exterior surface of the item
o Avoid excessive wiping and submerging item in cleanser to avoid damage.
o Follow the directions on the label to ensure the appropriate contact time is met. It may be necessary to use more than one wipe to keep
the surface wet for the recommended contact time.
o Do not use aerosol sprays, bleach or abrasive cleaners to disinfect computers and electronics.
o Ensure moisture does not get into any openings to avoid damage.
o Never spray cleaner directly on an item.
• Equipment should be assigned to each cohort.
• Where possible, equipment should be assigned to individual students.
• The number of students per day/class that use each piece of equipment will be minimized.
• When cleaning equipment wash hands before and after cleaning.
• Equipment will be cleaned/wiped down before and after each use.
• Students and staff will physical distance where possible; masks will be worn.
• Equipment and tools will be cleaned/wiped down before and after each use.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• For machines that are used by the whole group, the number of students per day/class that use each machine or piece of equipment will be
• In addition to the rules for the safety passport and shop/class behavior, teachers must present the new specific rules related to COVID-19. These
new rules must be included in the usual letter sent to parents.
• Provide cleansing instructions at the toolboxes or cabinet where hand tools are stored and have cleaning supplies available (I.e. wipes, spray bottle
and cloth).
How to Clean 1. Wash hands.
Equipment 2. Make sure all power is off and disconnected on power tools and equipment. Read the manufacturer’s directions for
cleaning to avoid possible damage from liquids and chemicals.
3. Brush all dry solid materials / dirt off the surface to be cleaned.
4. Wipe the surface with soap and water to remove all visible debris and stains, and some of the germs before disinfecting.
5. Follow labeled instructions and safety data sheets on all containers of the disinfecting product.
6. To disinfect, the recommendation is to allow the surface to remain wet for 1min and let air dry.
7. Wash hands.
How to Clean and This includes goggles, safety glasses, face shields, welding helmets, hard hats, etc. (e.g. anything that has a hard-non-porous
Disinfect Reusable surface).
PPE 1. Wipe the inside and outside with a clean cloth with cleaner or a wipe.
2. Air dry.
3. Wash hands.
Hospitality Aprons, • All shared items must be laundered between student use. If they cannot be cleaned and sanitized, then the class must be
Hairstyling/ modified to limit the use of these items.
Aesthetic Gowns, • Regular detergent can be used for laundering. Set washer and dryer on the hot cycle.
Towels, Linens
Greenhouse Tools The number of students per day/class that use each tool will be minimized.
1. Wipe entire tool with a clean cloth with cleaner or a wipe.
2. Air dry.
3. Wash hands.
Please note that where possible, music instruction will focus on the curriculum expectations that are not performance-based first. Specific
performance-based expectations may follow as restrictions are eased.
Teachers will focus on the overall expectations and the creative processes whenever possible. The Ontario Music Educator’s Association (OMEA) has
developed a COVID-19 Response and Resources document which can be found here.
• When cleaning equipment wash hands before and after cleaning.
• Instrument cleaning guidelines can be found here.
• Music Room Supplies Needed for before and after playing:
o Sink with running water (soap, and paper towels)
o Hand sanitizer
o Board approved wipes or disinfectant are to be used to clean instruments.
o A recommended disinfectant agent for instruments.
• All protocols for cleaning mouth pieces will be followed as normal.
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Before use, students will wipe down instrument case and handle using wipes/cleaner provided.
• Students will then wipe down the instrument itself using wipes/cleaner provided.
• At the end of class, students will wipe down the instrument and case again; mouthpieces will be cleaned using the proper protocols.
• Students will wipe down their music stand before and after each use.
• Remove toys that cannot be easily cleaned.
• Keep enough toys available to encourage individual play where possible.
• Shared objects: Use of shared objects (i.e., toys, games) should be limited when possible, or the objects should be cleaned between each use.
• In Kindergarten settings tubs or bags of toys may be created for each student.
• When cleaning equipment wash hands before and after cleaning.
• Cleaning should be done after each use.
• Reinforce and remind children not to put toys or objects in their mouth.
• Shared water tables are to be closed.
• Shared sand tables are to be closed.
• Shared sensory tables are to be closed.
• There are to be no pets in classrooms at this time.
• There are to be no animals in classrooms to support learning at this time.
• Where possible, students will be assigned their own textbook.
• Where this is not possible, a schedule will be developed whereby textbooks are limited to one class cohort at a time.
• Technology to project a textbook could be used where available (i.e. document camera).
• Alternative methods to textbook work may need to be explored (i.e. problems posted on the whiteboard/chalkboard, read alouds/audio books,
• All celebrations, sports and extracurricular activities are cancelled until further notice.
• Assemblies may be held in schools if they are able to be done virtually.
• Terry Fox Runs may be organized virtually or held on school property if physical distancing is maintained.
JHSC Meeting and • Every school and worksite will complete the COVID-19 Risk Assessment on September 1 or 2, 2020.
Risk Assessment • The COVID-19 Risk Assessment can be found here.
• COVID-19 Inspection checklist will be provided and can be found here.
First Aid • The first aider shall wear the following PPE:
1. Gloves
2. Mask
3. Face Shield
4. Disposable Apron/Gown (optional, depending on circumstance)
• The area where the individual was treated will be cleaned and disinfected.
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Health and Safety •
Health and Safety training related to COVID-19 protocols and PPE will be provided on the Professional Activity days on
Training September 1, 2 or 3.
• One day of Health and Safety training will be provided virtually.
General Guidelines • Active forms of travel (e.g. waking and cycling) and private transportation by parent and caregivers are encouraged where
possible to ease pressure on transportation demand.
• School bus drivers must complete a COVID-19 self-assessment daily.
• Drivers should not report to work if they have symptoms associated with COVID-19 or if they believe they have been
exposed to COVID-19. They should report to an assessment centre for testing.
• Students who have symptoms associated with COVID-19 or who believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 should not
be taking student transportation and should remain at home. They should be taken to an assessment centre for testing.
• Students who develop symptoms at school should not take the school bus home. Administrators are to contact
parents/guardians to pick up their child at school.
• Students, parents/guardians are to maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres between people when waiting at school bus
• Maintain physical distancing between students on school vehicles where possible.
• To the extent that physical distancing may not be possible, the use of non-medical masks for students in grades 4 to 12
will be required on school vehicles. Students in kindergarten to grade 3 will be encouraged but not required to wear
masks on student transportation.
• Students should be assigned seats and a record of the seating plan should be kept to assist with contact tracing in the
case of a student or driver contracting COVID-19 where possible. Student who live in the same household or are in the
same classroom cohort should be seated together.
• Where possible, the seat directly behind the school bus driver should remain empty to maintain physical distancing.
Windows should be opened when feasible to increase ventilation.
Hand Hygiene • Bus drivers should wash their hands often, including before and after completing trips. Hand sanitizer should be available
on the bus for drivers to use after any direct contact with students or assistive devices such as wheelchairs.
• Students should be reminded to wash their hands with soap and water before leaving home, upon their arrival at school,
when they are leaving school and when they arrive at home.
Bus Cleaning • Bus drivers are to be provided with personal protective equipment (as required by the operator’s health and safety
protocol), disposable cloths, paper towels and absorbent materials, waste disposal bags cleaning agents and disinfectants.
• Drivers are to wear disposable gloves when cleaning.
• Bus interior surfaces are to be cleaned with disinfectant.
• Use only cleaners and disinfectants as directed by the bus operator.
• Use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label and per manufacturer’s guidelines (Safety Data Sheet).
• Frequently touched surfaces (e.g. handrails, seatbacks) are to be disinfected at least twice daily.
• Drivers are to dispose of soiled clothes, disposable gloves and any other items in contact with contaminated surfaces in the
waste disposal bag. The bag is to be sealed and discarded in a lined trash bin.
• Reusable cloths should be stored in a sealed bag until they can be laundered.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

To the extent possible it is recommended that operators reduce the number of drivers per vehicle and ensure that the same
drivers use the same vehicle and keep the same work schedule in order to limit contacts as much as possible.
• School boards should support accommodations for immunocompromised and otherwise medically vulnerable students, and
student with special transportation needs (e.g., arrange separate vehicle, assign seating at front of school bus).
Personal Protective • Medical masks and face shields will be provided to school bus drivers, school bus monitors and student aides. The choice
Equipment of PPE should not interfere with the driver’s ability to access vehicle controls, or hinder or distort the driver’s view, directly
or through the mirrors, of the road, students around the bus, or passengers.
General Guidelines • COVID-19 typically spreads through coughing and sneezing, personal contact with an infected person, or touching an
infected surface and the face – mouth, nose or eyes. Environmental cleaning and disinfection are important to prevent the
spread of the disease.
• The directions set out by the Grey Bruce Public Health Unit and Provincial experts will be followed.
• Custodial staff are required to review existing cleaning practices to identify required cleaning enhancements in their school.
• Use only cleaners and disinfectants as directed by the board.
• Changes in cleaning products must be shared with staff to avoid any issues related to allergies or sensitivities.
• Use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label and per manufacturer’s guidelines (Safety Data Sheet).
• Custodial staff are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting of schools buildings, while program staff shall be responsible
for cleaning and disinfecting program materials and/or play materials that remain in use.
• Custodians will supply wipes and/or disinfectant and cloths in classrooms, meeting rooms, etc. to support staff in program
cleaning. Cloths must be regularly replaced and washed.
Enhanced Cleaning • All frequently touched surfaces are to be disinfected at least twice (2) daily.
• Frequently touched surfaces include but are not limited to the following:
o Doorknobs
o Elevator buttons
o Push buttons
o Light switches
o Phones
o Fridge door handles
o Microwaves
o Toilet faucets and handles
o Sink handles
o Desks
o Chairs
o Work surfaces/counters
o Panic bars
o Stair railings
o Any outdoor railings etc.
• All washroom countertops, sinks, taps and toilet surfaces are considered high touch surfaces and must be cleaned and
disinfected at a minimum twice daily and as often as necessary (e.g. when visibly dirty or contaminated with body fluids).

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Outdoor play equipment will be closed to student use and will not require cleaning.
• The day shift will be required to review the school timetable to determine when rooms are open, and nutrition breaks to
accomplish the first disinfecting.
• Afternoon staff are required to develop a plan to disinfect all touchable surfaces.
• Floors should be cleaned with a disinfectant solution.
• All soap dispensers must be checked on a regular basis and refilled with soap as required.
• Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout at school entries, in classrooms, in meeting rooms and in other spaces as
required. Custodial staff are required to respond to requests and replace or refill as required.
• Custodial staff will ensure that disinfectant wipes and/or spray bottles of disinfectant and cloths are available in classrooms,
meeting rooms, workspaces to permit staff to clean equipment etc. as required.
• All custodial staff are required to wear gloves and face shields when washroom cleaning.
Air Circulation • Implement practices to support adequate air circulation in classrooms and staff rooms:
o Ensure clean filters
o Avoid recirculating air
o Use outdoor ventilation when possible (e.g., opening windows to enhance the outdoor air ratio of the HVAC system)
• If practices are not feasible for the whole facility, prioritize higher risk areas (e.g., where crowding may occur).
• Eliminate the use of other air current generating devices (e.g., bladed and bladeless fans, portable air conditioners).
• Follow the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) guidelines.
• Any questions are to be directed to the school Operations Supervisor.
Community Use of • Schools will not be permitted for community education activities until further notice.
Schools • Before and after school programs and childcares will continue to run.
Recycling Program • Recycling will be completed by custodians.
• No overnight opportunities will be provided until further notice.
• The OEC will be offering virtual learning opportunities to schools.
• Direct in-class learning opportunities will be provided if safe and possible.

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol


Porous items/ ● Shared objects: Use of shared objects (e.g., gym or physical education equipment, art supplies, toys, games, manipulatives,
Shared objects/ books) should be limited when possible, or the objects should be cleaned between each use. Math manipulatives- separate
Room/Desk set up student bags
● Kindergarten toys – cleaning protocol
● Textbooks – Following cleaning protocol
● Technology to project (e.g., Apple TV) instead of photocopied handouts that will be touched
● Use whiteboards – link for half paper size whiteboard pads
• Implementation of full Ontario curriculum
• Begin with intentional assessment tasks to determine gaps – mathematics sample – have some data at this time – elementary look at strands not
covered and share with secondary principals
• 300 minutes of instruction each day
• Preparation periods throughout the day; Prep focus on French and The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama & Dance) or Physical Education and Health
• Integrate discussions to support positive mental health across the curriculum – School Mental Health Ontario
Pre-registration • Pre-registration data will be shared with schools so that administrators know who will be attending face-to-face and who will
data be participating in online learning
• Registration packages will need to be sent to families who are new to the board or have a JK student who did not yet pre-
• JK students that were registered in the spring are considered registered and parents need to identify them as returning
students in the survey
DPA • Encourage DPA and outdoor time for movement
• Schedule school outdoor time throughout the day
• Include Daily Physical Activity (DPA) throughout the day – OPHEA ‘DPA Every Day’
Outdoor Education • Encourage learning outdoors - sample – link to website for ideas
Mathematics • PD and supports for revised curriculum
• Having students work on vertical/larger surfaces can allow for review of student work
• Implement revised Ontario Mathematics 2020 curriculum – comparison chart
• To support consistency across the district follow the scope and sequence chart
• Incorporate the pedagogy from BWDSB professional learning sessions into ongoing lessons and instruction
Health and Science • Lesson supports to teach physical distancing and hand washing routines
• Teach about ‘litterless’ lunches – United Way backpacks for students – kits for litterless lunches
Language Reading material example and lessons for understanding pandemic – age appropriate
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Physical Education • Look at first unit and teach non-contact personal fitness unit
• Include ideas for playing outside during recess breaks that support health and safety practices
• Schedule outdoor gym where possible
• Bin of equipment for each class
• Restarting sports with a high degree of physical contact – postponed until further notice
• Return to Sports document
The Arts • Consider teaching Grades 1-6 music second term and teach visual arts/drama/dance first term
• Grades 7/8 - Music considerations - OMEA Fall Considerations; Framework for Music Classes with Lessons
• Drama/dance first term - GUIDE
• No singing inside
o this will include ‘O Canada’ (could have students create slide shows in social studies focussed on Canada that
could play in class during the playing of O Canada, could also teach students to ‘sign’ O Canada; etc.)
Remote Learning • Online learning provided by staff who need to work remotely. Designated fully remote teacher(s) would have the equivalent
with system averages and class size caps as per collective agreement. There may be combined grades to meet scheduling
• Fully remote teachers that teach less than two courses will be provided with a device

Professional Learning for Fully Remote Teachers

Directions to self-register:

1. Navigate to:

2. Sign on using your BWDSB Active Directory Username and Password (e.g. and password)
3. Click on Self-register on the NavBar
4. Complete the registration process for Technology Enabled Learning course
5. Navigate to the course through the course selector menu

Link for course.

REMOTE LEARNING RETURN: Parents/guardians can have student return at any time but will give up to one week for the
school to prepare. Note: if a student is coming from out of Canada then they would have to wait 14 days before entering school.


Communicate with families and students. Review link for script

Review the parent/guardian and student expectations for remote learning


Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

Create, teach, assess, and evaluate online learning lessons for students

Complete report cards

Maintain communication with parents/guardians relative to student achievement and learning skills/work habits

Complete report card interview process (virtually) as per usual timelines

Cover all Ontario curriculum for subject/course and provide for (300 minutes per day elementary and 75 minutes per course for

Program and Instruction

A synchronous/asynchronous timetable will be provided based on Ministry direction

Teachers must use Brightspace and/or full Microsoft Suite
Follow copyright laws
Utilize ISTE
Upload course content to platform prior to the first day of school

Maintain daily attendance record
Classroom Management
Communicate issues to system principal (Elementary Secondary)
Attendance will be required for set up – more information will be provided
• Device support for online learning – families will let school know and arrange to pick up device at school
• Internet support for online learning – families will let school know; system provide support
• Technology access in class – remainder of devices are distributed per class
Preparation • Preparation coverage teachers go to homeroom classroom – students do not move (minimize teacher-student contacts)
Periods (rotary • Try to cohort staff
limited) • Support prep teachers with PPE
• Follow protocols to clean items before use
• Preparation periods are the only rotary options (no negation of curriculum coverage amongst teachers)
Attendance, • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) reviewed and revised to incorporate changes in the school environment
Program and • Plan for additional transition time for students with special education needs to support a smoother transition back to school,
Transitions where appropriate
• In School Needs Team (ISNT) Meetings and IPRC and meetings will continue
• Itinerant staff will continue to support
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

Ongoing support and training will be provided in Behaviour Management System (BMS)

Consult with practitioners to support the safe return for medically fragile students and consult with public health on options
for PPE and staff training
• Provide remote learning where a return to school is not possible
• Assistive Technology will be provided, where appropriate – look at number of computers have in stock in Special Education
department. Follow sanitation protocols
• Hand Hygiene and Distancing Lesson Ideas
• Plan with community partners to develop protocols for the access of non-school based providers such as rehab therapists
• Plan for EAs to support students to create lunches as part of program - follow protocol.
TAs • Need to do self-assessment, follow all protocols, and wear PPE as appropriate
• Communication with TAs
PD • Principals will develop a Continuum of Learning for their staff (identified needs and supports)
• Revised Mathematics Curriculum
• Health and Safety Protocols
• Mental Health (staff and students)
Sports Cancel school and district sports until further notice
Field Trips No field trips until further notice
Special Events E.g., Terry Fox Run – could run in school yard with physical distancing and/or engage in virtual run online
Student pictures Delay

• Implementation of full Ontario curriculum
• Begin with intentional assessment tasks to determine gaps – mathematics sample – have some data at this time – elementary look at strands not covered
and share with secondary principals
• 300 minutes of instruction each day
• Integrate discussions to support positive mental health across the curriculum – School Mental Health Ontario
Pre-registration data • Pre-registration data will be shared with schools so that administrators know who will be attending face-to-face and who will be
participating in online learning
• Registration packages will need to be sent to families who are new to the board
Quadmester • Quadmester scheduling will be required- the document outlines the requirements
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol

• Parents/guardians and adult students can opt out of staying on school grounds for the independent classroom study period – a
form will need to be completed each semester
• Principals will organize the independent study period staff assignments all staff involved see document including Student
Success, Co-op teachers, Guidance, etc. LRTs can support if they are not providing prep for a single DL teacher. If the school
has two DL teachers, then they will provide prep for one another
• If a location is not safe for independent study period, then an alternate location will be found – if that is not possible then staffing
will need to be added
• Principals will assign double supervision duty (37.5 x 2 =75 minutes) to those individuals that have more prep in the semester.
This is over and above the independent classroom study period assignment
Mathematics • Having students work on vertical/larger surfaces can allow for review of student work while maintaining physical distancing.
• Possible individual white board pads – half chart paper size
• Incorporate the pedagogy from BWDSB professional learning sessions into ongoing lessons and instruction
Health and Safety • Lesson supports to teach routines for physical distancing and hand washing routines (signage – whole school awareness)
School Wide
Science • Sanitizing of equipment protocol – protocol
• Labs could be demonstration by teacher and students take notes
English • Reading material example and lessons for understanding pandemic – age appropriate
• Electronic exchange of files where possible rather (e.g., recordings for oral, shared documents for collaboration)
• Accessing online electronic library resources (EBSCO) rather than shared paper resources
• Copyright, Fair Dealing and the Classroom
Physical Education • Restarting sports with a high degree of physical contact (i.e. rugby, football and wrestling) will be postponed until further notice
• Look at first unit and teach non-contact personal fitness unit
• Return to Sports document
• Equipment Cleaning Protocol
The Arts • Each student has own set of tools and resources where available (e.g., art supplies, musical instruments, costume items, props,
music folders, stands) - resource availability will dictate the programming
• Students sanitize work area/tools prior to leaving (e.g., sanitary wipes, disinfectant baths)
• OMEA Fall Considerations; Framework for Music Classes with Lessons
• Drama/dance first term - GUIDE
• No singing inside
Remote Learning • Online learning provided by staff who need to work remotely. Designated fully remote teacher(s) would have the equivalent with
system averages and class size caps as per collective agreement. There may be combined grades to meet scheduling needs.
• Fully remote teachers that teach less than two courses will be provided with a device

Professional Learning for Fully Remote Teachers

Directions to self-register:

6. Navigate to:

Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
7. Sign on using your BWDSB Active Directory Username and Password (e.g. and password)
8. Click on Self-register on the NavBar
9. Complete the registration process for Technology Enabled Learning course
10. Navigate to the course through the course selector menu

Link for course.

Remote learning return dates: Dates: November 12, 2020, February 3, 2021, April 22, 2021 – Note: if a student is coming from out
of Canada then they would have to wait 14 days before entering school.



Communicate with families and students. Review link for script

Review the parent/guardian and student expectations for remote learning


Create, teach, assess, and evaluate online learning lessons for students

Complete report cards

Maintain communication with parents/guardians relative to student achievement and learning skills/work habits

Complete report card interview process (virtually) as per usual timelines

Cover all Ontario curriculum for subject/course and provide for (300 minutes per day elementary and 75 minutes per course for

Program and Instruction

A synchronous/asynchronous timetable will be provided based on Ministry direction

Teachers must use Brightspace and/or full Microsoft Suite
Follow copyright laws
Utilize ISTE
Upload course content to platform prior to the first day of school

Maintain daily attendance record
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Classroom Management
Communicate issues principal
Attendance will be required for set up – more information will be provided

• Device support for online learning – families will let school know and arrange to pick up device at school
• Internet support for online learning – families will let school know; system provide support
• Tech courses will utilize computer labs – Protocol
• Remainder of devices distributed across the school
Technology • Use of PPE by teacher when working with students in close proximity
Courses/OYAP • Sanitation for equipment before/after use - Protocol
• Establishment of safety protocols in September
• Transportation teacher wears PPE to transport vehicle
• No visitors (e.g., dropping off vehicle, parts delivery) are allowed in the school building – require protocol
• Outside owner vehicles/equipment - look at auto shop guidelines
SHSM • Delay experiential field trips until further notice
• Virtual certification courses only are permitted
• Other certifications considered case by case basis
Foods Class • Food and Nutrition – Food preparation - Protocol
• Food and Nutrition • Theory – with demonstration
Hospitality and • Food preparation - Protocol
Tourism • Publicity around protocols to sell food students make – part of parent communication
• Proper PPE for adult handling cash or consider cashless option (e.g., iPad)
Greenhouse • Sanitation for tools and equipment before/after use - Protocol
• Follow business protocols for the sale of items
Outdoor Education • Shared equipment cleaned before/after use – Protocol
• For equipment that cannot be cleaned then use proper hand washing protocol
• Leave shared equipment, if possible, for four days before use
• Swimming test – follow public pool protocols
• Trips – day trips early in the year
• No overnight trips until further notice
Cooperative Education • Follow Summer School Guidelines
• Developmental Learning Students:
o delay and do in class work first
Credit Recovery/ • Supported by Student Success Teacher
Alternative Education • Clean workspace/equipment in between students - Protocol
Adult Education • Permits issued by Community Education and continue as usual
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
Outreach/SAL • Ensure physical distancing
• Clean workspace/equipment in between students - Protocol
• Follow Public Health Guidelines for indoor public places
• Follow school visitor protocols
Resource Room • Students who need to access for break
• Scheduling of time to support
• Follow protocols
Mental Health Outside • Follow protocols
Blended Learning • Continue with regular process
• Cleaning protocol for equipment before and after use
Textbooks • Follow cleaning protocol
• Suggest technology to project (e.g., Apple TV)
Attendance and •
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) reviewed and revised to incorporate changes in the school environment
Transitions •
Plan for additional transition time for students with special education needs to support a smoother transition back to school,
where appropriate
• In School Needs Team (ISNT) Meetings and IPRC and meetings will continue (face to face and/or remotely)
• Itinerant Staff: Behaviour Expertise Professional (BEP, Behaviour Intervention Student Support (BISS), Psychological Services,
Speech and Language (SLP), Itinerant Blind and Low Vision (BLV) and Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) will continue to support
• Ongoing support and training will be provided in Behaviour Management System (BMS)
• Consult with practitioners to support the safe return for medically fragile students and consult with public health on options for
PPE and staff training
• Provide remote learning where a return to school is not possible
• Assistive Technology will be provided, where appropriate – follow sanitation protocols
• Developmental Learning Cooperative Education – see above
• Hand Hygiene and Distancing Lesson Ideas
• Plan with community partners to develop protocols for the access of non-school based providers such as rehab therapists
• Plan for EAs to support students to create lunches as part of program - follow protocol.
• Wear PPE as directed
• Clean workspace/equipment in between students - Protocol
• Guidance staff will support remote learning students with choosing their courses for their timetable – Independent Learning
• Guidance staff will support students in face-to-face programs who are taking e-learning programs; BWDSB e-learning courses
will be quadmestered; however, some consortium courses may be semestered
Bluewater District School Board
Return to School Protocol
PD • Principals will develop a Continuum of Learning for their staff (identified needs and supports)
• Health and Safety protocols
• Mental Health (staff and students)
Sports • Cancel school and district sports with high degree of contact - Guide
Field Trips • No field trips until further notice
• Outdoor Education – see above
• SHSM – see above
Gymnasium • Schedule outdoor gym where possible
• Equipment (assign to individual students)
• Weight and fitness rooms – equipment cleaning protocol
Libraries • Use of electronic library where possible Library closed - teachers request books related to topic and librarians or other staff
retrieve and make available in boxes
• Box for students to choose their individual novels – sit for four days.
Special Events • E.g., Terry Fox Run – could run in school yard with physical distancing and/or engage in virtual run online
Student pictures • Delay


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