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Bài mẫu band 8++ cho đề thi ngày 4/6/2016

It is suggested that everyone should have a car, a TV and a fridge. Do the advantages of
this development for society outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Band 8+

Some people believe that it is necessary for each person to possess an item of some
fundamental needs for travelling, entertainment and food storage. Although some clear
benefits of such development could be seen, they are, in my view, eclipsed by the
considerable drawbacks.

There are several advantages of having a private car, TV and fridge. First of all, people
who need to travel on a daily basis, especially those who live far away from workplace,
could stay active all the time thanks to the availability of their personal vehicle.
Secondly, having a TV could be a perfect choice of recreation because it offers a a variety
of channels, such as Cartoon Network or HBO, to satisfy viewers’ personal preferences.
Finally, when in possession of a fridge, people would save a significant amount of time
supposedly spent on shopping for food.

However, the disadvantages of those personal possessions are much greater regarding
both environmental and individual levels. To start with, hypothetically if everyone had his
own private form of transport, particularly cars, the emission of harmful exhaust which
would be too difficult to measure would do grave harm to the environment. From an
individual perspective, it would cost a legacy if every person insisted on purchasing his
own fridge and TV. This is because property prices would certainly accelerate owing
to the growth in customers’ demand for those commodities. Also of great concern is the
payment of expensive electric bills as fridges have to be plugged in all the time.

In conclusion, despite a few beneficial aspects of having a car, a TV and a fridge, the
demerits are of greater significance from both individual and environmental angles.


 Active travelling

 Entertainment

 Food



Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi
 Environmentally harmful

 High cost

 Expensive bills

Useful vocabulary:

 An item of some fundamental needs: Vật dụng đáp ứng nhu cầu cơ bản

 The availability of their personal vehicle: Sự sẵn có của phương tiện cá nhân

 A perfect choice of recreation: Lựa chọn giải trí hoàn hảo

 In possession of a fridge: Sở hữu một tủ lạnh

 Private form of transport: Loại hình di chuyển cả nhân

 The growth in customers’ demand: Sự gia tăng của nhu cầu khách hàng


Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

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