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About J P Products

Equipped with the most sophis cated technology,

JP Spices is known for using Pure, Authen c and
Natural as its key ingredients. We are governed by
Standard Opera ng Procedures for all the
The state of the art equipment’s ensure minute of
the minute par cles are processed with utmost
care, cleanliness and hygiene.
Our No Direct touch policy has ensured Zero Human
Interference into the mixing with ensuring Quality
Checks at every step gives the best Mix, Aroma and
the Taste.
The manufacturing unit has a capacity to
manufacture 1 Tons of the best quality Spices a day.
World class packaging equipment’s to ensure 100%
net weight is maintained across all the products.
Real taste
kegÀí ef®epes Yeejleer³e peerJeveMewueer ceW Fme lejn J³eeHle nwb pewmes cemeeues,
Yeejle kesÀ efJeefYeVe cemeeueeW keÀer KegMe, jbie mJeeo Deewj yeveeJeì ner
of India
³eene@ kesÀ mJeeefoä J³ebpeveeW Deewj mece=Î mebmke=Àefle keÀe jepe nw ~

Henues meYeer cemeeues jmeesF& ceW ®egves, ceeHes Deewj HeermekeÀj lew³eej efkeÀ³es
peeles Les, Heeref{³eeW mes ®eueer Dee jner Fve cemeeueeW keÀer efJeefOe keÀs
Devegmeej Fve Keeme cemeeueeW keÀes lew³eej keÀjves ceW OebìeW ueie peeles Les. SCIENTIFICALLY GRADED
Deepe ueeKeeW Oej pes Heer kesÀ Meg× cemeeueeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes HeejbHeefjkeÀ &
J³epeveeW keÀe Jener JeemleefJekeÀ mJeeo keÀe Deevebo Gþe jns nw ~ SkeÀ HewkeÀ HYGIENICALLY PACKED.
keÀer megefJeOee kesÀ meeLe,pes Heer kesÀ #es$eer³e J³epeveeW keÀe mJeeo osMe kesÀ
efJeefYevve ÒeosMeW lekeÀ Hengb®ee keÀj #es$eeW keÀes Heeme ueeves keÀe Òe³eeme keÀj LABORATORY TESTED.
jns nw ~ FmeefueS nce keÀnles nw efkeÀ pes Heer osMe ceW DeHeves mJeo kesÀ
ceeO³ece mes vepeoerefkeÀ³eeb ye{e jne nw ~ lees pes Heer kesÀ Meg× efHemes
cemeeueeW HewkeÀ KeesuekeÀj DeHeves Oej ceW GÊece mJeeo keÀe Deevebo Processed & Packed by :
ueerefpe³es ~ AMYRA FOODS & SPICES LLP
(ISO 22000:2005 Cer fied Company)
Our Other Premium Products Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. Pin - 831002
GARAM MASALA, SABJI MASALA, Ph. No. : 7004615198, 9113495867


Red Chilli Powder Turmeric Powder Coriander Powder
Grade Premium Grade Premium Grade Premium

A fine-ground chilli power that is a perfect blend of A garden-fresh turmeric powder that has a J P Corriander Power is a perfect blend of garden-
colour and pungency. Chilli is a hea ng spice and golden-yellow colour. Known for its high carcumin fresh aroma and natural green colour. this variety
comes in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colours, (colour property) content. it is a popular variety in is widely used to given India curries its dis nct
and degrees of pungency. India, where turmeric is used as a key colouring curry Flavour. Coriander has a flavour with a
agent in ‘curries’ sweet-note as undertone. It’s a cooling spice.
pes Heer kesÀ efce®e& HeeG[j ceW jbie Deewj leerKeeHeve keÀe GÊece pes Heer keÀer leepeer nuoer HeeG[j DeHeves megvenjs Heerues jbie kesÀ
meblegueve nw ~ efce®e& keÀF& ÒekeÀej kesÀ DeekeÀej, jbie Deewj pes Heer Oeefve³ee HeeG[j ceW megiebOe, mJeeo Deewj jbie keÀe Gef®ele
efueS Òe®eefuele nw ~ Yeejle ceW nuoer HeeG[j keÀes J³ebpeveeW ceW jbie meccesueve nw ~ ceejefle³e lejkeÀejer keÀe cegK³e cemeeuee nw ~
leerKeeHeve ceW Deeleer nw ~ nsleg ÒeOeeve ©He mes Ghe³eesie ceW efue³ee peelee nQ. Oeefve³ee keÀer leemeerj þb[er nesleer nw ~

Usage Usage Usage

Chillies are used in Indian dishes for their hot taste and The Hindus in India use turmeric to given yellow color In Indian cuisine, Coriander is mainly used for taste.
redish colour. Red chilli ground together with coconut in foods. Turmeric in both used as a colouring and Frying roast-ground coriander powder in oil gives the
gives curry a firm texture. Chillies are a great sources of flavouring agent in India cuisine. Solu on of turmeric characteris c ‘curry’ flavour. Coriander seeds have
vitamin C and good for diges on. have long been used in the treatment of wounds, eye diure c proper es. It alleviates gas and tones the
ueeue efce®e& DeHeves iece& mJeeo Deewj ueeue jbie kesÀ efueS Yeejleer³e J³epeveeW ceW infec on and common cold. diges ve tract.
Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ veeefj³eue kesÀ meeLe ueeue efce®e& peceerve SkeÀ HeÀce& Yeejle ceW efnbogDeeW HetÀ[dme ceW Heerues jbie osves kesÀ efueS nuoer keÀe Ghe³eesie keÀjW ~ Yeejleer³e J³ebpeveeW ceW, Oeefve³ee cegK³e ©He mes mJeeo kesÀ efueS Òe³eesie efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~
yeveeJeì keÀjer oslee nw ~ ef®euepe SkeÀ ceneve efJeìeefceve meer keÀe m$eesle nw Deewj nuoer oesveeW Yeejleer³e J³ebpeveeW ceW SkeÀ jbie Deewj mJeeefoä yeveeves keÀe cemeeuee Kelce, lesue ceW Yegvee peceerve Oeefve³ee HeeG[j efJeMes<elee keÀjer mJejo oslee nw ~ Oeefve³ee
Hee®eve kesÀ efueS De®íe keÀj jns nQ ~ SpeWì kesÀ ©He ceW efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ nuoer keÀe meceeOeeve uebyee IeeJe, DeebKe cesb yeerpe cetueJeOe&keÀ iegCe nesles nQ ~ ³en iesme Deewj Hee®eve leb$e ìve ~
meb¬eÀceCe Deewj Deece meoea kesÀ Ghe®eej ceW Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~


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