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Submitted by – Shreya M Chowdhary
1. Stores Selling Sanitizers
Before the coronavirus outbreak, the use of sanitizers was mainly limited to the
medical industry with limited household usage. It was merely used as a product
to be used only when one is outdoors and does not have the facility to wash their
hands with water.
Moreover, the usage of sanitizers had an educational and regional barrier as only
the people who had certain awareness of personal hygiene used it and thus
limiting it to mainly the metropolitan cities.
In the absence of a vaccine or effective antiviral drugs, hand hygiene is a
mainstay of efforts to prevent spread of coronavirus. Hence sanitizers have
become an essential part of our daily lives.
Due to the indiscriminate nature of virus towards various age groups and gender,
the demand for sanitizer has increased immensely.
Sudden boom in demand and increase in local sanitizer brands manufacturers
has made it necessary to constantly innovate to keep up with the competition.
For example, sanitizers are now available in form of sprays, mint sprays, gel etc.

2. Hotels and PG bookers

Before the coronavirus outbreak, the demand for hotels and PG bookers was
demand specific. The main customer to these industries were tourists, business
travellers, Delegates and conventioneers. Also due to the vast globalization of
education, the PG bookers maintained an consistent demand for the vast student
community around the world.
The demographic changes are a major part of this industry since it is driven by
seismic shifts in the ways we live, do business and work.
Product variant: As technology becomes more advanced, the industry will have
to keep pace, but also preserve the priceless power of face-to-face human
After the coronavirus breakout, the hotel and PG bookers have seen a sharp
decline in its demand. Lockdowns and the fear of contracting the virus has forced
people to stay in their houses. Thus, leading to a sharp decline in tourism and
business activities. Hence, this industry is presently not influenced by factors like
age, gender, region or product variation.

3. Fast Food Restaurants

Before the coronavirus outbreak, fast food industry continued to grow in
popularity due to the accelerating pace of life in urban areas and the need for
quicker and cheaper meals. The fast-food revolution has especially affected
children and adolescents. The fast-food revolution has especially affected children
and adolescents and is greatly influenced by the regional culture of a place.
After the coronavirus outbreak, there has been a decline in this industry due to
the emerging need to maintain a healthy diet. People have become more health
conscious and want to maintain as little contact as possible with other people.
Thus, avoiding outside dining experiences. The decline is not factor specific i.e
demography, region or culture factors does not affect the customer behaviour.
Many restaurants are making efforts to adopt the new trends by adopting online
services to deliver food to their customers.

4. Schools and educational institutions

The education industry has seen consistent rise over the years as it became a
basic human need for sustainable social and economic development. Rapid
globalization has facilitated development of a vast international student
community. This industry attracts the young generation i.e between 6-30.
Gender does not play a role here.
After the coronavirus outbreak, there has been a major shift in means of
providing education in order to adapt to the new normal due to the closing of
educational institutions around the world. There has been complete digitalization
of previous traditional classrooms leading to high demand of online courses.
Although there has been some decline in its growth due to the limited availability
of adequate resources with certain students.

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