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By Chauhan Darshan – AR/15/05

Thesis topic :- Nature Cure Center

Nature cure center is a center which accommodates diverse system of medicine
but to address “the fourth dimension of health - our mind”

The reason for taking “Nature Cure Center” as a research thesis is to assemble
people of different background to trend on an inner journey to discover their
inner potentials, strengths, weakness, in fact being self – educated with YOGA &

Nature Cure refer to methods of self – healing, often using fasting, dieting, rest
or hydrotherapy. This center will focus upon two primary ideas, the first is the
philosophy and principles of AYURVEDA medicine and the second focuses on how
nature can aid the healing process.

Secondly, aim is to develop Eco – Tourism, and also promote the population in
that area by providing them awareness and education.

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