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আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক

৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড

জাতীয় পবব
Objective Part
Category: Secondary (9th-10th Class) Time: 1 Hour 30 Minute
িাম (বাাংলায়): Class: National Registration No.:
[All the questions carry equal number. Write down the answers in respective spaces given. You can
use loose sheets for rough. Submit the loos sheets with your answer script.]
No. Questions Answer
1 Bhumika was sitting on a sphere. Assume
that her charge is 15C and mass is 50kg. As
soon as you started applying positive charge
to the sphere, she was gaining a lift upwards.
When she was 20m far from the center of the
sphere, her electric potential energy was 75J.
What is the potential of point A which is 40m
far from the center of the sphere?
(Hint: If a sphere has q charge, then Potential
of a point at distance r from the center of the
1 𝑞
sphere is V = 4𝜋∈ 𝑟 )

2 Specific heat of water is NOT a constant

value. As you see from the graph it is 4215
at 0°, then decreases to 4180 at
somewhere near 45° and again increases
with temperature. Use this graph to
evaluate average Specific Heat of water
while heating from 0°C to 100°C.
[Hint: The curve from 0°C to 45°C can be
considered as one fourth of a circle. The
curve from 45°C to 100°C can be
considered as one fourth another circle.
For ease of calculation, assume specific heat at 100°C is same as that of 0°C]
3 One evening, Ravi
Shankar was playing
his sitar and George
Harrison was playing
his guitar. Assume that
each of them were
playing a particular
note. The displacement
vs time graph of air
particle due to the note
they are playing is
given in the graph.
George Harrison wants
his note to be as loud as Ravi Shankar. What amount of change he should
make to velocity, frequency and amplitude? [The graph uses SI units.]
আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক
৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড
জাতীয় পবব
4 Nihal has a glass of water. Let all the hydrogens of this water is replaced with
Deuterium (D). If the ionic product of the water is 10-10 then what value of pD
(equivalent to pH scale of acidity-basicity) would allow Nihal to declare this
solution as acidic? (You should know that for normal water (of hydrogen) this
value is less than or equal 7)
5 Khalid was given a base
by his teacher of mass
0.5 gram. Khalid does
not know what base it is.
To determine, he started
a titration with 1M HCl
and eventually came up
with this graph. Write
down the name of the
base he was given to.

6 Shafin was asked by his supervisor to prepare 100ml saturated AxBy solution
from some amount of AxBy. As AxBy decomposes at higher temperature, one
need to use very cold water to do so. So, Shafin took 50ml water in a beaker
and started stirring after adding 50 ice cubes, each of them was 1 gm. Then
he added 2.743 g AxBy by mistake. Calculate for Shafin how much more AxBy
and how many ice cubes now he has to add. He wants to add the least possible
amount of AxBy. Shafin has only ice cubes of 1 gram. The solubility of AxBy in
water is 26 g/L. (It is not a problem if the volume of the solution exceeds 100
mL, as he has a 100 mL measuring cylinder.
7 One Phage virus in a bacteria, produces 300 new phage viruses in 1 minute
by lytic cycle. Through genetic engineering, a double helix DNA of a T2 phage
virus is converted into a single helix DNA, and and replaced all the
phosphorous-30 (30P) with phosphorus-32 (32P). When that phage virus was
placed in a bacteria culture medium, it was seen that in place of 300 viruses,
150 virus was being produced per minute. One day, 2 genetically engineered
virus and 3 normal phage virus were placed in a bacteria culture by mistake.
What would be the ratio of 32P : 30P in that culture after 5 minutes?
8 The amount of blood that will be circulated in animals with closed blood
circulatory system, depends on two factors. (1) The difference in blood
pressure between the two ends of the closed region (∆P) and (2) The total
resistance in the flow of blood to all areas of the closed region (R). The
amount of blood circulated in one minute can be determined by the following
formula: ∆P = FR.
The amount of blood circulated in one artery of a crocodile, is double the
amount of blood that circulated in the artery of a human (we think!). The
pressure difference in human artery is 100 mmHg and the resistance in blood
flow is 15. If the pressure throughout the body of a crocodile is 100 mmHg,
how much blood will circulate in a crocodile’s body?

১২ আগস্ট ২০১৭, শনিবার, ইউনিভানসবনি অব এনশয়া প্ানসনফক, গ্রীিদরাড, ঢাকা

আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক
৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড
জাতীয় পবব
9 In ordinary language,
we can find out
whether the blood
group is positive or
negative, by Rh factor.
Let us take that in
order for the blood
group to be positive,
the dominant gene
must be I+ and in order
for it to be negative, the
recessive gene must be
I-. In the figure beside,
the blood group
pedigree of a family is
shown. At the beginning, what will the genotype of the father’s blood group

Subjective Part
[Write down the answer of following questions in the main answer sheet. Use the main answer script
to do rough calculations of this part. All of three questions carry same mark.]
No. Questions
10 Suppose we have arrived in such a universe where Gravitational Force is proportional to the
square of the product of masses and inversely proportional to distance. Though only
value of Gravitational Constant G’ is equal to that of our G. Everything else is identical to our
Scientists in our Earth have a project named eLISA where few satellites would be sent to the
place where Earth’s and Sun’s Gravitation cancels each other. Interestingly, this universe has
an identical project called MeLISA.
Which project has to send the satellites farther? Explain mathematically.
11 Any ionic compound shows equilibrium like following in saturated solution:
MaXb (s) ⇌ aMb+(aq) + bXa-(aq)
This equilibrium can be described by constant. It is defined as K = [Mb+]a[Xa-]b; where [Mb+]
and [Xa-] is the concentration of Mb+ and Xa- ions in equilibrium. At a certain temperature,
the value of this constant does NOT change for a specific compound.
A beaker has 50ml solution saturated by NaCl and there is some solid BaF2 at bottom. K of
NaCl and BaF2 are 0.81 ও 1.7x10-6 respectively. Now 2.5M HCl is being added to this solution.
pH of an acidic solution is defined as p [H]= -log [H+]; where [H+] is the molar concentration
of H+ in the solution.

১২ আগস্ট ২০১৭, শনিবার, ইউনিভানসবনি অব এনশয়া প্ানসনফক, গ্রীিদরাড, ঢাকা

আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক
৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড
জাতীয় পবব
(1) How much NaCl is in the solution (in gram)?
(2) How much HCl is needed to dissolve all BaF2?
(3) How much HCl is needed to dissolve all NaCl?
(4) Let there is a pHF like pH defined as pHF=-log[HF] where HF is a very weak acid, and
[HF] is its molar concentration. Now draw the schematic (values are NOT necessary)
graph of pHF vs added HCl.
12 This is a picture of cyclic and
acyclic photophosphorylation of
photosynthesis. A photosystem is
mainly made up of many
chlorophyll molecules. P680/ P700
tells us in what wavelength of light
a photosystem will work best.
Mainly electrons are transferred
from one photosystem to another.
Hydrogen ions are also transferred
during the transfer of these
(1) If 5 NADH and 3 ATP are
produced per minute in
photophosphorylation, then what
will be the ratio of NADH : ATP in a
cell of a cactus in the desert, after 5
minutes, during the day?
(2) It was measured that the pH
inside a chloroplast was 7.7. If it is
kept in a medium of pH 7.4, then
how many hydrogen ions will be
transferred? Assume that
chloroplast is a sphere having
radius of 1.5 micron.
(3) What will be direction of flow of hydrogen ion?

১২ আগস্ট ২০১৭, শনিবার, ইউনিভানসবনি অব এনশয়া প্ানসনফক, গ্রীিদরাড, ঢাকা

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