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Part 3: Exam practice 12 Exam tip fa question is difficult, don’t spend too much time on it— go to the next one. Once you find ‘the next answer, you can go back in the text to find the answer to the previous question. This is because, in this type of task, the questions are in the same order as the information in the text. Questions 4-6 Choose the appropriate letters a, b, c or d. fit iv How many friends do the majority of people probably have? 30 real friends or fewer ba minimum of 30 real friends, It is difficult . a to believe the numbers about friendship. b to keep your friends happy. Friendship means a different things to different people. b dying for your friends if you need to. Sometimes people worry because a. they think that they have too many friends. b they spend too much time with friends. Most of us ... a are dissatisfied with our friends. b_ build friendships late in life. a0 160 internet friends 400 internet friends over the course of their lives. to trust what you read on social networking sites. to give a definition of ‘friendship’ helping each other until it is no longer necessary, accepting people with different views. they think they are too old to make friends, there are no guidelines about friendship. are frightened to talk to strangers. need to be with others. What does ‘Strangers are friends we have not met yet’ mean? a We have not met strangers before. b_ Strangers are also our friends. Get Ready for IELTS: Reading c a We should not talk to strangers. Strangers may become our friends. Unit 1 Itis said that most people have no more than 30 friends at any given time, and 400 over the whole of their lives. However, on social networking sites, most users have about 150 friends. If these numbers are correct, then friendship means different things in different situations. (One of the reasons for having more online friends than real friends at a certain point in time is. that online friendships do not require much time and energy: itis easy to accept friendships and keep them forever. Another possibilty is that it is dificult to say ‘no’ when somebody asks us to be their friend online, even if we feel we don't really know them. The fact that they ask us suggests that they do consider us a friend, which is nice feeling, Alternatively, they may be ‘collectors’ of online friends and just want to use us to get a higher number of friends and appear to be popular. Online friendships are quite easy, but in the real world decisions about friendships are harder to make. There are no rules about friendship. There are no guidelines about how to make friends, how to keep friendships going, and how to finish friendships if we want to move on. People have very different opinions about this: some people would die for their friends and they value them more than family. Others say that friends are temporary, only there to help each other until they are no longer needed. if people with such different views become friends, this can lead to problems, Because of these different definitions of friendship, itis easy to be unhappy about our friendships. We may want them to be deeper or closer, or we may want to have more friends in our lives. ‘Sometimes we simply do not have the time to develop our friendships, or we fear we have left it t00 late in lfe to start. If we move to another country or city, we have to find ways to make new friends again This dissatisfaction shows us how important friendships are for most of us. We should not think that it could be too late to build friendships. We also need to understand that the need to be around. ‘other people is one that is shared by many. Therefore, we should not be too frightened about starting to talk to people who in the future may become our friends: itis ikely that they too would like to get closer to us. Remember what people say: strangers are friends we have not met yet. Progress check How many boxes can you tick? You should work towards being able to tick them all. Did you remember to underline the key words in the questions and look for them in the text? read only the parts of the text that you needed to? remember that the questions are in the same order as the information in the text? first skip a difficult question and then go back to it after you found the answer to the next one? base your answers on the text, not on your own opinion? Friendship 13 _ Reading Passage 4 . 7 You should spend 20 minutes on questions 1-13 which are based on reading passage 4 c Questions 1-7 " Ss _ ‘Choose the correct headings fr paragraphs B-H from thelist of headings below: _ List of headings I i Theeffect of emphasis on short-term educational goals " ii The limited effects of music ' iii The future of music " iv Benefits for health r ¥ Theelfects of early exposure to music 7 vi The skills involved in musical activity 7 vii A playwright’s perception of music " a he a nanan nea ean ix Music without instruments a x The ‘Mozarteffect” ql xi Orderor chaos? ; xi The creation of The Voices Foundation _ xiii A method for training singers a xiv The use of musicin Shakespeare's plays a Example Paragraph A xi 1 Paragraph B 2 Paragraph ¢ 3 Paragraph D 4 Paragraph E 5 Paragraph F 6 Paragraph G 7 Paragraph Example Paragraph 1 iii unr 4 i weeeeeeeeeeeee A. Even the Greeks couldn’t agree about it. Was music a source of order and. proportion in society, regulating its innate chaos in ways similar to the disciplines of geometry and architecture? Or did its ability to express passionate emotions beyond the reach of words create the potential for disorder and anarchy? Compare the behaviour of an audience listening to classical string quartets with headbangers at a rave, and the age-old conflict ‘between Apollo and Dionysius is made manifest all over again in our own time. B Shakespeare, though, came clean. For him, ‘the man who hath no musicin himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, strategems and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night .. Throughout his plays, Shakespeare perceives music as a healing force, an art whose practice makes man whole. C Yet, despite the growth of the science of music therapy within the last two centuries, and despite the huge weight of books published on the miraculous Mozart effect’, our schools and colleges have fallen strangely silent. The so-called “Mozart effect’ presents anecdotal and statistical evidence for advances in both social and academic skills in those children exposed in their formative years to the music of Mozart. But, in an age obsessed by pragmatism and by short-term vocational learning, music has been marginalized in both primary and secondary education. Compared with the holy trinity of reading, writing, and arithmetic, music is regarded asa luxury pastime. Asa result, children are leaving school not only totally ignorant of their own musical heritage, but lacking in social, physical, and ‘mental skills which musical performance can uniquely promote. D Playing an instrument requires a degree of concentration and coordination ‘which brings into play a plethora of mental and physical skills which are being eroded in our push-button world. Socialization and team-work are also involved. Schools with wind bands, string ensembles, jazz groups, and orchestras are right up there atthe top of the league tables. In excelling in musical activity, the students’ performance in many other fields of learning is refocused and radically improved E_ There are medical aspects too. Long before British primary schools discovered the recorder - that most basic ofall modern woodwind instruments — Australian Aborigines had developed the didgeridoo. Like the clarinet and the flute, this haunting and beautiful instrument helped to overcome both upper and lower respiratory tract problems and encouraged better sleep. In playing a wind instrument, abdominal muscles are used to support the breathing system. And these are the very muscles which come into play when an asthmatic is experiencing an attack. F But what of those individuals and schools which simply cannot afford a ‘musical instrument? What of those institutions where not a single member of staff can read music? This is where the human being’s most primitive form of music-making comes into its own. Singing is free. Everyone possesses a voice. And, with it, the body expresses itself in the most fundamental and organic way. G The Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodaly knew this, and developed his own system of training ear and voice within a simple yet comprehensive system of body language. Today, an organization called The Voices Foundation adapts and applies Kodaly’s methods, aiming to give children back their singing voices, and to make our schools ring with music-making once again. Their advisors and teachers have already achieved extraordinary ‘turn-around effects the length and breadth of Britain and in schools in the troubled areas of South Africa, H. Important workis currently being done in Finland, Israel, and the United States on pre-school, even pre-birth, musical education. Music in the womb is very much part of the life of the unborn future citizens of Finland. And ‘one has only to look at the educational standards, health records, and professional musical activity in this small nation to see what dividends ‘music in education pays from the earliest days of human li 1 Mozarthas been celebrated in his anniversary years of 1991 and again in 2006. By the time of the next Mozart-Year, shall we have allowed music toconjure a better society for us all? Or, relegated to the ranks of mere entertainment, will music be eroded of its unique power to heal and to make whole? Questions 8-10 Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage? Write YES ifthe statement agrees with the writer's claims NO ifthe statement contradicts the writer's claims NOT GIVEN ifitisimpossible 0 say what the writer thinks about this. 8 In Shakespeare's dramas, musicis seen in a positive light, 9 Schools lack the funds to buy luxury items like musical instruments, 10 Musical activity can only lead to a slight improvement in children’s social, physical, and mental skills, Questions 11-13, (Choose the correct letter, A, B, Cor D. 11 According to the writer, studying music A may not help all students to improve in other areas of their studies. B__ means that students spend less time on reading, writing and arithmetic, C__ helps students to improve enormously in other areas of their studies. D__ means that students will excel as professional musicians. 12 The didgeridoo is an instrument that A has negative effect on those suffering with breathing problems. B __ benefits those suffering with breathing problems. C tends to send those who listen to it to sleep. D__ sounds sad to most people. 13 Which of the following is the most suitable heading for Reading Passage 4? A. The growth of music in the school curriculum ‘Music throughout the ages B © Music for everyone D ‘The beneficial effects of a musical education Improve your IELTS word skills 1 Make the following adjectives negative by adding the prefixes wr, i, dis-, im, Complete the following sentences using the negative form of one of the above adjectives. a Coral reefs are Once they are destroyed, they are gone for ever. b Hf the patient remains ramen, he should be put in the recovery position, © Some students do not see the point of studying history as they find it to the modern world. d__ The two students’ background was not a. working-class families. as they both came from Use your knowledge of prefixes to work out the meanings of the words in italic in sentences a-f. ‘Awkward is one of the most frequently misspelt words in English. The health service has been drastically underfunded for the last ten years, There are plans for the rail industry to be denationalized. ‘Some environmentalists are concerned about the effect of overfishing on our ‘Students who fail the exam will have a chance to resit the following year. { The growth in obesity among young people means that a significant number of parents will outlive their children. wenn 37 Reading passage 5 You should spend 20 minutes on questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 5. Young people - coping with an unpredictable future Young people here in Asia and indeed in every continent are facing new challenges at an unparalleled pace as they enter the global economy seeking work. But are the young in all parts of the globe fully equipped to deal with the unforeseen hazards of the twenty-first century? With the globalization not just of commerce, but all knowledge itself, young graduates in India, Pakistan, or China are just as prepared for the future as their counterparts in any other nation. Except for one thing, that is. Young people wherever they are still lack something of paramount importance. There was a time when those companies or nations with the most knowledge had the edge on their competitors That is now almost gone. In future, the success of all nations and companies, and indeed the success of young workers, will depend not on analytical thinking as has been the case until now, but on creativity and flexible thinking, This will have huge implications on the way companies and people function. Knowledge has now become like the light from the light bulb. Itis now available to all of us, East and West, North and South. We can now ‘switch it on’ in India, China, or Korea as easily as in, say, France or Australia. Knowledge is also packaged into systems that allow professionals of any kind and level to move around the world in the ‘employ of multinational companies much more easily than in the past. So it matters less and less where people are from, where they are working, or where they move to. The same rules and systems apply to all. With this knowledge-based industry now firmly established, mainly asa result of the Internet, economies and people have to move on to another level of competition. What will make or break the economies of the future in Asia and the West is not workforces equipped with narrow life skills, but the more creative thinkers who can deal with the unknown. But the world is still churning out young workers to cater for knowledge rather than creativity-based economies. Edward de Bono has long championed lateral thinking and his work has found its way into many companies and conservative institutions. More recently, Daniel Pink in A Whole New Mind (2005), a book about the mindset needed for the coming century, has predicted that success in the future will depend on creative thinking, not analytical thinking — more use of the right side of the brain as opposed to the left. Knowledge-based professions which control the world like banking, management, etc. Pink argues, will wane as more and more jobs are replaced by computers, a prospect governments must wake up to or they will have hordes of young people trained for a redundant world system. The analytical brain types that have dominated job interviews in recent years have had their day. Those who see the bigger picture at the same time, i.e. those who use the right side of their brain as well or more than the left or can switch between the two at will, are about to come into their own. ‘The most prized individuals will be those who think outside the analytical boxes. f governments are sleep-walking into this situation, young people need not do so, but can prepare themselves for this dramatic evolution. Broadly speaking, young people are much more flexible and prepared to adapt to new situations than their older counterparts. Their very familiarity with ever-changing technology and the processes that go with it equips them to be proactive, and to develop their skills beyond the purely analytical. Take the gigantic leaps that have been made in the economies of South-East Asia in recent years. Advanced transport infrastructures and systems for knowledge transfer are more evolved than in many so-called advanced western countries which are lagging behind their eastern counterparts Businesses, rather than universities, can provide opportunities that introduce elements of unpredictability and creativity into aspects of training or work experience to teach employees to cope with the shifting sands of the future. The young will be encouraged to do what they do best, breaking out of existing systems and restructuring the way things are done. Older people will need to side with them in their readiness to remould the world if they are to survive in the future workplace. We may be in for a bumpy ride, but whatever else it may be, the future does not look dull. | Questions 1-7 Complete the summary below using the list of words, (A-K) from the box below. Young people everywhere are having to overcome new 1 ‘as they look for work. The ubiquity of knowledge means that companies and youn workers need something else to stay ahead of their 2 Workers, 1 matter where they are from, can plug into systems. This has huge 3 With the end of knowledge-based industries, Daniel Pink has forecast that success in the future will depend on 4. , not analytical. The power professions like banking, management, etc. will, itis argued, take on a 5 ‘as more jobs are carried out by computers. Young people who use the right side of their brain as well as their left are about to assume a 6 vevsnensene, $O More work-based training involving the 7 of uncertainty is in order. A. spread G goals B_ greaterrole H__ creative minds © obstacles 1 results D_ consequences J value E_ lesserrole K_ rivals F management Questions 8-10 Choose three letters, A-F. Which THREE of the following predictions are made by the writer of the text? A The role of creative thinkers will become more important. ‘South-East Asia will develop more advanced systems for knowle transfer, ‘The use of technology will reduce people's creative abilities. Older people will find it hard to adapt to future workplace needs Businesses will spend increasing amounts of money on training, smoo Fewer people will enter knowledge-based professions. Questions 11-13, (Choose the correct leter, A, B, Cor D. 11 According to the writer, some systems are more advanced in South-East Asia than in the West because ‘A managers are more highly qualified. B the business environment is more developed, C the workforce is more prepared to adapt. D__ the government has more resources. 12 According to the writer, training for the developments that he describes will be provided by ‘A governments B universities schools. D_ businesses 13. The writer concludes that A. older people will have to be more ready to change. businesses will have to pay young people more. B C young people will not need work-based training. D university lecturers will not have to adapt their courses. Improve your IELTS word skills 1 Which of the following suffixes are used to make nouns from verbs and Which from adjectives? 2 Add the suffixes in 1 to the following words to form nouns. Then think of ‘one more word for each suffix in 1. 3 Ada the suffixes -hood and -ship to the words below to form nouns. 4 Add the correct suffix to the words below. Decide if the words become nouns or adjectives. ful less -al-ous . : | & re aa im Reading Passage 7 You should spend 20 minutes on questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 7, The Two Cultures: a problem for the twenty-first century? In 1996 Alan Sokal, a physicist at NYU, published an article in Social Text, a highly respectable American academic journal for cultural studies, Using technical terminology and liberal references to scientists such as Heisenberg and Bohr, and linguistic theorists such as Derrida and Irigaray. He advanced the notion that ‘post-modern’ science had abolished the Concept of physical reality. Once it was published, he announced that it was a hoax. In doing so, and in the later publication, Intellectual Impostures, with Jean Bricmont, he showed how many fashionable post-modern theorists of language, literature, sociology, and psychology had adopted technical language from science to explain their theories without understanding this terminology, and thus much of what they had written was, infact, utterly ‘meaningless. It was the latest controversy in what has become known as the war between ‘the two cultures’, ‘The term ‘the two cultures’ was first coined by failed scientist and (sucessful) novelist C.P. Snow in an article in the magazine, New ‘Statesman, in 1956, and his discussion of it was extended in his Rede Lecture to Cambridge University in 1959, entitled ‘The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution’. The two cultures he identifies are those of the literary ‘academic world of the humanities and that of the scientific community In essence, he argues that there is a gulf in understanding between the ‘wo communities, to the detriment of science, which is consequently misunderstood and undervalued. There was considerable backlash, most Notably from FR. Leavis, the giant of literary oriticism of the day, yet this divide between the literary world and the scientific remains, and is generally perceived as a serious problem, This is because there is a perception that the general public is mistrustful of science, with modern developments such as genetic engineering and Cloning, not to mention persistent worries about nuclear physics. Much of this fear, its argued, is generated by ignorance in the general population as to what is involved in the practice of modem science, for if people do rnot understand what scientists are doing or thinking, they are unable to ‘engage in any reasonable debate on these issues. Itis surely indicative ‘of how worried the scientific academic establishment is that in 1995 ‘Oxtord University established the Charles Simonyi Chair of the Public Understanding of Science, with Professor Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, becoming the first holder of the post. The problem of the division between the two cultures is not restricted to anxiety among scientific academics, however, but is increasingly being taken seriously by economists, educationalists and politicians. Their concern is that there is an imbalance in the number of pupils and students opting to take qualifications in the arts and humanities, and those choosing the sciences. Among school children, sciences are regarded as ‘hard’, whilst subjects such as English, history and foreign languages are ‘soft’ options where itis easier to pass exams. The upshot of this is a consistent and significant dectine in the number of students applying for science-based courses. Furthermore, there is a gender bias involved, which must be addressed if women are to achieve parity of pay in the future. In February 2006, the UK ‘Women at Work Commission reported on the pay gap between men and women, and noted that one cause was career choices made by schoolgirls into low pay areas such as caring, rather than more lucrative sectors such a engineering or science. Thus not only is there a problem in enrolment conto science courses in general, but more specifically there is a significant disparity between the sexes in the pursuit of science-based careers. At bottom, however, although efforts can be made to address the question of equality, itis hard to see what can be done to bridge the divide between the two cultures. The root of the problem lies in the considerable degree of specialization required in the study of any subject, art or science. In the past, itwas possible to be a polymath with a foot in both camps: Leonardo da Vinci Could paint the Mona Lisa and design flying machines, and Descartes could write on a wide range of subjects from metaphysics to geometry. Nowadays, this is simply not possible, as it is unfeasible even to consider complete mastery of an entire subject, and academics increasingly specialize in one two areas. Its only necessary to consider that ancient Sumerian military tactics and nineteenth-century sexual politics, or nanotechnology and dam construction fall respectively into the categories of history and engineering, to recognize the truth of this. We must resign ourselves, therefore, to the fact that the two communities will continue to fail completely to understand each other, and, as progress continues, the gulf between the two cultures can only increase. Questions 1-3 Complete the summary of paragraph A. (Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer, Alan Sokal wrote an article for an American journal employing 1 and making 2 to certain scientists and linguistic theorists. He stated that ‘post-modem’ science had done away with the 3. of physical reality. After publication, he revealed that what he wrote was a4 He showed how post-modern theorists of language, etc. had adopted technical language from science to put forward their 5... But they did not understand the terminology, and so a lot of their writing was completely meaningless. " : aero " lasify the fllowing as occurring : ‘A. between 1950 and 1990 5 B between 1990 and 2005 , © after 2005 5 6 areport on the male-female pay differentials a 7 aneextension of the debate on the ‘two cultures’ concept " 8 the creation ofthe first chair in understanding science © 9 the frst use of the term ‘the two cultures’ 3 10 the publication of an article on the abolition ofthe idea of physical reality " Questions 11-13 (Choose the correct letter, A, B, Cor D. LL Jobs in the engineering or science sectors are A_ more glamorous than other professions. B__ more demanding than other professions. _ less financially rewarding than those in caring, D__ more financially rewarding compared to those in caring, 12. The study of either art or: © now ‘A. requires harder work than in the past. B__ requires a broader knowledge than the past. € demands specialization, D__ demands collaboration between different academics. Unlike in the past, complete mastery of a subject is now A. impossible feasible. B C often possible. D_ improbable. 7 Arts and Sclences sueeeeeeeeeeee es Improve your IELTS word skills 1 Divide the following verbs into three groups with similar meanings. 2. Write the corresponding nouns for the verbs in 1. 3 choose the most sui le noun from 2 to complete the sentences below. ‘The team carried out a detailed a w- of the risks involved, b The professor has published several works of literary. ‘The results of the election are a clear swum Of the government's policies. d_Atthe end of the opera, the audience showed theit viv by clapping enthusiastically. € Inhis very critical article, the author expresses his trong secon OF reality TV. 4 Make a noun from each of the following verbs to complete the sentences below. a Publi of the use of money for arts promotion was very harsh b- He carried out an in-depth Of the extent of progress in this area. © There was obvious . in favour of funding for science. d Weneed to reserve .« until we are in possession of all the facts. © The general.. appears to be that artists are somehow superior to scientists, {News about current issues barely affects the public's _ generally. Some artists seem to have no of the way science is changing our view of the world. 5 Contradict the verbs in italic in each sentence below. Example ‘The government defended the main arguments advanced. (opposed) a b c a e { The government undervalued the contribution made by various people. The effects of lack of light on humans are understood by most people. The local residents strongly approved of the building of the arts complex. The various publications praised fully the contents of the book. The company judged the timing of the film’s release for maximum coverage. Itis clear that the scientific community believed the results of the research. = Rea fe a 1g Passage 8 You should spend 20 minutes on questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 8. The beauty of cats For most people, a domestic cat is a more or less beautiful, usually affectionate Dut rarely useful member of the family: However, or the people who breed, show, or simply admire them, the pedigree aristocrats ofthe cat world can easily become an obsession. As yet, there isa very much smaller range in the sizes and shapes of cats compared with dogs, which is not surprising when we consider that dogs have been selectively bred for hundreds, ifnot thousands, of years to develop physical and temperamental characteristics that can be put to work for man as well as admired, By contrast, all breeding of pedigree cats is for purely aesthetic reasons ‘Only a few pedigree cat breeds date back beyond the late nineteenth century, and most have been developed since the 1950s. To achieve acceptance, any new breed must be officially recognized by the national and international organizations of ‘cat fanciers’ that regulate the breeding and showing of pedigree cats. To date, official recognition has been given worldwide to more than 100 different breeds, A fairly small numberof these are what might be called ‘natural’ breeds, ‘with distinctive characteristics that appeared spontaneously, and then became established in the cat population of a particular country or region. Examples include what is popularly known as the Persian, with its long-haired coat; the | Russian Blue, with its plush grey ‘double’ coat; the Siamese, with ts slender body, Jong, narrow face and distinctive colouring; and the Manx cat, with either no tai (a’rumpy’) ora small stump ofa tail (astumpy’), More usually, new pedigree cat breeds are the result of meticulously planned breeding programmes designed to establish or enhance attractive or unusual features occurring in non-pedigree cats. Without the intervention ofthe cat breeder, many ofthese features would occur only rarely or would have simply ! disappeared through natural selection, Even the so-called natural breeds have been considerably modified over the years by professional cat breeders striving to ‘match or improve on the breed ‘standard’, a detailed description of the various points (length and colour of coat, body and head shape, et.) according to which a particular breed is judged in competition. ‘The majority of cats, both wild and domestic, have fur that is of short or medium length. Long furin cats can occur either as the result ofa ‘one-off genetic ‘mutation, or through the inheritance ofthe recessive gene for long hai. Long- haired cats were well-established in Persia (now Iran) and Turkey long before the ancestors of most modem long-haired show cats were taken to Europe and ‘America towards the end of the nineteenth century. Today's pedigree longhairs of Persian type have a cobby (sturdy and rounded) body, a very luxuriant long coat, shor, thick legs, around head, round face, very short nose, and large round, ‘orange or ble eyes, There are separate show classes for Persians of different colours, Also shown in their own classes are various non-Persian longhair, {including Chinchillas, Himalayan (also called Colourpoint Longhairs), and the ‘Turkish Van. Shorthaired pedigree cats can be divided into three main categories: the British Shorthair, the American Shorthair, and the Foreign or Oriental Shorthair. To the uninitiated, British and American Shorthairs appear to be no more than particularly fine examples ofthe non-pedigree family cat. The reality is that selective breeding programmes have achieved a consistency of conformation and ‘oat characteristics in the diflerent pedigree lines that could never be achieved by chance. Pedigree British Shorthairs have a cobby body, a dense, plush coat of specified colour, short legs, round head, a somewhat short nose, and lange round «yes of a designated colour. By comparison, pedigree American Shorthairs have larger and less rounded bodies, slightly longer legs, anda less round head with a square muzzle and medium-length nose The third main group of pedigree cats ae the Foreign or Oriental Shorthair. Some ofthese breeds, notably the Siamese, Korat, and Burmese, id indeed originate in the East, but roday these terms are used to describe any breed, of ‘whatever origin, that displays a range of certain specified physical characteristics. Foreign and Oriental cats have a slim, supple body afin, short coat, long legs, ‘a wedge-shaped head, long nose, lage, pointed ears, and slanting eyes. Finally, ) BB alsoincluded within the pedigree short-hairs, are various miscellaneous breeds which have been developed to satisfy a perhaps misplaced delight in the unusual, Examples include the Scottish Fold, with its forwar-folded ears, the Munchkin, with its short, Dachshund-like legs, and the apparently hairless Sphynx. Questions 1-6 Complete the table below (Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the reading passage for each answer Features | Coat Body Less Head Nose Eyes eae een eee erga breed een SP emrelaies | deuce |e round rather short | round Roce San & |emmounied | eae lessround | = Se ae (Questions 7-11 Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from: the ‘passage for each answer. 7 What name does the writer give to breeds such as Russian blue and Siamese? 8 Whats the name given to the description of physical features by which a pedigree cat is judged? . 9 Inwhich century were long-haired cats first exported from Persia? 10. What class of cat does the Chinchilla belong to? . Fold cats have?. 11 What remarkable characteristic do Sco Questions 12 and 13, (Choose the correc letters, A, B, Cor D. 12 The distinctive features of most pedigree cats are the result of A enhancing characteristics that appear naturally in cats from a particular region. B using breeding schemes to promote features which are found in non-pedigree cats. C__ genetic changes which occurred spontaneously in some cats in the late nineteenth century. D__amisplaced pleasure in producing unusual looking cats. 13 The writer’s main purpose in this article is A outline the history of breeding pedigree cats. B__tocititicize the practice of producing odd characteristics in cats. C _wocassify the different breeds of pedigree cats. D to compare the respective practices of cat and dog breeders. Improve your IELTS word skills 1 Which words in the box mean the same as feature? What synonyms do you know for group? 3) Match each phrase a-h with a suitable noun 1-8, a amake of 1 car b- aspedies of 2 writing © agenre of 3 horse 4 aclass of 4 medicine € afield of 5. study {branch of 6 virus g abreed of 7 mammal h astrainof 8 animal 4 Which of these words can be used as synonyms of the nouns in a-h in 3? 5 complete the following table with the correct form of the word. Noun, ‘Verb character characterize distinction distinguish 3 example feature illustration illustrate illustrative indication indicate type 6 complete the sentences below using the verbs in the box. You may use each word once only. a The library books are ...... meticulously and given a barcode reference. b Chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans are all closely ...... species. © Several specific criteria must be ...... before any member is included in the group. 4 A marsupial can be ..... as any mammal which gives birth to underdeveloped young and rears them in a pouch. © Fungi may be....... nto three broad groups: yeasts, moulds, and others. { Sometimes members of a subspecies of mammal can only be ...... by experts with specialist knowledge. 48 Part 3: Exam practice Exam tip: When deciding between the answers to multiple choice questions, do not bbe misled by answers that look similar to what you have read in the text. For example, there is a difference between ‘experts agree’ (= all experts agree] and ‘some experts say’ (= not all experts agree, just somel. Look at the passage below. For each question choose one answer from the letters A-D. 1 Complex information A. can only be communicated by human beings. B is described as intelligent, self-aware and based on context. © is communication across species. D is too difficult for Campbell's monkeys to understand properly. 2 Chimpanzees A. are not as intelligent as birds. B canbe taught language. © can play the keyboard. D_ have the language skills of a four-year old child. 3. Birds have shown evidence of being able to A teach themselves to solve problems. B_ use multiple tools better than humans do. © read numbers as well as people do. D sleep better after taking tests. Reading for IELTS units ‘Ascientist based in Scotland claims to have found the first evidence of a common language shared by different animal species. The calls, which are understood by monkeys and birds, were discovered by Klaus Zuberbiihler, a psychologist at St Andrews University. According to Zuberbihhler, animals and birds can communicate complex ideas not just to their peers but across species. The findings have been heralded as a significant breakthrough in the quest to discover the origins of human language and proof that the ability to construct a complex form of communication is not unique to man. Zuberbiihler made the discovery after spending months observing the calls of Diana monkeys in the Tai Forest in Ivory Coast, in West Africa. He and his colleagues recorded thousands of monkey calls and spent hundreds of hours listening to the animals’ noises. They noticed that the monkeys adapted their calls to change the meaning to warn one another about different threats or opportunities. For example, the sight of a leopard prompted a ‘krack’ alarm call. However, when they merely repeated calls made by other monkeys they added an ‘oo’. The researchers found that the calls could be understood by other species of monkey as well as by some birds. ‘What our discovery showed is that the alarm calls were far more complex than we had thought,” said Zuberbihler. ‘They were conveying information that was contextual, self-aware and intelligent. We then tried playing these calls back to other monkeys and they responded in ways that showed they knew the meaning. What's more, the same calls would be recognised by other species, like Campbell's monkeys. So they are communicating across species. And since then we have found that hornbill birds can understand these calls and they too can understand all the different meanings. ‘Among scientists, the idea that animals and birds might be sentient has been around a long time. Chimpanzees are perhaps the most obvious species for comparisons with humans, but their abilities can still surprise, as when researchers at Georgia State University's language research centre in Atlanta taught some to ‘speak’. They taught the animals to use voice synthesisers anda keyboard to hold conversations with humans. One chimp developed a 3,000-word vocabulary and tests suggested she had the language and cognitive skills of a four-year-old child. Perhaps the most surprising signs of intelligence have been found in birds - whose tiny heads and small brains were long assumed to be a complete barrier to sentience. All that is changing fast, however, with many species showing powerful memories and reasoning power. A few years ago Irene Pepperberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology taught a parrot to recognise and count up to six objects and describe their shapes. Last year that was topped by Alex Kacelnik, a professor of behavioural ecology at Oxford, who discovered that crows are capable of using multiple tools in complex sequences, the first time such behaviour had been observed in non-humans. In an experiment seven crows successfully reeled in a piece of food placed out of reach using three different lengths of stick. Crucially, they were able to complete the task without any special training, suggesting the birds were capable of a level of abstract reasoning and creativity normally associated only with humans. Last week it emerged that researchers from Padua University in Italy had found that birds were able to read numbers from left to right, as humans do, and count to four even when the line of numbers was moved from vertical to horizontal. They also showed that birds performed better in tests after a good night's sleep. ‘All this is powerful evidence against the idea that people are unique. class of plants or animals whose members have the same main characteristics and are able to breed with each other peer: [here] members of the same species sentient: capable of experiencing things through its senses Language and communication 49 READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below: Affordable Art Art prices have fallen drastically. The art market is being flooded with good material, much of it from big-name artists, including Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol. Many pieces sell for less than you might expect, with items that would have made £20,000 two years ago fetching only £5,000 to £10,000 this autumn, according to Philip Hoffman, chief executive of the Fine ‘Art Fund. Here, we round up what is looking cheap now, with a focus on works in the range of £500 to £10,000. Picasso is one of the most iconic names in art, yet some of his ceramics and lithographs fetched less than £1,000 each at Bonhams on Thursday. The low prices are because he produced so many of them. However, their value has increased steadily and his works will only become scarcer as examples are lost. Nic McEthatton, the chairman of Christie's South Kensington, says that the biggest ‘affordable’ category for top artists is ‘multiples’ ~ prints such as screenprints or lithographs in limited editions. In a Christie's sale this month, examples by Picasso, Matisse, Miré and Steinlen sold for less than €5,000 each. Alexandra Gill, the head of prints at the auction house, says that some prints are heavily hand-worked, or often coloured, by the artist, making them personalised. ‘Howard Hodgkin's are a good example,’ she says. ‘There's still prejudice against prints, but for the artist it was another, equal, medium. Mr Hoffman believes that these types of works are currently about as ‘cheap as they can get’ and will hold their value in the long run ~ though he admits that their sheer number means prices are unlikely to rise any time soon. It can be smarter to buy really good one-offs from lesser-known artists, he adds. A limited budget will not run to the blockbuster names you can obtain with multiples, but it will buy you work by Royal Academicians [RAs] and others whose pieces are held in national collections and who are given long write-ups in the art history books. For example, the Christie's sale of art from the Lehman Brothers collection on Wednesday will include Valley with cornflowers in oil by Anthony Gross (22 of whose works are held by the Tate], at £1,000 to £1,500. There is no reserve on items with estimates of £1,000 or less, and William Porter, who is in charge of the sale, expects some lots to go for ‘very little’. The sale also has oils by the popular Mary Fedden (whose works are often reproduced on greetings cards}, including Spanish House and The White Hyacinth, at €7,000 to £10,000 each. Large works by important Victorian painters are available in this sort of price range, too. These are affordable because their style has come to be considered ‘uncool’, but they please a large traditionalist following nonetheless. For example, the sale of 19th-century paintings at Bonhams on Wednesday has a Hampstead landscape by Frederick William Watts at £6,000 to £8,000 and a study of three Spanish girls by John Bagnold Burgess at €4,000 to £6,000. There are proto-social realist works depicting poverty, too, such as Uncared For by Augustus Edwin Mulready, at £10,000 to £15,000. 103 Smaller auction houses offer a mix of periods and media. Tuesday's sale at Chiswick Auctions in West London includes a 1968 screenprint of Campbell's Tomato Soup by Andy Warhol, at £6,000 to £8,000, and 44 sketches by Augustus John, at £200 to £800 each The latter have been restored after the artist tore them up. Meanwhile, the paintings and furniture sale at Duke's of Dorchester on Thursday has a coloured block print of Acrobats at Play by Marc Chagall, at £100 to £200, and a lithograph of a mother and child by Henry Moore, at £500 to £700. A group of five watercolour landscape studies by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot is up at €1,500 to £3,000. Affordable works from lesser-known artists and younger markets are less safe, but they have the potential to offer greater rewards if you catch an emerging trend. Speculating on such trends is high-risk, so is worthwhile only if you like what you buy {you get something beautiful to keep, whatever happens}, can afford to lose the capital and enjoy the necessary research. A trend could be based on a country or region. China has rocketed, but other Asian and Middle Eastern markets have yet to really emerge. Mr Horwich mentions some 1970s Iraqi paintings that he sold this year in Dubai. ‘They are part of a sophisticated scene that remains little-known.” Mr Hoffman tips Turkey and the Middle East. Meanwhile, the Sotheby's Impressionist and modern art sale in New York features a 1962 oil by the Vietnamese Vu Cao Dam, a graduate of Hanoi's Ecole des Beaux Arts de UIndochine and friend of Chagall, at $8,000 to $12,000 (€5,088 to £7,632]. The painting shows two girls boating in traditional a0 dai dresses. A further way of making money is to try to spot talent in younger artists. The annual Frieze Art Fair in Regent's Park provides a chance to buy from 170 contemporary galleries. Or you could gamble on the future fame trajectory of an established artist's subject. For example, a Gerald Laing screenprint of The Kiss (2007] showing Amy Winehouse and her ex-husband is up for £4,700 at the Multiplied fair. QUESTIONS 1-5 Use information from the passage to complete the table below. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each space. Vu Cao Dam GS Asian region (except China] is not 104 Reading for IELTS ume QUESTIONS 6-9 Choose one of the endings (i-viill from the List of Endings to complete each sentence below. Write the appropriate letters next to questions 6-9. The information in the completed sentences should accurately reflect what is said in the text. NB There are more endings [i-villl than sentence beginnings, so you will not need to use them all. You may use each ending once only. “Multiples’ are... 6 7 Prints are... 8 Gross and Fedden are .. 9 Victorian painters are .. List of Endings i artists that have never been popular at all. hand-made and personal art works. items that are not really popular with buyers but good value for money. iv artists that seem to like real life topics. v__ top artists that sell many works. vi_ artists who have used a particular type of material. vii_relatively cheap limited editions prints. vili artists whose work is not often seen by the wider public. 105 106 QUESTIONS 10-13 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading passage 1? Write: TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage 10 Picasso, Warhol, Matisse, Mird and Steinlen are big-name artists. 11 It is possible to buy a painting by Picasso for less than €5,000. 12 Greeting cards can sell for up to £10,000 each. 13 It is not worth investing in new artists or markets because there is a great risk of losing all your money. Reading for IELTS READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below: A The race to reach 33 miners entombed for 64 days 700m (2,300ft) below the bare brown mountains of the Atacama Desert in Chile could be completed as early as tonight. The chief engineer said this afternoon that within 24 hours the chamber will have been reached. He added that bringing the miners out could begin in three days’ time. Three giant drills were boring rescue shafts down through the layers of rock, Laurence Golborne, the Mining Minister, had announced yesterday. How quickly the miners can be extracted once the shafts have reached the men depends on a careful inspection of the shaft, 70cm (28in) wide, by video cameras. If the rock walls are deemed stable the miners could be brought out, one by one, within another two or three days. Itis estimated that it will take between 36 and 48 hours to bring them all out. The miners have been trapped underground since August 5, more than twice’as long as any other known survivor of a mining accident. A stream of rescue vehicles, satellite television trucks and vehicles carrying journalists from around the world are heading up to the shallow bowl in this lunar landscape that will be a centre of attention over the next few days. In the past 48 hours a specially trained 16-man rescue team, three slim metal rescue capsules, a giant crane, winches and much other equipment have been delivered to Camp Esperanza, as the makeshift settlement is known. c Once the shaft is safe, two volunteers, a mining expert from Codelco, the state-owned mining conglomerate, and Sergeant Roberto Rios Seguel, 34, a naval medic and ‘commando, will act as human guinea pigs, descending to where the miners are in the Phoenix ~ a steel capsule specially made by the Chilean Navy and designed by them together with NASA engineers. It has been painted in the red, white, and blue colours of the Chilean flag. The Phoenix is named for the mythical bird that rose from its ashes, and is the biggest of three custom-built capsules that will be used. It weighs 420 kg. Its interior height is 6 feet, 4 inches (1.9 metres}. The miners have been restricted to a diet of 2,000 calories a day to ensure that they can fit into the capsule, which is 53cm wide. The capsule has oxygen tanks in the bottom part. It also has a camera, its own lighting system and a sound system. It has two sets of retractable wheels around it, one near the top and one near the bottom, to help it travel up and down the rescue shaft. The roof of the capsule contains LED lights. If something goes wrong during the rescue, the top part of the capsule can be released and the bottom two thirds of the capsule would then be lowered back down. Should the capsule become jammed, the occupant can open the escape hatch in the base and go back down the shaft. D The capsule will be lowered by a large crane at a speed of up to 3ft {91cm} per second. The miners will be wearing a suit with a harness over it, which will allow them to be strapped to the centre of the cylinder in an upright position for the estimated twenty- minute journey to the surface. They will also wear an oxygen mask, a pair of dark 107 108 glasses to protect their eyes from exposure to the desert sunlight, and a helmet, which is specially adapted with a microphone and a wired headset to enable them to communicate with the surface. Doctors will monitor the miners’ vital signs using information gathered from a biometric belt. They will conduct a preliminary assessment of the miners’ mental and physical health. The miners will then be divided into three ‘groups. The strongest will be the first to make the hazardous ascent to freedom, in case the capsule hits problems, then the weakest. They will be winched up one by one in the slender capsule, rising at just under a metre a second, meaning that each ascent will take about 15 minutes. The entire rescue is expected to take 30 to 40 hours. ‘As each man finally emerges, he will be taken to the nearby field hospital wearing Californian-made sunglasses that filter out all UV rays to protect his eyes. There the ‘men will be given a thorough check-up and, if strong enough, they will be allowed. to meet three relatives designated in advance. The miners will then be flown by helicopter to the hospital in Copiapé, where a whole floor has been set aside for them. They are expected to remain there for at least two days. QUESTIONS 14-15 Reading Passage 2 has five paragraphs A-E. Which paragraphs state the following information? Write the appropriate letters A-E, NB There are more paragraphs than summaries, so you will not use them all. 14 The miners’ situation is of global interest. 15 The length of the operation will be determined by the stability of the physical environment. QUESTIONS 16-20 Complete the summary below. Choose your answers from the box below the summary and write them into spaces 16-20. You can only use each answer once. NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all. However, if all goes well, they could be 16___ by 17__ emergency workers in the next few days. Preparations are already under way. As soon as the miners have been 18 the real rescue operation can start: a specially 19 __capsule will be sent down to retrieve them one by one. It is 20____ that bringing all of the men back up will take up to forty hours. trapped made safe designed estimated trained freed completed known reached guessed carried restricted Reading for IELTS QUESTIONS 21-26 unit 1Z Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage to complete each blank in the diagram below. The Phoenix “o;—— these are 26 this is fitted with 23 the Phoenix is made out of 21 this contains the 24 the 25 and width: 22 QUESTION 27 From the list below, choose the most suitable title for the whole of Reading Passage 2. Write the appropriate letter A-D. ‘A Mine rescue on verge of breakthrough B Journalists and rescuers race to Chile © Engineers save the day D_ The Phoenix will rise 109 READING PASSAGE 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 28-40 which are based on Reading Passage 3 below: High-tech crime-fighting tools A Crime-fighting technology is getting more sophisticated and rightly so. The police need to be equipped for the 21st century. In Britain we've already got the world’s biggest DNA database. By next year the state will have access to the genetic data of 4.5m people: one British-based person in 14. Hundreds of thousands of those on the database will never have been charged with a crime. Britain is also reported to have more than £4 million CCTV (closed circuit television) cameras, There is a continuing debate about the effectiveness of CCTV. Some evidence Suggests that it is helpful in reducing shoplifting and car crime. It has also been used to successfully identify terrorists and murderers. However, many claim that better lighting is just as effective to prevent crime and that cameras could displace crime. An internal police report said that only one crime was solved for every 1,000 cameras in London in 2007. In short, there is conflicting evidence about the effectiveness of cameras, so it is likely that the debate will continue. c Professor Mike Press, who has spent the past decade studying how design can contribute to crime reduction, said that, in order for CCTV to have any effect, it must be used in a targeted way. For example, a scheme in Manchester records every licence plate at the entrance of a shopping complex and alerts police when one is found to belong to an untaxed or stolen car. This is an effective example of monitoring, he said. Most schemes that simply record city centres continually - often not being watched - do not produce results. CCTV can also have the opposite effect of that intended, by giving citizens a false sense of security and encouraging them to be careless with property and personal safety. Professor Press said: ‘All the evidence suggests that ; CCTV alone makes no positive impact on crime reduction and prevention at all. The weight of evidence would suggest the investment is more or less a waste of money } unless you have lots of other things in place.’ He believes that much of the increase is i driven by the marketing efforts of security companies who promote the crime-reducing : benefits of their products. He described it as a ‘lazy approach to crime prevention’ and said that authorities should instead be focusing on how to alter the environment to reduce crime. But in reality, this is not what is happening. Instead, police are considering using more technology. Police forces have recently begun experimenting cameras in their helmets. The footage will be stored on police computers, along with the footage from : thousands of CCTV cameras and millions of pictures from numberplate recognition cameras used increasingly to check up on motorists. 110 Reading for IELTS Unit 12 ‘And now another type of technology is being introduced. It's called the Microdrone and it's a toy-sized remote-control craft that hovers above streets or crowds to film what's going on beneath. The Microdrone has already been used to monitor rock festivals, but its supplier has also been in discussions to supply it to the Metropolitan Police, and Soca, the Serious Organised Crime Agency. The drones are small enough to be unnoticed by people on the ground when they are flying at 350ft. They contain high- resolution video surveillance equipment and an infrared night vision capability, so even in darkness they give their operators a bird's-eye view of locations while remaining virtually undetectable. F The worrying thing is, who will get access to this technology? Merseyside police are already employing two of the devices as part of a pilot scheme to watch football crowds and city parks looking for antisocial behaviour. It is not just about crime detection: West Midlands fire brigade is about to lease a drone, for example, to get a better view of fire and flood scenes and aid rescue attempts; the Environment Agency is, considering their use for monitoring of illegal fly tipping and oil spills. The company that makes the drone says it has no plans to license the equipment to individuals or private companies, which hopefully will prevent private security firms from getting their hands on them. But what about local authorities? In theory, this technology could be used against motorists. And where will the surveillance society end? Already there are plans to introduce ‘smart water’ containing a unique DNA code identifier that when sprayed on a suspect will cling to their clothes and skin and allow officers to identify them later. As long as high-tech tools are being used in the fight against crime and terrorism, fine. But if it's another weapon to be used to invade our privacy then we don’t want it. Glossary: ‘drone: a remote-controlled pilotless aircraft 350ft: about 107 meters bird’s eye view: a view from above fly-tipping: illegally dumping waste (British English 111 QUESTIONS 28-32 Reading Passage 3 has six paragraphs A-F. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-x) in spaces 28-32. NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all. List of Headings i The spyin the sky ii The spread of technology iii The limitations of cameras iv The cost of cameras ¥_ Robots solving serious crimes vi_ Lack of conclusive evidence vii Cars and cameras viii Advantages and disadvantages ix Anatural progression X Afeeling of safety Example Answer Paragraph A ix 28 Paragraph B 29 Paragraph C 30 Paragraph D 31 Paragraph E 32 Paragraph F 112 Reading for IELTS

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