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Training for many years

One of the many reasons why warriors of ancient Africa were feared for their strength was the fact that
they are trained for many years. Warriors often dedicated all their lives to the military and were in turn
given special treatment by the royal house. Every year, military leaders made it a point to go out into the
homes of their people and select the most muscular looking boys and girls. The selection brought
prestige to a family’s name. Young warriors were chosen as early as the age of 8-12 and sent off to
training as soon as possible, by the age of 21-25, a young warrior was fully ready to be inducted into the
senior military.

Vigorous field training

Field training for warriors in ancient Africa was very intense, and many warriors who could not keep up
often lost their lives or left the military, but many preferred to die because going home was a disgrace to
a potential warrior and his family. During field training, warriors were made to perfect their spear
throwing and aiming skills by aiming at animals at a distance. They were also made to hunt down
animals, run miles nonstop and learn to quicken their climbing skills by climbing trees and rocky
mountains. They also learnt to swim, rowboats, start a fire and calculate distances. The field training
made them very conversant with the kingdom and surrounding settlements. Also, they were taught how
to camouflage themselves, a skill that came in handy when attacking the enemy by surprise. They also
wrestled with each other to test strength and went through various punishments as a way of learning to
endure pain.

Traditional cleansing and protection

Aside from their traditional singing and dancing, warriors were often cleansed and given extra
protection by traditional healers and priest. As part of their induction into the military, new warriors
were often made to go through special traditional rites with the traditional priest. During such private
rituals, they were prepared to go through levels of undisclosed spiritual processes believed to make
them mentally and spiritually strong while giving them physical strength. Depending on a vision of
prophecy, warriors preparing for war were also made to drink certain concoctions made by traditional
herbalist to help them. The mixtures could contain sacrificed blood, herbs and earth among other things.
The bodies of the warriors were also adorned with signs and symbols which evoked strength and
protection. Many warriors often went into a trance when the power was too strong for them. It is
believed that warriors were also given special talismans to wear to protect them from death or carry
two lives.
Traditional singing and dancing

One entertaining way that warriors prepared for war were by singing and dancing. Many traditional
African dances entailed vigorous body movements that warmed up the blood and tightened the muscles
in the curse of time. The warriors often sang war songs to encourage each other and seek the protection
of past warriors who had long passed on. The singing and dancing shook the grounds and invoked the
spirits of the gods to send them protection. It was imperative that warriors performed the war dance
and singing before setting off to war. If a military lost its battle or many men on the field, their loss was
often attributed to the fact that they did not take the ritual dancing and singing as seriously as they
should have.

Making of their weapons

In the absence of guns and gunpowder, warriors made their spears, bows, shields and arrows by
themselves. During the process of making the weapons, warriors grew attached to their weapons and
worked at all cost to protect them from damage. This made them more passionate about protecting
themselves and their kingdoms to prevent their weapons from damaging. Often, fathers passed on their
weapons from generation to generation. The materials used in making the weapons wear blessed and
weapons were again blessed after they were ready for use.

First Aid training

As part of their training, warriors were taught how to wrap wounds, remove poison from the body and
treat major and minor cuts. They were also shown how to make quick potions that stopped bleeding
and cured flu or other illnesses that attacked them while in the wilderness. This training made it possible
for warriors to help reduce death. In the absence of any other person. A warrior that was struck could
treat him or herself efficiently and survive through wounds while there was still time.

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