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Activity 1 – Time keepers

In groups, discuss these questions.

Who's the most punctual student in the class?

How many students in your group use a calendar? What for?
How many of you have got a watch? How often do you look at it?
What is your favourite time of day/year?
Name something that is a waste of time.
What is 'quality time'? What is the 'leisure society'?

Activity 2 – Time flies

In small groups, discuss and explain these sayings. Do you agree or disagree with them?

Time is a great healer. Time is money. Time waits for no one. Tomorrow never
comes. Time flies when you're having fun. There's no time like the present.
You're only young once. You cannot save time; you can only spend it.

Activity 3 – Teacher's time

In pairs, write three questions to ask me about how I spend my time. I'll answer any
correctly formed questions honestly. Use these expressions.

How long does it take you to ... ?

How much time do you spend ... ?
How many times a day/week/year do you ... ?

Use the same kinds of question to find out about your partner.

Activity 4 – Lifetime

 In small groups, discuss when the best time in life is to do these things.

get married, retire, have kids, travel, leave home

 In small groups, put these words in chronological order.

homework, nappies, retirement, exams, housework, marriage, parties,

acne, responsibility, paper aeroplanes, grey hair, teddy bears

 Draw a graph of your own life, with the line rising for good periods and falling for bad
ones. In pairs, explain the features of your graphs to each other.

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