Pme 801 Lesson Plan Template 1

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Topic: ​Geometric Properties   Grade Level: ​3  Team Members:​ Amanda, 

Tori, Ivy  

Guiding Inquiry Question: ​What are the similarities and differences in three dimensional 

Curricular  - identify and describe various three dimensional figures (i.e., cubes, 
Outcomes  prisms, pyramids) and sort and classify them by their geometric 
properties (i.e., number and shape of faces), using concrete 

Materials  - Paper for students to record their findings.  

Needed  - Clipboards  
- Pencils or any writing utensil 
- Example of a 3-D shape  

Process  - Students can meet in a common meeting spot outside where the 
teacher can provide instructions 
- The teacher will review what can make up a three dimensional 
figure, and ask for students to help brainstorm ideas.  
- As an example, the teacher will show an example of three 
dimensional shapes.  
- Students will be placed in pairs, and will have 15 minutes to explore 
the school yard and find three dimensional shapes present. (Can 
challenge students to find as many as they can)  
- Students will have the option to write out what they have found or 
draw a picture.   
- Once the 15 minutes is up the class will meet back in the common 
meeting spot.  
- Each group will present their findings and explain why they think it 
is a three-dimensional shape.  
- Students will then discuss in their pairs what differences and 
similarities they see in each 3-D shape. The teacher will circulate 
and use a checklist to formatively check in on student 
- After this, students will join with a new partner and use items in 
nature to build two 3-D objects. 

Collaboration  - This lesson provides student collaboration and inquiry as students 

process   are exploring and applying knowledge together.  
- This lesson allows for applicability in multiple different settings so 
other teachers can adapt for their own needs.  
Student  - Students can draw findings if they have difficulty writing it  
adaptations  - Lots of space, creating accessibility  

Assessment   Assessment tool:  

Formative assessment, checklist 

Reflection  What went well?   What can we improve?   

after lesson)  
Lesson Plan Template for Collaborative Inquiry in an Outdoor Education Program 

Topic:    Grade Level:   Team Members:  

Guiding Inquiry Question:  







Assessment   Assessment tool:  


Reflection  What went well?   What can we improve?   


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