Ob Term Report

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Name: Rukhsar
I.D: 20181-
Submitted to:
Shagufta Rafif


Acknowledgement 2
Executive Summary 3
Introduction 3
About the company 3
Theoretical Understanding about parameters 4
Culture 4
Employee Engagement 5
Job Satisfaction 6
Attitude 6
Motivational Programs 7
Organizational Performance 7
Interview Question & Answers on Culture 8
Interview Question & Answers on Employee Engagement 9
Interview Question & Answers on Job Satisfaction 10
Interview Question & Answers on Attitude 12
Interview Question & Answers on Motivational Programs 14
Reflection of a company based on interview 15
Conclusion 16
Recommendations 16
References 16



14 May, 2020
I would like to express my gratitude to my organizational behavior course
faculty Ma’am Shagufta Rafif for her constant support and guidance in
making this final term report. Due to her guidance I was table to avail this
opportunity to experience how company manages to implement the
different parameters of organizational behavior in practical world and how
useful it is to make organization work peacefully. Furthermore, I’m thankful
to Mr. Alizain Khoja who took out his time for an interview session and to
share his knowledge and experience with me on his company and to give me
detailed insight of SIR CONSULTANTS which helped me to formulate my
report on organizational behavior.
Thank you.
Rukhsar Abbas


This report is the study of all five parameters of organizational behavior i.e. culture, employee
engagement, job satisfaction, motivation programs and attitude. In the report we’ve examined the
company named SIR CONSULTANTS which is the actuarial firm in Pakistan, and one of the leading
actuarial consultancy of Pakistan in which I’ve interviewed one of the employee of this firm and ask
questions based on these parameters. On examine the interview the parameters it can be seen that the
organization follow all the parameters properly and have positive impact on their employees and clients
working under them. However, there are little changes that required to make this organization work
more effectively. In this report we will examine how they are following these parameters and what
policies that are implementing on their employees to make this organization grow in a profitable

In this report we organization we are going to judge basis on 5 parameters i.e. job satisfaction,
employee engagement, attitude, motivation programs and culture is SIR Consultants. Before judging any
company it’s important to know about the company first so let’s have a brief introduction and the
background of SIR Consultants and how this organization works.

About the company (SIR Consultants):

SIR Consultants is a subsidiary of Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates consulting also known as SHMA
Consulting which is founded in 2011 and is considered as one of the top rated actuarial firm in Pakistan.
It is a multinational company having its headquarter in Dubai Multi Commodities Center, UAE and is
licensed by Dubai Multi Commodities Center Authority (DMCCA) to perform their consultation
operations and services. It was an idea of a team of actuarial individual having experience of more than
20 years of providing actuarial and financial consulting services to different companies including
insurance companies, takaful operators and other similar organizations providing end of service benefits
(EOSB). The main purpose of the company is to provide consultation services to various finance industry
but majorly to the insurance sector. The total strength of the company is around 200-250 employers
working under one umbrella. The company also holds the maximum number of Fellow and Associates of
Society of Actuaries as compared to the other consultancies and actuarial firms in Pakistan which is
considered as highest designation in actuarial profession. The aim of the company is to provide
consultation services in every manner to help industries in taking their decision in a more effective
manner, not only in the actuarial projects but the company also assist financial industries in operational
and strategic ways such as brokers compensations, capital structure, Mitigating and identifying the risk,
negotiations and building the reinsurance structure and other various aspects. They work for insurers to
achieve IFRS 17 requirements, which helps them in implementation of IFRS 17 (Internationally
recognized Reporting and working requirement) to perform various actuarial and financial services. They
provide quarterly, semiannually and yearly services to wide range of clients around the globe that
includes Middle east, Europe, South east Asia, fast eastern region and other gulf countries such as
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Qatar Syria and many more. They also provide actuarial services to 4 big audit
firms of Pakistan. They have actuarial expertise in reserving calculations, pricing models, enterprise risk
management, business and product development and financial reporting according to the reporting
standards internationally. They are cost effective and provide full time actuarial services to their clients.


Their services include:

• Life insurance consulting

• General insurance consulting
• Retirement benefits
• Family and general Takaful consulting
• Enterprise risk management
• Capital Modelling.

For judging the organization on 5 parameters we have

mentioned above we took an interview from one of the employee working as an actuarial analyst in this
organization. (Visiting Card Attached)


In culture we understood that the same values are being shared within the organization and every
person in the organization is acting upon those shared values such as dressing or performing their tasks
or how they communicate within the organization. Every organization have different set of values thus
every organization’s culture is different from one another. For example, in one organization maybe it is
allowed to lie for their personal interest and in other organization it is forbidden to lie in any case,
organization may carry different set of values. There are different characteristics of Culture on which the
organization’s culture can also be judged whether it is weak or strong those are:

 Risk taking and innovation

 Attention towards employees
 People orientation
 Outcome orientation
 Team orientation
 Aggressiveness
 Stability

Organization can also have sub cultures and dominant cultures as well. Subcultures are cultures is a
culture in which a small group of people shares same values and perception but it is not necessary that
this culture is being shared by every other person within an organization. Dominant culture is the
culture which is shared by most of the organization’s member such as language religion etc. Core values
are those values which are accepted within a whole organization and the culture which accepts and held
these core values strictly is termed as strong culture. If organization consists strong culture than
employees behave very much according to the values and respects the culture which is being shared
within the organization. If organization consists weak cultures, then the work behavior of employees is
highly disturbed and different sub cultures gets place within one culture. National culture impacts
employees most than strong culture, as ma’am gave an example once during a lecture about a student
who visits IOBM for the first time and notices different kind of dressing which is not usually normal in
the national culture so at what culture will he focus on? Organization’s culture or national culture? He
will focus on national culture rather than IOBM’s culture. The Function of an organizational culture is to
describe or distinguish the difference between two organization’s culture that how the set of values and


moral principles of both organizations are different from each other, it also provides an identity to the
employees of the organization, it also encourages employees to work for something big rather than
their own self-interest. The strong organization culture also leads to fair and good decision makings as
everyone shares the same values and beliefs, also the communication within the organization becomes
very much transparent as everyone is very much clear about their work and vision. While hiring new
employees the one main thing which manager or top management should keep in mind is to make sure
to keep their culture alive and provide sufficient information to the employee about their organization
culture, new employees mostly follows the footsteps of their seniors the top management should make
sure to act according to the company’s norms and values to set an example for others. Socialization is
one of the most important step after hiring an employee which helps the new employee to adopt the
organization’s culture. The first stage is pre arrival stage where an employee learns about the
organization before joining in the organization from different sources the second stage is encounter
stage where employee meets with the reality that what actually the organization is like is it up to the
expectations or there is a difference between what is being shared with him and what actually happens
within the organization, , then come metamorphosis stage in this stage employee tries to adjust within
the organization and coworkers as well as new job. Employees can learn about organizational culture by
listening to the stories about organization by following other employee’s practices by looking up to top
management. The organizations which develops high code of ethics or standards are more unlikely to
have any risk, they are moderate in aggressiveness as well and can expect more outcome but as far as
strong culture have so many advantages with it, it can also carry many of the negative impact if negative
traits are being held and runs within organization as strong culture then organization may tend to suffer
more in near future. Strong culture can also establish spirituality within an organization which can create
sense of existence within an employee also employees can trust and can be open about work ideas and
can also work on their own development.

The understanding which we get from employee engagement is that how much an employee is
committed towards his work and how much he is connected towards an organization. The employees
whose are optimistic, as well as team oriented , goes beyond their expectations to work for an
organization, are passionate towards learning new skills and abilities, accepts positive as well as negative
remarks from the manager are engaged in their work but the employees whose are pessimistic, thinks
only about self-interest, remains absent from work physically as well as mentally, does not accept
negative reviews about themselves are not engaged this might be because of an organization or an
employee. The research shows that there is a difference between employee engagement and job
satisfaction. The things which makes employee engages towards their work and organization are when
their leaders are hardworking and keeps trying to make a better work place, when employees have trust
in their leaders, when employees have trust in the organization and when they know their place within
an organization and know their work clearly. Also when employees have a good bonding with other
coworkers and leaders they will be more engaged towards their work, also when they are allowed to
take decisions on individual basis that’s when they realize that organization have trust in them as well
and can also take risk for them to try new skills and opportunities. Employees also gets more engaged
towards job when their manager praises their work and rewards them occasionally, but rewarding an
employee everyday with tangible assets can also result in a negative situation. For example, if a manager
rewards one employee for his good work the other employee will also starts working better than before


and will try to achieve goal before the time because he will also be trying to get the reward from the
manager. The important thing which engages employee more towards the work and organization is the
open door policy when an employee can talk about the ideas or queries or opinions he has with his
manager or top management he will feel that he is equally appreciated in the organization and his
opinion does matter which will make him work more hard and efficiently. When organization engages
employee in the work they do and consider their decisions as well then employees becomes loyal to the
organization and works hard for the organization not for their own self-interest. Employee engagement
involves challenging tasks given to them, freedom of speech, outings, incentives, status but the most
important of all is resources organization will provide resources to an employee to convert his interest
into his passion.

Job satisfaction is how committed and job oriented an employee is, how much passionate he is towards
his work, whether he has negative or positive attitude towards his job. In job satisfaction we learned
that job satisfaction can be achieved by many ways one can achieve it. To see how much a person is
involved towards his job we can measure his attitude towards job whether it is positive or negative. He
can create positive attitude towards job by doing job of his interest for example if a person who is more
fun loving is doing a very boring job he will never be satisfied with his job because his interests are
totally different from the job he is doing. Job satisfaction can be given to an employee by providing
flexible working hour, good parking space, child care center, good salary, less workload etc. While
talking about job satisfaction the first thing which should be fulfilled is the person’s basic needs, the next
things which should be given to an employee is financial security and physical security as well, then
social acceptance and then comes self-actualization or appraisal towards his work. Job satisfaction also
comes from how the employees are being treated within an organization whether they are being
treated equally and fairly or not. It also comes from how much they are being understood by their
managers does their manager understands their critical situation and gives them leniency or not. The job
satisfaction can also be measured by looking at many other factors such as work responsibility, interest
towards work, how much support they have, chance of growing more by remaining in the same job for
years. Job satisfaction depends on persons pre requisite ability, if he has pre requisite ability then he can
create interest towards his job as well also job satisfied people are more professional, professional
people are more tends to be job satisfied. Job satisfaction also depends on the competency level in an
organization. In underdeveloped country mostly people who gets job satisfaction is from salary or
benefits given by organization but in developed countries job satisfaction can be achieved by work of an
interest, pre requisite ability, healthy competition, positive work environment, appreciation for the work
he has done. Mostly people who are not job satisfied shows 4 type of behaviors:

 Voice (raises his concern, goes on strike etc)

 Exit (leaves the organization)
 Loyal (Maybe he Is loyal towards his company or there is some emotional attachment)
 Neglect (will just simply ignore)

Attitude can be changed positively or negatively, after evaluating people, object, events we can create
negative or positive attitude. Attitude is related to dependent variables. There are 3 components of

 Cognitive component (one person’s opinion or beliefs about something)

 Affective Component (One person’s emotional feeling towards something)
 Behavioral component (one person’s action towards something)

For example: if I think smoking is injurious to my health that is my cognitive component, but when I
think I don’t like a particular person because he smokes then it is Affective component and when I break
my friendship with that particular person than it is my behavioral component or action. One person’s
behavior is not easy to understand for understanding someone’s behavior we need to understand their
thinking. Cognitive dissonance is difference between someone’s words and what they do, Elements
which reduce our desire of doing dissonance are:

 Degree of influence (their personal experience or social burden upon them)

 Fundamental values (self-interest)
 Rewards

The types of attitude are job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment, perceived
organizational support and employee engagement. Organizational commitment can be of further 3
types affective means someone is emotionally attached with the organization, continuance means they
are continuing because of the salary or benefits given to them by an organization last one is normative
he is continuing the job because of company’s norms and values. Attitude can be changed within time it
varies upon the situational factors.

Motivation is the process which drives person’s intentions towards his goals and pushes him hard to
achieve his goals and success. Motivation is also termed as one person’s ability to perform a task.
People are mostly motivated towards the work in which they have pre requisite ability or interest is.
One person can also create interest if he/she wants. Maslow theory of needs explains stages where
human can be differently motivated towards their need the least is physiological needs which is hunger
thirst aur basic needs once these needs are fulfilled, person won’t be looking for them anymore same
goes for an employee if he is getting what his basic needs are he won’t be further motivated towards
that thing. Another level is safety needs, in safety needs there comes protection feel of security after
physiological needs are fulfilled person will look after these needs and once he feel the protection and
safety he will look for social needs where he would want to be loved by someone and appreciated by
someone after fulfilling this he would search for self-esteem needs, in esteem needs he would want to
be appreciated and feel his important in an organization, at last comes self-actualization where he wants
to optimize all the opportunities he have to become what he can actually become. There are two order
of needs higher order and lower order in higher order comes external needs which can be fulfilled by
physiological or safety needs, higher order needs include needs which can be satisfied only externally
and not internally.

To determine the performance of the organization or how organization is working on 5 different
parameters we conducted and interview from an employee working in that organization as an actuarial
analyst, in interview we asked about different questions on different parameters question and answers
are mentioned below:


Q1. Does all the employees in the company shares same values?

Yes, we do share same values which are conveyed to us by our manager or CEO.

Q2. Is there any subcultures trend in your company?

No, our company is strictly based on one culture only which is conveyed to us through our seniors.

Q3. What are the perspectives of your company towards religious believe of its employees and how
they treat it?

Religion for any individual is an important of their life and it’s a very sensitive topic so my company
treats every religion equally and with respect, leaves for any religious event or ceremony are given to
those to whom it belongs other than that different donations and lunch/dinner organized to celebrate
the event and to promote diversity among employees.

Q3. Is your company risk averse or risk lovers? And how they implement this risk strategy in ongoing

Actuaries are known as risk takers and the consultancy consist full of actuaries are always risk lovers, my
company always likes to take risk in search for new opportunities and new clients to grow their business
and for implementation of new techniques that being offered to our clients. Different plans and meeting
are scheduled accordingly in different sub teams.

Q4. Is your company people oriented?

Yes, of course as our work are based on interpretation and projection by highly skilled fellow and
associate actuary that is considered as highest designation in my field, it always requires lot of actuarial
knowledge and experience to measure the risk and predict according to current market conditions
which can’t be done by any machinery.

Q5. Does your company promotes positive change in the organization?

Yes, changes in policies of the company and working methods are made once the market or city
condition have changed, also different policies comes into existence keeping in view of the employers
needs and demands just like work from home policy is introduced due to COVID-19 to help employers
stay safe at home.

Q6. What is the policy against any violence?

There is zero tolerance policy in our company and immediate actions are taken in any such case
however, the staff here are so professional and disciplined that there is no case of violence and
misbehave in our company up till now.


Q7. Is there transparency in your organization?

Yes, I guess transparency in any organization is an important part for any organization and their
employers as every information is shared among the employers and discussed briefly in the meetings.

Q8. Do you have healthy competition in your company?

Our company supports the healthy competition if it’s within the company and for the betterment of the
company or employers themselves, as I told you before that associate and fellow are considered as the
highest designation in my profession and to achieve such designation you have to pass the exam
conducted by the society of actuaries and we also get promoted based on the number of exams we have
cleared. So of course it leads to healthy competition among while we all support each other in studying
and motivates each other to clear the exam.

Q1. Are you allowed to speak up to your manager regarding personal and professional matter?

Yes, in fact managers are so friendly in my company that you can talk freely with them during breaks and
lunch and you can share your problem or discuss anything. They will give you their views and opinions
without judging your situation and help you in your problem.

Q2. How your company takes failure? And how do they overcome the failure?

I think every organization have faced failure once during their time as like our company takes failure in a
positive manner as we believe that failure is the first step to success. Every ups and downs are discussed
in board meetings with other managers of the teams so that mistake didn’t repeat twice and other
teams take necessary actions before taking any submission of their project.

Q3. Does your manager treats each and every employee fairly?

Yes, every employer is treated fairly and with equality in my company. However, newly appointed
employers or interns are given little leniency when it comes to work load or staying late.

Q4. How is the attitude of lower staff of your company towards you and of upper management
towards them?

They are treated with respect and donations are distributed among them in event of any religious
occasion or company event, they also went with us for lunch and are welcomed in every company event
and on picnics. Similarly, they also treat us with respect and maintain the hygiene of our company and
do the work on time assigned to them.

Q5. How is your relationship with your manager?

As I told you before that our managers act very friendly with us and they always try to maintain the such
environment so that we can communicate easily and freely with them as SIR Consultancy is a one big


Q6. How your company encourages individual efforts?

There are different ways in my company to encourage the efforts of the employee like if someone
passes the exam he/she is treated with a lunch or a dinner by his/her manager, also promotion will be
given to them at the yearend which results in good raise in his/her salary and higher position in the

Q1. Do you work in a team or individually and how did you get rewarded in any case?

There are different sub teams in my company having different managers leading that team. Every sub
teams works on different project and for different companies. Just like my team works for the UAE
clients. The reward can be in a form of dinner or a lunch by our manager at the end of the project and
raise in salary are given based on the individual input to that project.

Q2. Does your company consider your opinion in decision making process?

Yes, in fact the team manager takes opinion and suggestion by every team member for upcoming
project to know his/her views and for the exchange of knowledge among employees.

Q3. Does your company assign you to lead the new projects or take ideas from you while doing new
projects and how much learning you get from such projects?

Only Associate or Fellow can lead the project however different team members are assigned to assist
them in that project, also different permanent companies are assignment to every employer to which
every individual provide consultancy with the help of team manager. There is always a piece of learning
from every project and I always get to know to something every day so basically it’s a learn and grow
cycle that the more I learn the more project will be assigned to me by which I can acquire more

Q4. Is there open door policy in your organization? Does your company have strong communication

Yes, New suggestions are always welcomed by the company and healthy communication are always
appreciated by the upper management of the company.

Q5. Do your teammates support you in your project and shares their ideas and suggestions for your


Not only my teammates but also my manager supports me in every problem or if I’m stuck at
something, they also suggest me with new ideas and techniques to solve that problem and share their

Q6. Do you understand your work responsibilities completely?

Yes, as any job can’t be perfectly done if you don’t understand the job responsibility clearly so I always
try to understand every responsibility given to me by my manager in meeting and if I’m not sure about it
I ask again to clear my confusion.

Q7. What are the goals of your company and how you play active part in it?

The goal of my company is to provide consultancy services to their clients to satisfy them and provide
necessary recommendation to overcome different problems faced by them and I always try to give my
best to make my company achieve this goal to maintain the reputation of my company and to complete
the work perfectly in the assigned time.

Q8. How is your relationship with your other coworkers?

The coworkers around me behaves like a family and always helps each other and support each other.
We also go out for a dinner after office timings and act more like friends than teammates.

Q9. Does your manager or upper management takes your decision seriously?

Yes, and immediate actions are taken if necessary.

Q10. What’s your organization Hierarchy?

The company is divided into 3 teams according to clients from different regions of the world, there
teams are further divided into sub teams. Every team have different directors and every sub teams have
number of actuarial analyst who works under supervision of their sub-team manager and senior
manager. Every actuarial analyst has junior or assistant actuarial analyst which helps them in their

Q11. How’s your work regulations or how much time you get for each project?

Our most of the projects are based on quarterly submission while few are based on semi-annually or
annually submission in the form of report, letter or certificate from our company certified by registered


Q12. How is the company’s financial performance and the current financial position of the company?

I think the company is making profitable business also we are expanding our business in other regions

Q1. Are you satisfied with your job or you think you can deserve a better job than this according to
your capabilities?

I’m fully satisfied with my job as its right according to my skills and education background, also SIR
Consultants pay more than the market average which also makes it the right job for me.

Q2. On scale of 1-10 how much satisfied are you with this job?


Q3. Do your company have sufficient parking facility?

Parking is the huge issue as the company holds a parking space inside the building but it’s too costly
while the outer space of the building available for parking is not safe.

Q4. Does your company provides you with flexible job timings?

Yes, as there is no policy of late and you can come according to your suitable timing which makes it
convenient for us to come late to office if we are stuck in traffic or some other work rather than taking
leave on that day or marking late.

Q5. Does your company provide you enough resources to use your abilities and skills properly?

Yes, as the company provide personal laptop, bag, note back and other necessary resources like fast wifi
and air conditioned room to do our work more effectively and properly.

Q6. Are you able to balance you social and work life easily?

Yes, due to the flexible office timings and off on weekends it makes easier for me balance my
professional and personal life.

Q7. Do you think you have been paid fairly?


Yes, as SIR consultant always pampers their employers and pay them more than the market average also
the raise in salary is always more than expected which motivates us to do our work more efficiently.

Q8. Will you go beyond your limits to work for your company?

It depends if I'm getting extra pay or bonus for it as nothing is for free in this world.

Q9. Will you recommend others to join your organization?

Of course, as this organization is a platform to gain knowledge and avail new experiences to learn more
about actuarial science and enhance the growth of an individual.

Q10. Would you change your current job if you will be given another good opportunity?

Every employee should look for an opportunity and as an opportunist I will change my job If I get a
chance to have a greater opportunity than this platform. However, I think that SIR consultant always
treat their employers as an asset to their company and don’t want them to let go so they will surely
communicate with me to know the reason behind changing the job and will make a counter offer like
they always do.

Q11. Did you develop any new working skills while doing this job?

Yes, As I get to learn new software and have command on them also SIR consultant thought me how
insurance companies work in far eastern region and gulf countries.

Q12. Does your work make any difference for you?

Yes, every day in SIR Consultant is an opportunity to learn something new and gain experience from
your work.

Q13. What is the annual leaves policy of your company?

The annual 24 paid leaves are provided to every employees and separate 10 leaves for every exam are
provided to them.

Q14. Do your company provide Hygiene and quality working space to you?

Yes, as every employer are provided with separate air conditioned cabin and proper hygiene precautions
are taken in the office as food is served on separate dining room and restroom gets clean every 2 hours.

Q15. What do you like the most about your job?

Everything, I think SIR consultants is full of opportunities and way to learn something new every day.


Q16. Define SIR Consultant in one sentence?

An Opportunity to grow.

Q1. Do you have opportunity for your personal growth in the organization?

Yes, as company offers different benefits on clearing the exam and always motivates employees to
attempt more and more exams for their personal growth, also different client visits in different country
are offered to employees on company’s expense so that we can learn foreign culture and their working

Q2. How your manager appreciates your hard work?

Company appreciates are work in form of promotion, raise in salary, clients visit to different countries
and reimbursement if any of the employees clear the exam.

Q3. Do you always stand on your manager expectations?

Yes, as my managers always motivates me to do my best and helps me in my project, not only this but
he also divides the work load to decrease the work pressure on me.

Q4. What is the promotion policy of your company?

The promotion is given based on how many projects you have done in a year, and how many exams you
have cleared in a year.

Q5. Does your company give any other benefit?

There are many other benefits that are offered by the company like the health insurance and life
insurance are provided by the company to me and my spouse, also separate exams leave are provided
to every employee if he/she register for the exam, full reimbursement of the exam fees are given to
them if they clear the exam and half otherwise. The whole expense of the client visit to other country
are paid by the company which includes hotel, taxi and other expenses. Mobile bills and fuel expense
are given to the upper management employees. The personal laptop is provided to every employer,


there is a policy of provident fund for every employer and old age benefit are given in case of

Q6. Do your company organize any event or provide you a platform to polish your skills and improve
your knowledge?

Yes, in fact before this COVID-19 crisis our company have organized a picnic for its every employer, also
different events and seminars are organized every 2 months in which different companies and
consultancies are invited to let them know about the market changes, the employers are given the
chance to volunteer such events and improve their skills. Recently, SIR Consultancy holds the seminar
named “redefining the insurance world” to reflect the future upcoming changes in insurance market.
Sir Consultants also visit different universities like IOBM, IBA and LUMS in their career fair in which they
take alumni of these to share their experience in SIR Consultants.
Reflection of Company based on Interview:
From the interview above it can be clearly seen that the company is generating profitable business and
is expanding their business European and far eastern countries, also recently this company is
categorized as the only actuarial consultancy of Pakistan having maximum number of qualified actuaries
as compared to other companies which will help them to attract more clients and improve their
reputation. After testing the organization on the “culture parameter” we got to know that there is a
strong culture background in the company which is being followed by every individual employee of the
company as the company is open towards any new innovative ideas and suggestions no matter what
your designation is, also company strictly follows disciplinary rules and regulations as it’s a people
oriented company that believes in taking risk to avail more opportunities. I believe that the employee
working in this company also tends to achieve workplace spirituality because the company is giving
every single employee the strong sense of purpose as well as motivating them by offering different
benefits to on their personal and professional development. Interview also reflect that the company
have gained trust of the employee by maintain friendly environment as interviewee states that he can
share any kind of problem or suggestion with his manager without any hesitation that makes us clear
that the company also appreciates the employee expression as well which helps them in building
confidence. The “attitude” of an employee towards his company is also positive because the company
treats every employee as the same and they take failure very positively without blaming it over their
employees as they believe that they can learn from their mistakes and can also aware others not to do
the same. They also treat their lower staff with respect and give them equal rights with dignity. While
testing the third parameter which is “employee engagement” we got to know that employees are very
much engaged in the company as the company consider every employee’s opinion while taking
decisions as team meetings are called before and after starting any project to share information to every
employee and take their feedback, also every employee of the company are responsible for individual
project which helps them to learn and grow within the firms also employees are taken on client visit to
get exposure of third world companies and to learn their working methodologies. The company is based
on the hierarchy system which is based on different teams and every employee works under specific
team which reduces their work load and increases their work efficiency. The open door policy of the
company creates hassle free environment that makes other employees to help and support each other,
and to act as one family which is a very positive thing. When it comes to the “job satisfaction” which is


the another parameter for us to test the overall result was good as company is providing good salary
packages to its employees and also providing them different opportunities to learn and grow while
doing this job and there is also leniency in leave policy of the company and separate 10 days of exams
leave is provided by the company to their employee which can be availed anytime during their exam,
also there in no tight policies like other companies i.e. salary deduction on coming late, also the flexible
working time helps them to balance their personal and professional life but upon asking that if the
employee gets a chance to avail new opportunity he replied with yes that means company is not
emotionally attached with an employee till now and there’s no OCB between employee and his
company as employee isn’t willing to work beyond his limits for the company without getting paid so
there’s no emotional attachment between them till now. However, based on the rating scale it can be
seen that employee is very much satisfied with his current job. while testing job satisfaction parameter I
noticed that company isn’t providing employees with good parking space and there is also insufficient
space for employees to hold group meetings and discussions as there is only one conference room in the
company which is the negative factor as this can be the reason behind dissatisfaction of an employee
that can lead company towards failure. The last parameter which we tested is “motivation or
motivational program”, the employees of this company are highly motivated as they get rewarded
whether on their performance in work or achievement in professional exams in the form of money,
promotion, reimbursement or dinner/lunch. The company also offers various other benefits like
insurance, maternal leaves, provident fund or fully paid client visits to another country. The manager is
always supportive and appreciates every employee in form tangible and intangible rewards, also the
company hold many events to give a chance to their employees to gain knowledge, experience and to
provide a platform to shine.

In this report I’ve explained my theoretical understanding about the course and tested an organization
on the basis of different parameters which shows the result about how this particular organization is
working and thee performance of the organization, After analyzing the interview I get to know that the
organization is working very good and performing very well but there are some drawbacks in the
organization which can be improved or changed to make organization work in a much better way as
employee satisfaction and integrity is the major concern for any organization so they should focus more
on their weak areas. Also every employee represents his organization as the interviewee gesture was
clearly showing the culture and environment of his company that he was talking so politely and calmly
and was also very confident while interviewing which shows how well his company has groomed him in
his personal development and abilities.

I would like to recommend the company to increase their office space and provide employees with good
spacious meeting room so that they don’t have to wait for hours to conduct a group discussion as this
will slower down their work progress and will also affect their performance.

Secondly, I don’t find any information on internet not on newsletters regarding company’s financial
performance, also upon asking on financial performance employee was not so aware about how
company is performing financially as he replies only with the information about the company of
expanding their business.

Third, I think the employee is not emotionally attached with the company so maybe some family events
or some kind of more trust building relationship between employee and the company needs to form to
connect employee more emotionally then professionally.

Lastly, I would like to suggest that company should provide employees with free parking space inside the
company as not every employee can afford the high cost of parking as the parking outside the building is
not safe which can create negative attitude in their employees.

1) Information based on the interview of the employee of SIR CONSULTANTS.
2) https://www.sirconsultants.com
3) Newsletter of SIR CONSULTANTS of December 2019 and March 2020.


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