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Project name Date

SaaS Execution Map Why are you doing this? When are you going live? What would make you stop completely?

Timeframe & milestones

Zero to Product Design to MVP to One

High-level Concept Product Backlog Tests Coverage

Product Roadmap UX & Design improvements Rethink
automation, unit, integration tests
Sprints & Meetings Rhythm Non-functional Requirements
Technology Stack Options Milestones and Release Plan Analytics Redesign
Methodology & Process Test Cases No time for this
What you should hear from the team
Technical Architecture Options

Prototype design and/or functional Three Months Backlog Usability Testing Rework
Development Environments Not needed in the MVP
MVP User Stories
Working Software how often? NO. NO. NO. Technical Debt A/B Testing Refactor
What if... How about this idea…?

Work as a Real Team

Common Goals, Values & Beliefs
Communication, Collaboration

People & Skills

Level of Expertise

What are you building?

Platforms, Modules, Features

Concept and design by Thinslices. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International. To view a copy of this license visit or send a letter It's time to get out of the building
to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, 94105, USA.

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